Untitled RF...Part 1

Fireworks Inside My Mind

Sooooo, my laptop recently died....good things I had already saved all the stuff I had written in unpublished chapters, right? So, for now, they'll only be two parts of this story...though I hope to make it a three parter eventually, sometime on May when I no longer have to worry about college. Enjoy!/p>

Yuri walked into the dorm, and flopped down onto the couch. Five other tired girls came in seconds later, destroying the moment of silence that Yuri had been enjoying. She wasn’t sure if she really wanted silence to think, since she knew where it would end up…the source of her sleepless nights, the thing that had tormented her. It caused her brain to continually churn, and she was getting tired of it.


She sighed, and stopped staring off into space for a moment to look at the chatting girls who had walked in behind her.  Sooyoung and Yoona immediately walked to the fridge, and began to raid it. They had not eaten for five hours after all, and the two shikshins needed to be fed in order to keep everyone happy. No one wanted the two girls whining about how hungry they were for the rest of the night. Sunny walked up behind Sooyoung, and wrapped her small arms around Sooyoung’s narrow waist, laying her head on Sooyoung’s back.


“YAH, Shorty! You’re interfering with my ability to eat! How am I supposed to eat now with you clinging on to me like a koala?!” Sooyoung said, not turning around to speak to the girl behind her. Yuri, however, knew better. The shikshin had a grin on her face larger than her favorite monster banana split at the ice cream place down the street from their dorm.


“B-but Syoungie….I’m hungry too,” Sunny pouted, her voice filled with aegyo. Had anyone looked closer they would also notice the corners of Sunny’s mouth threatening to twitch up into a smile, her eyes shining as she waited for the inevitable. Yuri had to wait no more than one second for Soo to turn around and pull Sunny close into a hug, her head disappearing next to her ear. They were too far away for anyone to hear their conversation (well, except for Yoona…but she was busy being Shikshin #2 and was currently demolishing one of the tubs of ice cream that had been in their freezer).


She pulled her gaze away from the doe-eyed girl and back to the SooSun couple when she heard faint giggling. Their heads were mere inches apart and Yuri could just catch a glimpse of a smile on Sooyoung’s face. A smirk tugged at Yuri’s lips, as she could easily imagine what the two were talking about in hushed tones.


SooSun was undoubtedly the most open SoShi couple. Then again, when the only other couple was YoonHyun, it really wasn’t hard to gain said title as the two definitely made an effort to uphold their innocent image in front of their unnies. Yuri wasn’t sure if anyone else knew how NOT innocent the maknaes were…no matter what front they put up for everyone else. Although Yuri knew, she had found out by accident after returning to the dorm an hour earlier than expected to find the two in a very compromising position.


Yuri shuddered faintly, thinking about how her eyes had been burned and she’d refused to use the bathroom sink for a week after the incident. Six girls had looked at her with confused expressions on their faces, while two others had faint red tinges on their cheeks.


Yuri loved the two maknaes like her own kids though, openly embracing the Royal Family as Jessica, Yoona, and herself were dubbed. Plus, the fact that she was paired with Jessica played a big part in her acceptance. She knew Jessica would teasingly call Yoona her kid, and tell her to just go find TaeNy’s kid whenever Yoona got a wistful look in her eyes. Those two were almost inseparable when their schedules allowed.


She was thinking about all the stuff that she and Jessica could beat YoonHyun in, if only they were together, until Taeyeon’s voice broke through her thoughts.


“Hey, listen up!” She paused to allow the remaining members to give her their attention, turning last to Hyoyeon to make sure she was listening. Yuri watched as Taeyeon stared, her facial expression quickly changing from a neutral one to one of annoyance. Finally, Taeyeon walked over to Hyoyeon who had been grooving out to music on the couch and roughly pulled out Hyoyeon’s in-ear headphones, smirking as she watched the girl wince in pain.


“Sorry, couldn’t hear that you wanted a mini-group meeting Taengoo,” she mumbled with a sheepish grin on her face.


“It’s okay Hyo,” Taeyeon continued, still smirking, “Just think of it as punishment for that prank you pulled on Fany last week.” She sat down next to Hyoyeon on the couch, and addressing the entire group again.


