Crimson Letters

Crimson Letters


              “You’re really determined to find out who he is, aren’t you?” Ryeowook asked, as he picked up the manuscript from the floor. Jongwoon stopped sorting out the pages and looked at his colleague cynically.

                “How do you know that the person who gave me these letters and that awful box of chocolates is a guy?”

                Ryeowook’s eyes widened for a brief moment. He wanted to slap himself for being idiotic and letting out such confidential information. He breathed a sigh of relief when he heard his name called out by their superior. He immediately excused himself and dashed towards him.  Apparently, Jongwoon’s interrogating gaze was much more intimidating than his boss’.

                Jongwoon shook his head. He could ask his colleague later again, after he finished editing the manuscript. Luckily, he got some very useful information. His stalker turned out to be a guy, not that he mind, but he isn’t gay.

                He finished sorting out the manuscript. He reminds himself to thank the author later for placing numbers at the back of every page. He sits down comfortably on his chair and gingerly inserts his earphones in his ears. Nobody would dare disturb him now.

                He didn’t notice he was working overtime because he was too absorbed with his editing. The aroma of coffee filling his nostrils broke his concentration. There it was, standing idly on the corner of the table. Some of his files were mysteriously moved in case the coffee would spill over.

                He turned his head towards the door and saw a retreating figure. He smiled to himself and picked up the coffee—silently thanking the generous colleague.        

The next day, he found another letter with a cup of coffee coming from the coffee shop he frequents. He looked around suspiciously, but everyone was too occupied with their own business. He opened the letter and read it quietly.

.: | :.

                He raised an eyebrow at the small note. Somehow, it sounded extremely familiar. But he didn’t felt like ransacking his brain any longer so he decided to think about it later—when he has time, that is.

                A tall nerd-looking guy entered the room. Jongwoon chose to ignore him, even though he found it unusual that he noticed someone other than Ryeowook. Ryeowook is not really his friend to begin with, but being the persistent brat that he is, he didn’t have any other choice but to give in and befriend him.  

                Speaking of Ryeowook, he had to ask the other a question—well a bunch of questions, actually. He sat on his chair and waited for the man to come. He looked at his table and saw the unfinished manuscript.

                With his earphones stuck in his ears, he started working on it again. He wanted to finish it as soon as possible, so the author would have enough time to finish the book and have it published. He was one of the best editors in the industry, meaning he had to deal with a lot of manuscripts every year—not that he minds. However, he became very stressed to finish everything on time—one of the main reasons why he became socially awkward.

                He was lost once again in his own world; he didn’t notice it was lunch time until someone accidentally bumped into his desk. Some of the papers scattered on the floor.

                “I’m sorry. I- uh… Ouch, that really hurts,” The man mumbled. Jongwoon raised an eyebrow in confusion. He wanted to ask the man what he was doing in front of his table but he remained silent.

                “I should go, I think. Oh and uhm, its l-lunch t-time. I just thought you should know since R-Ryeowook i-is out. Yeah… Bye,” The man limped away. Jongwoon assumed he went the wrong way because the door was on the other side. He smiled a little when he saw how the man muttered some words he couldn’t comprehend while slapping himself lightly.

                Jongwoon stood up. He needed to go to the bathroom—badly. He gingerly removed his earphones and placed it on top of the manuscript. Silently, he crept his way towards the bathroom. He felt his stomach stir and it made him flinch. Not again.

                Upon his return, he found a new letter with the same crimson color above on what looked like a lunch box. He opened the letter which made him raise an eyebrow.

                He eyed the lunch box suspiciously. He wasn’t the type of person to just accept things; except for coffee, even Ryeowook knows that. Coffee makes his day and by just the smell of it, he can tell if its quality is good or not.

                He lifted the lunchbox carefully as if it was contaminated with something. He inspected it, turned it around a couple of times before he cautiously opened it. It doesn’t look like it’s poisoned or anything like that. It was simply a lunch box full of food which he recognized as the ones he ate the other day. His stalker is making progress. Sadly, the food isn’t really his favorite.

                ‘Wait! Who am I to complain when I’m not gonna eat it?’

                “Wow! You brought lunch today? That’s new,” A red-haired man remarked. Jongwoon offered some of the food to the feminine looking man who happily took a roll of egg and complimented how tasty it was.

