sequence 2


sequence 2! revelations


Kaira yawned, trudging out of her room and into the kitchen. She'd woken to the smell of something delicious and she wasn't about to sleep and miss that! She rubbed her eyes lazily for a moment before opening them back up and looking at Gabrielle and Hanuel. Gabrielle was sitting in one of the high chairs in front of the bar like counter, a plate of smoking breakfast sitting in front of her. She was too occupied with her phone to notice Kai take a seat next to her. Hanuel smiled and put a plate full of food in front of Kai, who readily accepted it. She untied her apron and draped it across the handle of the oven before she began cleaning up. "Where are you going today?"

Kaira finished chewing the pancakes in before taking a sip of Gabrielle's juice before speaking. Gabrielle gave Kai a disgusting look before sighing and drinking out of the same cup anyway. "Oh. I'm going over to the dance studio to check it out. Maybe get a feel for it before I start my lessons" Gabrielle reached over and stole one of Kaira's sausages and Kaira whined. Hanuel laughed at them.

Gabby shrugged and ate it, sticking out her tongue afterwords."That's right. When do they start?" Kaira got up and went to fix her something to drink, moving around Hanuel to do so. She kept a steady eye on Gabrielle to make sure she didn't steal anything else from her plate. Gabrielle gave a sneaky smile and rolled her eyes."Next Week, the only days off I'll have will be Thursdays and Wednesdays" Kaira finally said, placing the juice back in the fridge before hurrying and sitting back in her seat before Gabby decided she wanted anything else off her plate. Kaira looked up at Hanuel's confused grunt. "That's so weird, why not Friday?'

Kaira shrugged. "The kids have more time on Friday, which means I'm also going to be staying longer too" The other two nodded in understanding. Suddenly 'Cafe' started to play from an unknown place and Hanuel moved to the living room to check her phone. "I gotta go in a few minutes though"

Kaira watched as Hanuel disappeared down the hall before reappearing minutes later with a bag and slipped on her shoes at the door. She smiled and called out to them as she opened the door. "I'll see you guys later. Saranghae~"

"Saranghae!" They both answered, one with a mouth full of food. The door closed and Kaira and Gabrielle went back to eating. Soon Kaira began twirling in her seat, her fork still in . She looked to Gabrielle who was too busy with her phone to pay attention to her. "What about you?"

Gabrielle looked to her, rolling her eyes at Kaira's actions."What about me?" Kaira took the fork out of and stuck out her tongue before speaking. "Are you just gonna lounge all day?"

"Damn right, I'm still tired" Gabrielle yawned and watch Kaira hop off her chair and grab her dirty dishes before rinsing them off and putting them in the dishwasher. Kaira waved as she walked past her, heading towards her room to get dressed. "Okay~ I'm gonna start getting ready"

Gabrielle nodded as Kaira went into her room. She knew she'd have some trouble trying to find the right clothes to wear. I mean she couldn't forget that she was finally going to meet YG in person today.  This is going to take all day and tomorrow.

Kaira walked down the hall that led to her own personal room. She'd met a majority of the other teachers and most of them were happy to meet and work with her, but she guessed it was due to the fact that she could speak a good amount of Korean. She found out she was the second teacher that only taught hip hop and rap, the other being a 25 year old man named Kyuhyun. He was nice enough. He told her she'd probably get a lot of students due to the fact that she was from America. And the fact that I'm black, but whatever. If they think I can dance better than others because I'm black I don't care. They're giving me my paychecks.

Kaira finally reached the door and opened it and stepped in. She was already awed by how large and spacious it was. 'Like the ones I see on TV~!' Her musings stopped when she noticed a figure dancing in the middle of the room. 'Who the hell is that?' His movements were pretty fluid, and he moved through each step without hesitation and with precision. The man was too enveloped in the music in his ears to notice her but when he turned to face her, his eyes closed, Kaira immediately recognized his face.  "Ah it's you!"

