chapter nine

bleeding clandestines
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The sound of water flowing in the bathroom awoke Minji from her deep slumber. She opened her eyes slightly and looked around, almost forgetting that she had slept in Yoohyeon's bedroom the night before. She was only able to come to that conclusion when she looked over at the bedside table and noticed a picture of the two of them together in the vampire's favorite café. When Minji saw Yoohyeon's luggage sitting by the door, she heaved a sigh and then let it out. She’ll be leaving in half an hour—not that Minji was excited about it.

She was ready to stand up when she noticed that she didn't have any clothing on, and the only thing that covered her body was the thick blanket that was wrapped around her along with Yoohyeon's comforter. Minji broke into a bright smile as she reminisced about the love that they had enjoyed together just the night before.

The vampire was her first, and although Yoohyeon was a bit aggressive, which caused Minji's whole body and lower area to ache, she made sure to take care of her and watched over the girl as she slept.

Minji did not have the strength to get dressed because she was still feeling exhausted even after she slept for long hours, so she decided to just remain in bed and wait for Yoohyeon to come out of the bathroom instead of attempting to get ready.

"Good morning, lovely," Yoohyeon warmly greeted her as soon as she came out and saw her girlfriend just staring blankly at the ceiling. "A penny for your thoughts?"

"Hyeon," Minji called, signaling the vampire to come close. Yoohyeon did what the girl asked and walked closer to her bed after taking her bathrobe off. Minji just blushed at the sight of Yoohyeon’s body in front of her since it was her first time seeing her without any clothes on.

"Yeah? Do you need anything?"

"Can you help me get dressed? Bora will be picking me up in a few minutes," Minji uttered. 

"Gladly," Yoohyeon answered, smiling. "I’m sorry, was I too rough last night?"

Once more, Minji's cheeks turned pink, and the vampire seemed to enjoy making fun of the girl because of her reactions whenever she .

"Did you really have to mention that?"

"Of course. We made love for the first time, and it was amazing. I’ll probably be thinking about that the whole week while I’m at work," she remarked with a sly grin, and Minji just rolled her eyes in response.

Because Minji had been complaining about how much pain she had in her lower region, as soon as Yoohyeon finished getting ready, she assisted her girlfriend in getting dressed.

Yoohyeon was careful to treat Minji in the most caring manner possible because she knew Minji was in a lot of discomfort. The girl did not have any spare clothing with her, but as destiny would have it, the vampire owns oversized t-shirts and sweatpants that she usually wears whenever she is working out, and they fit Minji perfectly.

After both of them heard the sound of a car honking from downstairs, Yoohyeon escorted her girlfriend until the latter was seated in the front passenger seat of the vehicle.

"Bora, take care of your sister for me, okay?"

"I’ve been taking care of her for years. There’s no need to remind me of that," she joked.

"It’s actually the other way around," Minji stated, and Bora just gave her shoulder a playful slap. "I’ll see you again next week, Hyeon."

"Of course, you will." Yoohyeon leaned closer to the window and placed a soft kiss on Minji’s lips, and Bora tried her best not to smile as she watched how adorable the lovers were. "I love you. Always, okay?"

"I love you the most."

Yoohyeon let out a long sigh as she saw the silhouette of Bora's car disappear into the far distance. She looked at the time on her wristwatch to see what it was. After another ten minutes, her father's car finally arrived and pulled up in front of the gate. The vampire was thankful that Minji was able to leave where she was before her father, who was going to drive her to the airport, arrived. She carefully carried her luggage to the trunk of the car and stored it securely there.

"Is Juyeon already at the airport?" Yoohyeon asked as soon as she got inside the car. "She hasn’t been replying to my texts since last night."

"Her mother told me she forgot to charge her phone, but they’re already waiting for us there," he replied, eyes focused on the road.

Yoohyeon just nodded and went back to scrolling through her phone.

"You reek of human scent, and it makes my head ache. Are you still hanging out with Kim Bora’s sister?"

The vampire was perplexed when Minji was brought up out of the blue, and she couldn't help but feel anxious as a result. She made sure to spray on a lot of perfume before she left her house, but she figured that her girlfriend's scent was just extremely strong.

"I’m not," she lied. "Minji’s nice. I don’t know why you’re against me being friends with her."

Her father let out a sigh, and his tone conveyed a great deal of disappointment.

"Do I really have to repeat myself to you every time humans get brought up, Yoohyeon?"

Yoohyeon displayed a sour smile. Because she knew that staring at her father, who kept sneaking looks in her direction, would only lead her to feel more pain, she avoided making eye contact with him.

"You don’t have to remind me of the trauma I’ve been through. I get the same nightmares of you killing mom every time I sleep," she coldly answered.

"I didn’t have a choice, Yoohyeon! He was going to kill you, too. I can’t lose you too," he exclaimed as he tightly gripped the stirring wheel. "I loved your mother more than anything, and you have no idea how badly it broke me when she died in my hands."

