
I Owe You

I jumped into the ice cold water, it shot up my nose and blinded me. I couldn't see anything or feel anything around me. I can't go on anymore. This time, I will succeed in killing myself. It's night time and cold out. No one would dare to be outside right now. The freezing water numbed my scar ridden body, as my lungs screamed for air. I fought back the urge to resurface and take a breath of fresh air. I pushed my body further away from the surface and dived towards the bottom of the ocean floor. Bubbles escaped my blue lips as my head accidentally slammed against the rock filled floor. 

"Yah- wake up! Can you hear me?!" My head was pounding, as if someone had beaten me with a club. I flailed my arms wildly about, trying to stop the person from talking. "Are you awake now!?" I cringed at the loud voice. "Shh. You're too loud." I whispered and tried to cover my ears. "Yes! You are awake!" A blanket covered my shivering body, cold wind was blowing around me, chilling me to the bone. A pair of strong arms wrapped around my legs and underneath my arms. I was being picked up. Before I could protest, I out. 

I opened my eyes and frantically looked around the unfamiliar room. There was a guy resting his head on a near by table. "Yah!" I shouted and immediately regretted it as my chest burned from the stretch in my lungs. "Yah- wake up." I said in my normal talking voice. The guy twitched. I grabbed a pillow and flung it at him. He brought his head up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "What was that for?" He said in a tired voice. "Who are you and where am I?" I winced, I could hear the tremble in my voice. "Well, I'm AJ and you're currently in my home, on my couch." He stood up and started walking over to me. "W-why am I here?" I pushed back into the sofa more, trying to increase the space between us. "Ouch!" I grunted. AJ quickly jumped to my side. "Don't move right now. Your body is trying to recover." He scolded me. His arms felt comforting as they held and skimmed over me, checking to see if any of the bandages were loosened.

"How did you find me?" I asked him, once my heart stopped beating so fast from the close encounter. "I heard someone splashing in the water while I was trying to fish. I eventually saw that you were being swallowed by the waves and figured that you needed help. So I swam out there to help you. But to my surprise you dived into the ocean even further." AJ paused for a bit but continued. "And I dived in after you. You weren't breathing and your lips were a shade of blue. I was so scared for you." AJ looked me in the eyes. I could feel his sincere feelings of being scared for me. I sighed and looked towards the fireplace, ignoring his worried stare. "What were you doing out there?" He asked me. My eyes glistened as I recall the reason why. "I-" I hesitated. Should I trust the man who saved me when I really didn't want to be saved? "I wanted to kill myself." I plainly said and made eye contact with him, daring AJ to object. There was a silent pause that continued for a while. AJ's eyes gazed over. "For what? Life is precious, you shouldn't waste it." AJ quietly said, he looked away and wiped the tears that had accidentally fell. I blinked away the tears in my eyes and was surprised that he was crying.  "Plus killing yourself won't end the problems that you're dealing with. Think about how much crap your parents and family will go through. Next time, double check if you really want to die." AJ abruptly stood up and left the room. He left me speechless. I didnt know how to respond.I rested for a while until I got tired of doing nothing productive. So I tried sitting up but only succeeded in crying out in pain. "Aish!" I hated feeling weak and useless. I took a deep breath and pushed myself off the couch. "Ah!" I yelped and clutched my head because I banged my head again when my body landed on the hardwood floor. I tried calling out for help but my lungs refused to cooperate with my throat. I laid on the floor, trying to move but it pained me.

For 15 minutes I stayed on the floor, encased in a cacoon of pain. With nothing else to do, I thought about why I had wanted to die in the first place, trying to distract myself from the pain. I wanted die because I my family was messed up. So messed up. I can't even protect my little sister from my parents. A few tears escaped my eyes as I recalled the painful memory of seeing my mother shoot drugs up her veins.

"Mother where is Eunjung?!" I shouted in her ear. She stared off into space, the drug was taking affect. I heard shouts of pain coming from the other room. "Eunjung!" I shouted and raced off to protect her. "Stop it! Stop it!" I shouted as I pounded the bedroom door. "Get your hands off her!" I screamed into the crack of the door. My little sister shrieked and was slapped across the face. I ran back to the kitchen and grabbed a wooden chair. "Open the damn door!" I yelled and slammed the wooden chair against the door. The chair broke and a piece of wood cut my eyebrow. It made a hole in the door, the size of a child's small fist. I wiped away the blood that dripped down my face and peeked in. My father was on top of Eunjung. I met eyes with Eunjung. Tears streamed down her red face. "Get off her!" I screamed. My voice was hoarse. I pounded the door and crashed onto the floor. I can't even help my own sister.

I cried into my hands while remaining on AJ's cold floor. I feel useless and helpless. I am a coward for trying to kill myself. My eyes and head ached from crying so much. "Shh... Everything is alright." I opened my eyes when I heard the whisper. "AJ?" I mumbled. He picked my up from the ground and held me in his arms. "Please don't cry anymore." He whispered into my ears and gently laid me down back on the couch. I shivered when his warmth evaporated, as his arms unwrapped itself from my body. "AJ," I hesitated, afraid to say what was on my mind. "P-please don't go." He paused mid-stride. I tried reaching out to hold onto him but couldn't. "Please... I like it when you're right here next to me." I gazed up at him. "I am not used to having someone take care of me. You're the first to do it. I-I feel as if I can trust you. So please stay with me, at least until I fall asleep." AJ slowly turned around and looked at me. He walked over and took my hand and intwined his fingers with mine.  He got onto the couch with me and s his other arm beneath my head.  AJ rested his chin carefully on my head and let out a breath I assumed he was holding onto the whole time. We stayed in this position for a while until I felt his fingers release my hand and cup my chin, tilting my head up towards him. "What are you do-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as His lips briefly touched mine, for a light kiss. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "If you want, I can stay with you forever." He whispered sweetly into my ear, nuzzling my neck. A pleasant warm feeling shot through my body as AJ leaned in again and pressed his soft lips on mine for the second time that night. Thank you AJ, I owe you. I closed my eyes and gave in to the kiss. 

Oh gosh, I hope you guys liked it.... I kinda don't know how AJ acts... so I just took a huge guess.... I guess he can't really be my bias if I barely know him like that ... T^T

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I can see AJ being sweet like that :3
Awwwwww aj is so sweet
:3 so cute u should make a sequel!
vipkissmeMariA #4
wow! It's totally cute ^^ I love it!
Dec_time_bomb #5
I loved it! As much as I love AJ! And you got his personality spot on love it!
Good job! This was a cute little ones got but don't worry! You will improve evn more as you write! Hope this is supportive to you!^^