Chapter 5

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Song Ji Hyo’s POV

3 months. 3 months have passed. And within that 3 months, whether I admit it or not, I’ve grown close to In Sung. Although, I still get curious whether he really doesn’t remember me. I mean, does he really do that so often he starts to not recognize the women he had a one-night stand with?


From what I know about him, he is single. I didn’t ask him that but whenever he got asked whether he’s dating someone or not, I always heard him answering he’s not — which is weird because Somin once told me that one time, one of the architects in our company asked In Sung if he’s single and he said he’s not. So I don’t really know what he’s up to. He’s complicated.


“Hey, I’m attending a party tonight, do you wanna come?” I casually asked In Sung who just entered our mini-office (kind of) at the construction site. He looked at me, smirking “You asking me as your date?” He teased. I rolled my eyes.


“I’m asking you because it looks like you have a boring life,” I replied. He placed his right hand on his chest as if offended by what I just said.


“Excuse me? Do you want to spend the night with me to prove to you that you’re so wrong?” He said which made me flustered. Why would he suggest such thing? I asked amused.


“Whatever. So what, are you gonna come or not?” I changed the topic. He paused, just looking at me, then smiled afterward. “As long as you’re gonna stick with me throughout the night,” He softly said.


I scoffed. “If I know, you’ll be the one to first disappear from my sight coz of girls,” I said, whispering the last three words. He lifted his brows.


“You saying something?” He asked. I shook my head.


“I said, I’ll fetch you at your place by 8 PM,” I told him.


“And no In Sung, I’ll be the one to fetch you because I was the one who invited you. Besides you don’t know my address,” I said first, cutting off whatever contradiction he was about to say.


“Fine, boss,” he said, emphasizing the word boss. I laughed.



“You look dashing,” In Sung complimented as soon as he entered my car. I think I blushed.


“You too,” I simply said. 


Once we arrived at the venue, the guests started to greet us, and of course, we greeted them back too. Some of the attendees are people I know while others are not really familiar to me. 


“You know, I’m kind of regretting inviting you now,” I said once I got to where In Sung was. I left him for about 5 minutes to talk with other attendees I know. Normally, I would be talking to them more but I keep on seeing women approaching In Sung, flirting. ‘Convinced’ that he was starting to feel uncomfortable, I started to go near him.


“I mean, all these women are starting to flirt with you,” I explained further when I saw how he got hurt by what I said, Jeez Ji Hyo, sometimes you can’t just stop your mouth, can you? I reprimanded myself in my mind.


In Sung lifted his brows, “As if the other guys you were talking to weren’t flirting with you,” he retorted. 


“You were watching me,” I said, rather than asking. 


“Same thing with you,” he said, poking his index finger on the tip of my nose. I glared at him, he just laughed. We were just bickering when a woman slowly approached us.


“Hi!” She greeted us, or should I say to In Sung.


Jo In Sung’s POV

“Hi!” I was enjoying bickering with Ji Hyo when a woman’s voice interrupted us. To avoid being rude, I greeted her back.


“Was wondering if you have a girlfriend,” she asked. Wow, she’s a straight-to-the-point woman, I thought. For a moment, I thought of what to say. If I said yes, the woman would leave me alone but Ji Hyo would think I’m dating someone even though I’m not. If I said no, I’m 100% sure she’s going to flirt with me, proven and tested. And if I said no, but I’m off limits, Ji Hyo would think I like someone, which is true, but I don’t like her to think that. 


“Yes,” I simply said, cold, hoping she got the message. Behold, she didn’t.


“Oh cool! I’m Carey, do you want to grab some drink?” She said more sweetly. From my peripheral vision, Ji Hyo was just watching, enjoying the view. 


“Hi Carey! It's nice to meet you! But I’m so sorry I have some important matters to discuss with my partner here, so if you just…” I said as politely as possible to her. When I pointed Ji Hyo, that’s when she realized I’m with someone. Shock was written all over her face. Does she know her? I said in my mind.


“Ji Hyo,” she said, sternly.


“Carey,” Ji Hyo said, flat. I just looked at them simultaneously. Alright, Ji Hyo is smirking, what’s happening?


“I didn’t know you’re with him,” Carey said pointing at me. 


“Oh yeah?” She simply said, raising her right brow. I watched Carey, she’s getting annoyed.


“Okay then, I’ll leave you two,” she said, laughing nervously. 


“Oh by the way Carey, I cannot come on your wedding day with Byeong Heon. I wish you two a happy wedding life!” Ji Hyo sarcastically said, smirking. Carey glared at Ji Hyo and then walked away. I looked at Ji Hyo, soon realizing what happened.


“She’s… she’s engaged,” In Sung said, surprised. Ji Hyo turned her head towards me, “You sad?” She asked. I made a face.


“Of course not,” I said in a ‘duh’ tone. 


“She’s my ex-husband’s fiancee,” she simply explained. I covered my mouth, shocked. 


“I can see their future,” I said. She laughed.


“I blame my charming and y aura,” I said smugly, teasing her. She looked at me with disgust.


“You’re too full of yourself,” she said,

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sooyeon7777 #1
Please update this story authornim
aibhara #2
Chapter 5: It's interesting..
what will she act after this??
i hope you will update this story authornim..
sooyeon7777 #3
Chapter 5: they're so uugghhhh HAHAHAHA please update authornim! i want them both to be happy 💘
Chapter 5: I GASPED SO HARD AT THE END OHMYGODHSJSAHHAHW i really love this story especially with the architect and engineer couple 🥹🩷 fighting, authornim!!! 🫶🏻
mongji_stan #5
Chapter 5: can't wait OMG
hayoungie_12 #6
Chapter 1: intrestingggg, please update