                “You cooked this? When did you learn how to do that? Or maybe, your stalker gave this to you?” The man added as he picked up the red letter and read it silently. “This guy is really smart. He’s not using his own handwriting nor writing anything that might give him away. He also gives you these letters at the most inconvenient times. I wonder who, among your colleagues, gave you this.”

                “I never mentioned that my stalker is a guy,” Jongwoon said nonchalantly, while sitting down. He watched as the effeminate male covered his mouth, muttered profanities and then face-palmed himself.

                “Heechul, what are you and Ryeong hiding from me? You’ve been my best friend for God knows how long. You know you can’t hide anything from me,” Jongwoon demurred. He eyed his friend skeptically with his chin resting on his intertwined hands.

                Heechul fidgeted a bit and then smirked. “You like solving riddles and what-not. I don’t get why you chose to be an editor instead of a writer when you clearly have potential.”

                “Being a writer is a hassle for me. I don’t like being pressed, especially when I can’t think of what would happen next. You know how I love perfection, and, as a writer, editors would rush me, which ends up with me being pissed off and editors running away. Why in the world did you have to bring that up?” Jongwoon dropped both of his hands and then reached for the lunch box and a pair of chopsticks. Surprisingly, the meal was delicious. It was a known fact that Kim Jongwoon never, and I mean never praises anyone. Not even the writers he works with.

                “Delicious?” Heechul asked with a sly grin.

                “Yea, surprisingly it is. It’s better than my own cooking.”

                “Your cooking and you know that. You’re not really complimenting whoever gave this to you, huh?”

                “Actually, I really am. It’s much better than your and Ryeong’s cooking combined—not that I’m complimenting you. If this guy will always feed me, I’ll be the happiest man alive,” the male said, as he consumed everything like a small hungry kid. The effeminate man handed him a napkin with an amused grin.

                “Sometimes I forget that you’re still a kid with your attitude,” The red-haired male said solemnly, as he ruffled through Jongwoon’s hair. “You should go find yourself a house wife if you want to eat delicious food daily.”

                “I never intended to be an anti-social, you know that. And stop treating me like a kid. I’m already 27, for Christ’s sake,” he whined, making the red-head laugh.

                “You haven’t answered my question yet.”

                The red-haired male looked at his non-existent watch while blabbering, “Well, look at the time. I should be going now. Bye, Jongwoon! Oh, and you should really eat more! You’re making your gastro-something worse. And stop with the coffee, please!” With that, Heechul disappeared, leaving Jongwoon alone with a stack of papers and a finished lunch box.

                “How many times do I have to remind him that it’s most commonly known as Acid Reflux? Geez.”

.: | :.

                The next day, Jongwoon found another note, but this time it came together with a bottle of water. He wondered what happened to the usual cup of coffee he always received. Aside from those, there’s also a box, a small one.

                ‘Did this guy eavesdropped on my conversation with Heechul? Creepy’, Jongwoon thought. He re-read the whole message again and shuddered at the thought.

                He opened the box and was surprised to see everything that was mentioned in there. Somehow, he felt happy knowing his stalker (he’s considered a stalker now instead of an admirer) really cared about him more than he initially thought. He used to be embarrassed, knowing that he has a stalker, but now he thought otherwise. Maybe this guy, as given away by both of his friends, really likes him and cares about him. He sat down and took the pills in his hands. 

                ‘Maybe he’s not a bad guy’, he thought, as he gulped down the pills and started working on the manuscript once again. Why the author kept sending the manuscript in hard copies is beyond him. They’re already living in the 21st century, people use e-mails nowadays.

                He lost all of his concentration with editing and he let his eyes wander over the mess on his desk. His gaze lingered on the particular letter which was left unnoticed. He opened his drawer and took out all the letters he’d received so far—most just stated the undying love his stalker had for him. He re-read one particular letter, the one with the poem. The poem struck a nerve to him. It was sweet and had to be reserved for his eyes only. Sadly, Ryeowook read for the whole department to hear. His stalker must’ve been embarrassed then.

                He was happy to know that someone likes him enough to actually care for him. It had been a long time since he had felt that way and it scares him to no end. He knew he’d be making a mistake by thinking that maybe, this guy was different—different than the last one. The last time he was in a relationship, he was left broken and unwanted. Because of that episode in his life, he had sworn to never to fall in love again. But then again, things change.

