


It probably goes without saying that we’ve all been in those relationships where your “man” won’t leave you alone.  Always wants to know what you’re doing, where you’re going, and who you’re seeing.  Well for me, this is one of those stories.  My boyfriend is different this time though.  He’s the ever amazing T.O.P. from Big Bang.  Every other girl who like Big Bang is in love with him, and he thought I was the one cheating when he could go off with any random fan at any point.

No, instead he would text me, call me, and sometimes even follow me just to make sure that I wasn’t cheating.  I understand being paranoid if I’m out with a guy or something, but this was just taking it way too far.  My name is Mika.  I’m just your average young woman from Korea.  No different than anyone else.  Yet I seem to have caught the eye of international superstar T.O.P. but to me he’s just my Seunghyun.  No one more no one less.

“I’ve told you for the millionth time today Seunghyun!  I’m just out with Toma, Jiyong, and Mae!  We’re at the mall and we’re going to be here all day.  I promise there’s no one else in my life.”  And with that Mika hung up on her boyfriend.

“Jeez when you said he was clingy you meant it,” Toma told her friend as they walked in the crowded mall.  Weaving in and out they still managed to hide who they really were.  It was rare that they got to go out, so they all decided to sneak out without the rest of the group.  It just seemed so much easier to hide who they were without the others.  Seungri, even though he was dating Mae, would hit on every other woman working the counters, Daesung would be overly loud and happy, Seunghyun would probably punch some guy in the face for even looking in Mika’s general direction, and well Youngbae was currently sick so they just decided to leave him be.

“Not joking.  And that’s excluding all the texts he has sent me today,” Mika told them as she turned her phone off.

Grabbing Jiyong’s hand Toma told them, “Well I’m glad I got the normal one.”

The other two both shot back at the same time, “Hey!”

“Seungri’s normal!”  Mae shot back.

“Yeah, but at least Jiyong stays with me and doesn’t go hitting on every other girl he sees!”  Toma laughed back.

“Well actually I can’t disagree with you there.  On the bright side to mine I know he won’t cheat,” Mika said trying to add a little humor.

As they spent the rest of their day at their own leisure T.O.P. was back at the studio with the rest of the guys, with the exception of Youngbae, worrying like crazy.  He usually wasn’t like this, but Mika was special to him and he didn’t want to lose her.  Being paranoid T.O.P. just kept texting and calling her as often as time allowed him.  “She’s not answering anymore.”  T.O.P. said putting his phone in his pocket.

“Don’t worry,” Seungri told him, “Mae went off without me and I’m perfectly fine with that.  I mean come on!  She’s with Toma, Mae, and Jiyong.  What could happen?”  Seungri asked.

“Well considering it’s also Jiyong I’m worried a lot could happen,” T.O.P. snapped back.  It drove him up the wall.  They had only been dating for a couple weeks which always was the hardest time for him.  He always needed some reassurance within that time to know that she was with him for him and not because he was T.O.P.

“OK so usually I would normally agree with you on that, but Toma’s also there.  I don’t think, even though he’s pretty serious about her, that he would try anything right in front of his own girlfriend.”  Seungri told him not looking up from his game on his iPod.

Standing there he knew that Seungri was right, but still! He sat down next to his friend and thought for a second. That's when a brilliant idea hit him. "I know! How about we follow their example and sneak out? Maybe follow them around," T.O.P. saw the looks on his friend's faces. Recovering quickly he told them, "I mean just for a little bit. Just so I know that she isn't seeing anyone else."

Doubt still remained on their faces but Daesung spoke up, "I just don't think it's right. It does sound like fun, and I don't think it will affect me any if we got caught, but you and Mika. Not to mention Seungri and Mae! Wouldn't that break your guy's trust?"

Seeing that his friend wasn't going to give in Seungri jumped in, "I don't think it'll be all that bad. Plus we'll just follow them for a bit, just for Seunghyun's sake." Happy that his friend came to his defense they all went out to the mall.

