Chapter Seventy-Five

The COLOR of the Global Fire {APPLY CLOSED}

Dae and Kyu stood rather shocked – like deer caught in the head lights of a car as they watched Chase walking towards straight towards them, an unnamable glint in his eyes as he did so.

“Hyung, you can’t attack us!” cried out Dae, finally breaking out of his shocked state, “You can’t attack us!” When his words didn’t stop the elder male he continued again to shout out, “You can’t attack us.”

“I’m not going to attack you, you idiot,” retorted Chase, stopping right before the duo, “I was told to warn you all about the fact that there are spies amongst us.”

“Who are they?” questioned Kyu.

“From what I know it’s A and Hamin for sure and I believe that Jae Suk, Ji Hyo, and HaHa are in on it as well,” stated Chase.

“Joy,” stated Dae, “We’re probably screwed…”

“Can I give up now?” questioned Kyu, causing Chase to laugh as he turned away from the duo and started moving towards another portion of little village, hoping to find the others so that he could warn them.

“A new restriction has been added. There is to be no looking over your shoulders. There is to be no looking over your shoulders.”

“We’re screwed,” stated the trio, Chase turned towards the two – laughing at their unison on being pessimistic.


“Seriously, Jin – stop following me.”

“I’m your partner thought.”

“As was Chase.”

“You wanted him gone as much as I did.”

“Right,” stated Shinki, rolling his eyes at the younger’s words.

“Hey, speaking of Chase – isn’t that him over there?” questioned Jin, his mood changing rapidly – leading to Shinki honestly thinking that the younger was bipolar.

“What’s he doing, talking to the enemy like that?”

The duo watched as Chase walked away from the younger two.

“Maybe he’s the spy.”

“Maybe he is,” stated Shinki, shrugging, “He is a good actor.”

Jin nodded, “We need to investigate.”

“You go on ahead, I'll catch up later,” stated Shinki, walking away from the second oldest.

Jin watched as Shinki walked away before crying out, “Why are you going that way, he’s over here!”

Shinki shrugged, “Go ahead and investigate him…If you need me I’ll be looking for the flags.”

“Hyung!” cried Jin out of slight aggravation.

“Jin!” replied Shinki.

“Haha-shi, out. Haha-sshi out.”

“How is Haha-hyung out, he wasn’t near Chase!”

“Then there is your answer detective Jin, Chase isn’t the spy you’re looking for.”

“I can tell you who they are though,” stated Chase, causing the duo to jump and spin on their heels to face the male.

“Jong Kook-sshi, out. Jong Kook-sshi, out.”


Hamin, A, Jae Suk, and Ji Hyo walked around happily, feeling accomplished after ousting Jong Kook who went down after ousting only one spy; no one was around to learn which spy was to be ousted next, so they were safe.

“Our next target is Jae,” stated Jae Suk, finally getting the little patch off of Jong Kook’s tag, “So, where could he be?”

“I haven’t seen him since the beginning of the race,” stated A, Hamin nodded in agreement, “Then again he wasn’t on my team either.”

“I haven’t seen him either,” stated Hamin, “even though he was supposed to be my partner.”

“He is supposed to be your partner, this is the reason why you should’ve kept track of him,” nagged Jae Suk.

“What can I say, I lost track of him?”

“You could say that, or you could say that you never even started to do so.”

“We can find him though,” stated Hamin, “We can oust him quickly and get on with our lives.”

The others hummed and moved towards the streets again, Jae Suk hounding on Hamin for losing track of Jae’s location or general direction – for losing the boy in the street.

“Hey, I’m the one who came up with the idea on how to oust Jong Kook-hyung, you should be thanking me,” stated Hamin, “If I had been with Jae, you wouldn’t have gotten the idea on how to get him out – you wouldn’t have known of the restriction.”

“That’s not particularly true,” retorted A, “I came up with the same plan – well, I could have.”

“Or so you say,” stated Hamin, causing A to roll his eyes.

A shook his head, “I hate you Hamin.”

“I’m sure you do,” stated Hamin, smirking towards A who acted as if he was going to punch his friend.


Jae looked towards his VJ from where he stood, leaning against the wall, panting rather heavily from how long he had been speed walking. He peeked out from around the corner and cracked up laughing as he looked towards his VJ. “They didn’t see me!”

[Five minutes earlier]

Jae was speed walking towards the green base when he heard Jong Kook screaming nearby, sounding as if he was struggling with something – peeking around the corner he took in the sight before him. Jong Kook was struggling to fight off Jae Suk, Ji Hyo, Hamin, and A – Haha had already been ousted at that point in time. He watched as Ji Hyo finally pulled off Jong Kook’s name tag.

