7...6...5...18 BOYS?!!!!!

i decided to call G O oppa

"hello, oppa?"

"ah ye _______. whats up?"

"oppa do you have any schedule today?"

"nah. today we are having a day off. do you want to go ____?"

"ahh oppa, im going to ask that thing!"

"ahahaha oppa can read your mind right?"the teased G O oppa is coming out

"alright alright oppa. ahahaha. we meet in an hour at the cafe okay?"

"okay ______. see you soon. becareful at the way there!"

"okay opppa. bye~"

GO oppa always make me smile. without noticing i was giggle to myself. really thankful that i have oppa like G O oppa.




an hour later

so here i am at the cafe. i enter the front door and i directly order to the cashier

"hey Mina, as usual okay?"i am a regular buyer in here so i knew some of the worker here

"oh hey _____. 1 ice chocolate without whipped cream" Mina asked the other worker there to make it

"Mina, is G O Oppa already here?" Me and G O oppa dropped here almost everyday so she must know G O oppa beside he is an idol

"Oh yes _______. i see him in just a minute ago. you better hurry get inside or else your oppa will be taken by another girl!"

"Ahahahaha like he care. its a no for him to date any other girl because he can ruin his image! okay Mina i get inside first okay. bye"

so i was heading inside the cafe and i see G O oppa is already there with his casual outfit. its very rare that i see him in casual outfit because the manager always tell him to use the semi formal outfit so everytime paparazi take his picture it will make his image great.


"OPPA!!!i miss youuu!!"

"aaa ______ i miss you too"he give me a little hug and pat my hair

"so, ______ how have you been?you live with infinite ha now?oh god i hope i can take you to mblaq dorm!"

"its okay oppa. yes i just come to infinite's today and they are really a good friend and they are very kind,very care about me!they say that they see me as they dongsaeng!"

"OH WHAT?they can't be your oppa!only me who can be your oppaa." he said it with a joking tone

Oh God this is why i really miss GO oppa. he can really make me laugh and feel loving

suddenly the front door open and i see 4 guys walking in to the cafe and here they are MBLAQ

"GO oppa, why they are here too?"whispering to GO oppa

"ah nde _____, when i talk to you in the phone, they kinda heard it and they say they want to meet you too. its been along time that you guys not meeting each other!"

yes, i remember the last time i met them is at their backstage when i visited GO oppa for their comeback. its like 2 months or something

"heyyy _______!" Joon oppa hugging me 

"oh hey Joon Oppa!"

and shockingly the other came and they try to hugging me too

"I missed you alot ____"

"yeahhh long time no see!!"

"YAYAYA get off from my lovely dongsaeng!" GO oppa pull me and put his arm around me

"only me can touch ____ dont you guys ever try it!"

aahahahahaha GO oppa is the one who is very protective and i cant help myself to giggle 

"ahahahaha guys stop it!you all like 5 years old boys!"

"its all because your oppa _____, we cant help about it" Thunder oppa give me a small wink

they all are just very adorable and very care

like no time at all, its already noon and i think its time to going home before infinite come back. at least i can make dinner for them

"Oppa, i think im going home first. im going to make dinner for infinite oppa"

"YA!you never make dinner for us, how can you make dinner for them?"Seungho oppa answering irritated

"aa sorry oppa, im going to make it for all of you next time okayy?"

"okay _____. im take you too infinite's okay?i want to meet them too and see if everything alright" GO oppa asked to take me?i cant imagine how infinite will react

"Hyunggg, i want to take her too!"

"nde hyung i want too!!"

"alright alright how about we visit infinite's dorm?"

"e e e e e oppa i dont think it s a good idea, its not like my house at all, how can i invite you there?"

"its okay ______ you are my dongsaeng and live under 1 roof with them, they will let us came. right guys?"


i cant imagine all of this guys in one house!how can it beee?

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Chapter 15: i hope HOya is fighting for her..de desvers her
inspirit55 #2
Chapter 15: No~ hoya ㅠㅠ Don't be heartbroken. Just get her back muhaahahhahaha
clouds930428 #3
Dont delete it!! I like your stiry!!! Beast remind me of hobos in that picture u used for some reason.....i dont kno why but they do.....and now im mad at myself for thinking that....anyways i like your story dont delete please!
KISSmeBecca #5
Omo!! Its not boring!! D: please dont delete it~! T^T
hoyajunhyung #6
yes, its been a heptic months so i cant really update soon, but ill try.. thank you for your support
KISSmeBecca #7
It's ok that u didnt update in a while. Since its near the end of school, u are probably busy with exams and such, right? If not that then im sure u were busy or something. It's ur story and personally i think u can take as long as u need. I dont mind. Good chapter, by the way~! ^^
KISSmeBecca #8
good chapter. :) still like your story, too
Iamakoreanfan #9
Update soon!! ^^
hoyajunhyung #10
Thanks for all the comments. Ill try to update it really soon! :DD