Chapter Seventy-Seven

The COLOR of the Global Fire {APPLY CLOSED}

The eight stood silently on the stage, they listened closely to the stage director’s orders and moved around as directed – seriousness sat heavily on their shoulders as they all thought about the show that was a mere three days away now. They were down to the last hours of practice; they had less than seventy-two hours until they were to perform before their largest crowd of fans yet. Upon hearing that the concert had sold out, they had been astonished, believing that they hardly had any fan – not believing they were popular enough to host their own concert, not believing they were entertaining enough to host their own concert.

“Alright,” stated the director, looking at his watch as he spoke to the boys who stood panting and sweating on the stage after running through the first half of the concert, “We’re going to take an hour long lunch break, once the times up, we will resume where we left off – the solo/duo stages. You will perform both your old and your newer songs made specifically for this concert.”

The boys all nodded and collapsed onto the ground to get off their aching legs of a little bit, some of the males stretched while others just laid down on the sweat covered stage floor, all attempting to catch their breath after the three hours they had already used to rehearse – mainly to redo countless of the songs upon the choreographer and stage director realizing some of the transitions were not working.

“Come on boys,” stated Jihawn, walking up onto the stage, attempting to pull some of the boys up into a standing position, “I’m going to let you all get out of this place for a little bit, I’m going to take you to a ramyun shop.”

The boys hummed in acknowledgement, happy about the fact that they were going to be getting out of the stadium that seemed to be multiplying their nervousness, but also their determination and drive towards working hard.

“Come on, or you all will get no lunch,” stated Jihawn.

Upon hearing his words, all eight shot up off the ground with a few groans of protest, however, they all walked towards the van the couples unintentionally walking side by side. Upon stepping out of the stadium, they were shocked to see the number of fans that were waiting around – knowing they were there – wanting to get pictures of them.

“I didn’t think we had this many fans,” muttered Jin, wiping the sweat off his brow, despite walking out into the cold air outside.

“Obviously we do have quite a bit,” muttered Shinki, “There are more than I realized as well.”

Chase nodded and threw open the door to the van and clambering into the back seat, not caring too much about the fact that he usually sat in the middle row of seats or the shotgun. It didn’t matter anyway because they were all too tired to care about something as stupid as that. Chase was followed by A, who all but collapsed onto the older’s shoulder upon getting situated in his seat. Dae and Jae ended up squeezing into the row of seats as well, not caring too much about the tight fight, knowing that there was only one van that was around and they all had to fit into it. Jin and Hamin clambered in after the back was filled and happily claimed two of the middle spots, joined by Kyu, which allowed Shinki to take the passenger seat.

Jihawn chuckled as he peered to his right to see Shinki already asleep against the window, however, he fell silent upon peering into the rear view mirror to see that the other seven were all in the comforting depths of slumber as well. He smiled as he put the key in and started up the van, happily putting it into drive and heading off towards the ramyun shop, driving around the block a couple of times before finally getting to the restaurant so that the boys would be able to get a twenty minute power nap prior to eating and returning to the stadium.

The males were woken up upon arriving at the restaurant and they all stumbled through the doors, the owners happily greeted them, having had expected them, since the boys had been coming to the restaurant daily since they started to prepare for the concert in the stadium.

“What would you all like today?” questioned the Ahjumma who owned the shop, ushering the clearly exhausted males into the private area in the back, smiling politely towards all the teenaged girls who had been camping out in the front since early in the morning, feeling as though they would catch a glimpse of the boys of Color if they did so.

“The usual,” muttered Shinki, earning nods in response and the woman smiled.

“Alright, I will be back with your meal in a couple of minutes, sit down and relax boys,” stated the woman, patting the leader on his shoulder, “After all, you boys need to rest up and get your energy levels up for the concert that is coming up in a few days’ time.”

The boys hummed and moved into the private booth, watching as the elderly woman closed the curtain that hid them from the prying eyes of the fans that resided in the front of the shop. Jihawn ended up settling down at the bar like are in the front with Takashi and Jeongmin, who had come in separate cars since they had been elsewhere earlier on in the day.

Silenced sat heavily over the table, not because they were not getting along but because they were all extremely tired from the long day at the stadium. They had been up at five in the morning to get their hair cut and some dyed for the upcoming concert since they would be too busy to do so in the following days, then they had to go to a morning radio show from seven to nine o’clock, where they were guest emceeing, and then finally they arrived at the stadium at eleven in the morning where they practiced until one.

