Living as his girlfriend.

Living as his girlfriend.

That night, Ji Hye couldn’t fall asleep.  Touching her lips softly, a smile crept up her face. Then, a vibration was felt from her phone.

To: Ji Hye

Asleep? ^^

She turned herself to the side and replied him.

To: Hoya

No. What are you doing? ^^

Staring at his phone screen every few seconds, Hoya was anxiously waited for her reply. His message ringtone was heard so he opened the text excitedly. Hoya then smiled broadly to himself while replying her.

“Hyung, you look creepy smiling to yourself like this at night. Are you watching the…you-know-what-?” Sung Jong popped his head out of his bed and asked innocently.

“YAH! What are you talking about?!” Hoya yelled as he threw his pillow at Sung Jong.

“Hyung is so selfish to not share!” Sung Jong pouted and threw the pillow back at Hoya.

“You are Lee Ho Won now.” Sung Jong whispered to his teddy before throwing punches at it.

Hoya chuckled a little at his maknae’s childishness and got out of bed. He went to the living room, hoping to message Ji Hye in peace.

To: Ji Hye

Thinking of you? Hehes…

“Yea, Lee Ho Won, girls like sweet talk. Stop feeling funny for sending the message!” Hoya reprimanded himself as he put his phone away.

“Woah!” Hoya shouted as someone took the space beside him.

Sung Gyu eyed at him suspiciously before peeping at his phone which was faced up on the couch.

“Ji Hye?” he asked as he took a sip of water from his glass.

Hoya nodded timidly and took in a deep breath.

“You guys got together already?” Sung Gyu asked.

Hoya nodded once more, bracing himself for Sung Gyu’s scolding.

“Treat my little cousin well.” Sung Gyu said as he patted on Hoya’s shoulder, causing him to jump a little.

Hoya was completely surprised at his leader’s reaction.

“Hy-hyung, you are not going to scold me?” Hoya asked doubtfully.

Sung Gyu merely shook his head and removed his hand from his shoulder. Drinking from his glass once more, he leaned back lazily on the couch.

“Really?! I…I thought you would disallow… Thank you so much, hyung!” Hoya exclaimed gratefully with a relieved smile.

“Aish, stop making me sound like a stubborn old man who always opposes to others’ relationship.” Sung Gyu said as he stood up and left Hoya.

To: Hoya

You are so cheesy.:P

To: Ji Hye

Sung Gyu hyung agreed for the two of us to be together!!!

While waiting for Hoya’s reply, Ji hye accidentally fell asleep with her phone in her hand.

“Seriously, this girl…” Ji Eun mumbled as she slipped the phone out of her hand.

She then saw the new message notification on the phone screen. Looking down at her sleeping sister with widened eyes, she gasped.

“Ji Hye got together with Hoya?!”

The next morning…

“You are in a relationship with Hoya?” Ji Eun questioned with her eyebrow raised.

“How… How did you know?!” Ji Hye exclaimed as she choked on her milk.

“Hey, relax.” Ji Eun giggled at her sister’s reaction and passed her a tissue.

Ji Hye wiped and looked down shyly.

“Hoya is a really nice guy and he is lucky to have my sister as his girlfriend.” Ji Eun said with a cute wink.

Ji Hye blushed a little as she smiled back at her sister shyly.

 In INFINITE’s dorm…

“Hyung, why did you wake us up so early?” Sung Yeol asked with his arms outstretched in the air.

“What do you want to tell us?” Woo Hyun asked, irritated.

“Hoya is dating my cousin, Ji Hye.” Sung Gyu announced.

“WHAT?!” Everyone choroused.

Hoya stared at Sung Gyu in disbelief too. He didn’t expect him to announce to the rest of the members. All the members were wide awake by then.

“I am telling this to all of you because I don’t want you people to be making guesses as time passes.” Sung Gyu continued.

Everyone’s mouths were still left wide open from the news they heard.

“Okay, come on guys. Go get changed before we are late for school!” Sung Gyu instructed as he walked into his dorm room to change.

“Wow!!! I didn’t expect you to get a girlfriend faster than me!” Dong Woo joked.

“When did you two start?!” Sung Jong took Sung Gyu’s seat and asked interestedly.

“Have you guys kissed?” Sung Yeol joined Sung Jong.

Hoya was lost for words as he turned embarrassed before his group members.

“Why are you guys so excited? Come on, give them some privacy. Let’s go get changed for school…” Myung Soo said as he dragged Sung Yeol back into their dorm room.

