Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock - Chapter Twenty-Two

Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock

This story is not mine and I already ask permission to post this! Please see her website @ - author is ashleyy15


Chapter 22









Jiyong's P.O.V.:



I went back to the table where my...friends....were and sat down. They just say there, eating their dinner and altogether ignoring me. Especially, Dara. She was ignoring me for some reason, I had no idea why.


Idiot, she likes you remember?


An internal voice in my head said. Great, just great.


I had to find a way and invite her to the Halloween party somehow. It was only a matter of time before she would start talking to me again. But then again, knowing Dara, she was stubborn and she wouldn't talk to me if she didn't want to. I sighed and Jaejoong looked at me curiously.


"You alright, Ji?" Jaejoong asked me.


"Of course he is! He has a new girlfriend!" Dara said sarcastically. Jaejoong raised an eyebrow at Dara then at me. He, out of all people, knew what was going on and he just shrugged it off by shoving a big spoon of salad into Dara's mouth. I silently laugh as I watched her hit Jaejoong by the arm. Sometimes I thought what if we were never friends? Would she have been with Jaejoong? I shook the thought out of my head and focused on my food. Suddenly, the vegetable looks really interesting than the surrounding.


After the dinner, all of us went back to the room and fell on the bed, squashing each other.


"That was the best food I have ever eaten!" Bom kicked off her heels and struggled to get off us boys and climbed into the bed. In a few seconds, we heard snores from Bom. She must have been tired.


"I think my stomach is going to explode. Bye guys! I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Hyori skipped out of the room. I meant, literally skipped. After she closed the door on the way out, I collasped on the bed next to a snoring sister of mine. I never knew she snored!


Dara was sitting on the chair, facing the balcony of the room. The moonlight shone on her, making her skin lighter and her eyes shining. If only girls knew that when a guy liked them, their heart beats would increase. But it only happened when the guy really loved the girl. So...did that meant that...I love her?


Whoa! Love was such a huge word!


Dara seemed to be thinking about something and I recognized that thinking face of hers. Obviously, she wasn't going to talk to me first so I had to make the first move. Guys do that, right? Ignoring my pride, I walked over to Dara and sat at the chair next to her. She didn't acknowledge my presence at first but soon she looked at me cautiously.


"I'm not going to eat you, idiot."


"I know. So...about that Sohee girl. Who is she and how did you guys met?" straight forward, I see.


"She...was the first girl I dated." I saw her shifted uncomfortably in her seat.


She didn’t like Sohee, that's for sure.


"Why aren't you with her, then? obviously liked her before?"


"Some things are complicated, D. Let's just say, I needed her to get someone's attention."


"YOU USED HER?!" Dara's eyes widened.


"In a way, I guess. She was the mayor's daughter. Plus, she was pretty. So I kind of dated her for awhile but then when she moved away, our relationship just vanished like that. Well, at least to me it happened that way. So Hyori came along and well, I hated you a bit and so did Hyori so the both of us came together and well...that's how it started."


"Why didn't I know this? And it was obvious Sohee still likes you."


"You wouldn't even care if I died." I said softly but not loud enough for her to hear. "D, even if she did like me, I don't like her."


"I saw you guys flirting earlier." Dara said bluntly.


'It's just acting!' I wanted to say but I couldn't do that. Instead, I just shrugged and the awkward silence came.


"Take me on a date." Dara suddenly said. Okay, I wasn't expecting that.




"Take me on a date. I'm bored anyways!" she smiled. I felt like a jerk. A stupid jerk. A jerk that was going to break this pretty girl's heart. How could I live with the guilt, while seeing her like that? I swallowed and smiled back.


"There's this Halloween party and I'm going."


"Is that how you ask a girl on a date?" Dara giggled but she didn't seem to surprised about the sudden party invitation. As if...she knew? No way! There was no way she could have known about the plan!


"So is that a yes?"


"Kown Jiyong, you're the worst person who had ask me on a date but yes."


Suddenly, a pillow flew to the back of my head. It was Bom! She woke up and she was in her sleeping clothes. Since when did she change out of her dress?


Jeez, girls had some weird ways of changing without being detected.


"I see you guys have made up and all but could you just shut up and go to sleep?" she threw another pillow and I caught it. But then another pillow flew from another direction.


"Bom's right. I want some sleep too. Flirt tomorrow, sleep tonight." Jaejoong who was sleeping on the floor and still in his tux, fell asleep right after he finished his sentence.










Bad Ji and Sohee!

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re-read! :)
Isangganda #2
Chapter 20: I always wonder what really is the Job of the twins hired by Dara and Jiyong's parents when Dara is always in trouble? First the camping incident she falĺs in a hill, then she was hit by a frying pan
, now almost ? I just dont get it? And base on the flow of the story the family are rich and if Jiyong parents had bought Park's old house it is a mansion eventually it will not be shaken by earthquake immediately. Where is jaejong parents to allow him to stay for so long with Daras family? Ok Im shutting up now... its is still entertaining though. Lols
Chapter 5: If im not mistaken the picture is from Amazing Twins..I've watched that drama..
shucow #4
Chapter 5: Author-nim! I really like ur story. I recognize the pic haha what drama is it from?
Chapter 36: Great story, it's really worth reading:-)
ILuv_U4Ever #6
Chapter 36: Woah... Just finished reading this .. Really great fanfiction.. ^^
SeohyunorSica #7
Chapter 36: I swear, this could be a drama on tv
Chapter 36: Wahh! Hehe, I read this story in a few days..I just really love it, though. :D So sweet!
I'm not finish reading, but as far as I read, I can say this story is good, I just felt so real, I felt not like reading a imagination story, but this story is really happening lol
Thanks author-nim *bow
tetetzrule23 #10