“So JeTiHyun’s radio interview is coming up in a few minutes, and I just thought it be fun to listen to their interview together. What do you guys think?”


“But Sunny was going to let me play this cooking game on her Nintendo D…..”


“Syoungie, you’re so cute! But you can play that anytime! We need to support Fany, Sica, and Maknae!”


“Okay, Taengoo. We can listen to them. Maybe they’ll reveal stuff I can use against them later,” Hyoyeon cackled.


“Hyoyeonie, you shouldn’t use that kind of information to trick them!”


“YAH! Hyoyeon unnie, you better not pull one on my maknae!”


“Or my Fany! Anyway, you just pranked her. Give her a break!”


“Hmph, fine! I guess I could always just prank Sica then…”


The room fell silent as they stared at Hyoyeon, then whipped their heads to look at Yuri’s reaction, only to find her smirking.


“YAH! Shouldn’t you be defending Sica right about now, Yuri?” Hyo asked, her face scrunched up in confusion.


Yuri’s smirk never faltered as she replied back. “Why, Choding? Everyone knows what happens when you prank Sica.”


“Unnies, it’s starting!” Yoona, who had left the conversation to turn on the radio, shushed them. Hyoyeon begrudgingly shut , irritated that she hadn’t had the chance to defend herself.


Yuri POV

Hah, poor Hyo…but I’m right. Sica would get revenge on Hyo easily, and Hyo would never see it coming. Oh, Sica’s voice always sounds so amazing on radio shows, but she never talks that much. I wonder what exactly she thinks about during those shows where she’s really quiet. If only I could see what she’s thinking, I’d be able to stop worrying all the time….


I sighed. This train of thought was getting me nowhere fast. It just always had to end up back to Sica, which normally didn’t bother me. But now, with JeTiHyun out promoting again, I wasn’t able to get my daily dose of Sica.


‘Stupid SM! They just had to go try to promote JeTiHyun again.’


Don’t get me wrong though. I’m not mad that Fany, Sica, and Juhyun got their own little group. In fact, I love it because I can just chill and listen to Sica’s angelic singing voice, without having to focus on my own part in the song. No, what really had caused me to be in this mood was that SM had also decided to promote JeTi again…and that means that I won’t be able to hold her hand as they went from schedule to schedule, because that hand would be occupied by Fany’s…


Sighing again, I looked over to Taeng. ‘I seem to be sighing a lot lately,’ I thought with a wry smile on my lips as I studied our kid leader. She was almost laying full out on the couch by this time in the radio show, her eyes shining as she listened to Fany. That girl had it bad for our little American loudmouth, and until the JeTi promotions had resumed, it had seemed like the affection was mutual. In fact, their attraction was definitely obvious to everyone….except to the two in question. Their obliviousness to each other’s feelings left Yuri feeling like she wanted to scream and just lock them in a room together to sort out their feelings.


‘Ah, Yuri, just enjoy the radio show. There’s no need to over think anything right now. Just enjoy it. You can do it, Yuri. Fighting!’




Normal POV

“Goodbye! Thank you for having us on the show!” Three tired girls exited the building and climbed into their waiting van. One looked like she was about to fall asleep, while the other two sat with smiles adorning their faces. Satisfied with their radio performance, the three chatted quietly on their way back to their dorm.


“So Juhyun, how are you and my little Yoong doing?” Jessica, although she was extremely sleepy, couldn’t resist the opportunity to tease the youngest member. Hearing Yoona’s name caused the youngest to blush faintly, although her smile grew larger.


“Unnie, you know we’re doing well. After all, you see us together all the time.”


“Awww, listen to my baby, Jessi! She sounds so grown-up. She’s so right though; it’s kind of obvious how they’re doing. What we should be talking about is Operation Jealous TaeRi….mainly how it’s not working so far. Trying to make them jealous using JeTi isn’t working! They know we’re close like sisters, Jessi. There’s no way they’d get jealous over that.” Tiffany’s face dropped her famed eye smile in favor of an adorable pout.


