

"Hello, little guy, you must be cold and lonely, hm?"


When Kyuhyun came to, there was a man with a beautiful smile in front of him. However, his cheeks were stained by a trail of tears. Kyuhyun tried to brush them off but found out that he couldn't move his body. Actually, he couldn't feel his limbs at all. What happened?


"Don't worry though, I'm no difference..."


The beautiful stranger murmured. Another teardrop fell from his almond-shaped eyes and Kyuhyun's heart felt like it got hit by acid. Wait. Why can't he feel his heartbeat? While he was panicking, the dark-haired man took off his gray-knitted scarf and put it on him. Strangely, he couldn't feel the warmth of the scarf at all but his non-existent heart suddenly felt warmer, so much that he felt like melting away... 


"Pfft, little guy, how come the scarf looks so silly on you? Is it because of your messy eyes and nose? Sorry, I'll try to find better stones and a carrot nose for you."


Stones? Carrot nose? What is he talking about? Kyuhyun was confused. He tried to tilt his head but nothing happened. He could only watch the beauty with a racing heart— Wait. He didn't have a heart... Then, what is this fluttering feeling in his chest? Did he even have a chest?


"Sigh... He left me for work again, even though he promised to spend Christmas with me..."


The melancholic man mumbled while sneering at himself. Kyuhyun didn't like it. He wanted to caress those pale cheeks and told the man to smile. Alas, he couldn't make a single sound. He probably didn't have a mouth too. So, he could only watch helplessly while the angel spoke about his cold boyfriend who always left him lonely. More often than not, he only met his boyfriend two days per week during weekends. Initially, he thought that they could be together on Christmas because it fell on the weekend. However, his boyfriend later messaged him coldly informing him that he couldn't make it. Not even an apology or an explanation.


"I wonder... Why did he care more about work than me...?"


No! Kyuhyun shouted in his head. You are probably his mistress! That jerk boyfriend definitely had a family so he could see the angel on weekends only. Kyuhyun had seen a lot of scum like that. He wanted to tell the angel the truth, to tell him that he could do better than crying for trash. However, he couldn't move or say anything...


"... I'll try to message him again. Maybe he might change his mind!"


The beauty smiled sadly and got up amidst Kyuhyun's silent shout. No matter how hard he tried, Kyuhyun couldn't warn the black-haired man. He watched the small and lonely back disappear behind a wooden door with a troubled heart. He had never met this person before but he felt a sudden urge to protect him.



If only he could move...



Kyuhyun stayed where he was, pondering about how to make the angel smile again.




"You can't make it? But you promised..."

"I never said anything. Stop calling me first. You're a nuisance." 



Jongwoon woke up with tears trickling down his cheeks. He brushed the tears and sighed, recalling a very short conversation he had with his boyfriend. That cold and annoyed voice... He was about to get up and fetch a glass of water when he realized that someone was sleeping in the bed with him. Their strong arms were holding him protectively against a broad chest. What the hell!!?


"Who are you!!? How did you get in my house!!?"

"Watch out!"


Jongwoon tried to push the stranger but ended up falling off the bed, just almost. The same pair of strong arms yanked him back and the momentum sent him lying on top of the stranger. First, he saw gentle, big, and round dark brown eyes that only had his reflection in them. The soft brown hair brushed against his forehead made his heart feel ticklish. The warm hands on his hip made his skin feel hot. The stranger's breath caressed his lips with a feathery touch causing his heart to pound.


"I did it. I saved you..."


The calming and silky voice cast a spell on him.


"Who are you...?"

"I'm Kyuhyun. Nice to meet you~"

"N-Nice to meet you, I'm Jongwoon."


Logically, he should kick the stranger out or call the police. However, the man named Kyuhyun looked at him with a gaze so full of affection that it impaired his rationality. The way the man's warm hand caressed his face made him feel at peace. The big thumb came to gently rub below his eyes and caused his heart to skip.


"Kyuhyun, who are you? What are you doing at my house?"

