Chapter Fifteen

The COLOR of the Global Fire {APPLY CLOSED}


“Guys, we’re back.” Called Jeongmin as he and the other two managers walked in all carrying folders, Jeongmin had a yellow one with was thick, which probably held the third oldest’s schedules, Jihawn held a red, an orange, and a yellow folder. While Takashi held the other four, the three older men smiled at the boys who were doing their own thing in the living room, which for Hamin was watching TV while sitting on Jin’s back as the second oldest slept on the floor.

“Where’s Chase?” asked Jihawn, noticing the yellow member wasn’t in the room, and it didn’t seem like he was up despite it being 2PM already.

“He’s taking a nap in his room.” Said Shinki, “He doesn’t seem well, he’s acting weird…

“I’ll go check up on him…” said Jeongmin, moving towards that portion of the house before stopping, “Where’s A?” The five boys who were a wake looked at each other, and smiled, making Jeongmin shake his head, “I shouldn’t have even asked.”

Jihawn sighed, “How bad is he?”

“It’s not that he looks sick, but he looks exhausted…he looks like all of us but ten times worse,” Said Kyu.

“That’s coming from a sick person…” said Shinki, smiling a bit in amusement.

“Talking about illness, are you going to be able to participate today?” asked Jihawn.

Kyu nodded, “My fever is only here still slightly.”

“Alright…” said Jihawn, “If you start feeling worse later, tell me…”

Kyu nodded, smiling, “I will.”

A walked into the living room, Shinki smirked, “Look who is back…”

A glared at the oldest, “I didn’t have a choice…Jeongmin came out of the room and told me that I had to stay in here while he talked with Chase about some things that he said was personal to Chase and he doesn’t think Chase would appreciate if I overheard…”

“Ah…so he’s finally confronting Chase about that…” muttered Takashi quietly however everyone else in the room looked at him in confusion, all their eyes showed just how curious they were.

“What are you all hiding?” asked Dae.

“Nothing that involves you all, so don’t worry about it.” Said Jihawn, “Really guys don’t worry about it, it’s really nothing it’s just about something Chase said to Jeongmin the other day.”

The six nodded and sighed, going back to what they were doing before, knowing that the two managers weren’t going to spill the beans any time soon. Minutes later, Jeongmin emerged from the dining room/kitchen with Chase who was now dressed in sweat pants, a tee shirt, and a jacket on, it looked as if the male was ready to go back to bed once they were done talking, which he was.

“Chase is skipping the mission today.” Said Jeongmin, “He’s been hiding the fact that he has a pretty high fever from us…”

“Alright then…” said Jihawn, looking at Kyu, “Are you sure you don’t want to stay home too?”

Kyu shrugged, Shinki burst in taking the opportunity to speak away from the boy, “I think he should his fever is pretty high.”

Kyu glared at the oldest, but the oldest ignored him.

“What are you all holding?” asked Hamin, eyeing the different folders.

“I’ll tell you when Jin wakes up…so, wake him up,” said Jihawn.

“Yeah Hamin, wake up your hubby.” Said Kyu, smirking as Hamin glared at him.

Hamin moved to sit on the floor before hitting Jin’s back to wake the older male up, which succeeding in getting the older up. The second oldest sat up, rubbing his now sore back, the boys were all then handed the folder which was their color.

“What is this?” asked Jin, looking at the orange folder in his hands.

“That is the folder that holds all the information for your debut, such as the lyrics to the songs you’ll be recording for your album, you each might have a different number of songs…” said Jihawn, “The folder also holds your schedules for the next month…The seven of yours are exactly alike because you all will have them together, as for Chase, your is drastically different from theirs.”

The boys all nodded.

“Alright, anyways, do you want to hear about the plans?” asked Jihawn, the boys all nodded, “Well as you all know Chase will be debuting in three days, three days after that, we’ll release the first teaser, which will be filmed tomorrow, which will feature the oldest five. After that, once it hits a week after his debut, the five membered MV will be released. Three days after that, the second teaser will be released and then the second week after Chase’s debut, the second MV will be released and so on.”

The boys nodded.

“Also, when the fourth MV comes out with all eight of you, you all will debut three days later; however the act before your group debut would be Chase’s solo good-bye stage.” Said Jihawn, smiling, “Also, the director suggested an idea to help your fans get to know your names faster…”

“What is it?” asked Shinki.

