Brand New Flavor Of Ice Cream Chapter 2

Brand New Flavor Of Ice Cream



Now that I'm pissed off........I decided to go out and have a shopping spree with Kris........So I went to their house....Hahah!! This early in the morning......^^

I pushed the door bell.........


Tita:Just a minute.......

Me:Good morning tita^^

Tita:Oh! Good morning Shiee.......Come on let's get inside........

Me:Sorry to disturb you so early tita.......

Tita:It's okay.....By the way...What brings you here??

Me:Hmm..Since today is Sunday...I just wanted to ask if Kris is free today........

Tita:Shopping spree??


Tita:She's free....But she's still sleeping.......

Me:It's okay tita...I can wait for her^^

Tita:Let me ask you something.......

Me:Sure tita^^

Tita:Did you had a fight with your big brother again??


Tita:Ahhh..I thought he bullied you again^^

Me:No....I'm just trying to make myself happy again tita^^

Tita:Kris Anne told me that.......


Tita:So did he came back??

Me:No.....I don't think he'll be coming back^^ (Teary eyed)

Tita:Oh no...I'm sorry Shiee.....I didn't mean to make you cry.........

Me:It's okay tita.......It's just that I can't accept the fact that he's not gonna come back......

Tita:You know what...At the time like this.....You should always think positive^^

Me:I'm always trying...But it's not really that helpful......

Tita:Shiee......I've got something to tell you.......


Tita:You know what.......Since Kris Anne met you.....I really wanted to thank you.....


Tita:Because Kris Anne is a shy girl....She doesn't want to have friends......But now.....She keeps on telling me stories about you......

Me:Like what??

Tita:Like......Remember the day when you and ELI had a fight......She told me that you are having some problems dealing with your big brother..........

Me:That girl.........

Tita:And she really wants you to be her sister.......

Me:That's so sweet.......

Kris Anne:Mom?? (Standing at the stairs)

Tita:Awake already??

Kris Anne:Yeah mom....Oh??

Me:Good morning^^

Kris Anne:Good morning^^ Hey.......


Kris Anne:Don't tell me......(Thinking about me and oppa)


Kris Anne:Good^^

Me:Are you free today??

Kris Anne:Yeah.......

Me:Let's have a shopping spree^^

Kris Anne:But it's still early......

Me:I know.....But it's fun shopping while there are still not a lot of people buying.......

Kris Anne:Yeah...You have a point.......


Kris Anne:Sure.....Let me eat my breakfast first^^



Me:Yes tita?

Tita:Did you ate your breakfast??


Tita:You sure??

Me:Very sure^^

Tita:Okay then...Kris...Take a seat......

Kris Anne:Be right back^^

Me:Take your time^^


Kris Anne finished her breakfast around 8:57am.........I know...She's really slow when eating^^Then we went straight to her room.......


Kris Anne:Wait for me....I'll just take a bath^^



I saw a photo album.....Then as I browse it........My heart started to beat fast........I saw an old pictures of us......Including Xander oppa..........The half page of the photo album is filled with Dong Ho and Kris Anne' photos...........Then......I browse it again...........I saw my photo with Xander oppa...........Hugging me from behind.......It was Kelly's brithday........Omo........My tears fell on the photo.........I don't know but I feel like I really wanted to see him again..........

Another photo again with Xander oppa.........Kissing his cheeks........Bringing back this memories........Is making me cry.......Looking at the photos..........Brings back the painful memories also........

So I decided to close it and never browse it again....If necessarily needed.....That's the time........But not now........


Kris Anne is finished taking a bath...........She saw me sitting on the floor........


Kris Anne:Are you okay??

Me:Yeah...I think so......

Kris Anne:What happened??



The she looked around.......She saw her photo album........


Kris Anne:Omo.........

Me:Sorry....I didn't mean to take a look at it without asking your permission.......

Kris Anne:No....I should be the one who's saying sorry Shiee.......

Me:If you're gonna ask me...If I'm fine......I'm not.......

Kris Anne:So...No more shopping spree??

Me:No...The shopping spree plan shall be done^^

Kris Anne:You sure??


Kris Anne:Okay.....Stand up there and sit on my bed......


Kris Anne:So.....(While brushing her hair)


Kris Anne:Did he......You know.......


Kris Anne:Did Xander oppa called you already??


Kris Anne:What?!?!


Kris Anne:Well that is so rude!!