"I don't know who I am... But I know that I want to make you happy, Jongwoon."


Happy. That one word struck his nerve. Jongwoon snorted at himself in pity.


"I see. This is a dream, isn't it?"


Because he could only be happy in his dream. Kyuhyun blinked cluelessly. Then, the weird man smiled warmly and held him tightly against his body.


"If that's what Jongwoon wants... Yes, this is a dream. I'll make it the best dream you ever have!"

"You already did..."


Jongwoon closed his eyes and nuzzled the taller man's neck. He must have lost his mind, to cuddle with a man he never met before. But his dream is a free land, right?



Only in his dream, he could be loved and treasured.




"Little guy, I had a very strange dream last night..."


It was me! Kyuhyun shouted happily but it didn't reach the angel. He didn't know what happened but he suddenly found himself lying beside the man with a melancholic smile. So, he followed his heart and hugged the smaller man close. He was very happy when the angel (whose name he later found out to be Jongwoon!) woke up from a nightmare because of his embrace. Moreover, Jongwoon didn't kick him out but actually cuddled with him! He kept patting the dark hair and hummed quietly until the angel stopped frowning in his sleep.


"A man named Kyuhyun showed up in my bed and hugged me to sleep... I've never slept so well like that before... Ah, it was a dream. Did I fall asleep in a dream?"


Jongwoon talked to himself while adjusting the scarf on his neck. Kyuhyun frowned (he thought he did) when he saw that the angel didn't wear any gloves. He wanted to take the smaller hands and envelope them in his hands, blowing warm air to chase off the cold. Sadly, he still couldn't move an inch so he could only watch helplessly.


"I must be pretty desperate, huh? Creating an imaginary handsome man to satisfy my loneliness..."


Kyuhyun felt his face melt a bit at the angel's comment. Jongwoon thought he was handsome! He tried to grin and tell the black-haired man that you are very beautiful to me too. Unfortunately, he still couldn't move.


"It's weird though. If I had this dream because I was lonely, why didn't I dream of my boyfriend? Who is even Kyuhyun?"


It's me! Kyuhyun responded lively while Jongwoon played with his face. Strangely enough, he could somehow feel that soft hand on him, even though he couldn't feel his own flesh and bone. Ah, if only he could hold that precious hand...


"I wonder if I'll dream of Kyuhyun again tonight..."


Definitely! Kyuhyun jumped around in his head while watching Jongwoon retreat to his house. Just thinking of having the smaller man in his arms again, he was so happy that he felt like melting even more.



He couldn't wait for the night to come!





Jongwoon woke up to a familiar dream.


"Jongwoon, did you have a nightmare?"



He shook his head and indulged in the warmth surrounding him. He was sleeping in Kyuhyun's arms again. This time, his back was pressed against the strong chest and he could feel a calm heartbeat through their connected skin. It was so peaceful that he yawned.


"Jongwoon, Jongwoon, your hands are so small and cute. Take care of them more!"

"Is my dream picking a fight with me?"


He snorted but the corner of his lips rose up. Then, he felt a warm touch rubbing along his arm to his hands. Suddenly, his hands felt very warm. He glanced down and realized that he was wearing a pair of white knitted gloves with a cartoon penguin hugging a cloud.


"Jongwoon, do you like it? I made them myself!"

"Really? How?"

"I'm not sure... I just thought that I didn't want to see your hands get cold. Then, these gloves just manifested! Isn't that amazing!?"


Jongwoon chuckled at the other man's child-like excitement. He observed the gloves closer. Although it seemed sloppily made, he could tell that it was made with love and care. Plus... He took a sniff... It smelled like Kyuhyun... A scent of ink and cologne...


"Jongwoon, don't bite your nails!"


Kyuhyun suddenly grasped his hands and chided him. Jongwoon smiled helplessly. How could he bite his nails while wearing gloves? Despite that, he let Kyuhyun envelop his hands with his larger ones, before bringing them to the man's lips.


"I treasure your hands so much so you should too, Jongwoon!"


