


Amber manoeuvred herself around the horde of fans as they filed outside of the concert hall after INFINITE’s Second Invasion concert had ended. She pulled down her cap with one hand and held onto the fringe of her hood with the other. Blending in with the crowd had always been an ability that she prides herself on. Unless she is with the other f(x)’s members or other celebrities friends; the fans would usually notice them first and then they would immediately notice her. However, she was alone today.

He had sent her a ticket attached with a backstage pass, despite the fact that she had told him that she already bought a ticket. The ticket that he had given her was in a part that was close to the stage. He told her that he want to be able to notice her when he performed, but the seat was just way too close for Amber’s liking. Therefore, she had given that ticket to someone else and she decided to stick with the previous seating that she had picked.  It was the very last row. A perfect seat, she reckoned, because all the fans’ attention would be toward the stage. Here she would remain invisible to them, just another fan like them.

It was a perfect plan because no one mentioned her in their social media, social networking site. She checked them often with her personal account. When the fans said that she trolled them, they are right. She found it fun to see what fans said about f(x) and herself. It may sound vain, but everyone does it.

She finally made her way toward the backstage door. She quickly showed the securities her backstage pass and they allowed her in. Once she was in she pulled the hood of her jacket down and readjusted her cap. A few of the staffs noticed her and some directed her toward the INFINITE’s members waiting room, telling her that Key was already there with a bunch of idols that had showed up for this concert. She thanks them as she made her way to the change room.

The door to the room was opened. She could see a few of the members’ family members and friends in there. At the far corner of the room she saw him – the man that she came to see – with his arm draped around Lee Soojung’s - better known as Baby Soul – shoulder. An unexplainable sense of dreaded washed over her. She felt her stomach clenched. Why she feels this way, she asked herself. He’s nothing more than a very close friend, a friend that wanted her to attend his first concert in Korea.

She stood rooted to the spot as she watched the two of them laughing. She had to admit that she was envious of her own friend, their friend, Soojung, with her long, wavy, dark brown hair, and her petite body. Her insecurities rose from within and she found herself secretly wishing that she was Soojung, Lee Soojung. She knew that she shouldn’t feel this way. However, she couldn’t help but felt that the two of them look good together. Amber knew that she would never be able look that feminine and that fragile.

She hesitated, not sure if she should enter the room or not. Reluctantly she took a step back. Perhaps he wouldn’t care that she decided not to intrude on their moment, but then why did he invite her here? She stopped when she felt an arm draped around her shoulder. She knew who it was without having to turn toward the owner of the arm.

His tall, lanky presence told her that the arm belonged to none other than, Lee Sungyeol. He leaned in closer to her. With a hint of playfulness he whispered, “You’re burning a hole in those two with your eyes of burning jealously.” His warm breath brushed against the skin of her neck and made her body shuddered.

She feigned her ignorance, “What are you talking about?” If she can’t admit to herself how she felt about Myungsoo, why would she admit it to his best friend?

With his one arm still wrapped around her shoulders, Sung yeol used his free hand to pinch her cheek, “Why are you pretending you don’t know what I’m talking about? Huh?” At the corner of her eyes she saw him smirked.  With his lips just inches from her ear he whispered, “I know about you and Myungsoo.”

She felt herself blushed, both from angered and embarrassment, “We’re just friend.”

“Friends don’t sent each other presents or souvenirs when they go on trips,” he stopped pinching her. She reached up and gently rubbed it with the heel of her palm, as he continued. “They don’t send the other person a special seating ticket and backstage pass either.”

She sighed, “We’re just really close. He said he wanted to see me when he performed.”

Sungyeol clenched his hand tighter around her shoulder, “Exactly!”


He kissed his teeth and shook his head, “Think, Amber, think, why would he want to see you when he performed? You know how upset he was when he couldn’t see you where you were supposed to be?”

Silence came over the two of them as she slowly turned to face Sungyeol. She remembered all the sweet moment that Myungsoo and her shared. All the phone calls and messages they would trade at the middle of the night. She remembered all the presents and souvenirs they traded with each other. The way he smiled and how it would make her heart beat so fast and loud, “It can’t be.”

With a sheepish grinned Sungyeol placed his hands on her shoulders and lowered is face to her level, “Why not? Don’t you like him?”

