
I Cannot Fall In Love With You

[ Dara POV]

I turned my head to face him. If either of us moved, we would be kissing.

His mouth formed into a smirk.

I was supposed to run away. To get away from him. But my legs wouldn't move. It was as if i actually wanted it. 

No no no..... I couldnt....this isn't supposed to be happening. 

We stood there for a while before Jiyong took a step back.

I took a deep breath. Good thing he did that. If he didn't move, I don't think I would.  

He went to the table and grabbed his drink, taking a few sips. I sighed then went to join him. 

(Jiyong POV) 

That was so close. I had to tear myself away from her.

She didn't move, making it worse. I was so tempted to kiss her. But I didn't know why. I had to imply my self control.

I stared at her as she moved to the seat next to me. I had to gulp down my drink to calm myself down...  


"so what do you want to talk about?" oh yeah. I told her I wanted to talk to her.....

Actually i came because i feel a urgent need to see her. I wracked my brains for an excuse. 

"erm......anything?"  she raised her eyebrows. 

"L-let's talk about you." i suddenly uttered.

She looked a bit shocked. Where did that come from?? i was mentally hitting myself. 

"Erm.... okay...What do you want to know?"She asked, raising an  eyebrow.

[Dara POV]

Me?? Why does he want to talk about me?

"Erm.... okay...What do you want to know?" i tried to ask calmly.

His face lit up as he looked at me.

"Uh.....When's your birthday?"
Of All things. Birthday? C'mon Jiyong you can do better than that.

"November 12"

He nodded. "Ah....okay..."
"Mmm-hmmm." I said sarcastically. he raised his arms in surrender.

"Fine! you ask the Questions."

i thought for a while. "Why did you choose this school? What brought you here?"

He Shrugged then playfully smirked, "You."

 My heart skipped a beat. but he was obviously joking with me.

i Hit his arm. "Y-yah! Be serious!"

He just laughed and nudged me too.

"Seriously, why?"

He rested his head on his hand and looked me in the eye.

"Cos i knew i would find someone special."

I smiled but a little part of me broke. That's probably why he's a player.....He was trying to find 'the one'  for him.

I tried to play it cool

.i playfully wiggled my eyebrows. "So....who is it?"

He moved closer until out faces were a hand's width away.

 He tilted his head in a 'Beats-me' way then looked straight at me.

" You."

My heart practically stopped. Me? Heat was filling my body..... but i convinced myself that he was just playing around again. I mean, he cant like me, can he?

" I t-told you not to joke around..." 

He smiled, "Yeah, youre right."

I wasnt surprised. he cant possibly like me, anyway. But.....Why did i feel so weird?

I shook my head. Who cares? Its not like i like him anyway.

Suddenly, his phone rang. He fumbled with it then answered, "Yobosaeyo?"

"OPPA~" i could hear Sohee shout. He flinched and brought his face away before putting it back again and saying, "Yeah?" 

They then talked for a while before Jiyong hung up. He sighed and flashed a small smile at me. "I have to go. Talk to you tomorrow?"

i just nodded and he made his way to the door.

He's definitely going out to see Sohee..... I rolled my eyes. That girl seriously gets on my nerves..

i got up and brought our glasses to the sink. then something caught my eye. i turned and saw a wallet next on the counter. if i wasnt wrong....that was Jiyong's!

i quickly dried my hands and grabbed the wallet. i locked up then ran down, hoping i would catch up with him.

[Jiyong POV]

i scowled. Of all times to call me, Sohee had call when i was with Dara....

Honestly i didnt know what she was calling for. She just wanted to meet up.

But i couldnt do anything, if she found out i was with Dara when i didnt want to go and meet her, she might get the wrong idea....and who knows what will happen to Dara??

I looked at my phone just as Sohee sent a text message to me. 



To : Jiyong


Oppa~ meet me at the sky garden neh? ;)


I sighed and made my way to the garden.

Then I texted her back.


From: Jiyong

To: Sohee


Yea. K.


[Sohee POV]

I smirked.

Plan success.

Earlier, I saw him walk to Dara's dorm block. I was positive he would visit that woman again. 

Fortunately, he took the bait. I needed to get him away from that woman at all costs....

I looked up craning my neck to see if Jiyong was coming. Suddenly he appeared at the glass doors. I smiled and waved to him. 

He took the seat next to me, and sighed.

"so what do you want?" he said, clearly annoyed. 

"aww....Ji baby... Don't be like that." I cooed. 

He grit his teeth and practically glared at me, "if there's no good reason why I should be here, then don't waste my time."  

He got up and I quickly grabbed his arm. 

"we need to talk. Catch up, you know?" He wasn't facing me but I could feel that he rolled his eyes. 

"Ji....." I pleaded.

He sat down rather harshly but, at least he did sit down. 

"we should really spend more time together.." I said as I ran my fingers through his hair.

He grabbed my hand quite roughly and put it on my lap saying," keep your hands to yourself."

I sighed," Ji baby... This is what I'm talking about." 