                He placed his hand on his stomach and wondered why it doesn’t hurt. Usually, around this time, it would be too painful for him to even move—another reason why he isolated himself in his own little corner. If the pain was too much, he would increase the volume of the music he was listening to and wait till the pain subsides. It wasn’t always effective, that’s why Ryeowook and Heechul check up on him most of the time.

                ‘Who knew PPIs are effective and longer lasting? I should thank that guy for giving me this’, he thought, as he took a sticky note and scribbled some words before going out to find Heechul. Why Heechul, he has yet to find out. 

.: | :.

                “Has there been some kind of apocalypse I didn’t know of?” Heechul asked, eyeing Jongwoon who quietly sat on his office couch.

                “I don’t remember hearing any apocalypse of some sort. Why do you ask?” Jongwoon retorted with a scowl. To say he was annoyed was an understatement. He hated it when people exaggerated things when he does something completely out of the ordinary, which in fact was just normal for other people to do. He wasn’t different, or so he thought.

                Heechul stopped whatever he was doing and stared at his friend. “You do realize that you’re here, right? I mean, for the past 5 years that you’ve been working here in this company, this is the first time you went to another place aside from the bathroom and your work place.”

                “I go to the cafeteria too, sometimes,” Jongwoon mumbled the last word, which unfortunately didn’t go unheard by the effeminate man but the latter decided to ignore it. Jongwoon rested his head back on the couch and stared blankly at the ceiling.

                Heechul walked towards his friend and sat down beside him, copying his position. They sat still and in silence which bothered Heechul more than normal. Unless he was working, he dislikes silences, no matter how comfortable it was.

                “What brings you here?” Heechul asked.

                Jongwoon took a deep breath and placed his left palm on his stomach. “It doesn’t hurt.”

                “What doesn’t?”

                “My stomach. It doesn’t hurt that much anymore. That guy gave me some medicine called PPI and I took it.”

                Heechul sat up and stared at Jongwoon wide-eyed. “You took medication? And it came from a stranger? Are you insane? You don’t even trust doctors, Jongwoon! What makes you think this guy isn’t poisoning you?!”

                The man in question averted his eyes from the ceiling and stared at Heechul with unreadable eyes. He didn’t know why he did what he had done, but he didn’t care. He pulled the man closer and rested his head on his shoulder.

                “Hyung, I’m tired. Can I sleep for a bit?”

                Heechul didn’t answer. Instead, he shifted their positions so that the younger male would be comfortable in his sleep. “You act so mature all the time that I forget you’re young—younger than me. I also tend to forget that you don’t call me ‘Hyung’, you disrespectful bastard!” He exclaimed in a loud whisper. He heard the younger male sigh, a sign that he was in asleep. He kissed his dongsaeng’s forehead before he, too, closed his eyes.

.: | :.

                Jongwoon returned to his desk after he and Heechul got scolded by Shindong. He’s very strict when it comes to Jongwoon, because he’s the biggest money maker they have. What annoyed Jongwoon the most is that Shindong isn’t even the head of the department, he is just a manager. 

                He sat down and banged his head on the table surface. It was the first in a long time that he was able to have a comfortable sleep, but Shindong just had to be an and disturb his peaceful slumber. A cough snapped him out of his musing (more like cursing). He turned around and found the guy who bumped into his desk yesterday handing him over some papers.

                “Y-you d-dropped th-this.” The man stuttered, which Jongwoon found both amusing and absolutely cute. He stared at the papers in the other’s hands with a raised eyebrow. Then he took the papers with a smile.

                “Thank you, uhm…?”

                “K-Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun.”

                “Thank you, Kyuhyun.”

                He turned around again with a smile, completely missing the flushed expression the other male had. He looked around his table and saw 2 red letters on his desk. He opened it excitedly, though he would never admit that to himself. The first had some weird passage or maybe even a riddle? He doesn’t know.

                 “You surely are in my thoughts these past few days. I wonder who you are,” he mumbled to himself as he opened the next letter.

                To say he was disappointed was an understatement, but what was he to do? He can’t just force him… or maybe he can? He could IF he has a lot of free time on his hands, which rarely happens all thanks to…

                “Jongwoon! I need that manuscript now! Siwon’s coming over later to collect it!” Shindong shouted from across the room. He rolled his eyes as he picked up the manuscript and continued his editing—lunch was long forgotten.