“He wants you to dye your hair to your color or wear a wig for your MVs, and your first few stages.” Said Jihawn, he looked at Chase, “Seeing how we had you wearing a yellow wig during your MV shoot, the fans are expecting you to debut with yellow hair, even though your hair is black. He wants you to dye your hair, since your schedule is so busy he knows that you won’t be able to wear a wig for that long…he doesn’t want you to constantly worry about the wig falling off.”

Chase though about it for a while and looked at Jihawn, “How long will it be dyed?”

“Until the end of both your and Colors debut,” Said Jihawn, looking at the boy who was considering the idea of dying his hair.

“Alright…I’ll dye it.”

“Since you have the day off today, we’re going to have you dye your hair today, if that’s okay with you,” said Jihawn, “After the quiz.”

Chase sighed but nodded, “Why do I have to do the quiz?”

“Because that’s something no one can get out of, plus, the cool water might help bring down your fever, both your’s and Kyu’s.” said Jihawn, smirking and making Chase shake his head, “Alright, as for the rest of you, you all can decide if you want to or not later, as for now, let’s head to the cars and head towards the pool.”

The boys once again nodded and stood up, Chase didn’t bother to change into jeans he stayed in the sweat pants he was wearing, not really caring for his appearance at the moment same went for Kyu who was still exhausted from the previous night. When they got down stairs, splitting into groups of four and heading out in separate cars, in the first car to depart, it was Jihawn driving, Shinki in the passenger seat, while Dae, Jin, and Hamin sat in the middle row of seats, the back row of seats were filled with different things that were needed for the upcoming debut stage. In the other car, Jeongmin was driving with Takashi in the passenger seat, the two sat there talking about something none of the boys cared about, Jae and Kyu sat in the two middle seats while Chase and A sat in the back seat, both were silent and that made Kyu kind of surprised. Chase, the person they couldn’t get to shut up two weeks ago didn’t even open his mouth once and A was being the silent negative A again.

“You both seem off today, really off…” muttered Takashi, saying Kyu’s exact thoughts out loud, the two in the back seat looked up at him and shook their heads.

“You do.” Said Kyu, “Chase, you’re too quiet…you the always talkative idiot is being silent and A, you’re normally a silent idiot, but this silence is different, what’s going on?”

The two looked at him and shrugged, both returning to staring out the windows nearest to them.

“Hyung leave them alone…they’re probably just too tired…” said Jae, Kyu looked at Chase whose eyes kept showing different emotions.

“I don’t think they are…” said Kyu.


Meanwhile in the other car, Shinki looked back in the middle seat, laughing at how Hamin and Jin had once again broke out into a wrestling match, despite the seatbelts restraining just how into it they could get. Shinki then looked at Dae who was yelling at them to quit because they kept running into him.

“Hey, you guys stop it.” Hissed Dae, the two looked at them and then looked back at each other resuming their argument.

“Guys stop it, you’re shaking the whole car,” Said Shinki, looking at the two who looked at him in amusement.

“Really?” asked Hamin.

Shinki nodded, “So please stop it, you’re going to make me car sick.”

“Let’s continue then,” Said Hamin, looking at Jin, smirking, the older looked at him smiling slightly.

“Why? I don’t think it’d be good for someone else to get sick…”

Hamin sighed and sat back in his seat, “Fine, but you’re going to have help me with my revenge.”

“For what?” asked Jin.

“They bullied me.” said Hamin, looking at Jin.


“When you were being a lazy and were sleeping.”

Jin’s eyes widened slightly at Hamin’s language.

“What, it’s not like you haven’t cursed before,” Said Hamin, looking at his hyung before turning away and glancing out the window, watching the passing scenery.

“I have a question,” Said Dae suddenly.

“What?” asked Jihawn, glancing into the rear view mirror, looking to see Dae who was sitting in the seat behind him?

“Are we going to see Chase-hyung’s debut stage in three days?”

“If you want to…” said Jihawn, “We originally had a rehearsal for the oldest five, minus Chase on that day…we knew that we were going to send the other three, but if you four want to join them, you are free to.”

“I kind of want to watch it,” Said Dae, “I want to watch it and picture what it’s going to be like when all eight of us debut up on stage together.”

Jin nodded, “Plus it’d be nice to give him support.”

“From what Jeongmin told me he needs a lot of support right now,” Said Jihawn.