I looked at him but his focus was somewhere else. He wasn't listening to me at all.

 Suddenly, from behind him I saw a familiar figure.

My eyes widened as I saw Dara approaching.

NO, she can't.

I sat on his lap before she could call him out or anything.

She stopped in her tracks. Yes..... Thats right. 

Jiyong was startled at first, but then he tried to push me away. 

I looked to see if Dara started moving because of that.

But Jiying turned his head as well. 

On impulse, I grabbed his face with both hands and turned it to face me.

Before he could say anything, I smashed my lips onto his. 

From the corner of my eye, I saw Dara run away.  When Jiyong finally pushed me away, I knew he was going to shout at me again. So I backed up and just winked at him.

I quickly walked away. I don't care if he's angry at me now, at least I made her go away.

[Dara POV]

I ran away as fast as I could.

Stopping at one of the benches to rest,I thought back about what I just saw. 

He didn't even push her away. When she sat on him, he didn't object. 

But most importantly, why did I even run away? Why do I feel......hurt?

I shook my head. Its not hurt, but it definitely made me feel utter hate toward Sohee.

I made my way back.

Luckily for me, I didn't bump into anybody.

---Next day-------


I turned and saw Jiyong approaching, with a wide smile.

I didn't know why, but seeing him made me feel hurt.....

I pretended that i didnt see anyone and just walked away.

"DARA." i felt a hand on my shoulder.

i nearly jumped, i didnt know he was that close already!

i turned and flashed him a small awkward smile. "Uh,....hi?" i then searched in my bag for his wallet and passed it to him.

while doing this, i had the urge to shout at him, hit him or anything like that......but why? he didnt do anything to me....and why did i feel so hurt??

"im sorry about yesterday....Sohee just wanted to meet up."

"Oh, so you'd rather talk to her than talk to me?" the words suddenly flowed out of my mouth......but somehow, i didnt regret saying them.

he looked taken aback. "W-what?? what makes you say that?"

Again, words came flowing out, " The Sky Garden yesterday? you obviously have more to do with her than me." 

he rolled his eyes, " That was Sohee.....i didnt want to do that. i was about to walk away."

"Then why didnt you push her away?" i folded my arms

"I did!" he protested.

i paused. was he telling the truth? or was he just playing around with me? 

"Argh. Just dont.....Dont talk to me!" i blurted, not knowing how to respond to him. 

"Why?? i didnt do anything to you! Seriously Dara....." 

EXACTLY. so why was i even this way?? ARGH. what's with all these confusion in me!!

"Leave me alone......"

He gave me the what-the-hell face.

" No- i mean... Argh! i just need to think, okay??" i shouted.

I turned and ran. He better not follow me........

[Jiyong POV]

What the heck was her problem?? Was she PMS-ing or something?? Talk about mood swings.......

I was about to go follow her when suddenly someone grabbed my hand.

i turned and saw Taeyang semi-glaring at me. oh what nice timing......

"What was that?"

"Nothing, really. just a misuderstanding."

"She looked HURT Ji."

"Look," i put my hands up in defence " She just misunderstood something and she told me she needed time to think."

"Think about what?"

"How would i know?? thats why i want to go run after her."

He heaved a sigh.


i rolled my eyes. "Oh and i thought you said not to hurt her?? i need to explain myself, dont i?"

"I've known her way longer than you. in this kind of situation, dont go after her."

well.....he was right, he did know her much more. But should i just leave her?

i looked back at  Taeyang. But he was still one of my best friends, i should trust him, shouldn't i?

i scratched my head.

"Okay man." 

"But we," he suddenly patted my shoulder " have ALOT to talk about."


Writer's note:

OMO! dara mood swingssss >o< haha

Annyong ^^ haha sorry i took long to update! alot of things going on at school =3= but in return! i did write a longer-than-usual chapter ^^ kekeke

Anywaysssss...... PLEASE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE :) oh and if you have any questions you can also put it in the comments ^^


Reply to tatalovesbigbang:

nopes :) none are siblings. the only family relation in the story so far is Jiyong and Chaerin, as cousins :P hope that helped!

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ashleydreams #1
Chapter 10: Phew! Saved lol^^. Can't wait for the next chapter:)
Seungri's a lovelife saver. Haha! :D So cute as well.
kekekekeke~ panda's so cute~
HAHAHA!!! Pandaa~~!!! Better think of something fast!! ><
this is good, though I was hating Dara's CHaracter on the 1st few chaps..not actually hating, I just can't stand nor understand why she let her ex do such a thing to her
i'm having a feeling that this is more inclined to being a Daragon story? :> not that i'm complaining about it? hehe. :D
tatalovesbigbang #7
So does that mean in the story Tiffany, TOP and Jiyong are siblings?
lilcandycane #8
<3 the background!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fighting 4 love! FIGHTING! XD
Teehee. I think I'll like this as well. :D
xxAiX009xx #10
Haha "this is for chaerin. . this is for chaerin. . this is for chaerin. . " PART is funNY^_^