Apple is A

Apple is A (One-Shot)

(Jiyeon's POV)


“Jiyeon-shi! Why are you here? Don’t you get tired of us? Just go away you freak girl!” a guy from my class said with an annoying tone, if I could go out of this school I would have done it a long time ago, I can’t because I want a good recommendation for college and this is the best school in our town; ‘Yes, I’m tired of all of you always bullying me’ I though “leave me alone I’m trying to study here” I said to him obviously annoyed by his ignorance and behavior, “Ooohh you dare to talk to me?” “Yes stupid caveman” ‘OMO! Jiyeon are you crazy or what, now his going to do something to you! Babo Jiyeon!’ I said to me in my mind, He came closer to me and then “let her be, are you going to punch a girl?” one of his friends said “yeah man if you punch a girl, you’re gay” (A/N: This is what we say in my country XD) his other friends said at the same time.

“Tsk, you don’t worth even my time” said the bully guy to me ‘you’re right, I worth much more’ I though.  After that it was lunch time and since I don’t have friends I always eat outside in the backyard in front of the soccer field.

“Jiyeon-ah why are you so fatty? If you wouldn’t, you wouldn’t have to do a diet” I muttered to myself, I only had an apple for lunch… I thought I was alone but some girls where near me and heard what I was saying. “Jiyeon-sshi  annyeong”  ‘great a bully girl’ I thought; “aaish jinja, do you think with a diet you could be more thin? Such a fatty girl” said the bully girl with an arrogant tone “Yah! 1) I’m not that that fatty it’s just that I’m not that thin either! And 2) yeah I think so, why? Do you have a problem with that?”  ‘Babo Jiyeon you’re only searching for problems’  “Why would I? I’m just saying” ‘Ugh! This girl is too arrogant!’ I let her be, but when I wasn’t looking she took my apple from my hands and threw it to the Soccer field! I was like O_O, “That’s what you get for talking too much Jiyeon-ah~ annyeong” That annoying girl said as she was giggling all the way; ‘Ugh! This school is too much sometimes!’