“Do you know what happened this morning?” asked Shinki, looking at the manager whom nodded.

“Chase met with his father and according to Chase the man was really calm, they both were. According to Jeongmin they started out talking about Chase’s debut and his father smiled and apologized for not supporting him through the years. Apparently his father had say Chase’s music video last night and felt proud, seeing his son getting somewhere in life. Chase said that the man had praised him countless times about how handsome he’s grown and how he’s turned out to be such a wonderful, strong, hardworking man…”

“Then why did he look so distressed when he came back?” asked Shinki.

“I wasn’t done yet.” Said Jihawn, “His father praised him about all that stuff and told him not to focus on his work as an artist, but then his father said something about earning money for his wife and kids, which was followed by the question, why are you in a company that is going bankrupt slowly, why would you throw away such a great education for a company like that?”

“What did Chase hyung say after that?” asked Dae, looking at Jihawn, knowing what Chase had said next had to have made his father do something that had made the older male more distressed than he was when he left.

“Apparently he told his father about something about not wanting a wife and kids, he didn’t really tell Jeongmin about it…He also said that he was staying in the company because he wanted to help save it,” Said Jihawn, “Jeongmin then said that Chase’s father had started to blame himself for something, which made Chase feel guilty.”

“Why would it make Chase feel guilty?” asked Shinki.

“Jeongmin didn’t say, he knows Chase better than I do, but my guess is that Chase longs for attention from his father.” Said Jihawn, “It’s either that or Chase feels guilty for disappointing him once again after finally making the man proud…”

“So in other words, Chase and his father finally got onto better terms again, but hyung disappointed him again so he feels guilty for it?” said Dae.

Jihawn nodded, “After Chase’s started to blame himself for something that happened with Chase, he left, leaving a distressed Chase in the café, which is why he looked so distressed when he came back to the dorms.”

“Why was he so distressed?” asked Shinki, “What did Chase say that disappointed his father so much?”

Jihawn stayed silent, before finally saying, “Jeongmin didn’t say.”

“Jihawn-hyung, I know you know,” Said Shinki, looking at the oldest manager with a leader like gaze.

“I know everything, but it’s not something I can tell you…” said Jihawn, “It’s something personal to Chase and I think that he should to be the one to tell you.”

Dae sighed, “So it’s something you can’t say, not because you don’t know but because it’s not your place to say it?”

Jihawn nodded, “Give Chase some time and I’m sure he’ll let it slip eventually, if not to all of you, to one of you.”

The boys all sighed and nodded, however, they soon arrived at the pool and climbed out of the car when the car was parked when they saw Chase and A climb out of the car, they noticed that the two weren’t talking for some reason, Shinki and Dae looked at Kyu and Jae pointing at the two boys who weren’t even looking at each other, the two who came from the same car as the two shrugged and the eight went into the locker room where they changed. Chase changed quickly and was the first one out of the locker room, A followed the older male shortly after and Shinki decided to speak up after that.

“We’ve found out why Chase is actin so weird,” Said Shinki, looking at Kyu and Jae, who had been in the silent car, “Jihawn-hyung told us and it turns out that it does involve his father.”

“What happened?” asked Jae curiously.

Shinki and Dae took the time to explain everything to the two, while Hamin and Jin left the locker room to tell Jihawn and the other two managers that the others would be out shortly.

“Really?” said Kyu.

Shinki nodded.

“Do you guys know why A is acting so weird?” asked Jae, looking at the red and blue members.

The two shook their heads, “No clue.”

“Anyways, we should probably get going before they get suspicious,” Said Kyu.

The other three nodded and walked out of the locker room and too the pool area where they sat on their chairs. The quiz went on for two hours straight and the members were being thrown into the water less than before, by the time the quiz ended, only a few of them were wet, some were dry. Those who were wet were: Jin because he didn’t know how to keep his mouth shut, Hamin since he had started to bicker with Jin, and Chase because he had gotten countless problems wrong because he hadn’t been spending a lot of time with the others due to his solo activities. When the left the pool it was decided that the mission would be put off until the next day, because it was obvious that all the members still needed their rest, especially the two who were fevered. They decided it’d be smart to wait for the following day, because they could finally get film of all eight of them practicing for their album, which meant that the five membered songs had to be recorded the day after Chase’s debut, that way they could get to film the first MV.


