Not Yet Called Love

The Difference of Love and Obsession

Author's note: Be sure to pay close attention to the days. If you're not sure what day it is, it will be in red letters (and numbers). This will start off as day 3. I'll be skipping back and forth through time and switching the focus off of the two main characters just to make it more... confusing. And I'll also be skipping through the timeline during the chapters too, so pay close attention :) All in all, make sure you know what day it is when you read -^^- Kamsa~


Day 3

Students pour out from classrooms as the bell blares throughout the halls, signaling the end of the school day. Within the cluster of students was a certain blonde haired senior with a love for photography.

"Yah, Yu, where do you think you're going?"

"Oh, Jaekyo oppa," she turned to her brother's voice. "I'm gonna head back to the Starlight Cafe. You know, the one down the block?"

Jaekyo sighed and bowed his head to look at their feet, then he looked up at his sister again, "Babo Suyun. You can't keep going back to the cafe and hope that someone found your things for you. Knowing people these days, they probably took your phone and your camera for themselves." Suyun sighed and pouted slightly, openly showing her disdain at the fact that her brother might be right. Still, she was stubborn and refused to accept that, and giving Jaekyo a wry smile, she her heel and trekked to the Starlight Cafe.

"Babo," Jaekyo muttered to himself. "Be home before dark!"

Strolling alone to the cafe, an empty sigh escaped from Suyun's lips. It's been 3 days since she's lost her cell and her camera, and no one's been nice enough to help her search for it. Well, there was Jaekyo, but he was so busy with his AP classes, homework and work that he hasn't received a chance to help.

Arriving in front of the small building, Suyun stared up at the big sign that read, "STARLIGHT CAFE" and let out another sigh before entering through the doors.

Suyun took a seat in a lonely booth by the window and let her backpack slide off her shoulders, setting it down next to her. She cupped her chin and rested her elbow on the table, her free fingertips tapping the table rhythmically along with the music playing softly overhead.

"Can I get you anything?" A waiter stopped by her booth with a small notepad to record her order.

She glanced up at him, "Oh, neh. Can I just have a latte, please?" The waiter wrote down what she said before giving her a smile and leaving.

Suyun rested her chin on her hand again, returning her focus out the window. As soon as the waiter would return with her latte, she'd ask him if he'd seen her belongings. They'd been missing for the past three days, and the last time she had them was her first time visiting the cafe 3 days ago. She figured that if she keep coming back, it'll show up... somehow.

"Here you go, miss." the waiter returned with Suyun's latte, and she paid him in return. The latte art was neatly done with the cream. Drawn on the top of the beverage was a lovely snowflake, since winter had only just ended.

Before the waiter could take his leave, Suyun reached and took his wrist, "Have you seen my phone and camera? I lost them here a few days ago."

"Hm? Are you the owner of the blue camera and the phone with the little star strap?" he asked, confirming if Suyun was the rightful owner or not.

"Ne! Those are mine. Are they still here?"

"I'm afraid they aren't. Someone came by about 3 days ago to pick them up."


The waiter sighed and thought for a moment, trying to remember the details. Then he looked up at her again, "He seemed like he wasn't from around here; must have been new. And he said something about returning them to their owner, but I see that he must have not gotten them to you yet."

Suyun's eyes widened. Who could've taken her belongings? It couldn't have been Jaekyo; he would already have return them to her. She couldn't think of anyone else who would hold on to them for her and since she didn't know this person, she was afraid they'd stolen it.

"Arasseo," she said, releasing his hand and bowing her head slightly. "Khamsamnida."

Suyun sighed and looked at the snowflake floating atop her latte that she ordered, cupping the warm drink around the sides. Were there really people who were kind, she thought, are there really people out there who will be her friend? She was tired of the students at school with fake promises and empty lies only to get to her brother, or just to get to her. Suyun raised the cup and placed it on her lips, taking a sip of the refreshing expresso. What the hell am I saying, she asked herself, there's no one out there who will give me the attention I need.

