Like Every Other Day


I wipe the sweat off my forehead.
I sigh in relief.

We just finished practice for our comeback.
I and Hoya high fived and did the same with the others.
Hyoan-hyung came in and brought us our food.
Like always, we had chicken and rice.
We dug in our food and got a good short rest to let the food get digested.
We went back to our dorm and went to our own rooms to spend our free time.

I went into Sungjong and Hoya's room.

I climbed onto Hoya's bed and sat next to him.
Then Sungjong came down from the stairs and set beside Hoya.
Hoya was concentrating on his cellphone.
And he's OBVIOUSLY listening to music since I can hear it even though he's using earphones.

I scoot closer and looked at what he was doing.
And as usual, I had no idea what he was doing.
I don't even know what he's doing or how is that used.
It looks like something to keep track of dance steps or I don't even know.

"Ya." I nudged his shoulder.
He ignored me and continued with his 'thingy'
"Ya!" I nudged him 3 more times.
He pulled his earphones off and glared at me.
"What?" he said in a very deep, serious voice.
"What's that?" I pointed at his phone.
He took a deep breath and started explaining.
He lost me at  'And this works as...'

"You lost me at 'So' " I gave him an innocent look.
"Then nevermind" He went back to doing whatever it was.
"Ya!" I nudged him, again, while shouting,
"WHAT?!" He shouted back.
"Play with me." I said with a straight face.
He raised a brow.
"Hyung. What is wrong with you today?" Sungjong asked.
"Nothing's wrong with me" I answered back.

Finally, Hoya threw his temper away and kept his phone and earphones.
"Fine." He took a deep breath and stood up.
"What are we going to do?" He asked while I was still sitting on the bed.
I looked at Sungjong.
"What should we do?" He raised a brow at me before placing a finger on his chin and looking up.
"Uhmm.." He hummed to himself while thinking.
"Oh! I know" We both face him.
"Let's play a prank on the others!" I and Hoya look at each other and grinned widely while looking back and forth at Sungjong and I.

"But I think Dongwoo-hyung shouldn't participate" Sungjong stated.
I shot my head at him.
"Because he's bad at acting" He blurted before bursting into laughter.
Hoya joined not long after.
I pouted to myself while they laugh.

"So, what will we do?" I ask while they calm down.
"Hmm... Maybe a fight?" Hoya suggested.
"A fight about the mess in the room! Or chores." I stare at Sungjong.
"What?" Yup. This role is perfect for him.
"You should be mad at Hoya for making you do everything." Sungjong and Hoya nod in unison
"Then Hoya should be trying to explain while Sungjong is still talking" They both nod, again.
"When you get out of the room, I'll follow behind, trying to stop you guys."
"Then the members gather to stop you guys" I take a short breath
"Then..." I stop and then think.
We were left in silence.
"Then?" Sungjong asked.
"Well, I haven't planned that far yet." I scratch my head while wearing an innocent smile.
"Oh, I know!" Hoya said, out of nowhere.
It made both me and Sungjong shut up and look at him.
"We'll stop and go to the kitchen and act like nothing happened."
Wide grins appeared on our faces and started nodding at each other.

"We should start by now." I whispered.
They both nod.

"I'm tired of doing everything, hyung!" Sungjong started.
"I'm the only one working here! You always leave your stuff on the floor and I put it away. Everytime--"
"But I always work extra hard to teach you guys and those things are just small things--"
"Why don't you help a little since we share the room? I'm not a maid you know?!"
They start shouting really, loudly while I watched their smiling faces fade when they step out of the room.
It was Sungjong who went out then Hoya chased him and started shouting again which gained Woohyun and Sunggyu's attention.
"Every. Little. Thing. Hyung." 
"You guys. Stop it. It's a small thing to talk about"
I said, so that the members wouldn't get suspicious.

"Every single day. All I do is clean the room and you--"
"So you think I'm not tired teaching you guys and perfecting the dances? I'm always putting extra effort--"
"Your excuses, hyung. Always excuses. Why not just admit it? You really do never clean and help me!"
The members started gathering. Sungyeol dragged Myungsoo.
Sunggyu's starting to stop them. And Woohyun's helping out.
They were obviously overpowering Sunggyu's voice so, they didn't listen to him much.
Then they started shouting nonsense at the same time loudly that I couldn't even understand it.

Then they suddenly stopped and looked at each other for a second.
The members tensed up since they probably thought the two would start punching each other or something.
Then Hoya and Sungjong headed to the kitchen and sat down at the table.
I followed behind. Then the loud sound of laughter were heard by the hallways.

"Did you see the look on Sunggyu-hyung's face?!" Hoya said.
"He was completely dumbfounded"
I started laughing so much, I couldn't even say what I wanted to say.
"Then Sungyeol was even enjoying it!" Hoya practically announced.
We high-five each other.
My laughter died down and was replaced with a really wide smile.

Then the members started gathering by the table, surrounding us.
"Yah! What was that?" Sungyeol playfully asked.
Then all of them started asking questions.
I just ignored them and put my head down on the table, with my cheek touching the table.
I looked at Hoya who was slightly worried and slightly laughing.
It made me chuckle for a bit.

Later on, things started to calm down and we got back to each of our own rooms.
But I still stayed at Hoya & Sungjong's room.
Sungjong left the room.
I laid down on the bed with my arms spread out and my feet hanging just above the floor.
"Hoya" I said. Stretching the 'Ya' part.
He looks at me, breaking his trance.
"What are we going to do?"
"I'm so bored" Shouting the last word.
I started swaying my feet, back and forth violently.
I threw my hands up and letting it fall back down.
He leaned back and moved his hands back to support him.
He looked at me and smiled.
"I don't know. What do you want to do, genius?"

This guy. Seriously. I can't help but love this guy.
I slap his arm and my hand fall back down due to loss of energy.
His phone, then, vibrates and rings.
"Ahh!!!! Irritating!" I shout as the corners of his lips raise a little.
Then he started waving at me, even though he was facing back at me.
I realized he was talking to someone over the phone.

I sighed loudly, just enough for Hoya to hear.
He slepped my thighs and I gave him a glare.
I faced to the side, opposite of Hoya.
That's probably her again.
I thought to myself.
He always calls her. Talks to her. Talks about her. And all.
Why look at her when I'm here?
I sigh again, but softly.
I get up. Only to be greeted by the bunk bed's top.
A wave of pain went over my head and I held my head where it hurt the most.
Then I got up and walked out.

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