Her outburst made the man open his eyes and he froze momentarily before sighing and taking his earphones out of his ear. "Really? You?" He scoffed, raking his hand through his hair. Kaira opened to question him but he went ahead and talked over her.  "I'm going to be your assistant." Kaira stared at him blankly for all of two minutes and during that the man became increasingly agitated. How in the hell was he supposed to work with her?

Kaira sighed, her hand moving to rub her forehead. "What's your name then?" 

"Junior Royal" 

Kaira snorted.


Kaira shrugged, messing with her ponytail before speaking "That's a weird name. Junior Royal" She walked over towards one of the walls that were covered with large mirrors and sat her stuff down. She could feel JR's gaze on her as she did so. 

"Your name probably isn't any better"

"It's Kaira"

He muttered something in korean out of pure instinct and Kaira stared back at him questioningly. Junior stared at her for a couple of minutes, an unreadable expression on his face. He was partly surprised she didn't know what that meant, but then again she was American and she probably didn't know every Korean word in his native language. He turned from her looking towards the other wall mirrors and began fixing his hair. "Don't worry about it" He said, once again going through the motions of a dance.

It was silent for a couple of seconds, but JR could clearly see Kaira brooding behind him. "Staring at me isn't going to kill me" He smirked inwardly at Kaira's loud huff, and fixed his head phones before starting another set of moves. It was weird having someone watch him, especially under Kaira's excruciating gaze. 

"When are you going to tell me your real name?" JR stopped, a little surprised at her sudden question. He wasn't going to allow her the satisfaction however and quickly played it off as best as he could. "Why would I do that. I don't even know who you are" 

"What, I just told you my name. I'm practically your boss maybe" Kaira replied a little too loudly, but toned it down to not gain attention from any others in the building. "You just..finished insulting me-"

JR began speaking abruptly again, ignoring the rest of her sentence. "I heard American girls are okay with public PDA, Is that true?" Kaira frowned and didn't respond, which he believed as a confirmation. "All of you must be extreme exhibitionists"

"You jackass" Kaira yelled loudly. JR looked over his shoulder at her confused. Kaira chuckled to herself at his lack of knowledge. 1 point for Kaira, Jackass? 0 Jr's eyes narrowed at the smug look that now adorned her face. "That was an insult and you sound like an extreme " She wasn't threatened by his movements as she spoke. His eyes lowered and he had turned his whole body to face if daring her to continue. Kaira however was not one to back down from a challenge, especially when she knew she could win. So she continued now with sarcasm in her voice just to irritate him more. "Did you have your first kiss yet? Did you freak out holding a girls hand!?  Did you kiss in a dark spot in public to get a thrill?"

Kaira raised her eyebrows at the silence that took place afterwords, she opened to speak again but JR had placed a finger over her lips. Kaira's eyes narrowed and stared defiantly back at his own dark ones. JR stared back at her with a knowing smirk on his face.  you and your handsome smirk. "Shhh~" He winked at her. "I'm not going to tell you my track record" He raised both of his eyebrows before stepping back to get back into the position he was before.

"Oh no don't worry I already know, let me go through the list" Kaira  held out her hand for a few seconds before closing it. "DONE, the answer is zero"

"Whay are you so worried about what I do? We don'teven know eachother"

"Oh my g-"

This was going to be tougher than she thought.

What an . Kaira thought while walking down the familiar path towards Cabae Duream. It was around 5:10 now and her mind kept drifting back to the idiocy that ed up her schedule completely. She knew she was going to be at odds with him constantly, their personalities just clashed. ("Nobody wants to see your prepubescent body" "Please, this is the body of a god") 'Lord knows the amount of aspirin i'm going to have to take to combat the headaches he's going to give me. They're lucky this job is going to pay well.'