“From what I can see through the cloth, our next target in Jae!” called Jae Suk, who had picked up the name tag.

They moved in the direction opposite of Jae while Jong Kook was being ushered towards him and the rather lively jail. As they rounded the corner, Jong Kook spotted Jae and waved to get his attention, mouthing the words target Jae Suk. Upon receiving the message, Jae nodded and moved to leave, being cautious of running into the four spies – knowing that he was the team’s only hope for winning since he was the only one who knew of which of the spies to oust next.

Jae smiled in relief as Chase, Jin, and Shinki came into his line of visions, “Hyungnim!”

The three looked his way, shocked to see Jae speed walking towards them, being cautious not to run. Upon arriving in front of the three he blurted out all that he knew, who to target next – a faint worry appearing in his brow as he did so.

“So, you’re their next target and we need to target Jae Suk for whatever reason?” questioned Shinki.

Jae nodded.

“We’ll travel around in a group of four then,” stated Jin.

“I think we should just go straight for an attack, there are four of us and four of them,” Stated Shinki, “It’ll be the quickest way to end this mess – making it into a competition between the teams and not the teams and the spies.”

“That is a good idea…if you want us all to be ousted,” stated Jin, looking at the other three who shook their heads at the second oldest Color member.

“It’s a good idea though, but the only flaw is that we don’t know who will be ousted after me,” stated Jae, looking towards his three hyungs who nodded in understanding.

“I’m tapping out right now,” stated Jin, moving to leave the group.

“Alright, have fun walking by yourself,” stated Shinki, looking towards Jin – smirking as he saw the second oldest freeze in his step.

“Let’s go,” muttered Jin, sulking a bit as he walked back towards the three, “Where did you last see them?”

“That way,” stated Jae, pointing behind himself, “They were heading away from us last I checked.”

“So then we can spring I surprise attack,” muttered Chase.

“You have an idea on what we should do?” questioned Shinki.

“We use Jae as bait while the rest of us are hiding away and once they focus on attacking Jae, we attack them,” stated Chase, “It’ll surely a blood bath to the two different teams, but will help bring this crazy cat and mouse game to its end since it’s going nowhere because all we’re doing is running and not attacking ourselves.”

“That’s because we didn’t know that we could attack them.”


It took fifteen minutes for the two groups to run into each other, Jae had lured them in like they had planned and Shinki, Jin, and Chase ambushed the four as planned. Within a matter of seconds of being chased down, Jae was ousted and with him fell Jae Suk – who was targeted by Chase.

“It’s Chase!” called A, “Get Chase!”

Hamin nodded and the two members of the magnae ran towards the third eldest who was already dealing with Ji Hyo, the third eldest sensing his disadvantage dropped to the ground, making it impossible for Ji Hyo to reach his name tag. Without the other’s aid – Jae and Jae Suk stood off to the side, watching the intense battle of strength going on, knowing that this could very well be the deciding factor on who would win the game.

Within a matter of sloppy seconds, Hamin and A had descended onto Chase – attacking him viciously, only getting a hand on his name tag as he sat up slightly – successfully grabbing a hold of Ji Hyo’s name tag, causing the four who were watching to watch in nervousness, not knowing which would pull the other’s tag off first.


Dae and Kyu happily wondered around the area, carrying a flag each towards the green base, however as they made their way there, they heard the sounds of a struggle and looked out into an area to see Jae and Jae Suk standing without name tags onto their back while Shinki and Jin stood frozen watching as a three on one battle went on the ground before them. Within a matter of seconds, two name tags were torn off. They all froze in shock, not knowing who had been ousted before – however, when the PD sent in people to the duo as well as the previous ousted duo to the jail, they realized that both ousting had counted – meaning that Chase had to have torn off Ji Hyo’s just milliseconds before they pulled his off.

“The next person is Kyu!” cried Ji Hyo as she was dragged away.

“The next spy is A!” called Chase, spilling the beans for the other team as well.

Upon hearing the words, A and Hamin dove for Kyu  before the others could recover from their shock and easily tore his tag off, causing the male to go farther more into shock.

Dae looked at the duo in aggravation, “What the heck? You didn’t even give him time to react…you didn’t even let him fight back.”

“That’s how it’s supposed to be,” Stated A, turning quickly to see that Shinki had attempted to pull off his name tag. Shinki’s efforts were in vain because he was ousted with ease after a quick reaction from A.

