
The Last Stage.


And this is the third time she's having trouble with her costume. And she has to enlist my help because we're close enough and she'd ask the staff for help but she'd rather not trouble them. All the time she's usually cautious first about my feelings and things like that, but the times she feels like being courteous to other people are really bad.
But I help her anyway. Because honestly, what can I say? Can I say 'well, if I help you now, I might just you before we even get on stage', or 'don't sue if I touch you inappropriately, now'? I can't. And so I must put my hands to her thighs and help her with those godforsaken lace bands. I have no idea why they are there. They just make me want to growl, which Tiffany happens to find cute, and rip them off her and do a lot of other things which I shouldn't. And the idea's rather far-fetched, because number one, I've never told Tiffany that I am attracted to her, and two, she'd probably run before I get close enough.
So we've got two minutes before we're on, and I'm just being a complete klutz with those tight lace bands. They're stretchy and they're half the circumference of her already really thin thighs. I wonder how they never leave marks on her smooth skin. I snap out of my thoughts and bend down a little, pulling hard and finally latching both strips together.
"Thanks Tae," she turns around and pecks me on the cheek, "Oh wait, I need these slightly higher."
I'm already stunned enough that she's daringly kissed me in front of the rushing staff, but I suppose it's normal where she comes from to show affection like this. She reaches down to help herself but my hands go to hers for some reason. I slip my fingers under hers and then under the tight lace bands. I drag them up to her inner thighs, just centimeters from where the frilly pink dress ends.
Her hand is smoothing down my hair like a mother would. She does have maternal instincts that come in handy sometimes. While she's not making the atmosphere awkward by trying to tell a joke, she's good for hugging or sitting on. When she's done and I'm done looking cluelessly at her, she flashes me that beautiful eye smile that has never once disappeared from the seven years we've been together.
Now she studies me and gives me a once over before she heads down to start our performance. I don't know what to think at all.
"You look ier with this outfit, Tae." she winks at me provocatively and then, hurries down the temporary metal structures with her heels on.
She appalls and surprises me all the time. And now, how am I to carry on with my flustered expression and flushed cheeks? Really, all the time it's her fault. And she has about no idea. No clue, really.
And seconds later after the cheers die out, I hear them rise again. The signal that the queen of pink's graced the audience with her husky vocals and coy smirks. How I do this every week when we have tours does shock me.
I know when to appear. Really, I do. But I get in a second late and the dancers are unable to cover it up. I've already started singing but my steps are a foot late and she's noticed it, as she lounges on the couch-like thing below me, snapping her fingers to my beat.
My lips mould themselves around the foreign words and soon she joins me, making up for my unsteady footwork just seconds before. Her knowing gaze catches me off guard, but I manage to keep my voice stable.
Have I said so before? That unique husky tone in her voice is something I listen out for all the time. It's something I can hear from a crowd of a thousand. And not because she's loud. I mean, not just because she's loud. It's also because I've had that voice at my ear before I fall asleep at night or when I wake up. Her voice is something that is hard to live without now.
We head our separate ways as we work the thousands of pink light sticks waving to her hands. I spot the usual light-up banners in the sea of black and pink. One flashes 'Taeyeon and Tiffany' in support of our signature duet, or maybe the pairing itself.
I know the pairing. We know some of these things. They're fun little couples that the fans enjoy putting together. They enjoy seeing us hug and kiss and roll around with each other. But in the dorms we do much more than that.
Now I have to keep my mind off things, because I'm losing my lyrics that I've practiced so much and I'm supposed to be belting out the high notes soon.
It's exhilarating, I tell you, when you hear the screams and the voices singing along. And then I realise it'll be the last time we take this stage as ours. As Taeyeon and Tiffany. And dear God, if You exist, please let this last a little longer. She's walking towards me with that same peculiar look on her face and I lift my microphone to my lips to meet the synchronised duet of intertwining voices.
Then the music gets its high and I throw my head back with my microphone swung far so that we don't receive feedback as I pump all there is to my diaphragm into my vocal chords. It comes out well, I guess and her voice matches well as she backs mine up.
And then again we should be savouring this moment, here in Thailand. Ten thousand other people in this stadium but she chooses to look into my eyes. Perhaps I'm making myself feel better about my uality but that tells me something.