I ran to the soccer field to find my apple, ‘‘I won’t do a diet never again!’’ I muttered to myself…
When I reached the soccer field I saw a guy with my apple in his hand and rubbing his head, the apple sure hit him of the head, I ran to him to apologize but at the same time I was afraid that he could be another bully. 
“Jeongmal Mianhae!” I said bowing to him I think thousands of times; the guy turned to face me and when I saw him he was smiling at me, “is this yours?” He asked giving me my apple back, “Ne… Jeongmal Mianhae” I said really embarrassed but not because my apple hit his head but because he was cute and was being nice to me, not like the others, this guy was actually being really nice “kyeoupta~…” I said in a really low tone all excited (A/N: I don’t know if the Kyeoupta~ part was clear), “What did you say?” asked the guy “Aniyo, I didn’t say anything” *giggles* ‘that was close, you almost ruin everything Jiyeon!’ I thought being really nervous; “Well I have to go, I have to continue the soccer practice” said the guy, I was a little bit disappointed “Ne… I have to go too, annyeong” I said my goodbyes but when turned around to go another place “Oh wait!” I heard him said, I turned to face him and he said “By the way my name is Kim Sang Bum” ‘That name suits him’ I thought while admiring his cute smile “My name is Park Jiyeon, nice to meet you” we shacked hands “I already knew your name” He said in a very sweet voice “If you know me, why are you being so nice to me?” I asked since I was really curious, “because I don’t think you’re weird, I think you’re unique, that’s all” those words left me dumbfounded; I was frozen, when I regained the awareness I noticed that he left.
[The Next Day]
The next day during class I only was day dreaming about him ‘Maybe love at first sight?’ I asked myself while writing something in my note book, Then the bell rang and when I looked at my notes I noticed that I only wrote my name and his (A/N:you know what I mean) inside an apple heart shaped, ‘aish Jinja, Jiyeon-ah~ what are you going to do with yourself~’ I thought while smiling.
“Jiyeon-shi, what do we have here?” asked in a teasingly tone the same bully guy of yesterday taking away my note book to look at it, “Yah! Give it back!” I said “Hahahaha do you like Kim sang Bum? Hahahaha” He was laughing nonstop “Hey guys listen! Jiyeon likes Kim Bum!” he screamed loud enough to the whole school to heard; “Yah!” I was really mad “Hahahaha, He’s a Sumbae, do you think he would like you back? In your dreams!!” a girl said, this time I was so mad that I slapped the bully guy, he was looking at me surprised, everyone were surprised with my behavior, I was actually crying for the first time in front of them and because of annoyance, after that I realized what I did and grabbed my stuff and ran out site the classroom, out site the school.
‘No matter what I will confess to him tomorrow’ I thought while running.
[Next Day]
‘Ok Jiyeon, this is the day, you’re going to confess, you just have to give him the apple and if he rejects you it’s ok, you can do it!’ I thought during class, to my surprise no one was glaring me, no one was bullying me, I can say that I was in peace; the bell rang and I was going to go out suddenly the bully guy said “Jiyeon-shi, wait!” “What do you want!?” I said annoyed because a thought that no one would bully me today, “Mianhaeyo…” he said with an apologetic look “jeongmal mianhae...” “jeongmalyo?” I said being really surprised; “I felt bad seeing you cry, please forgive me” is what he said, I admit that I felt good with his apology, he sounded sincere, I flashed him a smile and said “I’ll think about it” he smiled back; I went out of the classroom but the guy pulled my wrist and whispered in my ear “Good Luck” then he let go of my wrist “How do you know?” I loud whispered to him, then he said “a hunch” he smiled “Gomawo” I smiled back and then ran to the soccer field.
[In The Soccer Field]
‘He’s in his break and he’s alone, this is my chance!’ I thought while running to him, I approached him “mmm… Sang Bum sumbae-nim annyeonghaseyo” I said to him, “oh Jiyeon-ah, annyeong, please doesn’t use honorifics, you can call me Bum oppa” “ne…ok… mmm… Bum oppa” it was a little bit uncomfortable at first but I got used to it “ne?” “Can I talk to you for a moment?” “Sure, talk” He used again his sweet tone ‘OMG, I’m going to melt’, ‘ok Jiyeon think properly what are you going to say and give him the apple I lifted my arms and gave him the apple saying “please accept my feelings” ‘great, Jiyeon you’re great *sarcasm*, stupid….’ When I lifted my head to see his reaction I noticed that he was giggling ‘great *sarcasm* now he thinks I’m a dork’ “What is so funny? I’m confessing to you” I asked lightly hurt “Kyeoupta~…” he said “ah?” I was confused “I’m saying that you’re really cute” he said smiling, he grabbed the apple from my hands and then hugged me tightly “I’ll accept your feelings if you accepts mine” “jeongmalyo?” I said with my eyes wide open “jeongmal…” he said smiling brightly looking at me, the he came closer and kissed my forehead “I liked you since we started  school” “What a weird person” I said to him while giggling, “me weird?, you’re the one giving me an apple while confessing, hahahaha” “yah! I thought an apple would be original *makes aegyo*” “it is”.
*The EnD*

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Chapter 1: I love how you highlighted all the 'apple' in the story! :D
Snoopnut98 #2
Omg. u should make a longer fanfic with this couple:D they are so freaking cute!!!
Jiyeon soo cute! :D
midnightdreams #4
hehehe that was good :D <br />
it was amazing!!
aw, that was cute :33333
pao_245 #6
I lovee ittt<br />
you should give me an apple in january when clasess start e.e<br />
hehe it was cool, and cuuuteeeee *heart eyes*
majo-chan #7
Thanks for read my fanfic!!! please support >w<<br />
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@ppz_uk:I'll try to write more; Me too! I also like Jiyeon a lot! <3<br />
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@chocolate_elli: I'll try make another fanfic about them, but first I have to finish my other fanfics xP <br />
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@totsydotsy: Thanks a lot ^-^
totsydotsy #8
Cute.! :)
i really like it!!<br />
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please make another fanfi about them..<br />
i'm with you to i think they look cute togather!! <3
ppz_uk #10
Aww... i love it!!!<br />
ur story is so cute!<br />
u should write more one-shot! especially about Jiyeon! cuz i really like her! :D <br />
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