7...6...5...18 BOYS?!!!!!

and yes its finnaly sunday morning. i dont feel like waking up from my bed. i dont want to leave this house this room and this bed at all. i never live anywhere else beside this house. 

"_________  come on, if youre not going right now, i will cant catch my plane!" Uncle Tablo already calling me 

*ha, thats my hope that youre leave by the plane so you can come back home!but i cant do that. it feels like im not a thankfull person*

so im just going downstairs with my back pack and my another two small bags. im not bringing so much stuff because sometimes i can just walk home to take my other stuff.

"are you ready ___?"

"of course uncle lets go!" i put a really wide smile, at lease i can make him not too worry about me.

after a while we reach one big enough house and uncle tablo ask me to come out of the car

he press code to the house and enter


"HYUNG!" one boy come and greet uncle Tablo. i know its the one called sunggyu. i know the member of infinite's name because they are famous and i like their songs. especially uncle tablo too often to hear their songs.

"where are the other?i want to introduce all of you to my daughter"

and then sunggyu scream calling all the member.  one by one the boys come out from their room. 

"alright kids like what i already said to sunggyu yesterday, i want you all meet ____" and he drag me to the front, facing the boys.

*woh they look more handsome and charming than inn the screen*

"hi all im ________"and i bow

and they started to introduce themself. 

"alright guys i think i leave _______ here for the next 2 months. take care of her and if anything happen to her, i will not publish your new song!" uncle tablo tried to scared them

"alright hyung, we will not let anything happen to her! she will be our dongsaeng starts today!" woohyun said and he put his arm around my shoulder. i kinda   shock with a sudden things but i let it happen and just stay calm. 

"ya woohyun!i want to do it too!she looks too cute and to fragile!"sungyeol take his arm and place it at the opposite side of woohyun

"how about group hugggg!!!!" sunggyu scream and suddenly all of them hugging me. i really cant do nothing because they are too suddenly and too strong

i think it will be a good opportunity to know them and i think i will be alright here. 

"yayaya i think we should stop it!she cant breathe!" hoya said it with a caring voice

all of them release their hug. hah fresh air!

"alright alright kids!take it easy!! hahahaha i think i should go now" uncle Tablo open the front door and i give him a small hug

"take care ______"

yah and he left. 7 boys infront of me. what can i do?!!

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Chapter 15: i hope HOya is fighting for desvers her
inspirit55 #2
Chapter 15: No~ hoya ㅠㅠ Don't be heartbroken. Just get her back muhaahahhahaha
clouds930428 #3
Dont delete it!! I like your stiry!!! Beast remind me of hobos in that picture u used for some reason.....i dont kno why but they do.....and now im mad at myself for thinking that....anyways i like your story dont delete please!
KISSmeBecca #5
Omo!! Its not boring!! D: please dont delete it~! T^T
hoyajunhyung #6
yes, its been a heptic months so i cant really update soon, but ill try.. thank you for your support
KISSmeBecca #7
It's ok that u didnt update in a while. Since its near the end of school, u are probably busy with exams and such, right? If not that then im sure u were busy or something. It's ur story and personally i think u can take as long as u need. I dont mind. Good chapter, by the way~! ^^
KISSmeBecca #8
good chapter. :) still like your story, too
Iamakoreanfan #9
Update soon!! ^^
hoyajunhyung #10
Thanks for all the comments. Ill try to update it really soon! :DD