Kaira sighed before actually paying attention to her surroundings. "Where the hell am I going?" She stopped, looking over the other pedestrians before realizing she'd past Cabae Duream...and it was across the street. "God I really hate JR" She muttered to herself, before quickly back tracking and crossing the street without becoming road kill. She stopped in front of the cafe's window, making sure she looked okay. She hadn't tried to look overly glamorous...she didn't really need to. She was only meeting YG. 'YG with the perfectly deep voice, YG who's always hilarious, YG who takes pictures like a pro...of everything but himself.'

She stilled, hands messing with the edge of her yellow frilly tank top. What if he was just some 30 year old guy? His voice was deep! She'd never seen a picture of him, even though she'd sent a couple of her face occasionally. Whenever she asked about his 'selcas' if she remembered correctly, he always had some kind of excuse as to why he couldn't. 

Kaira's faced scrunched up before she stomped her foot and entered the cafe. If she was about to meet some weird old guy she was going to beat the ever loving crap out of him. 'If there was ever a time that I needed to wear heels it would be now.' Nothing hurts more than a 6 inch heel. She walked up to one of the cashiers and politely asked if someone named 'YG' had arrived. The cashier, a petite girl with large doe eyes smiled and nodded before pointing out towards the outer deck. "Ne, he's outside on your right. Don't worry about ordering anything he already took care of it" Kaira nodded, hesitant but made her way outside anyway.

The girl wouldn't send her to her own death right? Right? What was her name.... Eun Mi? 'Remembering that.'

She sighed, looking about the outside deck before slowly moving towards the far right. 'Nobody’s even over here!' More interestingly the right of the deck was secluded by the small garden there as well. "KAIRA" Kaira jumped before being immediately pulled into a bear hug. She squirmed highly uncomfortable. Whomever it was let her and go and Kaira quickly put distance between her and her assailant.

He was wearing a black hoodie, a red cap under said hoodie which covered up his hair ( if he has any ), his eyes weren't visible due to the sunglass he wore and his thin legs were covered with dark skinny jeans and he wore some expensive looking red and black sneakers. "What's with the whole....ensemble" She finally stated, still somewhat unsure if this was actually YG himself.

Said boy looked down at his apparel before looking back at her. "Hah what you don't like it? I tried to look nice for my girl"

Definitely YG.

"Riiiigghhht." Kaira started, slowly moving to sit down and calm her throbbing heart. She heard YG chuckle before sitting down across from her. It was then she noticed the slices of cake and some unnamed beverage in her tea cup. "I'm gonna need you to not do that ever again."

There was a short Mianhae from him, followed by a large intake from his water bottle. She scrutinized him from where she sat, disturbed by his need to cover up. "Take it off" YG stopped his chugging to look at her before smirking and nodding his head to say no. 

"No can do"

Kaira's eyes lowered even more before she reached across the small table to grab at his sunglass. "You're not going to be sitting here eating with me with that hoodie, hat and sunglasses on, it's freaking hot an-" YG had decided then to intervene and stop her from taking off his glasses but the action only hindered him...


Yongguk quickly reached across the table to cover . He looked around them feverishly to make sure nobody had heard the outburst and decided to investigate. Thank god this space is secluded. He looked back down to Kai who was now making various amounts of gesticulations and muffled words and shrieks, her mocha eyes seemed to go through different emotions at record speed. "Calm Down Kai" He tried to subdue her, another large outburst might cause a scene and he did not need that right now. Kaira frowned and stuck out her tongue his hand.

"Ah-" Yongguk jumped from the action, his head turned sharply back to give her a questioning look. "No need to set the mood. We can do that later-" Yongguk held in a laugh from her 'are you serious?' expression but continued on. "Yes, I know. I'm Bang Yongguk, yes I've been talking to you for a year. Yes, I am physically attracted to you" He shivered when she him again, her eyes giving him a warning. "Yes, I think you're an amazing person, but I need you to calm down okay. I'm an idol, I wore that get up to be inconspicuous, but if you start fangirling out loud someone's going to investigate and they're gonna bring people and so on and so on. Then our date would be ruined. Now, are you going to calm down for Oppa?"