Fortunately for her, that wish was already fulfilled.


Day 1

Damn, he thought as he glanced around the new neighborhood, this place is so dead. He stood alone under the twilight sky with his hands in his pockets, not having a care in the world.

"Gookie! Why don't you go check out the new cafe by the school your transferring to soon?" his umma called out to him, unpacking luggage from the car.

"Jinjja? Are you sure you don't need any help, umma?" he asked the woman. "I can stay a while and help."

"Andwae, omma's got it. You go on and explore, Yong Gook. Make some new friends, yeah?" she replied, squeezing through the front door of their new house.

He bit his lip, hesitant with the idea of going ahead without helping to unpack. "Arasseo umma," he said, heading down the sidewalk. "I'll be back by dinner." Maybe.

Yong Gook strolled down the path on his own, not acknowledging anyone that walked past him. No one ever gave a damn or even tried to befriend or talk to him, so why should he communicate with them? Arriving in front of the Starlight Cafe, he pushed open the doors and looked around for an open booth. He sat at an unoccupied booth in the back corner, where no one would talk to him. Yong Gook usually shut off everyone from his little world and watched others.

Ordering a latte, Yong Gook waited patiently. He had some time to kill, and no one would bother to come check up on him. He paid for his latte as soon as it was set in front of him -- so he didn't have to remember to pay for it later -- and stared at the heart that was drawn on top of his drink. Tch, stupid love stuff, he scoffed to himself, no one here is worth loving.

"Ah~ I'll have a latte please~" Yong Gook turned his head to the gentle voice that reached his ears. He spotted a smiling blonde sitting at alone just 2 booths away from him. He watched her for a moment before realizing he had been staring at her for a while. Yong Gook's gaze returned to the heart on his latte. He glanced back at her again. She still wore a smile as she set down her backpack. Why is that girl so cheerful, he questioned, she's... weird. He rolled his eyes and took a drink from his latte.

He sat there for a while with his back turned, curious as to why the smile never left the girl's face. His mind pondered for possible reasons to explain why she was so happy, and why she was there alone. She was alone, like him, but the smile wouldn't go away, even if it was just a small grin. It confused him, but it kept his interest.

Mustering the courage, he sighed and stood up to go approach her and offer to keep her company, but she stood up as well. "Khamsamnida~" she sang to herself as she left the money for the latte on the table before slinging her backpack over her shoulder and left the cafe.

Yong Gook watched as the girl's silhouette disappeared from the window's view. Damn, he cursed, I was too slow. He then turned his attention to where she once sat, a soft ringing catching his attention. A phone? Her phone? And a camera. Without thinking, he picked up the phone and waited for it to stop ringing before picking up the camera. He pressed the power button and scanned through the photos. Images of various flowers, books, plants, animals and people appeared. This girl's a photographer? Then he came to a picture that revealed the girl's face with clear focus. She still had the same cheerful smile...

He turned off the camera and with both items in hand, rushed outside the cafe. He looked left and right, but there was no sign of the girl. It was like she just vanished into thin air. Yong Gook exhaled and looked down at the phone and camera.

"Like Cinderella with her slipper, this is you with your pictures," he said to himself in a low voice. "I will find you."

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I rewrote chapter 3 :D


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Chapter 3: oooohhh~~! Update soon please^^
ho-baby #2
Update soon :-)
Shinee_istheebest: Kamsa Noona! :3
kKpaperplane: Thanks! I will -^^-
PikaChugaChu3: -.-'' why am I not surprised? Eh, gwenchana, sometimes I don't bother reading yours either XD
So much *0* for some reason..i dont wanna read it xD
kKpaperplane #5
Omg! So sad :/
I love the plot.... Please update soon cuz I'm really curious ^^
^^ Ooohhh~~ This is very interesting. Love it so far Lily.
Hwaiting! -Noona <3