                Siwon was by far the most annoying author he’d ever had to deal with. He would write the most mediocre things—clichéd plots or sometimes even unrealistic stories that are way beyond believable. His writing style, though good, couldn’t par with other successful authors. What annoys him the most is the fact that whatever that guy wrote, it would eventually become a best-seller.

                Readers nowadays, he scoffed at the thought. Jongwoon was the best in his field and any book that he edited would definitely become a best-seller. He didn’t know that he was just being used by both Siwon and Shindong.

                He did work on the manuscript non-stop that day, ignoring Heechul’s attempts to make him eat. He also didn’t notice that 4 hours had already passed and that he’s working over-time once again.

                He stretched his arms as he finally finished the manuscript he’d been working on. The whole thing was covered with red ink while one page had a big ‘X’ marked on it. He looked around in the building and got angry at Shindong for lying to him. Siwon never came; he never intended to come in the first place.

                Jongwoon slammed his fist on the table and rested his head as anger filled him up and tears formed in his eyes. Usually when he’s angry, he can’t help the tears from falling. And with the knowledge that he’s alone right now, he let his tears fall freely. He even sobbed loudly and he kept pounding his fist on the table.

                He was tired and sick of being bossed around like he was some piece of . Yes, he knew that, because of him, the company has been doing really well. But some people are too greedy when it comes to appraisals coming from the higher ups, that they would do anything to get power—not caring about other people who’ll be affected. Everyone in their department kept complaining about Shindong’s inequality, but the department’s head hears nothing about it. Jongwoon wanted, oh so desperately, wanted to complain, but he knew it would be in vain.

                A few more minutes of sobbing and he willed himself to stop. He knew nothing good came from crying, but it’s still a good stress-reliever. He wiped his tears and sat up, only to find the lunch box he had forgotten, together with yet another letter placed neatly on top of it. He scanned the room but found no one. His stomach grumbled, so he reached for the lunch box and started eating.

                The lunch box consisted of brown rice, asparagus, and a lot of fish varieties like salmon, anchovies (of which he’s not really fond of) and tilapia. It also contained broccoli and carrots plus chicken . The meal looked delicious, but he wondered how he was supposed to eat all of this. He’s doesn’t eat that much because his stomach would produce a lot of acid or something and it would definitely backfire on him (he didn’t really listen to what the doctor said, though).

                He decided to eat as much as what he is capable of, and to take the rest back home with him to eat for breakfast. He sighed contentedly after the first bite. It was cold, yes, but it still tasted delicious. Even though he was hungry, he could only eat half of the meal before he felt pain appearing in his stomach again. He searched for the PPIs he was given and took them. He sighed again and waited for the pain to reduce.  He drank more water and leaned his head on the back of his chair with his eyes closed. He then remembered the mysterious guy who gave him coffee one night. Maybe, just maybe he was the same person as the person who is now giving him these letters? He wondered why he thought of it that way. Desperation? Or maybe even loneliness? He shook his head. He doesn’t even know who that person is. That guy probably is in his mid-thirties or worse, he’s married.

                He opened his eyes and reached for the still unopened letter. He smiled—a genuine smile escaped his lips as he read the whole written note. It wasn’t much but it was enough to lighten his mood. He placed the letter in his drawer, grabbed his things including the lunch box and headed home.


.: | :.

               Today is the third day Ryeowook has mysteriously vanished. Since Jongwoon couldn’t get the answers he wanted from Heechul, maybe Ryeowook would be kind enough to tell him who his stalker is. There was a question that had been lingering in his mind since last night. If he were to find out who that person is, what would his reaction be?

                “I think you’re not that scared of Shindong anymore, considering the fact that you’re once again here in my office, lounging on my couch like someone who doesn’t have much work to do,” Heechul stated without even looking up. If you’re wondering what his job is, well, let’s just say he just wanted experience before taking his place as the owner. Shindong doesn’t know about that however, so he bosses Heechul around.

                “I have a question, hyung.”

                Heechul stopped writing and looked up towards Jongwoon, whose eyes were fixated on the ceiling. “Am I in love?”

                “That depends. Do you still think about Jessica? ”

.: | :.