‘Aish, this girl…,’ Jessica thought, ‘Sometimes she’s too cute for her own good.’


“Listen Tiff, if Taeng really likes you, she’ll get jealous no matter what. It’s the fact that someone else has been getting your attention. She’s probably sitting there worrying about how she can try to win your affection back.” Sica sat back against her seat and closed her eyes. “This is supposed to work right? I mean, it works in all the books I’ve read,” Jessica though out loud.


“…Unnies, I’ve said it before, but I really don’t think it’s going to work out like Sica unnie’s book. You should just go talk to Tae umma, Fany umma.”


Tiffany’s smile, which had been brought back by Jessica’s words, faltered at Seohyun’s. “Juhyun, that may be the case, but we already went through with Jessi’s plan, so it has to work.” After Tiffany’s words, silence reigned in the van, each contemplating how things could work out. Each was so lost in their own thoughts that they failed to notice their van slow to a stop and the engine cut off.


“Girls, we’re back at the dorm. I’ll just walk you three to the elevator, and then be on my way. Oh, and remember, you don’t have any schedules tomorrow, but don’t stay up too late. You should catch up on your sleep.” Their manager’s voice drifted to the back of the van, startling the dazed girls out of their thoughts, and the trio climbed out onto the sidewalk. After quickly ensuring the van was locked, their manager quickly ushered them through the lobby doors of their building, nodding briefly at the doorman sitting in the lobby before making his way to the elevator and pushing the call button. Once the doors opened, Seohyun pulled Jessica in behind her, leaving one hand to block the door from closing while Tiffany briefly turned to their manager.


“Thanks Oppa,” she said quietly, shooting a small, sincere smile in his direction before entering the elevator. Seohyun, in her fatigued state, could only manage to nod before the doors closed. She glanced briefly down at Jessica, who would have appeared to be asleep if it wasn’t for the fact that her eyes were still open. She swore that her unnie had learned to sleep with her eyes open, like her Tae umma, so that the other members would stop teasing her to wake up.


The elevator doors opened once again, and they shuffled to their dorm door. Fany pulled her keys from her jacket pocket and greeted her other members as they stepped over the threshold.




“We’re back,” a loud, cheerful voice boomed out as the door was opening. Tiffany rushed in, followed by Seohyun, who kicked the door shut, all while supporting a sleepy Jessica.


“Fany Fany Tiffany!!!” Taeyeon jumped up and practically sprinted to the smiling mushroom before skidding to a stop in front of her. “How was the radio appearance?”


“Oh, it was amazing, TaeTae! There was so much pink! And they had a stuffed Totoro too! I thought I was going die from happiness!” Tiffany directed her usual megawatt smile at the kid leader, while Yuri walked over to relieve the maknae, who was supporting Jessica’s dead weight.


‘Aish, the things I do for you, you sleeping princess. Aigoo, how much can this skinny kid really weigh? It feels like I’m carrying Shinyoung unnie.’


Yuri managed to drag the Ice Princess over to the couch and set Jessica’s dead weight down on it, before dropping her own body down next to the sleeping girl. The older girl shifted in her sleep and curled her body towards the source of warmth next to her, snuggling against the tanned body.


“Thank you for being such a good pillow, Yuri. You’re very comfy,” Jessica giggled against Yuri’s shoulder. The tanned girl felt tingles run through her, and her stomach twisted at the sensation.


“Hello, I’m So Nyuh Shi Dae’s Yuri, in charge of being Sica’s human pillow.” She joked, trying to lighten the serious atmosphere surrounding the two. Jessica giggled again at Yuri’s humor, but the two fell into a comfortable silence. It was only disturbed by a ruckus in the hallway.


Jessica raised her head off Yuri’s shoulder and huffed at the noise. “Well, there goes my rest. C’mon, let’s go see what’s going on.” Jessica heaved herself off the couch, and stretched her arms and back while waiting for her companion to get off the couch. ‘Ha, if only her Gorjess spazzers could see how utterly graceful Jessica is most of the time,’ Yuri thought, smirking at her sarcasm. She followed Jessica’s lead, and grabbed the girl’s hand to pull her toward the noise. They turned the corner to find Yoona, Seohyun, Sooyoung, and Sunny standing around Hyoyeon and Taeyeon while Tiffany looked on from her doorway.  


