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Above the Shore
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On the land above, a beautiful island named Eden was filled with people on the streets traveling to their destinations. Some going to the market to seek fabric for a gown. Some going to buy fruit. Some going to set up shop to sell their custom knick knacks. The people of Eden often held parties, housewarming parties, day parties, night parties, no matter the situation they loved to party. 

The queen in the palace often threw balls for her people because she, too, loved to party. The queen lived in the only palace on the island of Eden, which stood tall, gazing over the people, the buildings and the sea. The queen had four daughters with her husband before he passed two years ago. She was left alone to raise four girls all on her own, and if you ask the citizens of Eden, they would say that she has been doing a magnificent job so far.

There was not a week that went by that the eldest daughter of the queen did not visit the people of Eden in their every day lives before setting sail with the former prince's seamen. The eldest loved to go to the market and help out the sellers. She would give it her all to sell the fruit and the fabrics that every family needed, and she would get a good deal too. The queen knew her daughter loved to socialize with her people and sail the seas, but her daughter was becoming a fine young lady, eligible for marriage. 

When the queen was only but seventeen, she married her husband. When her father had passed over a year later, she had instantly become queen. Her eldest had turned seventeen six months prior and had no interest in finding a partner. Whenever the subject was brought up, she would brush it off and change the subject. Today, the queen and her daughter were supposed to meet in the family room to discuss the future of the kingdom, which involved her eldest daughter's nuptials. Coincidentally, the eldest daughter cannot be found in any room of the palace.

The queen figured she would do something like this, and after one of her daughter's reported back to her that her eldest had left and taken her youngest, she could only sit back and sigh. She decided she would simply wait for them to return to the palace instead of sending the guards to search for them, as it would probably only scare her eldest away. As the day went on, the queen only called the servants for some tea and sat back in her chair comfortably, patiently waiting for her daughter to walk through those doors. 

The king sat on his throne, silently waiting for his daughters to return home. He had heard the news of Tiffany going missing earlier and instead of getting worked up and sending out a search for her, he allowed his eldest daughter to handle it, knowing she was fully capable of doing so. 

He sighed, running a hand down his face. He could not afford for this day to have any slip ups. However, knowing his youngest, it seemed like it was impossible.

He continued to sit there silently until he heard the voice of his eldest, "And you better believe I will be telling your mother about your little adventure today, Bora. You are far too old to still be getting dragged around by Tiffany these days. It's time you grow a mind of your own."

He smiles slightly, his eldest had always been stern with the younger mer-children and it stayed with her until now.

Before he sees the voice of the daughter he heard, he sees his youngest coming through the gates, looking as miserable as ever. He held back a laugh, knowing it was because the girl got caught and brought back home.

As she continued her journey inside the gates, seemingly going back to her room, he stopped her, "Tiffany," She immediately stops. "Where were you today?"

The young girl looked up at her father, "I've been trapped up in my room for days and when I was allowed out, Sooyoung was on my tail," She complained. "So I decided to go out today with her and I took Bora because I needed company."

She stood tall, wanting to seem afraid of what he would say. She didn't know he was trying so hard not to laugh because the girl reminded him so much of her mother. To this day, his wife is headstrong, and he supposes Tiffany got her stubborness from the both of them.

Triton looked beyond Tiffany to see Sunny sending Bora back to her home and his other daughters swimming near him and Tiffany. 

"Don't be too harsh on her father," Sooyoung pleaded. "I was supposed to keep an eye on her and I fell asleep. You know how she is, the minute she saw me she bolted." She chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. 

Triton nodded and turned towards his youngest, "I know you hate being treated this way, but I promise, after tonight you can have your freedom," He promised her. "It's about time you began spending more time watching over your waters and the merfolk and sea creatures in it anyways. It's time you start paying attention to your duty, like your sisters." 

Tiffany looked away, not agreeing with him. She wanted her freedom more than anything, but it seemed she was only getting it to play her role in this family like everyone else. "May I leave now?" She says in a clipped tone.

Triton nodded, knowing she was still not pleased, but not wanting to push her any further. The young girl immediately swam away back to her room.

"I don't know how you all deal with her," Jessica shook her head. "She is a piece of work. She has always been one." She sits on one of the stones in front of her father's throne.

Sooyoung rolled her eyes, "We deal with her the same way we dealt with your miserable, selfish attitude for years. We ignore it most of the time." 

"Father, when are you going to have a real talk with her?" Jessica ignored her sister. "She is still swimming around here acting like an entitled brat. I think I'd have more tolerance for her if she wanted to have freedom for a mer-man but it seems she only wants to go exploring around the ocean all day to see what human dropped thei

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czankx #1
Chapter 3: hahah, the first time i read "Unnie!" i can hear Yoona's aegyo voice and indeed it was her hahah.. i can picture out the scenes from Little Mermaid but it's always different when the characters are TaeNy and Soshi's
Chapter 2: Wow, a lovely wise queen :)
But really, some human are more dangerous than all of the sea creatures.
(Those are the greedy evil human, we can see how our environmental issues :( )

Hopefully both kingdom always safe n be joined together, be greater safety n happy place :) :)
Randomreader4444 #3
Chapter 2: love the parallels between Tiffany and Taeyeon already !!
1119 streak #4
Chapter 2: Lol little gremlin twins? 🤣🤣🤣
1119 streak #5
Inspired by the original little mermaid? Then I hope it won't end up like the original too authy 😁😁😁
Randomreader4444 #6
Ah I’m already excited to read this!
I haven't read taeny in a while but I'll be following this one! I'm excited seems it will be awesome!