Chapter 2

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Song Ji Hyo's POV


"Somin-ah!" I quickly dialed her phone number as soon as I got out of Mr. Yoo's office.


"Yes, Unnie, how did it go?" She asked.


"Yah, Somin-ah! I just met the guy from last night," I said, lowering my voice as I saw Mr. Jo coming out from our CEO's office.


"WHAT?! Is this for real? OMG! What a coincidence!" She excitedly said. I imagine her nose scrunch as she was saying this. 


"This is not the time for you to be so excited about it. I am not excited about it! Do you understand the situation? I'm going to lead the team along with the guy I just had a one-night stand with last night, and he doesn't even recognize me!" I ranted. 


"Whoah, Unnie, slow down. Are you frustrated by the fact that you are going to work with the person you had with last night, or by the fact that he doesn't recognize you? Which is which?" She teased. I rolled my eyes.


"The first one you idiot!" I said. 


"Doesn't sound like it to me~" She said, adding a tone to her statement, teasing me. 


"You are now annoying me too you know?" I said, she just laughed which made me hang up the call.


I was sketching the building that I'll send Mr. Jo when my secretary knocked and opened the door, "Ms. Song? Someone is here to see you,"  she said. I nodded to tell her to let whoever that someone is come inside. When I saw Byeong Heon, I immediately held my breath. Why is he here? was all I asked in my mind.


"Hi, Ji Hyo," he said. "Hi," I shortly greeted back. I watched him silently as he carefully approached me. I noticed he was holding a paper, my brows lifted. You don't say--


"I, uh, my fiancée, wanted to give you this," he said as he placed the paper on top of my table. I looked at the paper without lifting any of my hands. Wedding Invitation for Ms. Song Ji Hyo. October 27, 2023" I read in my mind.


I scoffed. I pretended to check the time through my watch and looked at him. A fake smile is obviously displayed on my face. "I'll check my schedule if I can attend." I said and to annoy him I added, "I have a big project coming ahead so I'm not quite so sure if I can go to your wedding. Congratulations by the way!". I saw how his right hand formed into a ball. 


"You never changed, you never learned," he said then walked out. As if my feelings were already numb, I just s

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sooyeon7777 #1
Please update this story authornim
aibhara #2
Chapter 5: It's interesting..
what will she act after this??
i hope you will update this story authornim..
sooyeon7777 #3
Chapter 5: they're so uugghhhh HAHAHAHA please update authornim! i want them both to be happy 💘
Chapter 5: I GASPED SO HARD AT THE END OHMYGODHSJSAHHAHW i really love this story especially with the architect and engineer couple 🥹🩷 fighting, authornim!!! 🫶🏻
mongji_stan #5
Chapter 5: can't wait OMG
hayoungie_12 #6
Chapter 1: intrestingggg, please update