White Love


(Continuation of Celebrate)







Kyuhyun and Yesung woke up in the late afternoon. They snuggled in the bed for half an hour more before getting up to prepare for the schedule. Knowing that there was always food and drinks at the shooting location, they didn't eat anything and headed straight to the set just out of Seoul. Yesung drove the car he borrowed from Jongjin while Kyuhyun chatted with his friends on the phone. The festive mood in the air and the white snow descending from the night sky made them happy and excited. They kissed every time the car stopped at a red light, even having a tongue-make-out session at one particular long red light. Though Yesung pushed the maknae's face away when the GPS told them that they were getting closer to the destination.


"Hyung..." Kyuhyun whined.

"No, Kyu, do you want the whole world to know that we almost ed in the car on the way here?"


"Just die."

"Hyuuung! One more kiss?"

"When we arrive there, Kyu, but just one more, okay?"


Yesung soon regretted bargaining with the evil maknae. He did say one more kiss but he failed to specify how long the kiss will last. So, Kyuhyun took advantage of the loophole and kissed him until his lungs literally screamed for oxygen. Moreover, the sly maknae also seized the chance he was panting to his neck and leave a red hickey. Yesung pulled his boyfriend's ear with no mercy while Kyuhyun cried pitifully.


"Ouch!! Hyung, it hurts!!"

"You punk kid!! Do you want to embarrass me in front of everyone!!?"

"C-Calm down, hyung! I dare to mark you because I know that the producer and staff for tonight's shooting are our group's acquaintances. They already know that we're dating!"

"That's not the point!"


Yesung let go of the younger man's ear to yank his collar instead. Then, he bit the pale neck and hard until Kyuhyun's low moan filled the car.


"Yesung hyung..."

"No. That's a punishment, not an invitation. I'm not going to be the only one who suffers from embarrassment!"

"Oh, sorry to disappoint you, my wife, but I'm not shy about this at all~ It's my badge of honor~"

"Shut up."


They finally got off the car and walked to the dressing room. They smiled and greeted the staff who were preparing the set and equipment. Everyone giggled or smirked teasingly at them, no doubt seeing their love marks. Yesung pretended to be a fool while Kyuhyun nodded proudly, so he got hit by his boyfriend. They continued to quarrel playfully until they arrived at the dressing room. Shindong and Ryeowook arrived before them. They were eating a flourless chocolate cake made by the eternal maknae when they looked up to see the couple walking in. With a quick once-over, Ryeowook immediately noticed the matching hickeys and readied his gun.


"Shindong hyung, it seems like we won't be able to shoot the mv tonight now!"

Shindong knowingly played along, "Why?"

"Because a certain couple's love is too hot! It's gonna melt all the snow at the set!"

"Now that you said it, the room did feel hotter!"


The teasing duo then laughed at Yesung's rosy cheeks and weak glare. Meanwhile, Kyuhyun chuckled in a good mood and kissed his flustered boyfriend on the cheek, just in time for another member to arrive.


"Ew, please refrain from excessive PDA, will you?"


Eunhyuk made a disgusted face when the first thing he saw after stepping in was the KyuSung couple flirting blatantly. Yesung cursed and slapped the younger man's arm even though it was Kyuhyun who started it. The main dancer protested at the unfair treatment but no one sided with him until one more member arrived.


"Evening, everyone! What did I miss?"

"Hae-ah! They conspire to bully me!"


Although Donghae had zero ideas what happened, he happily coaxed his boyfriend with a squeezing hug full of love that made Eunhyuk cry out in pain. Kyuhyun ignored the dumb and dumber pair and escorted his (still) flustered boyfriend to the couch in the corner. Then, the maknae boldly pulled Yesung to lean on him as if not wanting to lose to the EunHae couple who still hugged by the door.


"Oh my God! Why did no one tell me that I have to share a room with not one but two pairs of lovebirds!? Yah, Kims! Go tell PD-nim that I'm allergic to PDA!!"


Heechul who wore casual clothes despite the cold weather immediately made a scene when he arrived. Shindong and Ryeowook merely greeted the hyung before returning their attention to the cake. Kyuhyun shot back sharply from the couch, followed by Eunhyuk who dragged Donghae out of the way of the second oldest.


"You're just jealous that you aren't brave enough to pull this with Teuk hyung."

"And you're jealous that both of you are very busy and rarely get to spend time together, unlike me and Hae-ah, or Kyuhyun and Yesung hyung."

"Yah!! These kids! Am I still your hyung! Aish, @#&&$#!"

"Everyone, let's not fight on this lovely night..."