Two hours later, it was already six in the evening and Chase was sitting out in the living room with a silent A while the others were placed elsewhere in the dorms talking about something they didn’t want Chase, the now yellow haired man, to hear about.

A looked at his hyung for the umpteenth time that night, however, Chase glanced over at the magnae who automatically looked away.

“Why do you keep looking at me?” asked Chase.

“It’s just weird…” said A, looking at the third oldest.

“What is?” asked Chase.

“The fact that you have yellow hair, not blonde.” Said A, looking at a strand of his own golden brown hair then back at his roommate’s, “Are you sure they didn’t dye your hair neon yellow or something, because it seems like it’s glowing…”

“It’s probably because of the sunlight coming into the window,” Said Chase, not thinking much of it and looking at the television screen again, watching as BAP’s new music video appeared on the television.

“Hyung…it’s raining…” said A, looking at his hyung with a blank expression, which the older male ignored.

“Then you’re imagining things…” said Chase rather nastily, making A looked at the male in shock.

“Yah! Why are you talking to me in that tone, I was just trying to have a conversation with you.” Said A, Chase kept his eyes glued to the television which made A angrier, “I’m talking to you, you know!”

“Why are you talking to me disrespectfully!” snapped Chase back, the harsh and cold tone to his voice made A freeze from shock and look at his hyung who had stood up, turning his back towards A, hissing, “I don’t want to talk to a childish brat like you who knows nothing other than how to be rude no wonder no one liked you as a trainee your attitude is horrible!”

A froze in shock, to shocked to form any sentences or to say anything else to the third oldest, who woke him out of his trance by slamming the front door of the apartment.

 Shinki, who had begun to make dinner ran into the living room followed by Jeongmin, looking in to see the still shocked a who seemed to have a pain filled expression on his face, the others were peeking in from the other door, all shocked to see that Chase had stormed out like that. Chase really had never screamed or said harsh words to anyone like that before. Jeongmin looked at A in worry and then at the door in disappointment.

“I’m going after Chase…” said Jeongmin, the worry and confusion showing on his face showed that he knew exactly what was going on and why Chase acted so out of character, it showed that Jeongmin knew what Chase’s intentions were.

“Jeongmin-hyung, why did he do that?” Asked Shinki, knowing that Jeongmin knew everything.

Jeongmin looked at A, completely ignoring Shinki, after he slipped on his shoes, “Look, A, he didn’t mean what he said. I know those words were lies… I know the reason why he’s acting like this, but I can’t tell you. Please don’t be hurt by what he said…he didn’t mean any of it…I swear he didn’t…He’s just dealing with too much stress right now…”

Jeongmin then ran out of the dorms, while A headed to his room, hating how hurt he felt despite what Jeongmin said.

“A, where are you going?” asked Shinki, worry in his voice.

“I’m going to take a nap.” Said A, walking into his room, locking the door before lying down on the bed, looking at his pillow which sat on the foot of the bed, the words that Chase had said running through his mind, he laid on the bed, burring his face in his pillow whispering, “Why are his words affecting me so much?”

Meanwhile the living room was silent, however Jin broke that silence by saying, “That was an act…we all know that Chase wouldn’t do that…”

“A better question is, why is he pushing A away so suddenly?” asked Shinki, he then thought about what the managers said, he didn’t wife and kids, “It couldn’t be because…? It’s impossible.”

However, the look on Jihawn’s face told him otherwise and Shinki looked at the man in shock. The other members looked at Shinki in confusion. Dae was the one to speak up, “What is it hyung?”

“It’s nothing,” Said Shinki, smiling at the other five before heading into the kitchen again. Thinking about how he’d have to confront the third oldest later, knowing that he had to help the boy ease the stress that was eating him up, knowing that it was nowhere near being healthy.

“Boys, go back to doing what you were before.” Said Jihawn and the others all nodded heading into the other rooms, all pondering about what Shinki meant, however they ended up getting distracted.


Later that night, Jeongmin returned late, a sad look on his face as he looked at Shinki, who was the only one who was still up, “You’ve realized it haven’t you?”

Shinki nodded, “I’ve realized what you’ve meant by him not wanting wife and kids…to be honest I’m like that too.”