Woo Hyun clucked his tongue in disapproval before standing up from his seat. He rolled his eyes and stuffed his hands in his pocket before leaving the dining table, kicking the chair along the way.

“We should change too, hyung.” Sung Jong reminded timidly as he looked away from Woo Hyun.

In school…

INFINITE was walking along the corridor as a group with a big group of girls surrounding them. Ji Eun and Ji Hye were being shoved aside by the rough fans. Ji Hye balanced herself in time but Ji Eun tripped and fell backwards. Dramatically, a pair of strong hands caught her in time. She looked up in surprise to find a new face.

“You okay?” he asked as he helped her up.

“Yea. Thanks.” Ji Eun said with a polite bow.

“No problem. My name is L.Joe. What about yours?” he asked with a playful smirk.

“Kim Ji Eun.” She answered with a sweet smile.

“See you around then.” L.Joe said with a wink before leaving.

“He is really hot.” Ji Eun thought to herself.

“Are you okay?” Ji Hye waited for the fan girls to pass before running over to her sister.

Nodding slightly, Ji Eun smiled at the thought of the new guy she met.

“R…I…N…G…~” School started with the first bell sound echoing the corridors.

“Class! We have a new student from America. Let’s welcome him with a round of applause~” The teacher raised his hands, gesturing for the students to clap.

Stylishly, a boy entered the class with a charming smile spread across his face.

“It’s him.” Ji Eun thought as her eyes followed his entrance.

“Hello everyone. My name is L.Joe. Nice to meet all of you.” He introduced politely, finishing his self-introduction perfectly with a prince bow.

That sent the girls in class screaming their lungs out. Woo Hyun rolled his eyes while Hoya kept his eyes on Ji Hye. He smiled in satisfaction, seeing Ji Hye completely uninterested in the new boy. Woo Hyun, on the other hand, crossed his legs in annoyance at the sight of the new student. The teacher scanned the class in hope of finding the new student a seat.

“L.Joe, you can take that seat beside Ji Eun. Her tablemate has just transferred class so that seat is vacant.” The teacher instructed.

“Ji Eun? Familiar name.” L.Joe thought to himself as he nodded.

“Ji Eun, raise your hand please.” The teacher said.

“A-ah, yea.” Ji Eun snapped out of her thoughts and shot up her hand.

L.Joe saw her and nodded before walking over.

“It’s that pretty girl again.” He thought to himself.

“Hey, we met again.” L.Joe said as he claimed the seat beside Ji Eun.

“Y-yea.” Ji Eun stuttered slightly.

“Damn. Kim Ji Eun, why the hell are you stuttering before him?!” Ji Eun cursed in her mind as she felt her heart beat a little faster than normal.

L.Joe chuckled as she turned away in embarrassment.

“She’s cute.” He thought to himself.

Unknown to the two, Woo Hyun was glaring at them from his seat.

“R…I…N…G…~” After a series of boring lessons, the school bell finally rang.

Like birds released from their cages, the students ran out of their classrooms. After packing his bag, Hoya walked up to Ji Hye.

“Shall we go?” he asked.

Ji Hye stared at him, hinting him not to make it too obvious. Then, a female student approached Hoya.

“Ho-hoya oppa, can I have your signature?” she asked.

“Sure.” Hoya took the notebook over and signed it quickly.

“Th-thank you.” The girl muttered as she stepped forward to get the book back.

Then, she faked a fall and fell towards Hoya who caught her swiftly in his embrace. Succeeding in her little trick, she smiled and got up shyly. Ji Hye was watching everything with unhappiness building up within her. The girl ran off and Hoya turned back to Ji Hye naturally. At that moment, Ji Hye was filled with jealousy as she grabbed her bag and left the room.

“Hey. Ji Hye-ah, where are you going?” Hoya ran after her.

Reaching the isolated corner of the school, Hoya grabbed Ji Hye’s arm and spun her around.

“What’s wrong?” he asked in a confused manner.

“Nothing.” Ji Hye lied.

“Then let’s go dating.” Hoya suggested innocently.

“I guess he didn’t know she was acting. I shouldn’t be over reacting...” Ji Hye told herself.

Plastering a smile on her face, she nodded. The two then left school together and went to a street for their date. Then, Hoya slipped his hand into Ji Hye’s and held onto hers tightly. Ji Hye looked up surprised but Hoya merely smiled at her.

“Most people living here are elderly. They won’t recognize me.” He said with a wink.

Right after he said that, a passer-by pointed at Hoya.

“Isn’t that a celebrity?” The old man asked his wife.