“Hyo, there’s nothing to talk about. I don’t know what you’re going on about, and I have no other feelings. So can we please just drop the subject.” Taeyeon moved to turn away from Hyoyeon, as the other girl stood still, a disbelieving expression on her face. She snapped closed, and moved towards Taeyeon’s turned back.


Remember how earlier, Yuri mentioned how she wanted to lock those two in a room together? Well Hyoyeon beat her to it, grabbing Taeyeon and pushing her into Tiffany, so that they fell into Tiffany’s single room, propping the door shut with a chair. “Until you two settle things, we’re not letting you out. Aish, really, you two beat around the bush worse than Sica and Yuri.” Satisfied with her handiwork, Hyoyeon grabbed her iPod and headphones and walked into her shared room.


Yuri turned towards Jessica with a shocked expression on her face. Sica was looking everywhere except Yuri’s face, her cheeks a deep red. Yuri grinned, ‘Aww, embarrassed Sica…must save mental picture.’


“Ummm, I…I’m tired, s…so I…I’m just go…going to go to sleep. Uh, night!” Jessica stuttered out. Her head still down, she her heel to hurry to her bedroom. Yuri snapped out of her trance and hastily following Jessica to her room, quickly wedging her slim body between the door and the doorframe, effectively propping the door open.


Jessica’s eyes snapped up to look at the intruder, growing round when she identified the person who had foiled her escape from the conversation. A soft, husky voice floated into her ears, the gentle tone doing little to soothe her now hyperaware nervous system.

“Sica… I think we should have a long overdue talk…”



AN: In case you don’t know, getting your in-ear headphones pulled out of your ears really hurts. Lol, I tend to do it to myself all the time when I’m dancing to my iPod. Trust me, it’s not fun.


For some reason, it seems right to me that when Fany and Sica are talking to each other, that they use Tiff and Jess/Jessi. Maybe it’s because I envision them having secret English conversations when they’re alone, lol, but that’s how I see it. Likewise, I think it’d be weird if any of the others called them Tiff or Jessi, instead of Fany and Sica.


Also, I’m thinking about making this a two to four shot, lol. It really depends on how much motivation I have to write and if I feel I can squeeze both YulSic and TaeNy’s conversations into one chapter. Let me know how it is honestly…I’m good at making up stories, but sometimes the connection between brain and writing it down coherently doesn’t always come out the way I want it to. But really, the choice to comment or not is up to you, I don’t really care….since I’m guilty of silent reading sometimes…until next time dear readers! (if I have any that is, lol)

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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 1: o.O that song would never mean the same to my ears. xD
Chapter 6: TaeNy, YulSic, SooSun, YoonHyun my favorites couples
Chapter 2: The fireworks story was so perfect! Aaah! SooSun couple is my favorite :)
chyan01 #4
Chapter 6: Omo !!! You made this chapter specially because of me ?? Teary eyes.......
I'm so touched !!! Thank you very much my friend. Bear hug you.....

Okay, now about the story itself.......
Lol....can you believe it ? At first I didn't understand about 50 shades of Grey genre, and just guess about it. I must googled about it, and I can't stop laughing when I understood about it's genre!
Nice story here, Bear! I love it very much.

Psst,....If you can......can you make Taeny shots (they are my second OTP after YoonHyun), and ofc more YoonHyun's. But it's up to you Bear, I will still enjoy your writing. Hwaiting, and once more thank you very very much! ^_^
Chapter 6: awwww Seohyun is adorbs!
graycross #6
Chapter 6: omg seohyun-ah, I couldn't even stand that book hahaha XD
Chapter 6: woah!! more YoonHyun!!!!
lilkjungie #8
Chapter 6: woahh seohyun?! for real?
updae soon..
soonyu #9
Chapter 6: hiii long time ah?! :D
O.O O M G i cant close my mouth SEO..... WOW
yoonhyun rocks *\^_^/* up soon ^.^