Jeongmin smiled as he sat down on the edge of the couch; however the smile fell as he sighed, “I’ve tried to talk to him but he won’t listen…”

“Why is he hiding it?” whispered Shinki, “We’re all bound to find out some time…”

“Listen, Shinki, I failed at getting him to listen, but I’m sure you’ll be able to get him to…” muttered Jeongmin, “Will you try talking to him?”

“I was planning on it, that’s why I’m up still, but tell me hyung, why is he hiding it?”

“He doesn’t want to disappoint anyone else.” Said Jeongmin, standing up, not looking at Shinki as he stretched, “I’m going to bed now…Chase should be back in a half an hour, so good luck...”

Shinki looked at the manager who left him alone in the living room once again; the oldest sighed and looked out the window and at the beautiful night scene of Seoul. Without realizing it an half an hour passed and as he heard the door click open he took a deep breath, preparing himself for telling the confront the same thing that was troubling him a bit to.

One last thought passed through his mind as the doors opened, Please let me help him even if it’s just a little bit…

Chase soon walked into the living room, looking as if he wanted to cry. The third oldest didn’t notice the oldest sitting there and walked towards the door that went towards his room, however he stopped and decided to turn around he looked at the couch and jumped, shocked to see that Shinki was up and staring right at him.

“Hyung…you scared me,” said Chase, scratching the back of his neck, and forcing a smile on his face.

Shinki’s facial expression stayed blank, ignoring the younger males words, he spoke out, “You like A don’t you?”

Chase’s face fell emotionless again, Shinki moved over a bit on the couch, making room for Chase to sit down as he handed the younger male a cup of herbal tea, the younger simply sighed and sat down, knowing that there was no way to avoid it…there was nowhere he could run away to, to hide from it.

He felt a heavy feeling in his chest.

I don’t want to disappoint anyone else today…




Ah...and the drama has come, sorry...I had to find a way for at least two of the members to realize that at least one of the band members are gay and what was better way to do it than making the stressed one pretty much reveal it? Plus Chase's father isn't that mean is he, now that you've read about the conversation? Also, things to come in the next chapter: jealousy and more drama...just kidding, it's just jealousy and two others joining Shinki and Chase's little group of knowing about the others...If it counts, the next mission will be in the next chapter as well...XD



IMPORTANT: Do you want your character to have a wig or to temporarily have them dye their hair to their color?

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3/1/14: I know it's been a while, but the final chapter is going to be going up's currently being edited.


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Chapter 101: Oh my god it's already done? TT.TT
I'm so proud of the boys! They've been through tough and yet they never gave up and stayed along side each other. Now I call that is a true team :)

I remember stumbling upon this story,or maybe even a blog post you made about this story,and it intrigued me so much that I had to apply. I wasn't expecting to be chosen since it was my first time going for an apply fic,so when I saw Hamin's introduction chapter come up,I was absolutely elated.
This was a wonderful story,from begining till the end,and I would have read it even if I wasn't chosen. Thank you for making my first apply fic a wonderful experience :)
Chapter 100: I don't even wanna know what ChasA and JinMin did to cause the fire department to talk to them about fire safety. Poor,poor Jihawn... The one that has to always hear about their lives XD
morninginmarch #3
Chapter 99: Aww I can feel it coming to an end and I feel so proud of our boys! The couples are just adorable, lol ChasA all they do is sleep. Seriously, why are they both such sloths? But it's so fluffy now and not that I don't like a little drama but, it's beautiful /cries/ I'm going to miss this
Chapter 99: It's great to hear that their concert was sold out! The boys deserve it for all their hard work. And I looooove chapter 78! So fluffy and cute and sweet and gahh! And I'm really sad that the story's gonna end soon...
morninginmarch #5
Chapter 97: Their own concert is awesome! There were some cute little moments between some of the members in this chapter and it made me just smile with adorable fuzziness <3 Good luck for your exams babe! Not that you'll need it because you always produce such amazing chapters XD
Chapter 97: Color's having their own concert? I'm so happy! And all the best for your exams!
Chapter 96: That was not crappy at all! The 'fight' was so intense and it was so hilarious that practically no one wanted Jin to win XD
Chapter 95: Sassy Shinki is sassy XD
This is getting really interesting! The spies are doing well! But they have a bigger problem to face; getting Jong Kook eliminated. (On the side note: cute Jae iscute XD)
morninginmarch #9
Hey, this is formerly ShawolCassieElf, just informing you that I have had a username change :)