You Are My Sunshine

You Are My Sunshine

You Are My Sunshine

    I rolled around on my side of the large queen sized bed, and messed up my hair. Sighing, I reached over to the side where he was supposed to be laying. Not finding him where he was laying just a couple hours ago, I wiped the sleep from my eyes, and looked up at the calendar.

August, 23rd.

It was our third year anniversary, and he was once again, nowhere to be seen. I got up from my bed, and trudged my way to the bathroom, freshening up, before going down to the kitchen. As I was brushing my teeth, I could smell food from downstairs. I slowly made my way down the staircase.


I knew not to expect much, since he was a musician and a producer, but I couldn’t help but get excited when I saw a note lying on the table. Carefully, I approached the paper, as if something was going to jump out and attack me. My fingers dragging along the surface of the wooden table, I picked up the small sheet of paper, and read it aloud.

You’re awake! Did you look on the table yet? Or did you look only at the note first?
I’m sorry I can’t be with you right now, but please eat up! When you’re done, get
dressed! It doesn’t matter if you dress nicely or not, because you’ll look beautiful
wearing anything.

I put my trust into the note, and sat down at the table. I started to devour the delicious meal that Ji had prepared. I felt a bit upset that Ji didn’t mention anything about our anniversary, but I pushed the feeling away. The house was really empty without him around, not that he was around on our anniversaries that often.

I looked back at the note; “Get changed hm?”

My eyes ran over his last sentence, and I blushed. He was probably just teasing me, but I really hoped that he meant what he said. I was heading up the stairs to get changed, when suddenly the phone rang. I dashed back down, and stared at the caller ID. Kwon Jiyong.

“Hello?” I questioned.

“Noona!” a cheerful voice called. “It’s me! Seungri!”

“Yah, Seungri-ah! Give me the phone!” I heard a frustrated Youngbae-oppa say.

“But I want to talk to noona...” Seungri said. I could just hear the pout in his voice.

“Seungri-ah, you can talk to me later. Give the phone to Youngbae-oppa.” I said.

“Noona, why are you always on his side?” Seungri asked. The rustling of the phone being given to Youngbae-oppa was heard.

“Dongsaeng-ah,” Youngbae-oppa said. “Are you changed yet?”

“Eh? How do you know that i was supposed to get changed?” I inquired.

“The great Youngbae knows everything,” he joked. “But are you?”

“Uh, no. I was actually just going to get changed when you called.” I responded.

“Alright, go get changed, Seunghyun-hyung will be at your house in fifteen minutes.” Youngbae said.

“Wait, what? Why?” I asked.

“Go get changed, dongsaeng-ah. Bye!” Youngbae-oppa laughed, and he hung up.

    I sighed because I got no response to what I had asked, but I obliged to what Youngbae-oppa said. I went up to the room that Ji and I shared, and got changed into something comfortable, but elegant. I exited the house, and locked the door behind me, seeing Seunghyun-oppa walk up to me.

“Dongsaeng-ah,” he smiled. I shivered from the deepness of his voice.

“Yes?” I asked.

“I have a note for you.” he said. He handed me a folded sheet of paper, and I frowned, looking at it.

“What is this?” I asked. He looked at me like I was stupid.

“A note?” he shrugged. He turned to leave, and sat down on the porch, unfolding the note. I scanned my eyes across it.

Jagiya~ ^^
Are you upset that I’m not there? I hope you aren’t! You’ll see your lovely
boyfriend very soon! Now, walk along the beach behind our house. You’ll
see something very familiar!

I followed the instructions of the note, and went to the back of our house, and crossing the small bridge that lead towards the beach a bit down. As I advanced towards the shore of the beach, I noticed something much too familiar. The feeling of nostalgia washed over me, like the waves washed over rocks. A very similar setting to when he first confessed greeted me.

“Ji?” I called out. No response.

I kept walking, and my bare feet began to sink into the sand. I looked downwards to see a trail of rose petals. I followed them. At the very end of the trail, there was a single white rose, laying on a pile of red petals. I reached downwards to pick it up. I felt arms wrap around my waist as I straightened up. I stiffened.

“Jagiya,” Ji breathed into my ear.

I turned around, and smiled at him; “Hi, Ji,”

“Do you like the rose?” he asked.

“Yes, I do,” I responded, playing with the petals of the rose.

“Do you know why there was only one white rose?” he asked me.

I stared at him. “Um, no... why?”

He took the rose from my hands, and held it up to the sunlight. “It stood out from the rest, didn’t it?”

“Yes, why are you asking me all these questions?” I nodded. He smiled, but ignored my question.

“It’s like you.” he said.

“What? How?”

“There were so many red rose petals, yet only one white rose.” he said. “The white rose represents you. No matter how many red roses there are, there will only be one unique one. What I mean, is that you’re special. If I was you, I would have taken the white rose as well.”

He took a breath, and stared at me lovingly. “If each rose represented a girl, and the white one was you. I would only ever look at the white rose.”

I blushed. “Aw, Ji. That’s so sweet.”

“So, jagiya.” he said, flashing me one of his breath-taking smiles. “I’d like to ask you a very important question,”

I shut my eyes, and braced myself for the worst. I heard Ji’s soft laughter, and I slowly opened my eyes. My mouth dropped open, and I gaped at him in astonishment. Kneeling on one knee before me, with a ring in his hand, and blushing a bit, he looked stunning. But, I couldn't get over the fact that he, the almighty G-Dragon, was kneeling before me. Boyfriend or not.

“I know it would’ve been more romantic in the night time...” he said. “But, I couldn’t hold it off any longer. Jagiya, you are the sunshine of my life, and I couldn’t live without you. Will you marry me?”

He looked at me hopefully, and I found myself at a loss for words. I managed to barely nod, and tackle him to the sandy ground, hugging him tightly. His laughter was carried off by the wind, and he held my hand in his, slipping the silver band onto it.

“Jagiya, I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you too, Ji...” I smiled.

“Um, and... not that I don’t like it, but when are you going to stop glomping me?”

“Ji! You just had to ruin the moment!” I scolded.          

Author’s Comments


The longest one-shot I have ever written! Dedicated to the one and only~ Kitae-eonni~ kekeke! ^^ Yes, this is my evil scheme. Are you still mad at saengie?

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 1: Aww that was cute and funny. Thanks for sharing.
xxibgdrgnxx #2
Chapter 1: i hope ji will be my boyfriend~~ ok , in my dream -- i think you should make sequel author-nim ^^
Maylovesreading #3
Great story! Love the funny break at the end! They should have a National Glomping Day
CB_Zinger #4
This made me smile soooo hard :)
Morwenna #5
this actually made me want to cry (out of happiness) and I dont really cry!
Iheartlife #6
Firuzah #7 u have any fanfics on taeyang minzy pair?

/hugs him instead of saengie

/trolling big time
What is this? I expected GD to come to my doorstep not a fanfic!

JK. I love it. :3