"Bull," she remarked, her voice breaking. "Of course, you had a choice. You were just too weak to go against him, and you knew you were going to lose the business you worked hard for, so you chose to follow his orders. You already have a family of your own, and you’re a ing grownup who could already make his own decisions, so don’t give me such reasons, and don’t tell me that you loved mom because you killed her."

The moment they arrived at the airport, the vampire briskly exited the vehicle, furiously slammed the door behind her, and did not even wait for her father to catch up with her.

Yoohyeon loathes the fact that whenever somebody brings up the tragedy that befell her mother, she becomes an emotionally fragile person who could burst into tears at any moment. Because she didn't want her business partner to see her in such a vulnerable state, she quickly brushed away the tears that were trying to run down her cheeks.

"I thought you were never going to come," Juyeon commented when Yoohyeon walked in her direction, nudging her shoulder with her own.

"You just came here too early," she replied with a serious expression.

"I’m just kidding. It’s eight in the morning, and you’re already grumpy, Miss Kim," she stated. "Let’s go? The plane will be departing in fifteen minutes."

"Wait, my dad’s not coming with us?" Yoohyeon asked, looking around and realizing that her father hadn’t really caught up and had probably already left the airport.

"He didn’t tell you that it’s just the two of us?"

"No," Yoohyeon responded, despite the fact that she could feel her heart racing far quicker than usual. She was abruptly confronted with a mental image of Minji, along with an audible question from her father, questioning whether or not she was still seeing the girl. Juyeon observed that Yoohyeon appeared troubled and was not paying attention, so she gently tapped the vampire's shoulder to get her attention.

"Yoohyeon, we have to go."

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the story is finally done! icb i actually managed to write this much despite how many times my brain failed to work w me. 😆 it's a happy ending like i've always planned it to be! so sorry for the twists and turns haha. i hope you guys enjoyed, and tysm for reading. see you on my upcoming stories!


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Dear Author, please share this Masterpiece on Archive of Our Own (I didn't find it there so I assume you haven't shared it there). Jiyoo lovers would love this a lot.
bananaz89 #2
Chapter 10: Can't believe that this is the end. It has been an amazing journey from start to finish. This has become one of my favorite jiyoo fic so I'm very grateful to you for writing and sharing it with us. I was scared for a second cause I really thought that Minji has died. The ending of the previous chapter really surprised me and then the twist in this chapter. Thank you for giving us a happy ending. It has been really nice to read how their love blossomed so beautifully. Yoohyeon really unintentionally turned Minji into a vampire and therefore made their love forever and always :D I'll be looking forward to your future stories. Take care!
Chapter 10: it's a masterpiece
Chapter 10: this has been an incredible journey to read, you are a very talented author and I look forward for your new story! this ended so beautifully even though you scared me with how minji was going to be. their love is so pure and wholesome, and i can end this story knowing that they’ll be together forever yay
wenrene012 #5
Chapter 9: Eh what? That took a BIG TURN??? 😭 pleaseeee let it be happy ending!
Chapter 9: I am so confused , what happened at the end. I thought all was good author, how could you do this? please let her be okay criesssssss. i am at a loss for words, omg last chapter tomorrow already? it’s been a good time with this story. thank you for updating
Chapter 8: wow the steamy part was so well written author! everything here was great, too good to be true. scared for when yoohyeon leaves now. thank you so much for double chapter update!
bananaz89 #8
Chapter 7: Sorry Juyeon for thinking that you have bad intentions. Man was her past so sad T.T and the fact that it was due to Yoohyeon's grandfather as well is just horrible. I do hope that Yoohyeon and Juyeon will become friends now and given how Juyeon used to be in a similar situation as Yoohyeon now, she might be able to be a confidant to Yoohyeon. I love all Jiyoo's moments, they are just so soft, so cute. Yoohyeon biting Minji's neck and drinking her blood was kinda spicy. Love this chapter. Thanks for the update:)
Chapter 7: juyeon’s past with luda is so heartbreaking cries. yoohyeon can now have a friend I hope who will be by her side when her dad finds out. the biting part wow… very nice that was haha, minji definitely enjoyed that as much as her gf did. thank you so much author!!!
bananaz89 #10
Chapter 6: Wow, so many things happening in this chapter, lots to process. Yoohyeon really had a painful and traumatic past. Imagine watching your own mother being killed by your own father right in front of your eyes T.T I understand that Yoohyeon's father has no choice and he might need to do that to spare Yoohyeon's life but still. And even after what he put Yoohyeon through, he is treating Yoohyeon so badly? He might not be the villain in this story (yet?) but he is definitely the bad guy in my book. Also, what is Juyeon's deal? She smells like trouble. Yes, jealous Minji is really adorable. Thanks for the update:)