Woo Bin entered Yong hoon’s  room she was on her bed reading something. Her face lit up as yong hoon saw his brother.


“Hey baby” woo bin said to her as he sat on the bed beside her


“So how did it go” Yoong hoon asked


“Well” woo bin asked a bit teasing


“Tell me now” Yong Hoon demanded and started to pout again


Woo bin laughed his heart out.


“Don’t be like that” woo bin said still laughing


Yoong Hoon still pouted

“Appa lessened your time of imprisonment” woo bin said sarcastically


“Lessened?” Yong hoon asked confused


“Yah baby, 1 week” woo bin said and smiled


Yoong hoon’s grin was so wide. He hugged his brother so tight and ran to the door.


“Yong Hoon-ah” woo bin yelled


Yong hoon just dashed out and ran to his father’s office


“Appa! Appa!” young hoon yelled as she entered without permission. His dad was there signing something and was shocked to see his daughter running to him.


“What did your brother do to you now?” her dad asked as Yoong Hoon hugged him tightly


“Thank you appa” Yong hoon whispered to his dad


Mr. Song felt happy. He hugged his daughter back

Woo bin was at the door looking at them and smiling


“Yah how can i get angry to you when you’re like this?” her dad said


“i dunno no” yong hoonn-ah snickered


“Arasso, arasso, you’re not grounded anymore” her dad said


“Really?!” Yong hoon  asked with a delighted voice


“Ne, but with one condition” his dad said seriously


Yong hoon eyed him.* There’s something wrong* she thought.


“hmmmm arasso” Yoong hoon said


“You won’t ever try to be a part of your brother’s love life if you can call that love, or maybe fling life” his dad said


Woo bin coughed at the door a bit embarrassed.


“Ok appa” Yong Hoon said *lying*


“promise?” her dada said


She just nodded her head immediately. sHe hugged her dad immediately and went to woo bin.


“You two get out of my office” their dad commanded


“Arasso” the both said and slammed the door shut


He looked at the picture on his table


“See that they make me soft” he muttered


Then he went back to his work



In the living room woo bin and yong hoon were playing poker.


“Thanks for everything oppa” yong hoon said


“No problem baby i just need you to behave properly” woo bin said without looking away from his cards


“And you owe me” woo bin  added


“Arasso” Yong hoon said concentrating


“And i win” woo bin said suddenly


Woo bin laid his card down and young hoon stared in disbelief. He did win. She grunted and threw her cards down. Woo bin laughed at her sister. Then woo bins phone rang.


“Yow yow yow, don juan here. . . . ooo yi jung.... yah.... ok... i’ll be there” woo bin said and closed his phone


He looked at her sister and kissed her forehead. He stood up


“Gotta go baby” he said as he reached for his coat on the sofa


“Can i come” yong hoon said cheerfully


“No me and the boys are there, just go to sleep and behave” woo bin said as he walked out the door and closed it.


Yoong hoon was left there alone. She sighed and stood up to go to her room. She laid on her bed and hugged the pillow


“Unfair” she thought


She was pouting until she fell asleep.

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katrinajore #1
hahahaha i updated please read
ChoiRaeSoo #2
Caliber 45! Cool!