                Jessica? Jessica was his girlfriend of two years. She was beautiful—enchanting, enthralling, more like a goddess. He more or less worshipped her in a way that he overlooked her wickedness. Long story short, he was blinded by her beauty and her acting. Heechul had warned him about her but he didn’t listen.

                One evening, he returned to their shared apartment earlier than usual and saw her with another man— and in bed. They were having and even though she saw him enter the room, she didn’t stop. Instead, she moaned louder and smirked at Jongwoon.

                Jongwoon stood frozen. He wanted to run away but he was rooted to the ground. He cried; no, he wailed as the lovers in bed ed. After they were done, Jessica walked towards him in her glory with a smile.

                “Why are you crying Jongwoon?” She asked while wiping his tears with her thumbs.

                “Y-you a-and t-that m-ma-man! W-why?”

                Jessica turned slightly to catch a glimpse of the man on the bed. The latter smirked but didn’t say anything. “Oh, you were watching? I didn’t know you were .”

                Jongwoon continued to cry while the man sniggered. “Why?” He asked breathlessly.

                “What do you mean why? Why I’ve been sleeping with him?” Jessica asked in a mocking tone. “Oh I don’t know, maybe because he’s my husband.”

                Jongwoon’s tears stopped as his eyes widened in shock. “W-what?”

                “You heard me. He’s my husband. I only dated you because you have a stable job and you’re famous. You buy me everything I want; I give you the attention you needed. It’s a win-win situation for the both of us.

                “You !”

                Jongwoon heard a slap but he was too dazed to even notice. He felt betrayed and crushed. Why was he so blind not to notice her infidelity? Everything was a blur to him. He heard screaming and cracking and glass breaking but he was too hurt to care. Tears fell freely from his eyes as he stared at the bed—the bed he used to share wonderful moments with Jessica.

                By the time he was snapped out of his reverie, Heechul pulled him away. The last time he saw Jessica, she had a big red mark on her cheek.

                “Hyung,” Jongwoon breathed as they reached Heechul’s house.

                Heechul didn’t answer though his grip on the steering wheel tightened. He was too angry at Jessica and he was afraid he might vent his anger out on Jongwoon if he opened his mouth. The man had enough of the pain. He knew of the infidelity but the younger male didn’t believe him so he let them be but he warned Jessica that if Jongwoon finds out, she were to leave without a word. If Jongwoon didn’t accidentally call him, he wouldn’t know what would happen.  It was a good thing he was still around the neighborhood then.

                “I’m sorry hyung. I’m sorry for being stupid. I’m sorry for being blind. I’m sorry for not listening. I’m sorry for-“

                Jongwoon wanted to say a lot more but he was cut off when Heechul hugged him tightly and caressed his back.  The older male cooed him, tears evident in his eyes. They stayed like that till Jongwoon fell asleep.

.: | :.

                “Lately? No,” Jongwoon answered in a monotone. Heechul raised an eyebrow at how lifeless the younger male answered. “Is that a problem? I’ve been thinking of my stalker more than usual. I even dreamed about him last night.”

                Heechul smiled. “What else have you noticed to be unusual lately?”

                To say that Heechul was happy was an understatement. He was ecstatic. Finally, Jongwoon let go of his past. Maybe helping that guy wasn’t a bad idea after all. But of course, Heechul didn’t forget to warn the young male that if he ever hurt Jongwoon, he’ll crush him into pieces.

                “I smiled. Hyung, I smiled at the letter where he said he loves me. He did that countless of times before but that was the only time I smiled at a letter. I’ve been anticipating the letters more and more. Am I in love with him, hyung? I need to know so that when I finally meet him, I can answer him.”

                Silence filled the air. After a few moments, Jongwoon turned his head towards the older male who was just smiling at him. “You already know the answer.  Now leave! I have lots of things to do.”

                Jongwoon smiled as well, as he stood up. “Hey, have you seen Ryeowook?”

                “Vacation. He should be back by now,” the older male answered before averting his attention back on his papers.  Jongwoon left the room quietly.

                He made a bee line towards his chair. He wasn’t feeling good ever since he got home last night. He got drenched by the rain and due to exhaustion, he had forgotten to wash himself and had immediately fallen asleep on the couch.

                He reached for the tissue box and sneezed. He’s going to need to call in sick if this persists. He sneezed again before reaching for the red letter.