Poor Choi Siwon had just arrived but already had to play a meditator role. The gentle giant coaxed his hot-headed hyung to leave the poisonous Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk, joining Shindong and Ryeowook to eat what was left of the chocolate cake. The two dorm mates smirked and exchanged a victorious high-five. Little did they know, while they were celebrating their triumph, their cheerful boyfriends had left them to play together. Donghae greeted his hyung with a sunshine smile and Yesung smiled back just as happily. The muscular dongsaeng then settled down beside his petite hyung and cuddled together. The couch was already fully occupied by two men. So, Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk had no choice but to retreat to the remaining chairs on the other side of the room. Meanwhile, Heechul laughed loudly at the two pitiful husbands who now joined his fate of having no lover to cuddle. Amidst the chaos, Ryeowook somehow was able to take a nap after the meal while Shindong chatted with Siwon. The busy waiting room only quieted down when Leeteuk stepped in.


"Guys, the shooting will be delayed for about thirty minutes. Something is wrong with the main camera and they're trying to fix it. You can wait here or eat something first, or take a look around the set. The staff will call us again when it's done."


Soon, the room was filled with "What!?" "Noo!" "It's cold!" "I wanna go home!" and so on. Leeteuk calmed his ducklings with Heechul's help and asked for everyone's location before they went on their separate ways. Siwon said he wanted to catch up on his sleep. Shindong wanted to see the camera crew just in case he could help. Donghae wanted to see the living room set for his scene so he dragged Eunhyuk to go with him. Ryeowook who just woke up decided to see the outside set and get a light exercise. Seeing a rare chance, Heechul coaxed Leeteuk to stay behind in the dressing room and just enjoyed the peace. Kyuhyun who finally reclaimed his place beside his boyfriend asked the older man fondly.


"Hyung, do want to eat something? I can get some light meals for us."

"Are you hungry now, Kyu?"

"If it's hungry for your kisses then yes—"

"Nevermind. Let's go out with Wookie! I want to take photos for my Yebble~"





"Wow, the set is so beautiful like a fairytale..."

"You're even more beautiful, hyung~"


Kyuhyun's praise got ignored by his boyfriend who was preoccupied with taking photos of the place. Ryeowook who followed them from behind laughed not-so-quietly at his friend. Kyuhyun glared at the savage maknae but the other pretended to be innocent and went to check an electric keyboard.


"Kyu, come take a selca with me!"

"Yes, hyung~"

"Yesung hyung, don't leave your dog lonely!"


Ryeowook shouted from where he was, causing Yesung to laugh while Kyuhyun pouted. The oldest main vocal grabbed his boyfriend's hand and pulled him to take a picture together in front of the intricate old wooden door. He angled the shot and smiled at the lens while Kyuhyun held his waist. Then, the penguin maknae who had now become a big dog leaned on his hyung's shoulder and smiled at the camera, though his gaze was directed at the man beside him: his signature bug eyes. Yesung snorted at the picture and playfully tugged the younger man's ear while Kyuhyun draped on him from behind, almost completely engulfing his body.


"Kyu, let's take another one. Look at the camera properly this time!"

"Although my hobby is watching you, I'll try to defy my habit if it's what my wife wants."


Kyuhyun said with a mock seriousness that quickly dissolved into a whipped grin when his boyfriend snorted and rubbed his philtrum. Then, the couple looked at the camera again. This time, Kyuhyun didn't do the usual goofy expression but smiled genuinely while holding his boyfriend close. Yesung also leaned on his maknae and smiled. He raised his free hand to make a peace sign but a larger hand came to envelop his. So, he unclasped his hand and slid his fingers in between the longer ones, hooking their hands intimately. After he was satisfied with the preview, Yesung pressed the button...




Ryeowook popped up out of nowhere and joined the shot from behind Kyuhyun. The "R" member of KRY smiled sweetly at the camera while showing his fingers above his best friend's head, resulting in Kyuhyun having rabbit ears in the final shot...


"Sorry, I don't know how to make dog ears~"

"Kim Ryeowook!!!"


Kyuhyun chased after his friend trying to kick the shorter man's bottom. Ryeowook wisely ducked behind his beloved hyung and continued to taunt the maknae. Whenever the fuming big dog maknae tried to get the savage maknae, Ryeowook would spin his hyung to face Kyuhyun so the taller man didn't dare to swing his fist. Although Yesung was very fond of the two younger men, he wasn't a fan of dizziness caused by being turned here and there. In the end, he decided to stop this silly war.


"Kyu, Wookie just wants to join us."

"Hyung! Why are you siding with that devil spawn instead of your rightful husband!!?"