Jongwoon didn't say anything in return. He turned to face Kyuhyun and snuggled further into the alluring embrace. The taller man happily held him and patted the back of his head soothingly. He yawned. It was weird to sleep in a dream but Kyuhyun always made him sleepy, and he felt so contented in this man's arms...



At least his dream was kinder to him than the reality.




"What if it wasn't a dream but I had a stalker...?"


Hey, who is a stalker!? I never have any impure thoughts! Kyuhyun protested loudly (to himself, as usual) when the angel accused him of committing a crime. Plus, he didn't even understand how he made it to Jongwoon's bedroom every night so it wasn't his fault! All he ever wanted was to make the angel smile. Once he got to see it, a smile that made his heart race, he wanted to see it all the time. That's why he felt sad when the man frowned at his gloved hands. Did Jongwoon not like the gift?


"I mean, I woke up and these gloves from the dream were there. How? Pretty sure that I locked the door and windows last night... Should I call the police?"


No! Kyuhyun frantically shook his imaginary head. I'm not a bad guy. I just want you to be happy! Kyuhyun felt like crying when Jongwoon took out his phone as if he really considered getting the police involved. Although he didn't have a mouth and couldn't speak, he still tried to send a telepathic message to the black-hair man, convincing him to not get rid of him. Jongwoon stared at the device without saying anything for a very long time, before sighing.


 "... So what if Kyuhyun is a stalker? He treats me better than my boyfriend. Maybe I should break up with him and be with Kyuhyun instead..."


No and yes! I'm not a stalker but you should break up with that trash! Kyuhyun excitedly encouraged the dark-haired angel to dump his trashy boyfriend and choose him instead. It was obvious that he could take care of Jongwoon way better!!


"... I'll try to call him again. Maybe he might change his mind this time. Plus, I won't cheat on him."


No! It will only hurt you more! And that bastard already cheated on you! Kyuhyun shouted louder but his thoughts couldn't reach the angel at all. Jongwoon still got up after patting his head and headed back to the house.



So, Kyuhyun spent the rest of the day thinking about how to comfort Jongwoon if he ever needed to.





"You'll leave if I don't spend Christmas with you? No, I know you. You aren't that bold to do it."

"I'm doing it now. You never seem to enjoy my presence anyway. Aren't you happy that I'm making it easy for us?"

"Jongwoon... I'm doing this for your sake. No one understands you as I do."

"Shut up!" 



Jongwoon woke up to see himself being completely enveloped in another man's arms. However, he no longer freaked out and even scooted closer to feel more warmth. The headache from a nightmare slowly faded away when a warm hand came to rub his back in circles. He smiled. As he thought, being with Kyuhyun made him feel at peace.


"Jongwoon, another nightmare?"

"Mm, but I'm okay now."


He murmured and nuzzled against the other man's neck, inhaling a scent of men's cologne that made him feel drowsy. He was about to sleep again but Kyuhyun suddenly wanted to chat.


"Jongwoon, Jongwoon, do you love him...?"


"Your boyfriend..."

"Love, huh?" Jongwoon opened his eyes and stared at the man's pale skin under the white shirt, "Love is too luxurious for me. I can only afford pity."

"I don't get it?"

"I'm saying that I didn't love him, more like I love what little attention he can give me. Love is too expensive for me."

"Then, Jongwoon just has to love me! My love is free for you and only you, Jongwoon."



Jongwoon looked into the pair of round brown eyes but only saw the sincerity in them. Kyuhyun really meant it, whether he truly understood it or not. He snorted fondly. He still didn't know the true face of this person. Is Kyuhyun a stalker? A phantom? Or a fragment of his imagination? He didn't know but also didn't care. The only thing that he cared about...


"If you really mean it, then stay with me and don't disappear in the morning, Kyuhyun."



He smiled in mockery at himself.



Of course, the only thing he wants is something he couldn't get.




