It Begins

Which One?


Jiyong just couldn’t figure out why he let her go.  To Mika Seunghyun was everything.  And yet, he just let her go.  No, it wasn’t even that!  All he did was use her.  All of Big Bang knew, but no one could break her heart, with the exception of Seunghyun of course.  Standing around the corner Jiyong could hear her crying into Daesung’s shoulder.

Slaming his fist into the wall Jiyong left to go find Seunghyun to give him a piece of his mind.  He was usually calm and collected but this sent him over the edge.  Bursting into Seunghyun’s dressing room Jiyong saw the other woman.  He wanted to hit her so badly, but Jiyong would never lay a hand on a woman.  Seunghyun on the hand was a different story.

Marching right over to him he told the other woman to move and hit Seunghyun giving him a bloody nose.  “If you can’t see what you had then that’s your fault.”  And turned to leave, but stopped to say, “You idiot,” then left.

“Oppa?”  Mika walked up behind Jiyong.  It had only been a few hours since she had found out how Seunghyun actually felt about her, and it was still obvious with her make up and tear stained face.  Walking up to her, he wrapped his arms around her.

“I promise, we’re all here for you,” he told her.

“No,” she told him looking up, “I just want to be here with you.”

As Seunghyun awoke the next morning he walked out into the living room he found Mika asleep on Jiyong’s lap, who had fallen asleep on the couch upright.  It didn’t matter to him, but for some reason it still bugged him.  Walking on into the kitchen he began to make breakfast.

As the other member began to wake up from the smell of food they ate in silence.  Everyone was still awkward with Seunghyun, who still hadn’t spoken a word since yesterday.  Eventually Mika and Jiyong got up too, but as they walked in Seunghyun left.  After they were sure he wasn’t coming back they began to joke around as if nothing was wrong.

Back at the studio it was the same story.  No one wanted to talk with Seunghyun at all.  Sadly enough for Mika she had to work on his new outfit.  Only directions came out of to move this way or that way.  It was two hours of awkward silence.  But just before they were done Seunghyun stood up and kissed Mika tight there and then.

“What are you doing?”  Mika demanded pushing him away.

“I saw you two this morning, and I realized the mistake I was making,” he explained and then went back in for another kiss.  And now enter Jiyong, which doesn’t make for the best situation.

“Get off!”  She yelled at while trying to push him off.  Seeing this Jiyong jumped in to save her.  A couple seconds later the two were going at it on the floor.  Walking by Taeyang saw this and tried to pull the two apart.  Finally successful in separating the two Seunghyun huffed and then left giving Jiyong a dirty look on the way out.

“You alright man?”  Taeyang asked.

Putting his arm around Mika he replied, “Yeah, as long as Mika’s fine.”  Kissing her on the forehead Jiyong knew that this was going to be a long battle.
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