naksan :D


its been 3 days since the incident with onew, yes it was awkward... but you tried to NOT make it awkward

you were walking with SHINee

"oh yeah hillary were not gonna be here for a week" minho said casually

"what why?" you had a sad look in your eyes as you stared at them

"because were going to fil our music video for romeo+juliette in naksan" he replied

"oh... ill be lonely buy have fun" you looked at the ground sadly. they stared at each other 

*damnit shes gonna be sad and lonely, nobody is going to be there well maybe sulli and kwangmin but theyve got thier own friends

"do you by any chance want to come?" onew rubbed the back of his neck

"would it be too much trouble?" you asked concerenced

"no you can come but.." he said

"but what?"

"uh nothing you can come" he relied

"oh uhm ok YAY!! NAKSAN!!!" you jumped up and down, 2 minutes later the bell rang 

"lets go teamin WE NEED TO PACK" you grabbed his band and waved at the guys as you ran off giggling

"naksan naksan naksan naksan naksan" you sung to yourself

"aigoo what am i gonna do with this girl" teamin laughed while slighltly covering his hand

"whats that supposed to mean?" you crossed your hands and put them on your chest

"nothing" he laughed some more

"fine hmph" you stopmed to your room

*i need to pack!"

you put all your necessary stuff






and the most important thing your ipod it was the last thing from krystal and jessica, it had so much memories and who couldnt live without music right?

you couldnt sleep that night, so you went to teamin

*knock knock, the door was opened by a tired but cute teamin

"what? oh its you hillary whats up?" his face had a surprised look

"teamin i cant sleep can i stay with you" you asked

"sure" he opened the door wider for you to come in

teamin pov

i let her in and sat on the bed while she sat on the couch... wait....

hillary and i are sleeping together tonight and i like hillary so... YAH!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING PABO!!! CONTROL YOURSELF DONT BE A !

i was panicking in my head when i was suddenly cut off by hillary

"well goodnight teamin" she wrapped herslef in the blanket and slept to my right. an hour has passed and i just stared at her. i leaned in closer to her

and her cheecks

"ill always protect you" i kissed her forehead and also fell asleep

hillary pov in the morning

"yawn" you rubbed your sleepy eyes and lifted yourself up from the bed

"hm this isnt my room" you looked at all the different furniture, you turned your head slighty to the left and saw teamin cuddling your left arm 

"aw he looks so innocent" you twirled his hair with your index finger. you looked at the clock

"9 30 phew" you sounded relieved

"WAIT!! WHAT!! THEYLL BE HERE IN 30 MINUTES OR LESS WAKE UP TEAMIN" you shook him as hard as you could

"hm five more minutes" he flipped himself and cuddled under the blanket

"no now! ah~!" he pulled you into his chest while his arms were hugging you, you blushed at how close he was

"teamin~" you lightly hit his chest causing him to suddenly rise up and let you go

"oof" you feel onto the bed backwards

"oh hillary sorry ill get up now" his face was a bright shade of red and he rubbed the back of his neck

you walked out to your room to get ready. you double checked all your stuff and got changed this is what you wore:


a cute hello kitty top i mean come on who doesnt love hello kitty ill kill you if you dont


58978294-02.jpgregular jean shortsconverse_shoes.jpg

and some black converse

(i know its REALLY simple but sigh this girl supposed to look good in anything)

you looked at the clock

"9:50" it read

*ok time to go, you carried your luggage downstairst to the living room you were greeted by minho, and jonghyun

"oh your already here" you smiled at them

"yeah uncle and aunty let us in" jonghyun replied

"hm wheres the others" you looked around

"oh theyre in the car... say have you met our manager before?" minho asked

"uh no i dont think so im gonna meet her later right?" 

"yeah you will lets go teamin" minho yelled causing teamin to run down stairs. we walked to the driveway

"good morning stephanie" you were welcomed by a bright smile

"hi key oppa" you gave him a hug

"oh hi onew" you forced a smile because it was STILL awkward. they carried your luggage to the car, and in the front seat the drivers seat sat a young beutiful lady who was in her late 20's 

"annyeong stephanie imida" you bowed to her *wah shes so pretty

"hi there its nice to finnaly meet the one all of them's been crushing o-~~n" she got cut off when key stepped on her leg

"oh sorry didnt see you there" he said sarcastically and walked away

"ah sorry but what were you saying?" you asked politly

"ah nevermind im tiffany" she reached out her hand, and you shook it you were mesmerized by how beutiful she was *ah shes the kind of girl i want to be when i grow older


"ok get in the car guys" everybody piled into the car as tiffany commanded, tiffany drove teamin sat in the front

you sat in the middle row with key on your right and jonghyun on your left, and minho & onew sat in the back.

naksan was 6 hours away so you had a LONG journey to go, after drving in silence for 30 minutes somebody finally spoke

"so... did you tell hillary her job?" tiffany asked

"uh shh... no..." teamin tried to avoid her question but i heard it

"ahem what job?" you crept up behind teamins chair and whispered into his ear, as he shivered *lol hes so funny

"wait.. you didnt tell her?" tiffany asked

"uh no..." teamin replied looking afraid but the wierd thing was also the other guys look afraid theyre eyes became wider and they backed up a bit

"WHAT!!?!??! HOW IRRESPONSIBLE ARE YOU GUYS?!?!? HUH?!?!? POOR HILLARY HAS NO CLUE YOUR DAMN LUCKY HILLARY IS HERE OR ELSE YOU'D BE DEAD BY NOW UNDERSTAND ME?" she yelled in a firm but angry voice *damn this lasy has complete control.

the boys nodded in fear, you were scared to kind of so you slowly backed up into your seat

"sigh sorry bout that hillary" tiffanys character suddenly changed from that angry beast to a kind calm young lady

"uh no its nice to see somebody has complete control over them" you said and she laughed, and hour passed by

"great just 5 more hourse ill listen to music" you thought to yourself and took our your ipod


key noticed you take it out so he stared at it, 2 mins later you noticed it and offered him an earphone

"here" you gave it to him

"thanks" he replied giving you a wink, you let him scroll through your songs

"nice playlist" he added 

"thanks" you replied eventually you got tired so you fell asleep on keys shoulder as he rested his head on yours and jonghyuns head on your lap


hey guys havent udated in so long cuz im really busy now this is my last week of school so yeah thats why 

got so many friends leaving me WAH :( and one of them is moving to korea

so yeah happy reading

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100percent22 #1
This is great! Please update soon :3
Chapter 15: This story is so cute!!!
shawoloverhere #3

*woot woot
choiminhosunsun #4
nawwww.. cuuuute<3
Awww cute story :) <3
I hope Taemin and "me" will get together as a couple <3 ^^
and i have that ipod...but its pink...hehehe :D <3
Love this story ^^
choiminhosunsun #6
soo cute! onew is adorable. how i just want to give him chicken. xD
shawoloverhere #7
i love this storrrryy!
Pls update!!! ^_^
choiminhosunsun #9
lol. luv.
choiminhosunsun #10