o2. Rest Day

Blush ✽ 【New Girl Group】

o2. Rest Day


After a tiring night of performances and interviews, the girls have finally gotten a day off. The next day, they would be back to the torturous practices and performances.

They were all doing their own little thing and resting. JiAe was on her laptop, reading online mangas on the sofa again while Murasaki slept beside her . Jinny was cooking breakfast and SooRi was on the treadmill trying to work up some sweat.

“Breakfast’s ready~”

Almost immediately, Murasaki had woken up and started her way to get her bowl of Kimchi Rice. The other girls followed suit after pausing their activities.

“JiAe, could you go call the two sleepy heads?” Gyeol and HyeBin were still asleep and both seemed to be either too tired to get up or just too lazy. JiAe nodded and made her way to the bedroom hallway.

“Unnie, they’re in the same room right?”

“Yup! Their room is at the left of the bathroom.”

After coming home last night, the others have agreed on some house rules while the two just went to a room and went to sleep. Originally though, HyeBin was supposed to room with JiAe and Gyeol was supposed to be with Murasaki but since the two had already fallen asleep there, they decided to just let the two be.

JiAe arrived at the door and knocked first before opening the door and walking in. HyeBin had successfully thrown of half of her blanket to the floor and was hugging a pillow while Gyeol was kind of the opposite. She had her blanket over her body and was curled up to the side of the bed.

“Guys, breakfast is ready.” None of them budged. JiAe sighed and decided to wake the older one up.

“HyeBin unnie… wake up. Breakfast is ready.” The older girl groaned and rubbed her head as she sat up. Once JiAe turned to the other one though, Gyeol was already starting to sit up.

“We’ll be in the kitchen. We have Kimchi Rice for today!” With that, JiAe started her way to the kitchen where the others were waiting; none of them have touched the food yet. Murasaki looked like she was being tortured as Jinny didn’t let her eat yet. They have agreed to wait for the other two before eating so that they could all have some quality time.

The two came out finally, Gyeol in her rather large hoodie and HyeBin in her tank and shorts. Both of them apologized for the wait and sat down at the table.

The six girls ate in silence and most of what you would hear was chop sticks lightly tapping on porcelain. SooRi decided to break the silence since she wanted to connect with the others more as the leader.

“So, how was your sleep?”

“Fine.” “It was nice.” “Great.”

After that, the silence had continued until they were all finished eating. They all moved their dishes to the sink and went back to the table.

“So… who’s gonna wash the dishes?” Gyeol asked. The girls all looked at each other. None of them wanted to do it since they all wanted to rest. Even the tidy and organized leader didn’t want to do it.

“Why don’t we play rock, paper, and scissors to see who’ll do it?” All eyes were fixed on Jinny. Jinny was a bit nervous under their gazes but was surprised when they all just nodded and stretched their hand to the center of the table.

“Kai, bai, boh!” It was a tie.

“Kai, bai, boh!” Everyone was silent as they all inspected the hands. JiAe, HyeBin, Gyeol and Soori all got paper. Jinny and Murasaki got… rock.

“Oh man! I knew I should’ve picked paper!”

“Gosh, for a second there I thought I was gonna lose.”

“I’m gonna get more sleep.”

“I’m going back to exercising.”

“Oh well, washing dishes isn’t so bad anyway.”

Gyeol watched as her unnies started to vacant the table and go do their respective activities. She didn’t know exactly what she wanted to do so she just followed the two losers to the sink.

“Aigo~ Gyeol, did you want to help out? Here, you can do my share of the dishes.” Murasaki offered with a smile.

“No thank you. You have to take your consequences for losing.”

“Aish! It was only a hand game, it wasn’t even that serious!” Jinny laughed at their unnie’s childish-ness and continued her work.When she was in the middle of her work, an idea flashed on her mind and smiled widely. 

“Unnies! Come here, I have something to say” Jinny screamed excitedly, the rest of the girls gathered around her.

“So, what is it?” Murasaki said cooly, and plopped herself on the couch “Tell it faster, I still have so many dishes to wash.” She gritted her teeth.

“I'm getting bored! Let's play a game.” Jinny said, the girls looked at her weirdly.

“Game?” Hyebin asked, as she fix her hair with her mirror.

“Gosh~ I'm so pretty!” Gyeol rolled her eyes.

“Oh c'mon guys, don't be a kill-joy! Who knows this day, would be our last day...” Jinny pointed out and the girls nodded in agreement.

