The Genie

Tell Me Your Wish ★ [discontinued]

"Mwoh?!" Jongwoon exclaimed as he saw a strange sight outside his window. His eyes widened even more from shock.

Outside, there was a girl dressed in traditional clothing back from the 15th century. The kind of clothes that lowly servants and palace maids would wear. She was sitting on top of a pale pink floating cloud. There was haze all around her while she tossed his lamp on one hand.

"Who the hell do you think you are throwing my lamp around?" The girl furrowed her eyebrows at him, pointing at him.

"Who the hell am I? Who the hell are you floating around in the air on some cloud?!" He yelled, pointing at her and both glared at each other for a while.

"Just answer these series of questions first. Did you rub my lamp or not?" She asked slowly, breaking the angry silence.

"Rub? What do you mean rub?" He questioned her and then he remembered the smudge. "Yeah, I did. So what of it?" He answered with a slow nod and she groaned.

'Why him out of all people?' She thought as she took a deep breath in. "Did anybody else rub the lamp before you?" She asked the next question and Jongwoon took a moment to think about her question for a while.

"No... I'm pretty sure I'm the first one." He responded slowly and she sighed.

"Are you sure? I mean... are you extremely positive?" She inquired, continuing the interrogation.

"Yes. Now will you stop asking some damn questions!" He demanded and she groaned.

'Face it. This is reality. You have to get used to it.' She thought as she said, "Well... would you believe me if I told you that I'm a genie and that you're my master?"

He then took some time to let her words be absorbed into his brain like a sponge.

"What?!" He exclaimed, his eyes widened in shock.

"I'm a genie and you're my master..." She slowly repeated some words. Then his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he felt himself turn pale before fainting and landing on the floor with a thud.

"This is going to take a while." She muttered with a sigh as she invited herself into his room.


Jongwoon found himself in a world that was full of pitch-black darkness.

"Hey, you... whatever your name is... wake up." He heard a feminine voice and he was pretty sure that the voice did not belong to his mother.

"Hey, are you still alive? Yo! You better be responsive because I am not giving CPR to you." The voice continued to say and he heard that there was a tone of annoyance. Soon he felt a couple of hard slaps giving his cheek some pain.

Then he slowly opened his eyes only to see some blurry visions. He then blinked a couple of time and his vision became even more clear. The first thing he saw when his vision cleared up was... the girl who was floating on top of a pink cloud waving her hand right in front of him.

"Oh, good. You're alive. Now I don't have to worry about performing an autopsy." She sighed with some slight relief and then he suddenly flinched, crawling/backing away from her.

"When did you get in here? How did you get in here?" He asked pointing at her.

"I invited myself in." She answered shrugging before coming up to him. "Anyways... if it's true that you really did rub this lamp, then you are my master." She said, changing the topic.

"What do you mean by master?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"And now I have to repeat this for the third time. I'm a genie and you're my master. Let me ask you this. Have you ever heard of the story Aladdin?" She asked him and he nodded slowly.

"You rubbed my lamp. You instantly became my master and now I'm a genie who has to do your bidding." She explained to him in a nice and simple way.

"So... basically I can have my wishes granted?" He asked, his eyes now practically gleaming and she nodded.

"So if I wished for the world to be overrun by turtles, you'll grant it?" He questioned her and now it was her turn to back away.

"Er... okay. The weirdest wish ever asked for but yeah, I'll grant it." She confirmed, shrugging.

"Alright!" He cheered with his fist pumping in the air.

"Well... I'm going to be stuck with you for a while so I might as well get to know your name." She sighed. "Mine's Moon Mi Sun." She introduced herself, straightening herself up and held out her hand.

"Kim Jongwoon." He replied and hesitantly shook her hand.

"Well, it's somewhat of a pleasure to meet you." She said when their hands let go.

"Hey... what did you mean by somewhat?"

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To whoever is still around, I'm sorry but this fic is discontinued.


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lahdeedah000 #1
LOL so much at Yesung's plan, Mi Sun's cuteness, as well as the macro. xD Luv this! <3
HAHAHA. Mi Sun's so cute. It's obvious she's jealous! :)) LOL. Update soon! :'>
cloudprincess_wendy #3
Misunnie, you jelly?? hihi. :>
would Yesung end up with Yoona?? i don't want! hope he'll end up with Misun,. a genie and a human. isn't it cool?? :D
she's jealous. hahahaahaha~ update soon <3
New subbie ^__^ Hope I'm not gonna regret this like I did with another fic... I mean, keep up the good work, I like how you portrayed the genie's personality 8D
i have had that same experience and it was not cool
Nice update. I Lol-ed at that part where Yeye almost jumped out of his seat. Lol. Do update soon. ♥
Aww. How could they be so mean to him? Tsk. Ohh, do update soon :)
They're so mean to Yesung oppa TT_TT
And Yesung oppa, wae you no say thank you?~~
update soon naee?~~
This makes me sad! Don't be mean to my Sungie! My Yesung Oppa! My Jongwoonie Oppa! Oppppaaaaaa!!!!