Kaira nodded slowly, too entranced by his gummy smile and deep voice to give much of a fight anymore. Yongguk slowly albeit unsurely removed his hand from and sat back down in his seat across from her. He smirked when she started talking to herself. "What the Yongguk" She whispered so he could hear her. "I mean holy I've been talking to Yongingguk for a year, and now you're...SWEET JESUS"

Yongguk perked up at her semi-outburst, eyes giving her a warning"What?"

"Don't do that with your tongue"

"Do what with my tongue"

"And stop talking"

"but 'Bang Leadah' wants to talk to Kaira" He stated, pointing to himself and then to Kaira. Kaira seemed to jump from that and covered her heart before looking up at the sky. What exactly did he do-OH. 

"Ohmygod" He smirked, moving his lips to sing song her name. "Kai-ra~"


"Kaiirraaa~ You must like things"

"I'm going to throw this at your face"

"That just means you have to kiss my injuries" Kaira's face turned into a mild look of disbelief, Yongguk quickly took offense. He his lips and raised one eyebrow before questioning her once more."What you don't want to kiss me?"

Kaira sputtered over her words, something completely unnatural to her. "No. that's not what I-" She started, hating and loving the smug look on his face at the same time.

"Oh so you do want to-"


"Are you sure?'

"I'm gonna die before this day ends" Kaira sighed, putting her forehead in the palms of her hands. If she wasn't going to die from Yongguk being in her vicinity she was definitely going to die from all the angry Babies that would want her dead. She shivered at the thought of all the sasaeng fans, they were crazy already.

Yongguk smiled before shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly and stuffing a bit of his large piece of cake into his mouth. "Nah, babe you're gonna be fine. You've got me after all" Oh, talking with his mouth full. Oddly not a turn off right now. Oh that's right. He's Bang Yongguk, he doesn't have any turnoffs associated with him. Kaira moved her head so she could see his face. He looked adorable while he was eating. "How were you even able to meet me!?"

 Yongguk didn't hesitate to answer. "I told my manager I had business to attend to. The Dongsaengs wanted to come but I'm the only one with my own car so I bolted" Oh my god he's talking about B.A.P. Oh my god he has a car. Oh my god, he left them to meet me. Oh my god what is going on.

"You okay babe?" Yongguk asked Kai, concerned when she hadn't responded in a while. He blinked before speaking again. "I know it's a lot to take in. I figured it would be. I was actually going to wait until later to meet you but Jongup thought it was a good idea to get the initial shock over with already." Jongup only found out thru bribery though, he was a sneaky child. Yongguk half expected Himchan to find out first. Himchan was always into every aspect of his life. Though of course Himchan probably could've given him good advice. However, Jongup  was knowledgeable and Yongguk's point of view from the outside looking into the situation.

"For what?"

Yongguk moved to lounge in his chair, a look of ridicule on his face. He was offended but somewhat understood her questioning. "You don't think I'd actually meet you once and then never ask to meet you again?" Kaira nodded unsurely, surprised when he abruptly changed his posture in the chair. He was now leaning forward as much as he could without busting his own . She could see his moderately small eyes perfectly. "I've been talking to you for a year, I think we know eachother pretty well. You're one of my good friends, who's also drop dead gorgeous"

Kaira wasn't sure if the warm feeling that went from the pit of her stomach to the middle of her chest was because of the sun or just hearing Yongguk compliment her so freely. Truthfully the entirety of Kaira's brain wasn't with her at the moment and she was literally continuing this conversation with a light head as the rest of it had hit cloud 9 and hadn't returned. Her brown eyes focused on Yongguk's facial expressions as he talked, most of which she'd only seen on a computer screen. "-when I heard you were coming to Korea all I could think about was how much fun it'd be to spend time with you. I mean it's already fun talking to you over the phone but actually being with you in person is a completely different feeling"

He's really trying to kill me.  "Haha really?"