“So what kind of game?” JiAe said with her tiny voice, not taking her eyes off on the manga she was reading.

“Hmm... ” Jinny runs to her room, to get something.

“YAH! Where are you going?” Soori screamed, but Jinny is already back with a big box in her hands.

“Shhh,woman! No need to scream.” She said, earning a wack from the leader. She rubbed the sore area and rolled her eyes. “I know this day would come” She dropped the box and pictures was scattered around the place. 

“What is this Jinny?” Gyeol asked picking a random picture.

“Pictures, DUH! were going to play this game.. and the price is you get a date with the last person you pick.” Jinny clapped her hands.

“Boooo! Who are you to give that price jinny?” Murasaki said, flipping her hair. 

“I have my ways unnie, just watch and learn.” Jinny winked, she started telling them the directions and rules of the game. The first girl to start is Soori, then Gyeol will be the one who will hold the pictures.

“First round” Gyeol said and picked a random picture and smirked at the leader “This one is easy, Krystal-shii or Sulli-shii?”

“That's not fair, they're both...Aishh! I pick, krystal” Soori said and grabbed the picture of krystal.

“Give it back, I still need it” Gyeol snactched the picture back “Now let's see who you'll root for, Minzy or Krystal?”

“Pwesh! of course I'll pick my bestfriend, stupid! Minzy! Minzy” Soorii cheered and took the picture of her bestfriend “So pretty!” Gyeol rooled her eyes and grabbed the next picture.

“Third round! Jeongmin or Joon?” Gyeol smirked, at the name 'Jeongmin', Soori froze and looked so uneasy. She gulped nervously.

“Jeongmin-shii..” she wishpered and blushed madly. 

“Look, Soori unnie is blushing~” JiAe teased and giggled at the sight.

“Stop! It, it's not funny!” Soori covered her face.

“Soori unnie will be on a date with Jeongmin oppa!” Jinny cheered and jumped excitedly “Ok next is, Hyebin unnie!!" Hyebin gave her a nod , and Jinny grabbed the first picture “First round, Onew or Key?”

“BOTH!” Hyebin plainly said and smiled innocently.

“Unni~ you can't pick both” Jinny whined and pouted at her.

“Aish! But I love them both, okey! I pick Onew oppa” Hyebin said.

"Next, hm... Jessica or Hyorin?" The girls stared.

"Of course, I'd pick Jessica, no matter how much of an icy princess she can be sometimes!" The girls laughed. It was true, most of them have met or have seen this behaviour.

"Last one... Daehyun-ssi or Kyuhyun-ssi" Everyone was silent as HyeBin tried to pick one of the two guys.

"We get a date right?" Jinny nodded.

"It would be awkward to ahve a date with your best friend, you know. So, I pick Kyuhyun." The girls started the teasing but HyeBin simply shook it off.


--game to be continued--



--xelectroinlove rolling in!

Second chapter is here!
Sorry for not updating for a pretty long time!
In this chapter, we wanted to show you guys how the girls would interact and ya know...
The game was Roo's idea ^^ I think I've watched that from UKISS Vampire once XD
I'm a bit awkward with these stuff but I hope you liked it!
Tell us if we mis-characterized you character and we'll do our best to correct it next time~
Also, if Roo will update this chapter for an author's note, please read it ^^
It might be important.
We'll stay semi-hiatus for now~
Hwaiting! --Stella
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Chapter 12: What happened to this fic? :(
I hope you guys can update soon.. I miss this story!!
OMG , I got picked ! LOL , I know it's long ago but what can I say ? THANKYOU<3333 , Good luck in updating the chapters ! ;3
--pandabear-- #4
Nyaaa~ Izzo cute and lazy:"> haha.
Their games is really cool,I wanna try it sometimes.Lol.
And there you go,Another great update by ze Authors. *claps *claps claps*
XD I noticed that our chapters are kinda long LOL
Ahh, I love these sort of games :D
The girls are getting even closer, its lucky it's not the opposite way xD
Murasaki you bad unnie trying to put the dongsaeng working xD
Haengbok_Saranghae #8
They're so lazy~ Personally, I really love the washing dishes~!! It's so kyeopt~
--pandabear-- #9
Ohhh,I forgot to put "us" between All and off -___-
Babo me! Sorry for that.
--pandabear-- #10
Naaah,It's okay^^
All of understand so dunnot worry my dears! :)