You Made My Day

My Best Memory

"Dongho!!" Dongho looked back. He saw Kevin running to him. 

"Hyung!" Dongho smiled when he greeted his hyung. 

"Are you going to the amusement park that Kiseop's dad opened?" Kevin asked him. Dongho nodded. "Cool! Me too. Are you looking for a job?" Dongo lifted his head to the sky. Then he glanced at  his hyung.

"Maybe. Staying at home is so boring. Especially when noona is always nagging at me." Dongho said truthfully. Kevin laughed. Noona is Dongho's big sister. She always nag him, even for the smallest reasons. "Ah, hyung, did you get the job?"

"You bet I did. Yesterday was the best work day ever." Dongho raised his eyebrows.

"Why?" Kevin grinned. 

"I get to make this one kid peed his pants." Dongho laughed along with Kevin. Kevin works as an operator of a rollercoaster. Kevin said his work is so fun, seeing peoples terrified faces after the extreme ride. Dongho onced rode it, and it made himself fobia of rollercoasters. "So what are you planning to be?"

"Hmm... I dont know yet. I hope there's still an opening." Kevin nodded. The walked nearer and nearer to the amusement park, hearing tons of screams, laughter and a lot more. They both headed to the office. They passed a cotton candy stand.

"Heya dongsaeng!" Hoon greeted at Kevin and Dongho. 

"Oh hyung, you work here?" Dongho asked, surprised. Hoon nodded.

"Yep, I'm surrounded by fluffy pink and blue sweets." Hoon grinned. "If you want one, here. Free of charge." Hoon gave Kevin and Dongho a blue cotton candy. They accepted it.

"Thanks. Oh wow, its so sweet!" Kevin's eyes widend when he tasted the cotton candy. 

"Hey, look at who made it!" Hoon said proudly. "Oh there's AJ." he pointed to a vampire in front of a horror house. They waved Hoon goodbye and walked to AJ.

"Hello, fellow victims. It is I, AJ, the seventh generation of Count Dracula! Mwahahahahhaha!" AJ greeted them with his practised evil laugh. 

"Hi AJ hyung. Nice laugh. I see you practised it." Dongho said while taking another bite of his cotton candy. AJ smiled at him.

"Heck yeah. The kids ran off when they hear it." 

"So, do you like your work here?" AJ grinned wider.

"Hell yeah I do. I could hear people scream everyday form dawn to dusk." AJ said. "I just love this job." Then someone called him. AJ waved the two goodbye. "See ya! They need me to scrare off some teens again. Bye!!" He looked back and waved at them again. Kevin and Dongho waved back. Then they made their way to the 'Tunnel of Doom'. 

"Hey. Wanna have a turn at the Tunnel Of Doom? Dont worry, you wont get wet." Eli greeted them. They saw he wore a black shirt with white pants. Kevin raised his eyebrows. "We have to. I feel so itchy in these shirt..." Eli said. He scratched his shoulders. "So Dongho, are you here for a job with Kiseop, or for a ride?" Eli asked.

"I'm here for a job." He said. He peeked through the tunnel. he cant see it clearly though since the water blocked his view. Then he heard people screaming. "The ride sounds pretty scary." Eli rolled his eyes. 

"The only screamed because the water sprayed on them. No big deal." Eli shrugged. Kevin and Dongho nodded. "Dongho, I hear theres an opening job. Its the cleaner's job. You get to clean the trash everyday." Eli joked. Dongho pouted.

"Ew, I dont want to get stuck with trash on this summer job." Dongho scrunched his nose. Eli laughed at his face. Then a man called Eli over. 

"Oh guys, I have to go. Bye." He said. 

"Bye." Kevin and Dongho said together. "Where do you think Soohyun hyung is working at?" Kevin asked Dongho.

"I remember him saying that he works at that ferries wheel." Dongho said. They made their way to the famous ferries wheel. There, they saw a man smiling happily to the people who are going to ride the ferries wheel.

"Hyung!" Dongho called. Soohyun glanced at them and waved. 

"Hi Dongho! Hi Kevin!" He greeted them cheerfully. 

"You seem happy. Why is that?" kevin asked. Soohyun grinned.

"I got a date next week!! Wheeeee!" He spun around. Dongho patted his shoulders.

"Thats good. Have fun. We're running late now. Come on Kevin hyung." Dongho said and waved Soohyun goodbye while dragging his hyung. 

"Ah, ah, goodbye hyung! Yah, Dongho! Not too hard!" Kevin whinned. Dongho slowed his pace when they reached teh office. They knocked on it. Kiseop opened it.

"Dongho! Vinnie!!" Kiseop said while hugging them both. Kevin grinned happily when Kiseop used his nickname. "Come on in!" Kiseop invited them over inside. Kiseop made them sit in leather armchairs, while holding a cup of hot tea.

"Hyung, are there any opening jobs left?" Dongho immediately asked. Kiseop made his way to his desk and shuffled through his papers. 

"Hmm, theres one left." He said and looked up. Dongho's face lit up.

"Really? What is it??" Kiseop told him. "Okay! I'll start tomorrow!"


Dongho sat down on the bench, exhausted. He lifted the bear head off him. This is way harder than he thought. He thought being the mascott of the amusement park is easy. 

"Hi Dongho!" Eli happily waved. He carried two bottles of mineral water in his hands. He handed Dongho a bottle. He gladly took it. Eli slumped on the bench beside him. "How's first day going?"

"Ugh hyung... its so hot under here. I think i'm melting." Dongho whinned. Eli laughed. 

"Well, it is summer. I feel sorry for you."

"Thanks." Eli got up.

"Well, I better get going. My boss wont be so happy seeing me cheat at work. See ya later Dongho!" Eli ran to his booth. Dongho sighed. Then, a pretty girl sat next to him.