“Yea He looks like INFINITE’s Hoya, our granddaughter’s favourite artist! But who is that girl beside him?” The old lady exclaimed.

“I am sorry, you got the wrong person.” Hoya said politely.

He then nervously looked away and lowered his head. Ji Hye released his hand instantly and walked away first. Hoya then followed behind her, leaving the two confused folks in the crowd. Looking around, Hoya finally found Ji Hye at an empty field.

“Aish. That totally ruined the date…Is Ji Hye angry?” Hoya thought to himself as he tapped Ji Hye’s shoulder worriedly.

Turning around, she greeted Hoya with a bright smile. Looking about, she ensured no one was around first. Ji Hye  then took out a sunglass and cap from a plastic bag. Putting it on for Hoya, she smiled once more.

“I bought it just now…Now you look cooler!” Ji Hye beamed.

“Being your girlfriend is not going to be easy, I know. However, I know Kim Ji Hye can do better than this.” She thought in her mind.

“Ji Hye-ah, I…” Hoya looked at her apologetically and grabbed her hands.

“I am glad to be your girlfriend.” She stated with a warm smile.

Hoya felt touched at her actions. He then pulled her in for a light hug.

“I am glad to be your boyfriend too.” He whispered in her ears.

“Your other fans don’t get a hug like this, I guess.” Ji Hye thought to herself and smiled cutely.

Since the date, Hoya was relatively busy with INFINITE’s promotions so he didn’t get to meet Ji Hye. As he didn’t attend school too, the two seldom got to see each other. However, Hoya made it a point to message her whenever he was free. Despite feeling neglected at times, Ji Hye still felt that Hoya was a sweet boyfriend. She understood and supported him.

Being table mates, L.Joe and Ji Eun were starting off well. After school, Ji Eun would help L.Joe in his mathematics and Korean while he taught her English. Slowly, the two got to know each other better and became closer. That night, Ji Eun was messaging L.Joe on her phone. She was smiling to her phone when Ji Hye caught her red-handed.

“Hoho. Is it L.Joe again?” Ji Hye teased as she climbed onto her sister’s bed.

Ji Eun nodded slightly and smiled like a girl in love.

“Ji Hye-ah, what do you think about him?” she asked her sister.

“Umm… I think he is kind of good looking, polite and nice.” Ji Hye listed his merits and studied her sister’s expression.

The smile on Ji Eun’s face got wider and wider at Ji Hye’s words.

“You like him, right?” Ji Hye interrogated with a raised brow.

“Ani! It is get-getting late. We should sleep soon. There is still school tomorrow, you know.” Ji Eun said nervously as she covered herself with the blanket.

Ji Hye laughed a little at her response and went back to her own bed.

The next day…

INFINITE’s promotions were finally over and they were allowed to return to school. Although school hours were over, Sung Gyu insisted for the boys to return and get their work from their professors personally. He wanted to portray a good image on the group. Reaching school, Hoya had gone to the toilet by himself as Woo Hyun refused to wait for him. They were not on good terms since Sung Gyu announced that Ji Hye and Hoya were dating. Woo Hyun was walking alone when he spotted L.Joe and Ji Eun walking out of the class, standing extremely close to one another.

“There is something on your face.” L.Joe said as he wiped it off with his thumb.

Seeing the scene, Woo Hyun rushed forward angrily and pushed L.Joe roughly to the wall.

“Yah, Nam Woo Hyun! What are you doing?!” Ji Eun yelled as she ran over to L.Joe.

“What’s up?” L.Joe stared at Woo Hyun, glaring back at him.

“She’s my girl so hands off.” Woo Hyun demanded.

“I am sorry but I can’t do that because I like her.” L.Joe replied as he looked down at Ji Eun who looked shocked.

“What the hell…” Woo Hyun muttered as he punched L.Joe straight across his face.

Ji Eun hurriedly stepped between them, shielding L.Joe from Woo Hyun.

“Stop!” Ji Eun screamed as she pushed Woo Hyun away.

Woo Hyun felt his heart sink at her actions.

“Ji Eun, why are you siding him like this?!” Woo Hyun shouted in an annoyed tone.

“Why can't you understand that I had never liked you?” Ji Eun shouted back, irritated.

Woo Hyun’s mouth parted slightly as he stared at her in disbelief.

“I am sorry, someone is waiting. I got to go...Let’s go, L.Joe.” Ji Eun said as she supported L.Joe and left.

Woo Hyun punched the wall repeatedly after their departure. His fist bled a little when he finally stopped. Then, someone appeared beside him.