                “The only mistake you ever made is hiding your identity from me,” He scoffed, and then sneezed. He was feeling drowsy so he stood up and decided to go to the infirmary. It got delayed though, because Ryeowook chose this exact time to finally show up.

                “Hey, Ryeong. Where have you been and why are you tanned?”

                “Beach. It was for uhm… business trip. Yeah! A business trip. So, uhm… how are you?” Ryeowook stuttered.

                “You never were a good liar. I want to ask you a lot of questions, but my situation right now forbids me. I’m heading towards the infirmary. If anyone needs me, tell them I’m dead,” Jongwoon said as a tingling feeling made its way his nose once more. He didn’t wait for the smaller male to reply as he headed towards the door, but once again he was delayed.

                “Where do you think you’re going, Jongwoon? Where’s the manuscript?” Shindong asked.

                “It’s on my table, inside the brown envelope, I think,” he said as he turned for the door again.

                “Where are you going? You have a new piece to edit. I want you to start doing your job right now,” The big man (literally) ordered.

                “But… he’s too pale and sick. Can’t he just go and call in sick?” Ryeowook tried to save Jongwoon from yet another load of work but it fell on deaf ears. Ryeowook and Shindong started an argument which was incomprehensible for Jongwoon, as his head started spinning and his mind went completely blank. The last thing he heard was Ryeowook’s high pitched voice screaming his name.

.: | :.

                “You’re an idiot, and don’t try to argue with me, because you really are,” Heechul said when he noticed Jongwoon waking up.

                “Where am I? Infirmary?” He asked, as his eyes scanned around the room. Indeed, he was inside the infirmary. But how did he get here?

                “If you’re wondering how you got here, thank your secret admirer. He even caught you before you passed out,” The older male added. “If you can get up, I suggest you go home and rest there instead.”

                “Oh… wait! You know who my stalker is?!” Jongwoon exclaimed. He got up too fast making his head spin. He sat down immediately and tried to massage his head. Heechul guided him carefully back to the bed.

                “Don’t get up too fast! And to answer your question, yes, I do know who your ‘admirer’ is.” He emphasized the word admirer while Jongwoon stared at him in confusion.

                “He’s not my admirer, he’s my stalker. He knows everything I do Hyung.”

                “Trust me, he really admires you. Now get up so you can pack up your things.” Heechul ordered as he left the room. Jongwoon groaned at the dull ache but nonetheless got up from the bed. When he was fully up, Heechul’s head popped out from the door making him jump slightly.

                “By the way, everyone in the department knows who he is. They’re just too nice not to give a clue.”

                Jongwoon gaped at the new found information. He was about to ask more questions but the older male cut him off by disappearing again. He sighed deeply before leaving the room.

                They didn’t share another word as they both left the infirmary. They went back to the editing department to get Jongwoon’s things. They didn’t expect, however, to see the head of the department in the flesh.

                “I received a monthly report from someone I assigned secretly to observe everything that is going on here, as I accompany my wife to help around with the twins, and this is what I get? Seriously Shindong, what’s this? I have an overworked employee and the incomes don’t match up. Have you been stealing?”

                “Oh dear. Sungmin is so angry right now he could chop anyone’s head off,” Heechul mumbled but unfortunately Sungmin heard him.

                “And you, Heechul, how could you let this guy order you around? You’re gonna take over your father’s place in three weeks. What have you been doing, huh?” Sungmin asked in agitation. Everything at the department was so messed up now, that he knows he’ll be grilled by the higher ups.

                “Don’t worry. I got your back on this one, sunbaenim,” Heechul answered nonchalantly and made his way out of the room.

                “As for you, Jongwoon, here are two tickets to Palawan, Philippines. You need a break because you deserve it. I also heard you’re sick?” Sungmin asked with a smile as he handed over two tickets to Jongwoon. The latter just nodded, abashed by the sudden turn of events.

                “Why Philippines?” Jongwoon inquired.

                Sungmin eyed him skeptically before he answered, “Just look at you! You need sun. Philippines is the perfect place, or so I’ve heard. Plus, you can go to that underwater cave everyone’s been talking about.”

                Jongwoon thought for a moment before he finally agreed to the proposal. It has been years since he last saw the sun and felt its warmth. He also needed the vacation since he’s been working non-stop for the past three years, trying to forget the incident with Jessica.