"Yea. I felt bad for not being able to send you a selca or something. You'd always send me these pretty selcas of you and I wanted to show what I looked like too but I'm an idol and you know." Yongguk gestured to himself before taking a swing from his own cup before speaking again. Kaira didn't mind him talking so much at all, his deep, gruff voice was even better in person. "I also didn't want to take a random picture of somebody else and send it to you." Yongguk did his signature growl, making Kaira smile. "but you know who I am now. A weight just lifted off my shoulders!" He laughed loudly.

Kaira stared at him as he wolfed down the rest of his cake. Yongguk loves to eat sweets. Remembering that. She vaguely went through a mental list of cakes she knew how to make in her head. Most of them are American though. Ah, whatever still sweets. A quick way to a man's heart is his stomach. She rubbed her cheeks before looking down at her own piece of cake, deliberating if she could actually stomach it after all the new developments. "I feel kind of special now" 

"You are" What? Did she say that out loud? She blinked and looked to him staring at his gummy smile and light blonde hair. He stared back, his smile never faltering. At some point both of their minds wandered and to anyone who happened to be looking at them it'd seem like they were both staring intently at eachother. "So, um" He snapped out of his trance, causing Kaira to come out of hers as well. Kaira immediately picked up her fork and put a piece of the cake in to stop herself from stuttering out loud. Yongguk cleared his throat, his hands moving to rub it. "How about you finish eating...and then I'll take you to somewhere fun, alright?"

"Oh no, you go ahead. I'll watch"

Kaira looked at him almost unsure before nodding and turning back to the arcade game before her. Yongguk looked away to survey the arcade, eyes just catching a slew of high school boys entering and conjugating. Some of them took interest to Kai, who was busy dancing to the beat to notice. His eyes narrowed but the sunglasses blocked their view. Walk Away, he urged them, but the group moved about, occupying a few games, some of them inching closer to get a good look at the 'foreigner' dancing.

He scowled before turning his attention back to Kai. He didn't like it, he didn't like it one bit. He had the sudden urge to tell Kaira to stop playing the game, but his head overruled his heart. There was nothing to worry about, they were just curious....most of them had never seen a black girl. After he had quelled his jealousy with good reason he finally focused on Kaira. She was so engrossed in the game that nothing else had caught her attention. She was actually doing pretty good, and her body movements were fluid. No wonder they wanted her to take that job so badly. She's amazing.

They'd been at a reclusive arcade called GAME CHAMP for a couple hours now. At first they'd gone to a remote area to walk and talk, and then drove around in his car and mostly talked about music. He found out she listened to Kpop, but also Rap and Hip Hop which made him smile ear to ear. Finally he had decided to take her to GAME CHAMP for some fun, as it was the best he could do without being found out. The time spent with her had made him feel like he’d spent the whole day like this, and Yongguk felt particularly happy and loving at the moment. The sound of the beat from the game Kaira was playing invaded his inner thoughts.

Kaira had finished the round, the game congratulating her and her showing her score. She'd gotten a new high score, which thoroughly impressed Yongguk. And also those little babos, he thought to himself. The high school boys were seemingly uninterested in the two but that was a facade. They were talking about how impressive that was...among other things. He snorted out loud, fixing his leaning posture to be more comfortable.

He turned his head back to Kaira just in time to catch her lean back, his eyes grew wider the father she went.

"How in the hell?"

Kaira straightened and looked over to him after his loud outburst. "What?" Her eyes looked around the arcade, seeing if anyone else had looked over due to his ridiculousness. She exhaled in relief until a group of boys seemed to be staring at her intently. High School uniforms. They must go to the same school as Junior Royal. "You're that flexible?" She looked to Yongguk at his words, smiling at his shocked expression. She nodded, and then shrugged showing that it wasn't that big of a deal. 