Within just ten seconds, the battle went from being four on two to being two on two. Nerves ran high through as Hamin and A eyed each other suspiciously, trying to think of the best way to get around them – to get behind them. However, they didn’t have to worry about it as Jin lunged forward, grabbing a hold of A’s name tag, the younger fought him back but was pretty powerless once the elder male finally got ahold of his name tag, pulling it off with ease. Just seconds later, Dae was ousted as well. Leaving just Hamin and Jin in the game, upon meeting each other’s gazes they lunged towards each other, out to oust the other without any excuse – sure, off screen they were lovers, but their competitiveness kicked and neither wanted to lose to the other.


As the final battle played out the jail grew ever more lively as Jae Suk, Ji Hyo, A, Chase, Jae, Kyu, Shinki, and Dae finally made it in, the people who had previously been in jail had looked up in shock upon hearing the long list of ousted members – knowing that there had been a full blooded war going on. Upon arriving at the jail, the members of Running Man and the color members sighed in relief from being outside in the cold autumn air to being in a warm, well heated building. As they all sat down, Chase noticed that A’s hands were freezing cold from where they were walking beside each other and their hands brushed against each other’s and so, the elder hesitantly checked to make sure all attention was turned away from him as he reached towards A’s hands enveloping them in his own in an attempt to warm both his and A’s up - more so A’s.

“So, who remains?” questioned Haha, peering at the large group.

“Hamin and Jin,” stated Shinki.

“Who are your votes going on?” questioned Jong Kook, looking towards the Color members who all seemed to have fallen silent upon entering the jail.

“Hamin,” stated A without hesitation, Chase nodded in agreement with him.

“I don’t want to see Jin winning,” stated Chase.

“But he’s on your team,” stated Jae Suk.

“He’s an...a ,” stated Chase, preventing himself from cussing on television, knowing that it would probably stir up some negativity towards them since they were still under a close eye.

“I don’t want to see Jin win wither,” stated Shinki, causing the Running Man members crack up laughing, “He was annoying this time around.”

The others cracked up laughing even more at Shinki’s last words.

“I’m not kidding, he followed me around like a lost puppy,” stated Shinki.

Chase nodded in confirmation, “He did.”

“You don’t have to worry too much then,” stated Hamin, happily stepping into the jail with Jin, showing them the elder’s torn off name tag, causing Shinki and Chase to jump up and cheer for Hamin – who ended up cracking up laughing while Jin rolled his eyes at the other two 93ers as Kyu cracked up laughing.

“Why do I even try?” muttered Jin.

After that they stood and said their good-byes to the viewers who wouldn’t be watching it for a couple of weeks.


Another rather crappy chapter...Forgive me, anyway, I hope you all enjoyed. ^^

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3/1/14: I know it's been a while, but the final chapter is going to be going up's currently being edited.


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Chapter 101: Oh my god it's already done? TT.TT
I'm so proud of the boys! They've been through tough and yet they never gave up and stayed along side each other. Now I call that is a true team :)

I remember stumbling upon this story,or maybe even a blog post you made about this story,and it intrigued me so much that I had to apply. I wasn't expecting to be chosen since it was my first time going for an apply fic,so when I saw Hamin's introduction chapter come up,I was absolutely elated.
This was a wonderful story,from begining till the end,and I would have read it even if I wasn't chosen. Thank you for making my first apply fic a wonderful experience :)
Chapter 100: I don't even wanna know what ChasA and JinMin did to cause the fire department to talk to them about fire safety. Poor,poor Jihawn... The one that has to always hear about their lives XD
morninginmarch #3
Chapter 99: Aww I can feel it coming to an end and I feel so proud of our boys! The couples are just adorable, lol ChasA all they do is sleep. Seriously, why are they both such sloths? But it's so fluffy now and not that I don't like a little drama but, it's beautiful /cries/ I'm going to miss this
Chapter 99: It's great to hear that their concert was sold out! The boys deserve it for all their hard work. And I looooove chapter 78! So fluffy and cute and sweet and gahh! And I'm really sad that the story's gonna end soon...
morninginmarch #5
Chapter 97: Their own concert is awesome! There were some cute little moments between some of the members in this chapter and it made me just smile with adorable fuzziness <3 Good luck for your exams babe! Not that you'll need it because you always produce such amazing chapters XD
Chapter 97: Color's having their own concert? I'm so happy! And all the best for your exams!
Chapter 96: That was not crappy at all! The 'fight' was so intense and it was so hilarious that practically no one wanted Jin to win XD
Chapter 95: Sassy Shinki is sassy XD
This is getting really interesting! The spies are doing well! But they have a bigger problem to face; getting Jong Kook eliminated. (On the side note: cute Jae iscute XD)
morninginmarch #9
Hey, this is formerly ShawolCassieElf, just informing you that I have had a username change :)