Me:I know^^

Kris Anne:It's been 2 YEARS Since HE DIDN'T CALLED YOU.........

Me:You really count that??

Kris Anne:Of course!!

Me:You're so sneaky Kris.....

Kris Anne:I'm not....I'm juts planing......

Me:What is your plan??

Kris Anne:I'm planning to tell it on his face everything........

Me:Like what??

Kris Anne:Like......Not telling you the reason why he left you.......


Kris Anne:Then......

Me:Then what?? My ged!! Hahahah!!

Kris Anne:Then....2 Years without call....Text message.....The E-mail......None of the above is taken part of him.......

Me:So you will really slap that to his face??

Kris Anne:Yeah...So don't he dare to come back here!!! Hmft!!

Me:He will not.....

Kris Anne:Shiee......

Me:I already figured that out.........

Kris Anne:That??

Me:That he won't come back for me.......

Kris Anne:But what if......

Me:No more what if Kris.........

Kris Anne:Shiee....

Me:I'm tired of thinking WHAT IF's anymore......

Kris Anne:I'm worried......

Me:To me??

Kris Anne:Yeah.....

Me:Don't be....I'll be fine as soon as I learn how to forget him......

Kris Anne:Bitterness??

Me:Hahaha!! No^^

Kris Anne:Hmmmm......

Me:Not even anger^^

Kris Anne:Then what??

Me:Let see.........

Kris Anne:What??

Me:I'm trying to learn how to forgive him......

Kris Anne:Do you really have to or need to study that??

Me:Of course!! Of all of the people in the world!! I'm studying FORGIVENESS 101 just for that monkey!!

Kris Anne:Wow~~ What an epic love story......

Me:Shut up Kris!! (Throw her a pillow)

Kris Anne:Hey!! That hurts!!

Me:I know!!

Kris Anne:And you are having fun huh......


Kris Anne:Come here you little!!!

Me:Hey!! No tickling!!!

Kris Anne:Way too late Shiee!!!

Me:Okay okay.......I'll stop teasing you......

Kris Anne:Good^^


Kris Anne:What now??

Me:Let's go??

Kris Anne:Sure^^


We went downstairs to let tita know that we're going now............................


Kris Anne:Mom?!?!?! (Shouting)

Tita:Yes dear??

Kris Anne:Oh!! There you are^^^

Tita:What is it??

Kris Anne:We're going now^^

Tita:Okay......Take care^^

Me:Bye tita~~^^

Tita:Bye girls^^


We taking Kris Anne's car with us......Not mine^^ lol=))


See you in the next chapter^^






Kris Anne's Photo Album^^
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Hello! New reader! Hope you'll update real soon! :)
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 24: Update soon
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 20: Love you're story
Whimsical_Princess #4
Chapter 16: Heeeeey I just want to tell that I love you're story but I'm kinda busy so il finish it when I have the time keep updating
Chapter 24: Yay! Yay! Yay!! He confessed!! Well... he sorta confessed.. anyway a confession is a confession no matter what! And im glad that shiee chose to ignore Xander intalking to him, because he kinda deserved it and please pleas pleas authornim dont let shiee fall in love with xander, because it happens in almost all cliche fanfics where the guy that leaves the girl comes back and when the girl has already got an awesome nice guy(hyunjoong) the mean guy comes along and makes up some sorry lame excuse and makes the girl fall in love all again and leaves the poor nice guy heartbroke :((
Buuuut any way, love the new chapters!
kaisooyoung #6
Chapter 22: Yay! @pinkypn some one who understands how I feel!!! Thank you author mum for updating, it was an awesome chapter and I totally enjoyed it!! Shipping ShieJoong till the end!! :DDD
Chapter 22: Yay! @pinkypn some one who understands how I feel!!! Thank you author mum for updating, it was an awesome chapter and I totally enjoyed it!! Shipping ShieJoong till the end!! :DDD
Chapter 22: Yay! @pinkypn some one who understands how I feel!!! Thank you author mum for updating, it was an awesome chapter and I totally enjoyed it!! Shipping ShieJoong till the end!! :DDD
pinkypn #10
Chapter 22: i can see who seung gi likes and wants cherry to leave. cherry is so rude always interrupting, annoying and loud.
@SuperJuniorCookie i agree with you, its nice to see someone with the same opinion on her moving on and how sweet Hyun Joong is