She was perfect

I'm so Stupid

She was perfect, and he knew it.
So damn perfect. What guy wouldnt want her? She was definitely Jiyongs dream girl.
Short black hair, a gorgeous face, pale cream colored skin, long slender legs, a blinding smile, an adorable laugh, a Model, an Actress..
but to Seungri, nothing about that perfect girl amazed him. In fact, he couldnt stand her.
He disliked everything about her. The way she smiled, the way she talked, the way she ate, the way when Jiyong's around her, he completely ignores him.. like he doesn’t even exist.

"Wow it tastes good! I have to admit, at first I thought it wasn’t going to taste so great, but what a surprise, it does!" Daesung joked, digging into his plate of food.

"Yah! Daesung! You know my food is always delicious!" Choi Seunghyun said glaring at Daesung, while playfully hitting the younger boy in the shoulder.

“Ow! I’m kidding, hyung!”

The members had the whole weekend off, so tonight was the night they all decided to have dinner at SeungHyun’s place. And at first, Seungri thought that it sounded like a great idea. He would get to relax and chill with his hyungs, and for once they wouldn’t be busy preparing for their new album.
He was especially excited to see Jiyong. Ever since Jiyong moved out and bought that new apartment, they really havent seen each other much… and Seungri knew that was all his fault. He was to blame, and he regretted everything so ing much. He just wanted to see his favorite hyung again.
But the moment he walked in with her, Seungri knew he had made a huge mistake.

"Oh dont listen to Daesung, the food is amazing! Thank you guys so much for inviting me to dinner!" Rei Suzuki said happily.

 “Oh haha, of course Rei.” Youngbae laughed awkwardly.

Seungri knew no one invited her. He knew because he heard the conversation between Youngbae and Jiyong earlier while he was heading towards the bathroom.

“Jiyong what were you thinking?! Why’d you bring her here?” Youngbae whispered.
“Why not? I don’t see the problem.”

“Oh don’t give me that crap Jiyong. Seungri—“
“Seungri ‘what?! Why is he always the victim!”
“Please, I know Seungri is far from innocent, but listen Jiyong. Whatever happened between you two—“
“Nothing happened between us! There was never anything between us to begin with!”

Seungri.” Seungri looked up, snapping out of his thoughts.
“Seungri what about you? Do you want to come?” Rei asked looking up at Seungri , smiling her beautifully flawless smile.


Rei laughed. "I guess you weren’t paying attention. Well since tomorrow’s the last day for filming my new movie and everything, we’re going to have a little after party. One last night where were all together. I was wondering if you wanted to come?” She asked smiling. “I asked everyone else, and they already said yes.”

"Oh... well, I can’t.... I have stuff to do. I’m kind of a busy guy." He joked. 
Well that was a total lie. He didn’t have anything to do tomorrow night.

"Aww are you sure Seungri?? I thought you loved parties? Jiyong has told me soo many stories about you and how crazy you get at parties!" Seungri glanced over at Jiyong and saw him looking down at his plate of food.

She giggled. "I remember this one story he told me of when you all went to a party, and how they lost you and couldn’t find you, they were looking EVERYWHERE for you, and then they heard a couple of cheers and screams nearby and there you were! Drunk as ever, on top of a table dancing to y Back!" She started laughing, along with most of the other members he noticed, except Jiyong who just had a small smile on his face. Seungri frowned. Jiyong always laughed at this story.

"Haha yeahh... when I’m drunk, I sometimes think I’m Justin Timberlake" Seungri joked, embarrassed. Why does Jiyong have to tell everyone that story? But at least Jiyong was talking about him. That made him feel a little happy..

"So you should go! You'd definitely make the party awesome." She said smiling at him.

"I cant.."

"Just come! I have this friend who's going to be there, and you and her would make an adorable couple! She's single, you’re single..."

Hmm.. a friend? Well he could use a distraction right now..
Seems like that’s what he always needs lately,
a distraction.
It’s never anything more, than a mere, distraction.

"Oh! And did I mention she's also a model?" Rei asked raising an eyebrow.

He might as well say yes. Or else she may never stop bothering him.
Aish, how annoying.

"Well.. I guess I could go.." Seungri said. Even though all he wanted to do was stay home.
Or really, do anything besides go to that stupid after party.

"That’s our Seungri, can’t say no to woman. Especially models." Seunghyun chuckled, nudging Seungri with his elbow.

"Haa. Yep, that’s our Seungri. Can’t get enough of the ladies." Jiyong said with a bitter laugh.
Seungri looked across the table over at Jiyong, but he wasn’t smiling, nor would he even look up from his plate of food.  