                “Go home and rest. And uhm…” He looked around the room, scanning everyone. “Kyuhyun! Come here!”

                The nerd-looking guy walked towards the head of the department with a confused look, while Jongwoon sneezed. He was upset that there was yet another guy who was taller than him. He’s not a midget, but it really hurts his pride whenever he sees another person taller than him.

                “Accompany Jongwoon to his apartment. He tends to be ignorant whenever he’s sick. Well, that’s what Heechul told me,” Sungmin ordered, but Ryeowook protested, saying he’s friends with Jongwoon and he has every right to take care of the sick man. The head scoffed and told Ryeowook that he needed to get back to work because he just had his vacation. Ryeowook pouted and walked away.

                “Why me?” Kyuhyun asked.

                “You’re the only free guy around here. Everyone has tons to do and they’re way too busy. Don’t worry, I won’t cut down your salary,” Sungmin reassured him with a pat on the shoulders. He walked away and yelled at Shindong to follow him to his office. Everyone went back to work after that, while Jongwoon sneezed again.

                “I-I’ll g-go get y-your t-things,” Kyuhyun stuttered as he stumbled towards Jongwoon’s seat. The latter laughed at the sight before his gaze landed on the two tickets handed to him. Who would he share this wonderful vacation with? Heechul? Nah, he wouldn’t be able to go to a tropical country without complaining about the sun. Ryeowook? Out of the question. He just had his vacation. Who else? How about his stalker? He’s a good candidate, then.

                He was snapped out of his thoughts on how to get his stalker to come with him when Kyuhyun snapped a finger in front of his face. He had no idea how to do it yet, but he will find a way.

                “L-let’s go now?” Kyuhyun stuttered and Jongwoon nodded.

                The taxi ride was quiet and he soon found himself drifting off to dreamland. There was heavy traffic and the vehicles didn’t appear to be moving at all. He didn’t mind it. He was too drowsy to care. He let his head rest on Kyuhyun’s shoulder, and did not care about the other’s personal space at all.

                The drive that was supposed to take 30 minutes morphed into a three-hour ride and during the whole trip, Jongwoon was fast asleep. He was woken up when they were already parked in front of his apartment. He paid the taxi driver and silently made his way towards his apartment.

                Upon entering, he let himself fall down on the couch, and fell asleep instantly. He woke up several hours later at the melodious sound of someone singing, not even the least bit surprised that he was already in bed. It was very familiar. Not the melody, but the words. It was as if he had read them somewhere before. He closed his eyes once more, trying to listen to the words. He had to admit that whoever was singing it, had a beautiful voice.

Do you know

Even in my dreams, I don’t have the chance to tell you

Even after such a long time, you still don’t know

The one who has been beside you all along

Is the one whose name you do not know

Do you know

That you cannot even predict

That during sleepless nights, I am in your thoughts

The one whose heart is hurting, alone

That is probably why it feels like you are drifting away from me

Although we don’t have the courage

I’m not courageous enough to get close to you

I can just wait…

If you feel lonely,

Just turn around and look back

                His mind analyzed the words until a certain crimson letter entered his mind. His eyes fluttered open as everything hit him. The passages were all too familiar to him, because a long time ago he’d accidentally caught his colleague writing a song. He’d even commented on how beautiful it was.

                The passages were all part of a self-composed song. A song made by his stalker, his admirer—the person who loved him. This person was right here in his apartment. That person was none other than…

                “Oh, you’re awake. How are you feeling?” Kyuhyun asked, as he sat down on the bed and placed his palm on Jongwoon’s forehead. “You’re not that hot anymore, thank goodness. I’ll go and get you something to eat.” The man stood up and was about to walk away, but Jongwoon reached out his hand and stopped him from going.

                “Sing. Sing that song again,” he said in a hoarse voice. He coughed a little while Kyuhyun stared at him wide-eyed.

                “Y-you h-heard m-me?” 

                “Yeah, and I have to admit, I didn’t suspect you, not for the smallest bit. I find it funny how the song itself was giving me a clue about your identity, though. Why hide?” He questioned—hands releasing the other.

                “I… you see…” Kyuhyun ran a hand through his hair as he tried to come up with a proper reason. Why DID he hide? He inhaled deeply and answered, “I was afraid I would get rejected.”