As they walked around the mall Jiyong and Mae were playing a little game of dress up as Mae thought of it. On the other hand Jiyong thought of it as fixing something in need of a wardrobe change. Mae had always thought it would be fun to go out shopping with Jiyong, play a little game of try this and that on. You know, just something for fun, but Jiyong again saw it otherwise.

On the other side of the store Mika and Toma were looking at clothes while Mika went on talking about Seunghyun, "I mean if I don't pick up on the first ring he flips out and he'll go on for fifteen minutes about how he was worried why I didn't answer right away. I mean no offense but I'm not on my phone all day like you are with YouTube and texting so it's not like I have my phone out in front of me all the time."

"Hm," Toma said trying her best to sound interested. It was like a never ending chatroom about him! It was always Seunghyun this Seunghyun that and it got real old real fast. Sure it was cute at first when they first started dating, but it had already been a few weeks and it needed to die down at least a little.

"I feel like I'm talking about him a little too much," Mika said putting a shirt back.

"Oh no, it's," there was no way out of it, "OK yeah maybe just a little. Maybe we can go see how Jiyong's doing with Mae's fashion disaster."

"Alright I guess," Mika said trying not to sound too deflated. As they walked over to the dressing rooms they found Jiyong standing outside with a pile of clothes and an arm full of more.

"Uh?" Toma said walking up and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Laughing a bit he told her that what he was holding was what she liked and what she was going to get, with Seungri's credit card of course, and the other pile was all no. "Sounds like our Mae!" She laughed back.

Walking out Mae was dressed in an all purple outfit. A long sleeved V-neck, along with a pleated skirt that slanted staring around her knee and then down almost to her ankle, then about three inch heels that had a butterfly buckle on the side to distract from the zip up sides. "So what do you think?" She asked laughing. Everyone was shocked including Jiyong.

"Whoa, Seungri's really going to like that one." Mika said her eyes looked like they were going to bulge out of her head.

"And she chose that one all on her own too!" Jiyong said walking up and patting her on the back.

"Well looks like with the right guidance you can choose your own clothes," Toma said laughing a little at her own comment.

"Hmph!" Mae said playing along acting like she was hurt.

As they all laughed the others saw them and snuck up behind them. Far enough to where they could hear and keep an eye on what was going on and still not be seen if they didn't make too much movement or noise. "Whoa, she looks great!" Daesung remarked at Mae's appearance.

Slightly smacking him over the head Seungri told him, "Don't go oogling my girlfriend!"

Rubbing his head Daesung apologized and went back to look around for a new jacket. Might as well right? They were in a mall after all.

"What are you guys doing?' Seunghyun asked himself. He liked the idea at first, but when he actually got there he did feel a little guilty for following them around like this. It took them forever to find them though so might as well go along with the original plan right? But just as he thought that out loud a voice came from behind him.

"What are you doing?" It was Mika and she did not look happy at all. She just stood there her arms crossed and a very displeased look on her face.

"Uh well," he couldn't think of an excuse on why he would just so happen to be in the middle of a clothing store rack watching her. Fumbling with his shirt a little bit he just gave in. "Alright, I just wanted to know that you weren't going off behind my back!" He hung his head a little bit. But with Mika's height difference it wasn't much difference other than looking at her.

"Oh really? SO how long have you been following me? Huh?" She was almost yelling now, which got everyone in the stores attention.

"Please people are staring and we don't need them knowing we're out here," T.O.P. told her trying to calm her down.

"Do you not trust me that much to not even let me go out with our friends?" Now she was yelling at him, tears blurring up in her eyes. She couldn't stand the fact that Seunghyun didn't trust her even that much. No instead of just letting it be he had to go and follow her all the way out here. Crying now she didn't know what else to say to him.

But what Seunghyun did next did all the talking for them. He pulled her in and kissed her right there and then. It was their first kiss as a couple right in front of an entire store. Pulling back Mika slightly covered her lips in shock. "I'm sorry," he told her. 'It's just I needed to know what you thought of me. I was stupid to follow you out here like this, I should have just let you go out and have a day with them."

"Come here," she told him immediately forgave him and went in for another kiss ignoring all the cameras that would broadcast their relationship all over the world.
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