Journey of Eterna Love: Stay or Leave

Journey of Eternal Love
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Days and weeks passed quickly, and finally the appointed time was approaching. Dahyun had to make a decision soon. For some time now, Dahyun had been by Sana's side to make sure that she was okay and not feeling lonely after her departure. Although his efforts always failed because Sana always seemed sad, Dahyun never gave up. Today, he was determined to continue his efforts to comfort Sana.But after Dahyun recalled whether they could be called lovers.


While thinking about that Dahyun chose to lie down under a large tree that offered a comfortable shade. Green grass lined the place where he lay, and colourful flowers were scattered around him. Sunlight shone softly between the leaves of the tree, creating a peaceful environment.


Dahyun closed her eyes with a smile that was beyond happy and felt a gentle breeze. Today, he had special plans to spend time with Sana and try to cheer her up after a difficult few months. He was relieved that Sana was still by their side after that terrible incident.


"Hmm, today is the perfect day to plan things for Sana," Dahyun thought with a smile. She wanted to make Sana smile and feel better.


As Dahyun slowly opened his eyes, he saw Sana passing nearby. This was the perfect opportunity to put her plan into action.






From a distance, Tzuyu could see how persistently Dahyun was trying to cheer Sana up, even though they both knew that it was bound to end in failure. Sana could neither see nor hear Dahyun, and all attempts to make her feel better were always in vain. Although Tzuyu occasionally tried to persuade Dahyun to stop her endless efforts, she knew that Dahyun wouldn't listen to her, as was the case right now when Dahyun sat next to Sana.


As Tzuyu watched them, she felt sad and frustrated, knowing that there was nothing she could do to help her best friend. She missed the good times they had together as humans, and she wanted to help Dahyun find peace in her new world as a spirit.


Tzuyu felt a little awkward and confused in handling her duties as a Guardian Angel. She was a relatively new spirit in this job, and she still had a lot to learn. In addition, she felt worried about Momo's whereabouts. Momo had left her without giving much information about her destination last week, and Tzuyu felt somewhat stranded without any further guidance.


Tzuyu pondered in her heart, feeling like she should have asked Momo more about her duties before Momo left last week. She felt anxious and worried about what would happen next. 


Apparently, after completing this first task, she would spend her time off in the spirit world library to learn more about her task and their new world. Tzuyu suddenly remembered when Momo said goodbye to her last week before leaving.


"Tzuyu, I'm going away for a while, so please help Dahyun well, remember, our job now is just to wait for an answer from Dahyun whether she wants to join us or not. And don't ever force her, okay?" Momo said with a bright smile to Tzuyu before leaving. Tzuyu could only watch Momo say that as she walked backwards and disappeared into who knows where, without ever replying to Momo's words. Now she felt more burdened with her responsibilities as a Guardian Angel, especially in watching over Dahyun and helping her through her spirit transition process.


Tzuyu felt rather useless in this situation. Although she wanted to help her best friend, Dahyun, she knew that she had to give Dahyun the freedom to make her own decisions. Tzuyu could only watch Dahyun from afar, feeling anxious and worried about what would happen next. She knew that this was a big decision for Dahyun, and she wished the best for her best friend.






The day had shifted to afternoon, and Tzuyu sat slowly beside Dahyun who was lying on the grass. They were both under a large tree, where Dahyun often waited for Sana in the morning.


Soft green grass lined the place where they sat and lay down. Dahyun looked up at the sky that was beginning to turn red as the sun set, while Tzuyu stared into the distance in front of her. They felt the soft breeze hitting their faces.


Tzuyu opened the conversation, ending the silence that had enveloped them. Her soft voice broke the quietness of the afternoon, creating a livelier atmosphere between them.


"Eonnie, you need to choose soon. Time is running out, and you don't have much time left," Tzuyu said, her voice full of concern, breaking the silence that surrounded them.


Dahyun who was listening could only exhale heavily, her eyes still fixed on the darkening sky. She pondered for a moment before finally answering in a soulful voice, "I know, Tzuyu. I just wanted to make sure Sana was happy before I made this decision."


Tzuyu smiled softly. "I know, Eonnie. And I'm sure Sana also knows how much you love her. But for now, it's better for you to choose, Eonnie," she said with deep understanding, reflecting the wholehearted support she always showed Dahyun.


Dahyun lay under the big tree, pondering and thinking aloud. Her face reflected both determination and confusion. After a while, he finally lifted his face and looked at Tzuyu who was still faithfully next to him.


"Tzuyu-ya," Dahyun said in a thoughtful voice, "do you remember when they, the Guardian Angels, first met you and asked you the same questions they're asking me now?"


Tzuyu looked at Dahyun gently, nodding as a sign of remembrance. "Yes, Eonnie, I remember. Back then, I also felt as confused as you do now. A difficult consideration, with a decision to make."


Dahyun looked at Tzuyu with a thoughtful gaze. "So what were you thinking until you accepted the offer?" she asked curiously.


Tzuyu smiled sincerely, her eyes full of sincerity. She replied, "I want to watch Jihyo from here. I'd love to see her happy, even without me. With my current form, I can easily look after her and watch over her, even though our world and theirs are different."


Dahyun understood, and a small smile etched itself on his face. Tzuyu's decision was indeed a sacrificial one, and it inspired Dahyun to face her own decision.


Finally, after much thought, Dahyun started to get up and sitting next to his best friend he decided to join the Guardian Angels. She wanted to make sure that Sana would be happy. With a heavy sigh, he said to Tzuyu, "I'll stay."


"Ne?" asked Tzuyu to confirm what she heard.


With a smile on his face, Dahyun said firmly and definitely, "I will stay by Sana's side and will join you guys."


Dahyun then asked Tzuyu, "Tzuyu-yes, but first how can I make Sana smile like before, like the Sana I know?"


In the silence of the night broken only by the gentle gurgling of the wind, Tzuyu felt guilty and apologised sincerely to Dahyun. The sound of her apology sounded like a whisper carried by the night breeze. 


Tzuyu who was still new to the role of Guardian Angel felt guilty for not being able to give much help to Dahyun as she really didn't know how maybe if there was Momo with them she could have helped.


Suddenly, Momo appeared before them with a bright smile and a face filled with happiness. Her shopping bags were held tightly in her hands as she approached Dahyun and Tzuyu. Momo immediately sat down between them, breaking the silence that filled the night, and curiously asked, "What's going on with you two? Why do you look so sad?"


Tzuyu, who finally saw Momo after a week, immediately smiled happily and without hesitation hugged Momo. "Finally, you're back, Momo eonnie," she said with joy in her eyes.


Momo returned the hug warmly, embracing Tzuyu affectionately. She chuckled then said, "Did you miss me so much, hmm?"


Tzuyu just nodded vigorously, her smile not leaving her face. "I'm really struggling, eonnie. I'm new, so I have absolutely no idea what to do."


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Givmeurfxckingmoney #1
Chapter 1: I read a story similar to this so I knew what was gonna happen but I’m still hurt 🤧
LMLY143637 #2
Chapter 1: 😖😭
Dorkdubu #3
Chapter 1: 🙂🙂🙂🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