Us Against The World


A dark blanket covered the starless night sky.  Rain poured down as the wind blew icy cold. 

All alone, he stood unmoving, uncaring, amongst the fallen bodies.  Victims to his blade. 

His clothes, dyed a crimson red.  His eyes, a menacing glare. 

His sword, the giver of a thousand deaths. 

His name, Requiem. 






Author's note:

I had this up a few days ago but I guess it got deleted when the site went down. 

Will try to update as usual but still trying to organise my trip to Hong Kong and Japan in May.


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SaraYun #1
Chapter 21: Amazing !!
Chapter 22: I'm so confused. Nothing new here. Move along.
Chapter 7: Lol I like how Sungyeol refers to Myungsoo and Woohyun as animals and basically make them Sunggyu's pets XD
Like he makes Sunggyu seem like a kid who just can't help but to take in stray animals XD
naznew #4
Chapter 22: Second time i read this and it still great..
Almondd #5
Chapter 4: After finding out the man at the starting was actually myung, I actually needed to read from the start again just to get my visions right :-'D
Is there anyone nice enough to explain this story to me?? :3 I'm bit blurred with this one =_=
namwustar #7
sdcakjdhaosdhakldhkal what is this? i cant bear reading this fic.. because its just so beautiful and unique and shfkshdkshjfka
literally cant describe it with words... im so going to read the sequel later, after lunch... haha (its 11 am here)
and.. uh... so complicated, so confusing. I might re-read this again, bcos its just so so so so beautiful damn it, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this fic
half of your completed fics are awesome! i believe your other stories are awesome too! cant wait to finish all of it!
Chapter 1: I thought it was Woohyun, whom Sunggyu helped. Turns out to be Myungsoo. D:
Chapter 12: I see MyungGyu :">
Chapter 16: I think Detective Lee is Hoya. :D
Chapter 17: I went back to Chapter 4 to find out who could be Hoya and Dongwoo. Seriously? XD
The story is VERY confusing. But, I'm used to it tho. LOL Most of your stories are confusing at the middle for me, but it gets understandable at the end. :O
*When I reached Chapter 17, I paused reading and took a bath first. Then I went to the next chapter and I'm like.. What the heck happened. So, I decided to go back to Chapter 1. OTL I should've finished reading before taking a bath.. Ugh. XD*
I would like to continue reading the sequel but there's only one chapter in it. And I really don't like reading incomplete stories.. Sooooo, I'll just reread my favorite fanfic of yours, which is, all of it. XDD
*long comment is long* LOL
i know you will make a sequel rite, like u always do..keep the faith..^^
BTW, I liked the ending. I honestly think a sequel or whatever would ruin the mood, but if you wanna make one I can't stop you, can I? :)))