She opened and closed it again before she uttered the words within her heart, “Yes, I do like him, but I doubt he feels the same way about me.” She tasted bitterness at the back of the throat. “I’m nothing like his ideal type.”

Sungyeol laughed, his loud and usual laughed, which caught others attention. Amber felt people eyes on the two of them. She pressed her index finger against her lips, signalling for him to be quiet. He turned to look at everyone in the waiting room, lowered his lips to her ears and whispered, “That’s just something he told the media. You can’t control who you fall in love with.”

Somehow he sounded a little melancholy to her, but she shook that off, “I don’t believe you.”

He smiled at her, but this time she noticed that the smile didn’t reached his eyes. She found it odd, but choose to ignore it. He turned her around toward the waiting room, “Why don’t you ask him yourself?” There, standing in front of her was Myungsoo.

He looked between her and Sungyeol, who was standing behind her now with his hands on her shoulders, “Amber, you came.” Myungsoo said with a smirked.

Sungyeol pushed her toward Myungsoo with a final whispered, “Tell him how you feel. You never know if there would be another chance.”

She quickly turned to look at him. He smiled sadly at her before he walked into the waiting room. As he walked pass Myungsoo he tapped him on the shoulder. Somehow, a tiny sense of guilt washed over her, as she watched his back receded further into the room. She then turned her attention back to Myungsoo, “Of course I came. Why wouldn’t I?”

Myungsoo smiled crookedly and rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand, “You weren’t in your seat ... so ... I thought you decided not to come.”

She found it weird that he was stumbling over his words and couldn’t help but let out a small fit of giggles, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I sat in the previous seat that I purchased. I didn’t want to attract attention.”

He pouted and she found it very endearing, “But I was looking forward to see you when I performed.”

“You did great,” all of a sudden a sense of nervousness washed over her. Looking down at her feet she muttered out, “You were very ... umm ... cool up there.”

“Really?” he asked and she answered with a nod.

He then suddenly pulled her into an embraced, which shocked her. She saw people looking on at them and she gently pushed him away from her. She didn’t want him to let her go and she wanted to remain in his embrace forever if she could. The reality is that they can’t because of who they are and that thought sent pain to her heart, “Everyone is looking at us.”

Myungsoo turned his head too looked at his friend and family. He waved at them and then turned back to her, “I don’t think they mind.” His face turned tomato red before he uttered his next sentence, “Do you mind?”

She felt the heat rushed to her face. Lifting her hands up to her cheeks, she tried to cover them, “I ...” What Sungyeol told her floated into her head. “... No I don’t mind.”

With that he pulled her into a tighter embraced and whispered into her ear, “I like you, Amber Liu.”

Slowly she lifted one of her arm and returned his embraced, “I like you too, Kim Myungsoo.” She was overjoyed. In that moment of sweetness all she felt was pure happiness. It felt like only the two of them existed in the world.

Love is always bittersweet, but at that moment she will enjoys the sweetness that love is giving her. She will deal with the bitterness when it comes. Nothing is perfect, she’s not perfect, he’s not perfect and their world is not perfect. Comes what may.

“Okay, you two love bird better break it off before the reporters comes in. You don’t want to start any scandal right now do you?” When did Sungyeol walked back over to them she doesn’t know, but now he has one arm draped over Myungsoo and the other over her. He stood between Myungsoo and her, separating them in the middle.

Myungsoo looked over at her and laughed. She blushed, but couldn’t help to laughing a long with him. Sungyeol joined in. The three of them laughed as Sungyeol led them further into the waiting room.

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KimPossible21 #1
Oh haha I'm glad.
And Sung Yeol... Sth's fishy!
Pls tell me the one he likes is MyungSoo not Amber >_>
kimkim96 #2
Author-shi!! I love it!!!! Wohoo~~
This is simply adorable ^-^
Just be careful with the consistency of your tenses, I have trouble with that too, but other than that, this is good ^-^
KimPossible21 #5
Awww xD
That was sweet!
And a question, this Lee Soo Jung, that's not Krystal righr? O_o
cant wait to
Mary517 #7
oh! im anxious to read this!
post the first chapter soon mkay?! ^___^