                ‘Yeah that was it. He’s not even gay. I should brace myself for the rejection then.’ Kyuhyun thought. He closed his eyes and waited for Jongwoon to shout and tell him he’s disgusting and all those hurtful words.

                Jongwoon didn’t react, but a small smile visually appeared on his lips. It was true that he’d had every intention of rejecting his stalker, but he had changed his mind when he found out that said stalker actually cared about him. He didn’t want to fall in love again after he had gotten hurt, but maybe this time he’s willing to take the risk once more.

                “Wanna go to the Philippines with me?” He asked, breaking the silence that had arisen between them.

                “W-what?” ‘That was unexpected.’ He thought.

                “I asked if you want to go to the Philippines with me. It’s lonely to go alone, plus, Sungmin gave me two tickets.” Jongwoon said as if it’s the most obvious thing to say. He silently wished for the man to accept his offer.

                “Why me? Aren’t you disgusted by me? Aren’t you-” Kyuhyun never got the chance to finish what he was saying when a pair of lips gently caressed his own. It was short, but for him it was the sweetest he had ever experienced in his entire life.

                “I’m hungry.” Jongwoon said after he pulled away. Kyuhyun chuckled at his randomness before heading out to grab the food he prepared.

.: | :.

                Jongwoon stayed in bed for two days straight, while Kyuhyun took care of him. They cuddled, shared brief kisses but nothing beyond that. The latter always told Jongwoon that he loves him but Jongwoon wasn’t able to get those words out of his own mouth. He knew how disappointed his new lover was because of it, and it truly broke his heart.

                “What am I supposed to do, hyung? I can’t answer him when he tells me he loves me,” Jongwoon sighed desperately, while Heechul sipped from his tea. They were inside Heechul’s office as usual.

                “There’s only one solution to that.”

                “What is it?”

                “Give him a taste of his own medicine.”

                Jongwoon pondered for a moment before he left the room after saying ‘thank you’. Heechul smiled at another job well done.

                Jongwoon hurriedly returned to his desk and poured out his feelings for his lover on a small piece of paper. It wasn’t much, but he hoped he could get his emotions straight so the latter wouldn’t be confused. He folded the crimson paper in half and placed it on Kyuhyun’s desk.

                When Kyuhyun returned from the washroom, he found a folded piece of paper on his desk. Curiously, he immediately opened it. His heart fluttered and his stomach made several somersaults. He stood up, ran towards Jongwoon’s desk (which was located just in front of him), and pulled the latter into a kiss, not minding everyone who saw them.



This fic was dedicated to denden143. She's an AFF user as well and her fics are amazing too. Sorry if it's quite late, I went out to enroll. Have a nice day! Comments please!

Disclaimer: Song is not mine. It's "I Am Behind You" by Jang Hye Jin and Yesung.

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Chapter 1: Oh wow~ this was so incredibly BEAUTIFUl. ;-;
I really loved the letters from Kyuhyun and then that final letter from Yesung, was just perfect.
This was so sweet and cute; great job!! <3
I super like this ! no ! scratch this. I SUPER LOVE THIS !!!

And Sungmin mentioning "Palawan" Ooooh~ I hope SJ goes to a vacation and it's on Palawan. :DD Such a beautiful place for gorgeous boys and a place where can KyuSung can *coughs* have a date. hahahaha. XDD /I am Filipino but I haven't been there/ Oh please do forgive my grammar. hahahaha. XD

KcuLL22 #3
Chapter 1: this story is amazing and so flawless I don't know what to say :')
Barica #4
Such a cute story... :3
To be honest, i came here only because of one Czech translation of this fic... that translation is really good - and the original is well-written too as I see now... I definitely love this story! :3
Chapter 1: Lovely fic<3
Goemas12 #6
Chapter 1: gosh i really liked reading this story luv it thanks for writing it ur awesome
Chapter 1: i never get bored with your story.. i wish that u can write a long story again..
Ladyghai #8
omo! I love this fic!:) so much!
I really like the story~ it's so cute. I love how Kyu keeps stuttering around Jongwoon and how the latter is totally oblivious for the majority of the story. XD
I also like how Jongwoon was able to voice his feelings through a note. I think it finishes it off quite nicely. XD
Had it been in any other situation then the idea of confessing through a note could be seen as cowardly or low but here it's quite fitting.

Great story!