"Because we can only play with Wookie when we have schedules together but you can be with me anytime. Isn't that right, my dear husband?"


It was obvious that Kyuhyun was very happy and pleased to hear that. Although the youngest man tried to maintain his glare and pout, the corner of his lips betrayed him and gradually rose up into a funny whipped smile. And Kyuhyun completely lost it when Yesung tilted his head and smiled warmly, melting like a snowman when spring arrived. The maknae beamed and took the adorable small hand in his larger one, shaking it happily. Ryeowook who saw everything unfolded while hugging his favorite hyung from behind couldn't help but snort at his helplessly whipped best friend.


"Yesung hyung, you completely tamed Kyuhyun!"


"Come on, Kyu, Wookie, let's take a photo together~"


Yesung calmly coaxed his boyfriend and dongsaeng. Kyuhyun threw one last glare at his friend before coming to stand on the left side of Yesung. On the right side, Ryeowook hugged his hyung's arm and casually ignored a threat from the penguin maknae. At Yesung's signal, the KRY members then smiled happily at the camera. While the KRY leader checked the picture, the two friends continued to bicker good-naturedly. After that, Ryeowook volunteered to be the lovebirds' private photographer and took various pictures of them with props. At last, the three men stopped by the electric keyboard. Ryeowook suddenly smiled knowingly and sat down.


"Gentlemen, would you like some music to accompany your dance?"

"What dance—"


While Yesung was still puzzled, the quick-witted Kyuhyun gladly turned his boyfriend to face him and put his hands on the slender waist, pressing their foreheads together. Yesung's cheeks heated up despite the cold weather at the sinking realization, though he also gladly put his hands on the taller man's wide shoulders.


"Ahem, how about a cameraman to capture this wonderful moment?"


Shindong who suddenly showed up offered his service with a confident and fond smile. Yesung greeted the prodigy from his boyfriend's embrace.


"Shindong? Did you already fix the camera? Do we have to get dressed now?"

"Yes and no. The camera is already fixed but they need another ten minutes to recheck everything. So?"

"Thank you, hyung!"


Kyuhyun grinned brightly as he handed his phone to the famous director among the team. Shindong nodded and started recording. He first turned the camera to himself and waved at it while smiling.


"Hello~ Shindong-desu!! Tonight, we're at the mv location of "Celebrate", our title song for the eleventh album volume two. Ryeowook-ssi, how does the song sound?"


Ryeowook waved at the camera and started to play the electric keyboard, singing the opening lines of the song. Shindong then turned the camera to the two men who were standing closely. Their eyes only looked at their loved one before them. Kyuhyun and Yesung hummed along with the clear singing voice of Ryeowook, all the while waltzing slowly. The camera zoomed out and Shindong walked around the couple to capture every angle of the beautiful moment. Meanwhile, Ryeowook sang the "Celebrate" song and played the instrument in joy, watching his hyung and best friend be happy together. Suddenly, small white particles languidly descended on the four Super Junior members from the sky. Yesung glanced up curiously.


"Did it snow?"



Kyuhyun said while gently brushing the white particles from his boyfriend's dark hair.


"It's fake snow. Someone must have the machine—"

"Hae-ah!! What if someone caught us!?"

"It's fine! Just five minutes!"


Kyuhyun's words got cut in the middle by the EunHae couple who barged into the yard. Donghae dragged Eunhyuk who smiled sheepishly at the other four men to the center of the square and played with the fake snow. Seeing nothing unusual, everyone turned their attention back. Kyuhyun and Yesung continued to dance slowly while staring at each other. Ryeowook kept singing but a bit louder to not get drawn out by Donghae's excited cheer. Shindong shot the fool couple while chuckling for a while, before turning back to the main couple KyuSung.


"Ah, I was wondering where everyone went to."

"Siwon hyung! How was your sleep?"

"Great! I feel a lot better now, especially after a cup of hot cocoa."


Ryeowook stopped singing to chat with Siwon for a while. Shindong also turned to shoot the (fake) congressman who naturally smiled and nodded at the camera, showing a white paper cup in his hand. Then, Siwon noticed the KyuSung couple who were so into their own world that they didn't notice his arrival. He smiled and took out his phone to take a picture of the lovebirds, and another picture of Ryeowook and Shindong. After that, Siwon settled down on a bench and enjoyed watching s. He then laughed loudly and slapped his knee when he saw Eunhyuk fall to the ground after Donghae tried to jump on his back. The scene was so hilarious that Shindong temporarily abandoned his spot and went to shoot the EunHae couple rolling on the ground instead, all the while laughing happily at the two men's silly antic. Even Ryeowook also couldn't hold it. His unique clear laughter soon echoed within the square.