“There.” Ji Hye said as she offered him a plaster. She just finished dancing alone in the dance studio when she left and saw the commotion.

“Here to laugh at me? I hate you as much as your y sister!” Woo Hyun shouted as he threw the plaster on the ground.

“Actually, do you really like my sister?” Ji Hye asked.

“None of your business.”  He replied coldly.

“You just like her pretty looks, isn’t it? It is because my sister is hard to get that’s why you want her but not because…” Ji Hye said daringly but was cut off by Woo Hyun.

“SHUT UP!” Woo Hyun shouted as he pushed Ji Hye to the wall.

“Wh-what are you doing?” she stared at him in shock.

“Do you still like me? It’s me Nam Woo Hyun that you had a crush on since the start, isn’t it? You got together with Hoya because you couldn’t get together with me. He is just a substitute. You are showing concern to me because you still like me and want to get together with me! If that’s really what you want, I can fulfill you…” Woo Hyun leaned down and forced a kiss on Ji Hye’s lips.

“St-” Ji Hye tried pushing him away but he was too strong.

Then, someone shoved Woo Hyun aside. He landed on the floor with an impact. Ji Hye turned and met eyes with Hoya.

“Ho-hoya. I…I can explain.” Ji Hye said as she held onto Hoya.

“Save the explanation.” Hoya told Ji Hye as he walked over to Woo Hyun, breaking her grip. He then grabbed his collar and stared into his eyes

“Because we are team mates, I am not going to hit you this time. But if you do that again, we will no longer be friends.” Hoya said coldly as he released his collar angrily.

He then turned to Ji Hye and pulled her away from the scene. Reaching their secret hideout, Hoya sat and lay down on the floor.

“Hoya, just now…” Ji Hye knelt down beside him and wanted to explain.

“It’s okay, I believe in you. I heard what Woo Hyun said just now and I know it is not your fault… Come here and lie beside me.” Hoya’s gaze softened as he smiled at her.

Flashing a relieved smile, Ji Hye took the space beside him. Suddenly, Hoya placed his hand on Ji Hye’s head and gently placed her head on his chest. Ji Hye was surprised at his action as she tried to get up.

“Let’s stay like this…” Hoya said as he closed his eyes blissfully.

Nodding slightly, Ji Hye remained still. Feeling his every chest rise and fall, she blushed madly. Her heart was beating at an insanely fast speed and she hoped Hoya couldn’t feel it. Looking up at the azure blue sky decorated with the familiar white wispy clouds, Ji Hye spoke.

“Hoya, many years later… What will we be doing?” Ji Hye asked, looking at the clouds float by.

“We will be dancing.” Hoya answered simply.

“Dancing?” Ji Hye questioned.

“We will be attending the graduation ball together. I will ask you for a dance. And many many years later, we will still be dancing. Then, one old man and one old lady will be supporting one another, dancing to a slow music.” Hoya mumbled.

Shutting her eyes, she imagined Hoya’s words and giggled.

“I see them.” Ji Hye said with a blissful smile.

Hoya placed his hand on top of hers lightly and smiled too.

Author's Note:
Hey guys! I am finally done with this one-shot sequel to 'Living under her shadow' (:...
I hope I didn't disappoint you guys too much with 'Living as his girlfriend' :D!
Anyways, a big thank you hug sent out to all 52 subscribers ~<3
Please remember to comment! ^^
I don't mind new subscribers too (;
Finally, thank you so much for reading 'Living as his girlfriend'... :)

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shinyoung97 #1
Chapter 1: So cute nice ending hahaha at the end woo hyun got nothing pity on him
oh-so-licious #2
Chapter 1: Great!! =)
Miss_Haneul #3
Chapter 1: awww i like how ji eun and ljoe got together kekeke :)
A12345 #4
Chapter 1: Nice ending
Chapter 1: Awwwww sweet. well done
Wahhh! So sweet! The feeeeeels. Thank you!
Chapter 1: Holy sh**. I love it!! It's so cute and gosh! I just can't contain my feels! I'm squealing. In the middle of the night. But oh well! Please smoke it into a full story!!! And now Hoya is my fav ^^
dk98912 #8
Chapter 1: This sequel is so cute!!! I love it hehe Hoya is so sweet <3
niena98 #9
Chapter 1: Hoya is soo lovely!!>< I can't stop smiling like an idiot and squelling!!!~ I love the ending. It' s o cute~
Chapter 1: And this is why we can never find a guy in real life cause we're to used to the perfection of our korean boys xD But this was hella cute !