Today, Kyuhyun couldn't see his angel. The reason was the trashy boyfriend who suddenly came knocking on the door. Jongwoon reluctantly let the cheating bastard in despite his silent protest and they hadn't come out yet. He felt like melting away due to his irritation and anxiety, not knowing what happened to his angel. Why are they so quiet? Did that jerk hurt Jongwoon? His angel probably didn't give him another chance, did he? Kyuhyun tried to jump and see inside the house through the window but he couldn't move at all. Ah, he is going to melt from impatience soon!




"You useless ! I pity you because no one ever cares about you but you dare to kick me out!!?"

"Go to hell you jerk!! I'm tired of pitifully begging for your non-existent heart!"


Finally, the trashy boyfriend (ex-boyfriend!) left the house while shouting loudly. His ugly face was reddened like a rotten tomato. It looked so funny to him. Kyuhyun celebrated the jerk leaving and almost jumped (just kidding, he couldn't move) in joy when he saw Jongwoon come out. The black-haired angel smiled a bit tiredly as he sat down before him.


"Sigh... This drama finally ended... Though it took me hours to kick him out, at least I'm free now."


Yes! You no longer have to be with that jerk! Kyuhyun was so happy that he couldn't stop grinning. His heart (if he had one) raced crazily when Jongwoon smiled and readjusted the scarf for him.


"It's all thanks to Kyuhyun... I used to think that I'm not worthy of love, that being treated coldly is still better than not having anyone look at me. But he made me realize that there are people willing to treasure me."


And I will treasure you forever! Protect this beautiful smile forever! Kyuhyun made an oath even though his angel couldn't hear him. Still, he believed that his feelings reached the other man because Jongwoon suddenly blushed.


"Ah, I miss Kyuhyun already..."


I miss you too. If only I can touch you...


"Speaking of Kyuhyun, little guy, somehow you remind me of him. Is it your sheepish and bright smile? I know it! I'm going to call you "Kkuru" from now on~"


My name is Kyuhyun though... Kyuhyun protested weakly. He didn't have the heart to refuse that nickname, not when Jongwoon hugged him and lightly slapped his body like this. Again, he could feel his angel's warm and soft skin even though he couldn't feel his own body. He wanted to hold Jongwoon...



Sigh, when will the night come?





"Kyuhyun, I dumped that jerk already."

"I know you can do it! I can love you and take care of you way better than that trash!"


Jongwoon grinned even though he was having difficulty breathing, being squeezed in the taller man's arms. He felt so free despite the hug though, not having to rely on the toxic relationship anymore. He clung to that bastard because he didn't want to be alone... But Kyuhyun had filled that spot in his heart with kinder affection and made him realize that he was worth more than a manipulative jerk. However, he was also scared of getting addicted to such loving treatment. After all, Kyuhyun will disappear when the morning came... No. Rather than drowning in sadness, he should spend the time they had together wisely. He smiled and played with the man's philtrum.


"Kyuhyun... I wonder who are you really? You suddenly come into my life but always disappear in the morning..."

"I wish I know who I am too..."

"Maybe you're a ghost? Winter spirit? A Christmas elf? Though one thing for sure, your smile reminds me of Kkuru, my cute snowman who always listens to my complaints~"

"Kkuru is the name of a snowman? Then I know who I am now!! Jongwoon, I'm your snowman!"


He beamed at Kyuhyun's innocent grin.


"Aww, do you want to be my snowman?"

"I'm already your snowman, Jongwoon! You put on a warm scarf for me and always smile at me! Though I like what I am now more because I can hold you~ Being a snowman . I can't wipe your tears or comfort you when you cry."


While Kyuhyun was pouting and hugging him closer, Jongwoon was too stunned to speak. Kyuhyun only showed up at night so far. He shouldn't know that he put a scarf on Kkuru or that he once cried in front of the snowman. The only way Kyuhyun would know all of that...


"Y-You're my snowman...? Is that why you always disappear in the morning...? Because of the sun...?"

"I don't know. I know nothing about myself. I only know that I want to make you happy, Jongwoon!"