"Kids, here you all are. It's almost time to— WHO TURNS ON THE FAKE SNOW MACHINE!!?"

"Jungsoo-ah!! Don't get angry!"


Leeteuk almost fainted when he walked in and saw the yard covered in white fake snow. Heechul quickly came to support the poor leader and led him to sit on the bench with Siwon. The Diva glared and started shouting, asking for the true culprit. Immediately, Donghae and Eunhyuk pointed at each other, before getting up and running away from the angry hyung. Shindong who stepped away as soon as he heard the leader's voice gleefully recorded the EunHae couple getting their asses kicked by Kim Heechul. The prodigy completely forgot about "capturing the wonderful moment" for the KyuSung couple... Meanwhile, Ryeowook abandoned his musician role and ran off to get a warm drink for the poor leader.



Amidst the chaos, Kyuhyun and Yesung only had their lover in their eyes and their hearts.





"I thought you'd be more annoyed that our romantic moment is ruined?"

"What are you talking about, hyung? They actually add more colors to our beautiful memory."

"You're right~"


Yesung giggles, knowing that both he and his boyfriend wouldn't trade their precious members for anything. Kyuhyun's heart melted at the smaller man's gorgeous smile. He cradled the chubby cheek that felt slightly cold and made his most precious person look up.


"Most importantly, everything in the world is perfect with you in my arms..."



Yesung smiled with a hint of happiness tears welling up in his eyes. He nuzzled his face in the warm big palm and kissed the inner wrist, before glancing at his maknae.


"I love you, Kyuhyun-ah..."

"Me too, hyung, more than anything..."


Tilting their heads to find the right angle, Kyuhyun and Yesung kissed while indulging in the shared warmth and love that chased away the cold. Even when the fake snow had stopped falling, the couple still got lost in the moment and only focused on savoring their beloved's lips. Unbeknown to them, the rest of the Super Junior members had already stopped whatever they were doing to fondly watch the KyuSung couple instead. Shindong smiled and quietly zoomed in on the couple to not disturb their kiss. The white (fake) snow on Kyuhyun and Yesung enhanced the shot to look even more magical.



Their pure and beautiful white love.




Author's note:

This is definitely my favorite one out of the 4  ><

I'm sad that there are no kyusung moments in behind the scenes of Celebrate but hey! I can just create my own moments  xD


ps. If you're interested, join my Secret Santa and leave me any messages anonymously :)  Link in the Foreword!

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391 streak #1
Chapter 4: yup! dense Kyu is always fun to read hahaha~
Lunayaa #2
Chapter 4: Ahhh this is so good and cuteee. Keep writing!
Rinirin07 #3
Chapter 4: Ah...i love fluffy story 😳😳
The last one is also good.
My heart warm with all these Kyusung stories
Chapter 4: OMG this is so cute!!! AHHH! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡ I am more like Jongwoon during holidays I love Christmas and enjoy listening to Christmas songs starting early September 🤣 Lol poor Woonie got his back hurt during Christmas riding a different sleigh ride 😏

Get well soon Author-nim! And a Happy New Year to you! Thank you for the cute update this is my fav chapter~ ☺️💙🎉✨
_MyName_ #5
Chapter 4: Oh the bickering, my favourite :D I have to agree with Kyuhyun to some degree, I don't like the pressure to buy things during Christmas and how stores start blasting Christmas sons in the beginning of November... especially if it's Whams Last Christmas xD I prefer a quiet and peaceful holiday with family, which we had. Or as quiet and peaceful as you can get with a four year old and a toddler :D
Glad you're getting better, take care ^^
Kyusungftw #6
Chapter 4: Ahhhh i love this so much. If oblivious jw is adorable, dense kyu is always funny. Not the coworkers celebrating kyusung couple behind their back 🤣 Oh i forgot to tell you, the cover is fluffy, lovely and cute it warms my heart🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Aww poor you 😥 hope you are fully recovered soon. Thank you for these wonderful gifts 💕 see you throughout this 2023 year 😍 Let's be happy with kyusung this year as well and love you too❣️
Rinirin07 #7
Chapter 3: 🥹🥹🥹 so fluffy.
Snowman kyuhyun 😍
Chapter 3: Kyu as Yesung's forever snowman, nothing can top that.
Fluffy fic to begin 2023 <3
Hopefully for more Kyusung awesome fics, Author-nim
Chapter 3: I KNEW IT!!! This is so touching I love it! ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ Happy New Year Author-nim and everyone! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ Hopefully there would be more KyuSung moments this 2023 (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Kyusungftw #10
Chapter 3: It's cute and pure 🥹