The silence was only broken as the ahjumma arrived with a cup of water for each of the males, who all thanked her, however, as soon as she stepped out of the area again, the silence took over again.

“So…” muttered Shinki, “Do you all feel confident in the performance coming up?”

“I’m slowly growing more confident that the concert will be a success,” stated Kyu, “However, there is also a growing fear that something bad will happen, seeing as how something always happens.”

“I on the other hand believe that nothing bad will happen and that we’ll be lucky… this time,” muttered Dae, leaning against Shinki’s shoulder, knowing that the elder wouldn’t mind.

“At least that makes one of us,” muttered Jae, he was undeniably nervous over the upcoming show, “What if we make a mistake?”

“Then we make a mistake,” stated Shinki, patting the second youngest on the shoulder, “We are human after all, we like everyone else, make mistakes.”

The younger nodded, but his nervousness never did fade.

“If we make a mistake then we make a mistake,” muttered Jin, “We just continue on and make it seem as though we didn’t.”

The younger nodded yet again.

“Do you think there will be any antis there?” questioned A, not complaining as Chase wrapped an arm lazily over his shoulders.

“There could be some,” muttered Hamin, agreeing with his chingu.

“There could be, but if there is, I’m sure they’ll be drown out by the fans,” stated Shinki, staring towards the magnae, “After all, who in their right minds would buy tickets and support a group they don’t like? Plus, on top of that, who in their right minds would enter an place where they are surrounded by people that’ll hopefully fight tooth and nail to protect us?”

“You’re rather confident,” stated Jin.

“It’s better to be so than to be a downer,” shot back Shinki, causing Jin to smile, “Plus, I feel that although we had made mistakes in our past, our fans will carry on supporting us. After all, they’ve supported us until we made it to this point, after all.”

Jin nodded, admitting that the leader’s words were true.

Their conversation was brought to an end though as the ahjumma happily pulled back the curtain for a couple of minutes so that she and her husband could serve the males their meals, knowing that they only had a little under forty minutes to eat before having to return to the stadium.

The males happily at in silence and upon finishing their meals, they were taken back to the stadium. 


It's relatively short, but hey, at least I updated. I meant to make it longer, but its at the point I'm trying to make the story come to it's end and make it a good ending as well - though the chapters before it may be lower in quality.

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3/1/14: I know it's been a while, but the final chapter is going to be going up's currently being edited.


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Chapter 101: Oh my god it's already done? TT.TT
I'm so proud of the boys! They've been through tough and yet they never gave up and stayed along side each other. Now I call that is a true team :)

I remember stumbling upon this story,or maybe even a blog post you made about this story,and it intrigued me so much that I had to apply. I wasn't expecting to be chosen since it was my first time going for an apply fic,so when I saw Hamin's introduction chapter come up,I was absolutely elated.
This was a wonderful story,from begining till the end,and I would have read it even if I wasn't chosen. Thank you for making my first apply fic a wonderful experience :)
Chapter 100: I don't even wanna know what ChasA and JinMin did to cause the fire department to talk to them about fire safety. Poor,poor Jihawn... The one that has to always hear about their lives XD
morninginmarch #3
Chapter 99: Aww I can feel it coming to an end and I feel so proud of our boys! The couples are just adorable, lol ChasA all they do is sleep. Seriously, why are they both such sloths? But it's so fluffy now and not that I don't like a little drama but, it's beautiful /cries/ I'm going to miss this
Chapter 99: It's great to hear that their concert was sold out! The boys deserve it for all their hard work. And I looooove chapter 78! So fluffy and cute and sweet and gahh! And I'm really sad that the story's gonna end soon...
morninginmarch #5
Chapter 97: Their own concert is awesome! There were some cute little moments between some of the members in this chapter and it made me just smile with adorable fuzziness <3 Good luck for your exams babe! Not that you'll need it because you always produce such amazing chapters XD
Chapter 97: Color's having their own concert? I'm so happy! And all the best for your exams!
Chapter 96: That was not crappy at all! The 'fight' was so intense and it was so hilarious that practically no one wanted Jin to win XD
Chapter 95: Sassy Shinki is sassy XD
This is getting really interesting! The spies are doing well! But they have a bigger problem to face; getting Jong Kook eliminated. (On the side note: cute Jae iscute XD)
morninginmarch #9
Hey, this is formerly ShawolCassieElf, just informing you that I have had a username change :)