"I hope I lost him." She wondered out loud. She looked around. Then she let out a sigh of relief.

"Lost who?" Dongho suddenly asked her. She lifted her eyebrows.

"My stupid 20 year old cousin. He keeps on chasing me and asking me to win him a stuffed animal at the arcade." She explained. Then she looked at a man who was coming their way. "Oh god, there he is." She panicked. She grasped Dongho's shoulders, surprising him. "Help me!" Fast thinking Dongho quickly put his bear head on her head. 

"Um, excuse me sir, and er.. miss. Have you seen a girl about the same tall as me, brown hair running through here?" The man asked politely. 

"Oh? No. No i didnt. Sorry man." Dongho said casually. 

"Oh, uh.. thanks." The man said and went off his way. The girl lifted the bear head, gasping.

"Oh my god, I cant breathe in there."

"See? Thats how I feel for the past 2 hours." Dongho said. He fanned himself using his bear paw. The girl put the bear head on her lap. She looked at Dongho.

"Hey, thanks. Thanks alot." She smiled at Dongho. Dongho tried to smile back. His heart was beating faster when he saw her smile. "See ya, Mr. Bear." She said and left Dongho. Dongho smiled at himself.

"Maybe this day isnt so bad after all." He mused. 


The second day felt like hell to Dongho. It was extra hot and he was sweating like mad inside the costume. After giving out free balloons, singing kiddy songs and taking pictures, he ran to the bench he saw the girl yesterday. He slumped down and took off the head.

"God, help me please." He breathed. He leaned on the bench and closed his eyes. Then, he felt something cold was on his head. His peeked. There, he saw the girl from yesterday, holding a bag of ice over his head. He grabbed hold of the bag. "Thanks."

"Welcome. I thought I'd see you today." She said and sat next to him. 

"What are you doing here?" Dongho asked. 

"Oh, nothing. I feel so alone at home. And I came because I wanted to see you." She said. Dongho looked at her. "I accidently took your phone." She said and took out an iPhone from her pocket. "You must have dropped it when you shoved that bear head on me." Dongho grinned sheepishly. 

"Uh, thanks. I was searching for this all night." He exclaimed. The girl shifted a little in her seat. 

"So.. at what time do you finish this bear thingy job?" She asked. Dongho shrugged.

"About 5 pm. Why?"

"I was thinking about you know, buying you dinner.. since you saved me from my senile cousin." She said. She smiled. Dongho gulped.

"Um.. sure. I'll meet you back at that office over there." He pointed to a small brown building. The girl got up and pulled Dongho up.

"Okay. Meet you at 5 pm. See ya!" She patted Dongho's shoulders and ran off. Dongho put his paw (hand) on his chest and felt his heartbeat increases every minute. 


"Mr. Bear!' A girl suddenly jumped from the shadows. Dongho jumped, bumping his head on the concrete wall. The girl laughed, as Dongho rubbed his head. "Sorry." She grinned. Dongho smilled at her.

"Its okay. I'm fine." He grunted. She felt where Dongho hit his head. Dongho froze.

"Hmm, there isnt a bump. Come on, the night park is way better than the day one. Its more beautiful." She tugged on Dongho's hand. Dongho abruptly followed her. First, they headed to an Italian restaurant in the theme park (which Dongho didnt know it existed).  

"Omo, there's spaghetti sauce on your nose." She laughed at the red nose Dongho. Dongho, already comfetable with his new friend, laughed as he wiped the sauce off with a tissue. They finished their meals and paid it. It was already dark outside, and the glowing lights glow in the dark, casting a soft light. After that, Dongho dragged her somewhere. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere secret. I found out when I worked here two days ago." Dongho said. She followed him, into the trees, ducking security cameras and stuff. Finally, they arrived at a clearing. She gasped.

"Its beautiful!" She exclaimed. Millions of fireflies decorated the place. She ran happily. "Try to catch one!" She called to Dongho. Dongho ran after her, trying to catch a firefly. 

"Caught one!" Dongho said while holding up his hand. There, a glowing light shone from it. She ran to Dongho. 

"Wow.. its very beautiful. Oh! Its going!" They watch the firefly instantly flew away, joining its friends. After a game of tag, they ran back to the park. Dongho once again dragged her to a place. 

"Just follow me." He said when she looked worried. They arrived in front of the ferries wheel. They saw Soohyun, giving smiles to people while operating the ferries wheel. "Come on. Soohyun hyung!"

"Ah, Donho-ah! Oh and...?" She told him her name. "Climb aboard you two." He said and pulled the lever down. Dongho surprisingly had to drag her inside. 

"Whats the matter?" She looked at him.

"I'm scared of heights." She shakily exclaimed. She squeled when the ferries wheel jolted up. Dongho held her hand. 

"Dont worry. I'm here." He smiled. She forced a smile. When they were at the highest top, the ferries wheel stopped. 

"Sorry. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please remain in your seats and dont panic." A voice from a speaker rang. She sighed. 

"I hope we're not up here too long." She exclaimed while looking down. She leaned back on the seat, closing her eyes. 

"Hey, come on. Open your eyes."

"Not. I'm not opening my eyes until we get back on the ground." She shook her head. Dongho mischeviously smiled.

"If you do, I'll give you a present."

"Mmm.... okay." She slowly opened her eyes, only to feel her lips pressing agaisnt Dongho's. Her first idea was to push him away.. but somehow she didnt. They continued kissing until the ferries wheel rumbled back on. Dongho pulled away and hugged her side. 

"I Love You."


To: Iluvcookiez, I hope this answer your question :D

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Although it's short, but you had made a beautiful fic.. Good job author ssi..
how sweet!
aww, cute! fluffy love is always the best! :D
What's it about? :D