"Uhm… uh, great!” Rei said noticing the sudden tension in the room. “Then it looks like all of Big Bang's going to be there! Yaayy, we're gunna have such a good time!"



They finished dinner and Seungri was currently wiping down the table. Why did he have to do everything? This wasn’t even his house!

He looked around. Seunghyun and Daesung were watching tv, Youngbae was in the kitchen doing dishes, and Jiyong was... wheres Jiyong? Oh yeah, he probably left with Rei, Seungri thought.

"Hey Seungri, can you go into the living room to see if there's any dishes that need to be washed?" Youngbae asked, poking his head out from the kitchen entrance.

"Sure, Hyung."

Seungri walked into the living room and began looking around for any dishes.

"Seungri move, your blocking the tv!" Seunghyun complained.
"Sorry, just looking for some dishes."
Sheessh. Why don’t you get off your lazy and go help Youngbae in your kitchen, Seungri thought.

Seungri.” said Seunghyun’s deep voice.Seungri stopped. Oh no, did he accidently say that out loud?
“Uh, yes hyung?” Seungri turned around.
“Can you get me some ice cream?” Seunghyun asked, sticking out his bottom lip, trying to look all cute.

“Get your own hyung!” he was not the maid around here! “I’m going outside to get some fresh air.”

“Seungri-yaaahh~ come back!”

"Daesungiee~?" Seunghyun pleaded. Ahh his next victim.

“Fine. I’ll get you some, hyung.” Seungri heard Daesung say, as he walked out the front door.

Seungri sighed, taking a seat on the front steps.
It was already dark outside, a cold breeze hitting his bare arms.
Brrr it’s kind of chilly out here, should of brought a jacket, he thought, while rubbing his hands on his arms to try to warm himself up.

Why did he even come here? He should have just stayed at his house--
*Rustle* *Rustle*

What was that noise?

Seungri looked to his left to see Jiyong walking towards the front door, a cigarette in his hand.
He looked up, their eyes meeting.

Seungri looked away, suddenly finding a crack in the cement sidewalk more interesting.  He sat there quietly, waiting for the older boy to pass him and go back inside.
Jiyong didn’t go back inside though, instead he took a seat on the steps beside Seungri.

They sat there in silence for what seemed like hours, until Jiyong spoke first.

“Why aren’t you wearing a jacket?” Jiyong asked, glancing at him.
“I didn’t think it was going to be this cold outside.. so I didn’t bring one.” He answered, not meeting Jiyongs eyes.
“You know how easily you get sick Seungri. And you can’t afford to be getting sick, especially since we have our comeback soon, and if one person’s sick, it affects all of us.”

“I know.”

Jiyong sighed, as he slipped off his jacket and threw it at Seungri. “Put it on.”
“I don’t need—“

Seungri gave in, and put the jacket on. It smelled like Jiyong, and Seungri realized how much he missed that scent.

Once again, neither of them said a word. The only noise was the sounds of crickets chirping away in the dark.

“Where’s Rei?” Seungri asked, breaking the silence.
“She had to leave early.. to get some rest for her last day of filming.”

Oh yeah, Seungri thought.

 “Hyung... why are you doing this?” Seungri asked.

“Doing what.”

“You don’t love her.” Seungri stated, looking straight ahead. “So why are you back together with her?

“Feelings can change Ri. You of all people should know that.” Jiyong chuckled sadly.
“But Ji—“
“Im heading back inside, you should head in soon too.” Jiyong said, not letting Seungri finish his sentence. The older tossed his cigarette on the ground, stepped on it, then made his way towards the front door.

Seungri sighed as he heard the door open, then shut.


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Chapter 1: hope you will find time to update this soon T.T
leahisdaname #2
Chapter 1: please update this :D
Chapter 1: this is soo promising!! i'm dying to know what happened betweenthem! and the tension in the air, the way Ji couldn't lift his head up at the table when his girlfriend mentioned that he talks abt Ri, the way he still cares after whatever it is that happened between them (proven by the given jacket, a sweet gesture covered up by scolding)...just the whole thing, it's really good, makes me wanna read more!! plz update soon, good job!! :D
Chapter 1: Update soon please... I want to know what happen with my baby... ><
Chapter 1: Update please! Insanely curious about poor Ri. ):
tehsweety #6
update soon...
actually what really happened between jiyong & seungri?
tabingu007 #7
I am agreeing with everyone....update....People are hardly updating their stories.... :( i can understand why but.... -sniff sniff-
raya_VIP #8

why I think i can felt Seungri's feeling ?
it's complicated
beastbigbang #9