But you are doing the opposite...



Suddenly, Kyuhyun's touch and embrace felt so cold. Jongwoon even felt like his heart had frozen. Why? Why is it so hard for him to acquire happiness...?




For some reason, his angel looked sad today.



"Kkuru... No, you're Kyuhyun, right? Are you really my snowman?"


Yes! It's me! Kyuhyun was so happy that Jongwoon finally knew who he was. But why did his angel not look happy at all? He thought that with the truth coming out, they could finally spend more time together. However, Jongwoon looked so heartbroken right now...


"I guess you're born from my wish to be loved then? Is that why you're always gone in the morning? Because, in the end, it's impossible for me to be loved..."


No! Whether I'm a snowman named Kkuru or a man named Kyuhyun, I always want to make you happy! Kyuhyun struggled to tell his angel that he wasn't alone but, again, he couldn't move or speak. Why? Why did he have to be a snowman? If he was a normal human like that trash ex-boyfriend, he would have treated Jongwoon way better and never made him cry! He was so frustrated that he felt like he was melting more and more. 


"Kyuhyun, what will happen to you once spring arrives? Your body is getting smaller and smaller... Will you... keep melting and disappear?"


Kyuhyun was stunned. He never thought about what will happen to him before, not when he didn't even know what happened to him, to begin with. However, he believed that no matter what happened, his feelings for his angel will not change. He needed to tell Jongwoon! He stared hard at the man before him, trying to convey his feelings. Although he couldn't speak, he believed that his angel understood it, because Jongwoon slowly smiled. The cute small hands then caressed his cheeks and made his heart drum crazily, even though he didn't have any organs.


"You're right. Rather than worrying about the unknown, we should treasure the time we have."


Jongwoon smiled sweetly and kissed him, causing him to blush so hard that he felt like melting again. Jongwoon panicked and tried to stop him, though he was chuckling too.


"No! Kyuhyun, don't blush! You're melting faster!"


But you kissed me! Who wouldn't blush when their angel suddenly kissed them!? Kyuhyun protested but he was so happy that he could fly. Seeing Jongwoon's rosy cheeks only made his heart itch more...



Just you wait! I'll definitely kiss you back at night!





Jongwoon wasn't surprised that Kyuhyun kissed him first thing first when the night fell. He also wasn't surprised that the other man's ears were so red after that, even though their lips barely brushed. He wondered if Kyuhyun's innocence was due to his snowman origin. He was curious and decided to tease the man. He moved to lie on the taller man and initiated another kiss, chortling softly when he felt the body beneath him stiffen. He wanted to tease this innocent guy more so he deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue in and caressing his snowman's face. Kyuhyun was stunned for a few minutes but once he recovered, he snatched the control back. Jongwoon moaned while Kyuhyun gently maneuvered him to lie on the bed instead, still prolonging the kiss. They only paused for a short while before diving back to taste one another's lips. Despite Kyuhyun's cold skin pressing against his, he actually felt the heat build up more at his lower core.


"K-Kyuhyun, hold me..."

"I'm holding you and won't let you go, Jongwoon."

"No, hold me tighter and fulfill me with your love..."


Jongwoon used his knee to rub and press on his snowman's crotch. He shivered in excitement seeing a glimpse of raw desire in those round eyes.



"Please, Kyuhyun, I want you to leave your marks and essence all over me as proof that it's not a dream. So, when spring arrives and you're gone..."

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be there in your heart as you're in mine. When the next winter comes, I'll definitely fall in love with you again."


"I promise, Jongwoon."


Jongwoon shed a single tear of happiness at the oath. That was all he ever needed, knowing that he wasn't the only one who held onto their relationship. He will wait for Kyuhyun to come back and lives with these loving touches engraved in his being. He beamed to chase away the tear and hugged Kyuhyun closer, gladly welcoming the warmth that gradually fulfilled him; gifted to him by a man with a cold body but very warm affection.



Kyuhyun... his beloved snowman...







