
Bitter but sweet defeat
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It seems like Sana and Dahyun spent the night together, deeply engaged in conversation on various topics. As the night came to an end, Sana wished it could have lasted longer, indicating that she enjoyed Dahyun's company and didn't want the night to end.


Sana discovered that Dahyun isn't typically a fan of drinking, but she made an exception for that particular day. 



Throughout the night, Dahyun was wholly absorbed in observing Sana's every action and reaction. Her gaze lingered on Sana's expressive eyes, tracing the subtle shifts in emotion with keen interest. Whenever Sana spoke, Dahyun's attention was undivided, hanging on her every word as if each syllable held profound significance.


Dahyun's attentiveness extended beyond just listening. She noticed the nuances in Sana's body language, the way her hands gestured animatedly. Even the slightest change in Sana's demeanor didn't escape Dahyun's notice; she was attuned to every fluctuation in Sana's mood. 


Despite Dahyun's intense focus on Sana, she was also mindful of her own emotional needs and boundaries. While she found herself drawn to Sana's presence, Dahyun understood the importance of taking time for herself before jumping into another person's embrace.


As she observed Sana, Dahyun couldn't help but notice how a Japanese woman easily may rest her hand on her leg.




“Sana is dangerous” Dahyun thought. 






Dahyun needed time to heal and recharge could potentially hinder her emotional well-being in the long run. However, the woman with captivating eyes only made her to move on the edge of lust which Dahyun couldn’t permit herself. 



Dahyun maintained a sense of self-awareness and restraint. 






As the night progressed, Dahyun's phoned chimed from notification

“Miss Kim, I am here, right in front of the restaurant” it was one of the drivers. 







Sana's heart sank a little. She couldn't bear the thought of their evening ending so abruptly.








"Wait, Dahyun," Sana interjected, her voice laced with determination to the woman who was already getting her coat.

 "I can drive you home."



Dahyun smiled gratefully but shook her head gently. "Thank you, Sana, but it's really not necessary. I can manage on my own. Also, you drank wine. Take care and be careful on your way"




Sana's persistence didn't waver. " Dahyun……" Sana held Dahyun’s hand to stop her 





Dahyun's expression softened but something in her eyes spoke the other things. Dahyun's words came out with a sharpness, her words cutting through the air with a sense of finality. "Sana," she said firmly, "you're too beautiful and all, but I can't just trust someone easily, especially when we're barely know each other."



Her tone was concrete, leaving no room for negotiation. There was a clear edge to her words, revealing a guardedness. 



"It's nothing personal," she added, her expression softening slightly again with a hint of regret. "But I hope you understand and thank you for the night"



Dahyun's reluctance was evident, her words a reflection of the walls she had built around her heart. Despite the warmth of Sana's offer, she couldn't ignore the nagging doubts that lingered within her, clouding her ability to fully trust, especially in such a short span of time.


With a final exchange of smiles, Dahyun excused herself. 

As Sana watched Dahyun's car drive away, a sinking feeling settled in her chest. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks, and she cursed under her breath.



"," she muttered, her voice tinged with frustration. "I didn't even get her number."


Regret washed over Sana. 





As Dahyun sat in silence, she stepped out from the car leading her way to her parents’ house. She couldn’t bear to sleep in the apartment that she shared with her ex-husband. She needed new apartment but for now she has decided to stay here. 

As Dahyun stepped into the living room, she was taken aback to find her mother sitting in the kitchen, sipping tea. The sight of her mother brought a mix of emotions - surprise, relief, and a hint of apprehension.


"I knew you would come," Mrs. Kim said, her voice steady and soft, as if she had been expecting Dahyun's arrival all along.
Dahyun felt a lump form in at her mother's words. Tears welled up in Dahyun's eyes as Mrs. Kim softly said, "Come here, I waited for you so we can drink green tea together," Dahyun complied, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her as she joined her mother at the kitchen table.



Taking a seat opposite her mother, Dahyun wrapped her hands around the warm mug of green tea, grateful for the familiar ritual that brou

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Thank you guys for your comments. At least I know that you are liking the story. I will update the story at the end of this week.


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Hi! I'm curious to know if this story is still ongoing or if it has already reached its conclusion. I enjoyed your previous story, which seemed to have an open ending.
Chapter 11: ........... 🤐🤭
Chapter 10: this chapter did put a smile on my face
Chapter 10: just found this out!! done reading all the chapters and I'm loving the story <3 can't wait for the next update
Chapter 10: What a lovey dovey neighbours.
ggwp77 #6
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!! Theyre so cute!😭
Chapter 9: Cuddle buddy. 🤭
ggwp77 #8
Chapter 8: SANA’s persistence >>>>>😂😂😂
bonak321 #9
Chapter 8: living together 🤩🤩
dubutofuu #10
Chapter 8: Cute!!! Hehe