"Omo, that's y" Yongguk grinned at Kaira, who rolled her eyes and smiled. He quickly reached out his hand, motioning towards himself. "Deuleo Wa" Kaira gave him a weird expression, and Yongguk cursed inwardly to himself. She's not perfectly fluent, remember that. He tried again, "That means come here, it's an informal way so don't say that to people you don't know" He watched Kaira nod in understanding but she didn't budge, she only leaned over the railing separating the both of them and looked at him intently with her dark brown eyes .Aish, don't do that

"Jebal?" He tried, ears burning from the mash of Korean words the high school boys not too far from them were saying. Satisfied Kaira hopped down from the platform, the action exposing her flat stomach for a few vital seconds before being covered once again.

Yongguk never moved so fast in his entire life. 

He grabbed her hands pulling her closer to his body and then wrapped his arms around her waist. He faltered a little, She has a tiny waist...but her hips are wide. H"Yongguk?" He was pulled out of his inner stupor by Kaira's whisper, he looked at her questioningly and she held out both her hands as if saying 'What are you doing?' He chuckled tickling her waist, satisfied when she started squirming. 

Without warning he dipped her backwards and brought her back up again. He grinned widely as she came back up her hair half half-hazardly splayed on her face but her eyes glared at him. "Mianhae! I just wanted to see how far!" He sheltered himself from being hit by snuggling into her neck.

"YG, don't do that"

"Do what?"

"Didn't we already have this conversation?"

"Nope. Don't know what you're talking about"

"Re- AISH! Your sunglasses hurt!"

"Oh Mianhae!"

"Omo, I'm dealing with a babo"

"HEY."  His voice was somewhat loud, but that didn't deter Kaira at all. Her brows rose with amusement and Yongguk gave her a silly lopsided grin. "I'm a handsome babo, okay?" He puckered his lips after he spoke, and Kaira laughed putting her hand in front of his lips. "Whatever makes you happy~"

Yongguk's face turned into a pout, a look Kaira wouldn't imagine he'd ever make."That hurt" He moved his hand to point at his chest. "Right here. I deserve some consolation for that brutal sentence" Kaira had to stop herself from laughing; here was the strong and commanding leader of B.A.P, Bang Yongguk, sulking like a kicked puppy. Kaira let out a few laughs here and there but pulled herself together before she responded. "Like what?"

Yongguk's eyes narrowed and his mouth moved to form a smirk, Kaira's heartbeat sped up. Wow, that's She watched him lean in slowly and completely invade her personal space. She blinked as she stared into his dark eyes and barely heard his low husky voice. "Like this" He grabbed her chin and kissed her with a little more force than Kaira thought he would. She was too busy going through a million emotions to care at the moment. She quickly responded however and moved her arms around his neck as best she could. Kaira became frustrated with his Sunglasses and stopped Yongguk from kissing her ( "What're y-" ) She rolled her eyes before pulling his hoodie down even more so it secluded some of her face as well. She then took off his sunglasses and stuffed them in his hoodie pocket before going back into the same position she was in before. Yongguk smiled, and bumped their foreheads together lightly before taking her lips again. The kisses soon started to turn into a frenzy, Yongguk taking the lead entirely. His hands roamed her backside and waist as they did so and even at some point quickly pulled her closer to him so that there was no space between them. He felt Kai shiver and Yongguk smiled into the kiss.

Suddenly Yongguk felt a vibration in his pocket, he momentarily stopped his assault of kisses to reach into his pocket and look at his phone. 


Yongguk stared at the words on the screen, debating if he should answer it or not. He could answer it and be bombarded with questions...or he could just ignore it and kiss Kaira crazy until she forgot her own name. "You should answer that" He sighed at Kaira's judgment, but hit answer nonetheless and put it to his ear his other arm tightened around Kaira's waist.



Yongguk quickly moved the phone away from his ear, Himchan's shout would cause him to have hearing problems. Kaira laughed and Yongguk smiled before putting it close to his ear again.


