Light Lag

Lovelost Elegy

 ©Team AiMai

AmeDrops X KuronekoBurijio

Lovelost Elegy

Disclaimer: We do not own Hey! Say! JUMP or Johnny & Associates. All events are entirely fictional.

Lovelost Elegy Chapter 15: Light Lag

Aoi started her dance session again after taking a break. She took a deep breath and she decided to ignore the intense stare of Chinen Yuri. She tried to picture her mother’s smile. Yura smiled at himself as he concealed his female counterpart, Aoi.

“... Focus. Focus. Focus.” Yura kept telling to Aoi and himself. Little by little, the clumsy Aoi was replaced by the confident Yura. He followed Tsukasa’s dancing. Thank goodness, he had dancing skills.

Yuri saw Yura smile at himself and Yura saw this. Immediately, he turned back into Aoi as she stumbled on the floor.

“... Is he an idiot?” He wondered while watching her.

“... You’re good. But I have to hear your voice. Being in AiMai doesn’t change anything if you cannot sing. “ Yuri rubbed his chin and frowned.

After long hours of dancing, the training session for that day ended. Aoi felt relieved because she was able to focus well. He was about to get her bag when Yuri stood up and blocked her way. She stared at him in confusion.

“Before you go, I must listen to your voice first.” He smirked.

Aoi could feel butterflies at her stomach. She wasn’t prepared for this.

 Aoi could only gulp as she saw Tsukiya mouthing “Go on” to her.

“Any song would do.” Yuri added.

She took a deep breath and decided to perform again the song that she performed during the audition, “Light Lag”.

After a few inhales and exhales, she started singing.

They bloomed in vivid colors on the night sky
With the sound timidly  coming later
"This is just like you and me when we're on a date."
The light and the sound are like the two of us, so sadly out of sync.

And yet, you say "How beautiful."
My heart pounds in my chest at the sight of the light from the fireworks dying in your cheeks.

By my side, you laugh  "This is also a firework, isn't it?"
Infected by your smile, I laugh as well, you're so close that I might reach out to hold you...In my hands
The rainbow-colored light  reflected from your white skin
And my heartbeats racing at the same time are just like...

Yuri listened to her intently.

“.... He’s good.” He said to himself.

In the lukewarm wind of August
On the river bed where the bugs dance, we share a kiss
I try glaring at the mosquito landing on your hand
But my accelerating heart rate won't slow down

Every time the giant ball of fireworks dyes the sky in its color
Your face would look so adorable  and I'd blush

By my side, you laugh  "This is also a firework, isn't it?"
Infected by your smile, I laugh as well  you're so close that I might reach out to hold 

you in my arms
The rainbow-colored light  reflected from your white skin
And my heartbeats racing at the same time make a firework together

The light and the sound  you and me all become one
A quartet singing a song of love
In a quiet voice  I whisper to the fireworks
"Thank you, for helping me hide my cheeks blushing in crimson."

Yuri didn’t want to admit it but he got touched by Yura’s angelic voice. He let him finish the song without interrupting. This is the first time Yuri encountered such voice. He might sound like a girl but it gives a different feel to it.

“Yuri-kun! What do you think?” Tsukiya exclaimed.

They all anticipated on his answer. Aoi didn’t know his reaction because she couldn’t see his face. In truth, he was smiling but he didn’t show it to them.

“See you in a month, Fuurin Yura.” He said and left.

They heard the door close. Aoi was left frozen on where she was standing. What he just said didn’t register to her. She is not sure if she’s accepted or not. Just then, Tsukiya hugged her tightly.

“Yura! Congratulations!” She exclaimed with joy.

“Nee-san, you’re killing her.” Tsukasa said while patting Aoi’s head.

“Am I accepted?” She asked.

“Of course you are. Weren’t you listening at all?!” Tsukiya exclaimed.

Aoi smiled, happy that she was accepted. She’s also happy that Chinen Yuri accepted her.

“... You must be careful Aoi, he’s dangerous when he finds out your secret.” She said to herself.

“Let’s go, Aoi-chan. Let’s celebrate! Tsukasa will treat us.” Tsukiya said while dragging her to the door.

“What?! Well, this is for Aoi-chan, not for you.” Tsukasa exclaimed while trailing on her sister and Aoi’s back.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Yuri was about to go to his dressing room to get his things when he heard the name “Aoi” from the studio.

“... Aoi?” He thought to himself. He looked back at the studio’s door and he decided to let what he heard slip away.

“Naah... I must be imagining things...” He muttered to himself.

He opened his dressing room and saw Ryosuke lying on his sofa. He had his earphones on and was reading Yuri’s manga. Ryosuke saw him and smirked.

“Yo. How’s your agenda today?” He asked while getting up and removing his earphones on his ear.

“He’s good but he looks like a girl.” He said while looking for his things.

Ryosuke threw at him the pouch bag beside him. Yuri caught it. He stretched his arms.

“Boring, I thought you would do something else.” Ryosuke said.

“Whatever.” Yuri answered.

“Aren’t you going home yet?” He asked Ryosuke.

Ryosuke nodded and they went out of the room. They saw the trio walking outside the studio. The three saw them. Tsukiya waved at Ryosuke.

“Yama-chan, you’re here.” Tsukiya greeted him.

Ryosuke smirked at the lady.

“Just because you’re the manager doesn’t mean that you have to call me that way!” He exclaimed.

“Whatever.” Tsukiya grinned.

Yuri looked at Aoi and smirked. He and Ryosuke went ahead. Aoi watched Yuri leaving with Ryosuke until they were out of sight and she stared at Yuri’s portrait.

“... Thank you for accepting me. I’ll do my best.” She said silently to the portrait and went along with Tsukiya and Tsukasa.

To be continued~





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Sorry for the late updates.... will be updating by the end of the week.


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Reia_Na #1
OMG,,it's so sad,,poor fumiko,she had lost her parent,, I hope Ryutaro still alive,,
ckossi #2
Wah~!!!! SOOOOOO SAD!!! I almost started crying. Inoo Kei was a jerk. His (ex)girlfriend was a nightmare. How did he even think he loved a girl like that when he saw her being horrid to his friends. That's disgusting. Poor Fumiko!!!
Reia_Na #3
Ganbatte Keito.. and author-san,, keep it up and update soon!!!!
Reia_Na #4
So funny that Burichan's sleeping at the inside of fridge's cooler,,hahaha XD
ckossi #5
Yay!!! Good Job Hikaru!!
Reia_Na #6
So sweeeeetttt!!!!!!!
ckossi #7
Aw! Good Luck Hikaru!
ckossi #8
Kei needs to dump her! How can he not see how evil she is or is he not willing to admit she is? Even though Kei is smart, he sure is being dumb.
janidra331 #9
i love reiko even if she is a spoiled brat she knows how to confront the
Reia_Na #10
Hahaha,, I can't imagine how's saeko's allergic face,, update soon please!!