The first ray of spring sunshine greeted him through a curtain gap. Jongwoon woke up to an empty space beside him and in his heart. If it weren't for the reddish marks on his body and the sticky liquid inside him, he would have thought that everything about Kyuhyun and the nightly visits was just a dream. His snowman... Jongwoon quickly washed up and got dressed, before going to the front yard. The snow covering the green grass had melted into puddles of water and the snowman he built...




Jongwoon crouched down and picked up a gray scarf that got damp from melted snow. He sniffed it. A scent of ink and men's cologne still lingered in the fabric which made his heart pound in hope. It was not a dream. His snowman became sentient and was there for him, giving him the courage to break off from a toxic relationship. He hugged the scarf and closed his eyes. Although Kyuhyun is no longer here with him, he will hold on to their promise and live proudly until the day they meet again next winter.




One year later...



Jongwoon looked up at the sky and sneezed when a snowflake fell on his nose. He rubbed the tip and buried his nose in the gray scarf, closing his eyes and taking a sniff. Although it had already been a year since Kyuhyun was gone, the unique scent somehow never disappeared. It still lingered and wrapped around him gently whenever he put on the scarf. Because of the scent, he never felt lonely despite being alone. He believed that they would meet again when winter arrived.


"Kyuhyun, I'm home."


Jongwoon greeted a snowman sitting in his front yard but only silence greeted him back. As soon as it started to snow in Seoul, he immediately built a snowman that looked exactly like the one he made last winter. He even used the same stones for the eyes, a similar-shape carrot for the nose, and put on the same gray scarf. However, no one visited him at night. He didn't know what he did wrong and felt discouraged a little. It had been about a month in the winter now but nothing happened. Still, he held on to the promise and regularly talked to it. He sat down in front of the snowman and took off his gray scarf to put on it. Adjusting the scarf, he smiled and told a story about his day.


"I told you that I now work with a DV Rescue Organization, right? Today, I successfully helped a woman escape an abusive relationship, though the trash husband tried to intervene and punch me. Well, keyword 'tried'~ Sigh, people really like to underestimate me just because I'm thin, not knowing that I pack a punch! Here! Justice punch!"


Jongwoon giggled and lightly punched the snowman's body a few times, before stopping due to the cold biting his fingers. He blew warm air to his palms and hunched over.


"...If only Kyuhyun was here, he would definitely hold my hands and keep them warm..."


He mumbled and leaned on the snowman, inhaling a familiar scent from the scarf— Jongwoon's eyes shot open. The scent of ink and men's cologne... It was gone... Pushing himself up, he hurriedly took off the scarf and buried his face in the soft fabric. However, no matter he much inhaled, he still couldn't smell anything...


"W-What happened...? Why did the scent suddenly disappear? Kyuhyun... No..."

"Why don't you wear the gloves I gave you, Jongwoon?" 


Jongwoon flinched. Suddenly, a warm coat was dropped on his body and he smelled a familiar scent of ink and men's cologne. He pursed his lips and tugged the black coat tightly around himself, before glancing up with a hopeful heart...




A fair-skin tall man with dark brown hair and bright big eyes was looming behind him. Jongwoon stood up in disbelief. His knees gave in due to the numbness but the taller man caught him first. A large hand supported his waist while the other brushed his bang aside. The brown-haired man smiled affectionately.


"Jongwoon, I'm back..."

"Kyuhyun? Is that you? Really...? B-But... The sun is still up?"

"It's me~ But I'm no longer your snowman."


"I mean! I'll always be yours but not really as a snowman, if you know what I mean."

"You're... a human now...?"

"Yes! I can hold you as much as I want now, be it day or night, winter or spring, I'll be with you and never leave you again... Jongwoon..."


Kyuhyun's warm palms cradled his face so gently as if he was the most precious treasure. It made his heart burst with joy and love. Finally, his snowman is back! Jongwoon didn't hesitate to grab the lush brown hair and yank the man down until their lips met. Kyuhyun's hands resting on his cold cheeks gradually thread their way into his hair, before pulling him even closer; teeth clashing, tongues twisting, lips rubbing. They conveyed the loneliness they had to endure in the past months with a longing and passionate kiss that could melt the snow.