The spark in those dark eyes keeps me going and I do. I belt out the last notes with bass and treble and sink the harmony with her voice. I'm running short of breath, but that's how it always has been, next to her.
And the lights are off. The stage is done. We are done. But she holds out her poised hand anyway and I grab it. All those people thinking I'm the dominant, when really she's the one holding out her arms for me to fall into. I sheepishly grasp her hand as tight as she does mine and we start running for the steps.
It's pitch black and although the pink sea continues to flash and light our way, it's an unsteady thing to be in a huge place and on a small raised platform. Her hand keeps me balanced anyway and we make it down the steps in perfect equilibrium. She doesn't let me go as we duck under the black curtains, and I don't either.
When she finally gives a whoop and lifts her hand from mine to pat my head, I catch it again. I'd like to take her hand for once instead of waiting and expecting her to show up in front of me with hers outstretched. Either that or I'll never have the courage to do anything like this in the future.
We have time. It's a nice thing to feel. It really is. We make it to the dressing rooms and she's smiling big at me, with one eyebrow turned down. She seems amused by me; by my actions.
"Wae, Taeyeon ah?" she asks me with that same attitude.
"Mwo?" I ask as well, still looking at her with a kind of shy but hopeful smile.
She shrugs, something she does sometimes, and then closes the door behind us after I've finally let go of her hand. She undoes the zipper of her dress on her own, and it drops to her feet. Dear God, why are you making me watch this?
"It's just that you seem a lot more energetic and jumpy all of a sudden." she turns a little while removing the lace bands and tells me.
I realise that I've just been watching her all along and looking pretty much like a complete weirdo or some kind of a ert. I turn around and get to my own outfit. I reach up and find the black top hat thing they've stuck in my hair. I wiggle it a little and attempt to get it off.
She walks over in just her undergarments and tiptoes on her bare feet, my hair and then removing the ornament from my head. She continues and spins me around. HEr hands pull down the zipper of my corset-like gothic dress. Her fingertips graze the skin on my back and then she turns me back around to take my hands.
I mirror her amused expression with one of my own. I just end up looking slightly dorky and erted. I know that because I've done it one too many times.
"Change, Tae." she says cutely. "We don't have much time."
I widen my eyes. "We have like, seven."
She nods. "Which is ample."
She turns on her heel to grab her costume off the rack and ever so boldly do I reach forth with my arms to put them around her bare stomach. She leans into my shoulder instinctively like it's a normal thing to do with best friends. And we are best friends, I guess. We've known each other practically our entire lives and for the parts we haven't been there have already been told of.
It's skin on skin and she just enjoys the embrace with me before reaching back and patting my behind lightly. "We can continue the touching later, Tae."
Her promise allows me to change with a peace of mind. So I do. The warmth is gone and gosh, do I miss it. I'm done with the hilarious-looking outfit with shiny shorts and the glitzy shirt and she isn't. I reach over immediately to help her pull up her shorts. My hand goes where I cannot see and pulls up the zipper, slipping in the button with nimble fingers.
She turns around with a 'what was that for, Kim Taeyeon' look. I just grin back at her and she then stands up straight and puts her hands on her hips. Someone calls '2 minutes' from outside, but she's having none of it. She backs me into a corner and now I have my hands up.
"What's your game now, Taeyeon?" she asks with her head cocked a little to the side.
"Are you feeling... touchy? All of a sudden?" she continues her interrogation.
"I guess?" I have no idea how to answer her question, I confess.
She's too close now. I turn away so she won't hear my unsteady breathing. We remain in that position for quite a while.
"One minute!"
And she's closer than ever.
"Let's make a memory now, Tae. Never forget this night." she leans in.
I'm afriad I tell you. Very afraid. But she's leaning in and there's this chance I have to take. She's near now and her eyes are closing.
It's only a peck and then she has my hand under her grip, flying both of us back under the metal structures, finding ways to the stage.
"Yah!" I yell, for some reason.
"We'll continue later." she promises as she runs with me. "It's our last stage, Tae. Ours."
Here we are. Thanks for reading. Need to sleep NOW.
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Chapter 1: what was that? hahahaha love this
dimskie #2
i love it!! i really really do
I'm not really sure why I never commented on this but I've had this between my bookmarks for ages and read it every once in a while.
I think this shot is really good! I love it a lot. ^^ And I especially love the ending ;)
Very well written ^_^ it was great cant wait to see what else you post ^_^