At The Movies

If I'm Not in Love with You
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Chanyeol felt too exhilarated that day that he finished two days’ worth of tasks for the university paper. He even was in a particularly upbeat mood by the time he shut down his computer.


Baekhyun was looking at him suspiciously as she gathered her things. They were waiting for Jongin so the three of them could watch a movie. “Are you on drugs, Chanyeol?”


He only laughed at the insinuation. “No. This is what you call natural high.”


“Meaning you’re deliriously happy?”


“Yes!” Chanyeol laughed again and turned the swivel of his chair like a little kid.


“About what, if I may so ask?” Baekhyun pressed, now thoroughly entertained by Chanyeol’s silliness.


“I was able to write a poem. And a good one too!” Chanyeol enthused, giving his friend a full smile. “I can’t believe it! Me! Park Chanyeol! Now I believe I can do anything!”


Just then, Jongin appeared at the door to meet them. He just came from his dance practice. “C’mon, let’s get going,” he urged. “We may still catch the 7 p.m. show.”


They all piled up into Chanyeol’s old yet serviceable red 1992 Chevrolet Camaro. They decided to go to the nearby cinema and see an animated film.


They made it. The three friends found their seats and waited for the trailers to start.


Just as the lights toned down, Chanyeol’s heart nearly stopped beating. Three rows in front of him was Do Kyungsoo.


He had memorized the back of her head for over a month now in class. He couldn’t be mistaken about her now. She was with five other people, and two of them were Sehun and Junmyeon.


He shrank back on his seat, couldn’t concentrate on the newest trailers at all. He looked at Jongin and Baekhyun. They hadn’t seemed to realize that Chanyeol was starting to get lost in his own world...


While Baekhyun cooed on how sweet and cute the main character was, Chanyeol noticed Kyungsoo and another girl stand up. Part of Chanyeol wanted to follow them, but most of him refused to budge.


A few minutes later, Kyungsoo and her friend returned, equipped with some sodas and a huge tumbler of popcorn.


Then Chanyeol remembered he hadn’t eaten anything since lunch.


“Want to get something?” he whispered to Baekhyun.


She absentmindedly shook her head.


“Nini? What about you?”


“Maybe soda.”


Chanyeol turned to Baekhyun again. “You sure?”


She reluctantly tore her gaze away from the screen. “Butter squid.  Get extra dip,” she reminded him.


Chanyeol headed out for some food. He bought popcorn for himself and his friends’ requests.


As he was waiting, he heard a female voice from behind him. “M&M’s, please.”


Then their eyes met.


Kyungsoo smiled. “Chanyeol! What are you doing here?”


Chanyeol ran a hand consciously through his moppy, unruly hair—he definitely was in need for a cut—and hoped he didn’t look too idiotic. “Uh... Just catching the movie with Baekhyun and Jongin.”


“Oh, that’s great. Me too, I’m here with my friends.” She smiled as she paid for her candy. She opened the pack and popped two into . “Want some?”


Chanyeol couldn’t respond.


Kyungsoo realized that she might be coming on too strong. She turned his palm right side up and tapped the pack on it. Out came four red M&M’s.


She looked surprised and

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50 streak #1
Chapter 2: Being invisible had its perks such as Chanyeol not having to embarass himself so badly. She is stunning but the boy forgot how to breath for a minute or two.

Now they have something connecting them. Chanyeol is visibke and he better use that to his advantage!
50 streak #2
Chapter 1: Kyungsoo is so pretty and kind, no surprise Chanyeol fell for her. All these years it must be hard to hide his feelings, especially simce they share the same class.

Maybe he can combine the task with something he loves and write a poem about Kyungsoo? Though his poems are a disasters maybe for her he would put in some effort.
ahzeeee #3
Already read it when its posted on A03, just wanna say thankyou for always bringing these wonderful stories for us at every fest!