"Kyuhyun, you said that you're a human now. How? What happened to you after... our first night?"

"That night... I tried to hold you as tight as I can because I didn't want to disappear but it didn't work. A bright light surrounded me and I woke up in a white room— a hospital. Turned out I'm actually a lawyer who got into a coma after a car accident. I guess my soul wandered into your snowman and returned to my body in spring. As soon as I fully recovered, I began looking for you."


Kyuhyun grinned.


"And fell in love with you again as promised, Jongwoon."



Jongwoon jumped at the taller man and Kyuhyun happily picked him up, before spinning around and chuckling. They bowed their heads and nuzzled the tip of their noses while grinning. Although the snow fell from the sky harder, they didn't feel cold at all in their beloved's embrace. On the other hand, they felt so warm to the point that their cheeks turned rosy. Jongwoon kissed the other man's philtrum.


"So, you're not my cute snowman anymore?"

"If your snowman refers to someone who stands by your side and shares both happiness and sadness, then, yes, I'm still your snowman, Jongwoon, always and forever..."


Jongwoon kissed Kyuhyun before his eyes got any warmer and tears spilled out. Unlike the man from last winter, the skin of Kyuhyun right before him was very warm. Technically, Kyuhyun is no longer a snowman. However...



Kyuhyun will always be his beloved snowman.




Author's note:

I feel like this prompt sounds cuter in my head xD Hope you like it anyway~

Happy new year! Stay safe wherever you are and enjoy the holiday!

Take care and love you  <3


ps. If you're interested, join my Secret Santa and leave me any messages anonymously :)  Link in the Foreword!

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392 streak #1
Chapter 4: yup! dense Kyu is always fun to read hahaha~
Lunayaa #2
Chapter 4: Ahhh this is so good and cuteee. Keep writing!
Rinirin07 #3
Chapter 4: Ah...i love fluffy story 😳😳
The last one is also good.
My heart warm with all these Kyusung stories
Chapter 4: OMG this is so cute!!! AHHH! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡ I am more like Jongwoon during holidays I love Christmas and enjoy listening to Christmas songs starting early September 🤣 Lol poor Woonie got his back hurt during Christmas riding a different sleigh ride 😏

Get well soon Author-nim! And a Happy New Year to you! Thank you for the cute update this is my fav chapter~ ☺️💙🎉✨
_MyName_ #5
Chapter 4: Oh the bickering, my favourite :D I have to agree with Kyuhyun to some degree, I don't like the pressure to buy things during Christmas and how stores start blasting Christmas sons in the beginning of November... especially if it's Whams Last Christmas xD I prefer a quiet and peaceful holiday with family, which we had. Or as quiet and peaceful as you can get with a four year old and a toddler :D
Glad you're getting better, take care ^^
Kyusungftw #6
Chapter 4: Ahhhh i love this so much. If oblivious jw is adorable, dense kyu is always funny. Not the coworkers celebrating kyusung couple behind their back 🤣 Oh i forgot to tell you, the cover is fluffy, lovely and cute it warms my heart🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Aww poor you 😥 hope you are fully recovered soon. Thank you for these wonderful gifts 💕 see you throughout this 2023 year 😍 Let's be happy with kyusung this year as well and love you too❣️
Rinirin07 #7
Chapter 3: 🥹🥹🥹 so fluffy.
Snowman kyuhyun 😍
Chapter 3: Kyu as Yesung's forever snowman, nothing can top that.
Fluffy fic to begin 2023 <3
Hopefully for more Kyusung awesome fics, Author-nim
Chapter 3: I KNEW IT!!! This is so touching I love it! ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ Happy New Year Author-nim and everyone! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ Hopefully there would be more KyuSung moments this 2023 (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Kyusungftw #10
Chapter 3: It's cute and pure 🥹