"Places? Who was that I just heard laughing? DID YOU GO TO PICK UP GIRLS WITHOUT ME. YOU'RE A TERRIBLE HYUNG"

Yongguk raised his eyebrows and dropped them again at Kaira's expression.

" Hush! I'm in public, and you're embarrassing me."

Insert unintelligible grumbling.

"What is it? I'm busy!"

"Manager wants us back at the company. He says he has important information and he need ALL of us there."

"What!? I thought we had a day off!"

"He said it was last minute, but you need to hurry up and get over here"

"Aish....fine, hold on."

Yongguk looked to Kaira, who had been staring at him during the entire conversation. "What were you looking at?" Kaira smiled and poked his cheek, but didn't answer. Yongguk moved to kiss her on the lips before moving back. "Where do you live? I have to attend to some urgent business"

"Uhm...this complex not too far from Cabae Duream, if you drive me down there I could show you the way" Yongguk nodded, mentally noting that it wasn't too far from where they are



"Tell the manager I'll be there in about 20 minutes or so"


"Yep tops"

"What are you doing that takes 20 mi-"

Yongguk closed the phone nonchalantly, putting it in his back pocket before yawning. Kaira scrutinized him but he shrugged and held her closer before grabbing her hand and leading her out of GAME CHAMP.  He noticed the the teenage boys had moved outside together and they perked up once he and Kaira had exited. He sneered at them, an action Kaira missed before leading her to the passenger's side of the car and opening the door for her.

Kaira smiled before climbing in and shut the door. Yongguk's eyes were still trained on the boys before he went to the driver’s side and got in. He closed the door and started making himself comfortable before putting on his seatbelt and starting the car. The radio came to life and started playing a Korean song that neither of them were familiar with. 

"I don't think it's going to take you twenty minutes to drop me off at my apartment" Kaira started, her hands moved to change the radio stations. Yongguk smirked at took of his sunglasses and hood, the windows were tinted so he didn't have to worry about anything. Kaira's breath hitched again as she looked at him in all his glory. Who knew that she'd be in Bang Yongguk's car...with Bang Yongguk?

"I just said that to give me some breathing room. What? I can't kiss you crazy for another 10 minutes?"

"Who said I would allow you?"

Yongguk only chuckled to himself before asking for directions.

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter c: If you guys don't know who Junior Royal is. You're missing out. LOL. I hope you guys like he and Kaira's weird friendship. I wanted Kaira to have a male frenemy that wasn't associated with Yongguk or Zico, their relationship will move from enemies to somewhat friends over the course of the story, Sorry if you thought Yongguk was Junior Royal! JR's just a natural jerk to Kai, but Kai's got a quick wit and sharp I'm sure they can keep eachother in their place.

but don't worry you still got this

and at some point this comes into the picture,

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A new chapter~ It's 2 in the morning though- Enjoy c:


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Baebaegopa #1
I love the forward about to read Iin one setting leggo
LeeJinki-s #2
TheTallOne #3
Chapter 6: I have forgotten about this story, but I'm glad that you gave us a heads up. I am anticipating for the next chapter.
evearroz #4
Chapter 3: (Sorry for the mini spam) sweet Jesus this story is really amazing. Like I'm just laying here, chilling in my bed while FANGIRLING over the whole think. I've even come to a liking of B.A.P. Please go on!
evearroz #5
This poster is amazing! I also respect how you have darker girls in your characters. Most on here either have lighter women or mixed chicks. (Sometimes me but only so I can relate to it more haha.)
man1727 #6
This will be entertaining, waiting for the first chap, hopefully you will have it up soon
Chapter 6: In the meantime I'm gonna reread it ^_^
joonmonjagi #8
Chapter 4: I love this so much. Please update soon. Their relationship is so cute and I just adore byg's attitude *kiss*
Pappie #9
Chapter 4: so good! I love it please please please update soon... <3
ChocolateDoll #10
Chapter 4: Ooooo ^.^ this is getting goood~