The Sky Princess

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Chapter 9: The Sky Princess

How do the Royals know their ability? Simple, their Axis Mother would know once they hold their offspring. That is why they are the only ones who can train the Princesses to use it. Somehow, the princess names are based on it. Empress Kry has a defense ability that creates crystal unbreakable barriers which is why her Axis Mother named her the Crystal Princess before, and her real name is Soojung but she is blessed with Kry as the name that people could refer to her. It is also said that the Royal Axis is way more powerful than an Ordinary Royal, which is why they are only blessed with one name, like Princess Suji’s case. There were no other Ordinary Royals lived other than Suji so they did not practice such customs.

When the Empress held on to the Crown Princess, she felt darkness. It was a powerful surge of the night, and she saw that Momo’s ability was an offensive ability that allowed her to control darkness. She has the power of the moon. She can create shapes with darkness, it could be upgraded into a more dangerous scale but the Empress never crossed the line. It is up to Momo now if she wishes to proceed into a higher level of state of her power.

And when the Empress held the Second Princess. It was a massive destruction, and peace at the same time. The Sky covered her vision, the good and the bad. Catastrophe and antistrophic. She is way more powerful than the Empress could ever imagine. The Second Princess seemed to be blessed with a Celestial ability that could destroy a nation or save it. The Empress sighed before naming Sana, her daughters seemed to be extraordinary. No Axis Royal had been blessed with these abilities before.

Growing up, the Empress trained the two Princesses in battle and controlled their abilities. The Crown Princess learned to control her when she was three. She produces a dark coat around her that she can control, and make a shape of. Momo would use it to prank her mother mostly, and some of the servants. NaYeo knows about this ability as the attendant of the Crown Princess. At the age of ten Momo started to remove the gravity of an object, she can make herself and things float, but not fly. She can control the impact of things as well but she can never put gravitational force on anyone, as the moon seems to not have gravity. Momo has the power to remove it from someone.

Sana on the other hand had always had trouble controlling her ability, she was confined in the Northern part of the Palace most of the time as her “time out” from the world. There will be a thunderstorm when she cries and releases a surge of force to blow up everything. A hurricane would appear when she is angry, and a tsunami would burst in somewhere. The people of Ona had no idea where all these catastrophic events were coming from. It happens when the Princess is upset or mad.

Sana would accidentally hurt her attendant since she was four, as a pureblood Jeong has higher physical ability than commoners so she somehow can withstand some of Sana’s tantrums. Her enhanced attribute is her physical strength. She was so strong that she killed a bear when they were eight. Jeong and Sana had always been partners. Partner in crime.  The attendant would love to go on adventures even outside the Palace. At that time Sana can control some of her abilities. She would produce some floating clouds that they used to escape guards so they could do their rendezvous. They would always end up on one of the mountains in the Eastern Territory and would hunt creatures.



It was a normal day; Sana was bored studying and Momo was taking some special classes as the Crown Princess. “Do you want to go outside today, Jeong?” Sana invited her attendant. Jeong smiled sheepishly. “Of course! But we need to be back before dinner because my mother seems to be suspecting that we are missing sometimes,” The attendant handed Sana her old clothes. Of course, the second Princess cannot show herself glamorously outside the walls of the palace. Sana did not hesitate she put the clothes on and kept her robe and crown somewhere. Jeong looked around the vicinity making sure that it was clear. When everything seemed accordingly. She carries the Second Princess at her back and uses her Physical Strength to jump as high as possible to reach the floating cloud of the Second Princess. They reach the Eastern Territory, Mountain and they are playing around a pond to catch some fish and eat, when a huge bear growled.

The two eight-year-old children were scared as they had never seen a creature this big before. The attendant puts the Second Princess behind her as she must protect Sana. The bear started attacking them and Jeong tried her best to dodge it carrying the Second Princess. Sana feels fear so the wind becomes stronger, that is also when Jeong loses her balance because of too much w

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_Nanamin #1
MiChaengCutie #2
Chapter 8: Hihi 🥰😍
Hamchii #3
Chapter 6: hhmm 🤔 Seems like High Consort Tzu knows something
gayartthou #4
Chapter 5: Momo having a sister complex instead LMAO
Chapter 3: Oh I love Jiji and Jeong's character too. I'm so glad Mina had someone nice to her back then and now they both live a comfortable and noble life thanks to Jeongyeon for bringing Sana to that place kekekeke
Chapter 3: I love their aunt Suji hahaha she talks so freely and just speak up her mind, they remind me of the two Princesses, one is a brat and the other is simply stubborn and doesn't care about her duties. I wonder if Momo will ever play her role as the heir or will choose Nayeo over her duties.

Okay back on misana. I wonder who will fall first. I know Sana already showed interest in Mina but that's because she's free of guilt once Mina bore an axis cuz the girl wants to die. Mina tho, it felt like she finally had a breath of fresh air when she met Sana. Ackkk I am falling in love deeper in every chapter.
Chapter 2: They finally met. I can imagine Momo being a pain in the and causes trouble here and there and then there's Sana the supposed heir but was kept a few months in her mom's belly so she could live a carefree but is actually getting caught into her sister's trouble and duty hahaha. The girl who wants death finally met the second princess who wants an heir oh I can't wait to see how their love story will unfold. Great job authornim.
Chapter 1: I am so invested in ur work. These chapter had me teary eyed I love every character despite how short lived they are. Everyone stood out it's amazing.
Hamchii #9
Chapter 1: The story looks very interesting, I'm looking forward to the next update 😍