Hate Christmas


23 December




"Seriously, Christmas, this stupid holiday should disappear from the world, along with those shameless and showy couples in the street."

"Stop being a drama queen, Kyuhyun."


Kyuhyun sighed and casually tilted his head to dodge a paper ball that his coworker threw at him. Looking out of the floor-ceiling glass windows, he sneered after seeing couples of various ages and genders walking closely together. He hated couples, especially during the Christmas season. He worked as a broker in a leading stock company and he was pretty successful. He loved the easy money and respect he earned from the work. However, there was one thing about this job that he hated.


He had to do an extra shift during Christmas, all just because he was the only employee who didn't have a lover or family.


"You're too gloomy. Christmas is awesome! Everyone, everywhere, there's love and happiness in the air~"

"Eww, you're hopeless."


Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and easily dodged another paper ball. His co-worker, Kim Jongwoon glared daggers and gave him a middle finger, and he carelessly threw one back. Jongwoon was another employee who didn't have a lover or family so he got stuck on Christmas shifts too. Unlike him, however, the sappy black-haired man was a big fan of the holiday and always interrupted him whenever he complained about it. They have been arguing back and forth like this during the Christmas shift for four years in a row now. Frankly speaking, his patience has run thinner than Jongwoon's by now.


"Jongwoon, you're hopeless and stupid. How many times have I told you that Christmas isn't real? It's all about business. Corporate invents it so that idiots can spend money on uselessly expensive stuff that they never use again after Christmas. Hell, Santa Claus, the fat old man in red who sneaks into people's houses like a creep isn't even real! He was a mascot created by Coca-Cola. Everything is bull!"

"Ah! Just shut the up!! Your brain is smaller than Rudolph's red nose. That's why you didn't get the charm and wonder of Christmas."

"Hey, at least my brain is bigger than your hands."



Kyuhyun smirked while enjoying the sight of Jongwoon's gorgeous face turning red in anger. He especially enjoyed staring at those plump lips that Jongwoon often bit instinctively when he got worked up. Because nothing really happened to the stock market during the Christmas season, he had to resort to bickering and teasing his cute co-worker to kill boredom. Ah, Jongwoon really looks y and adorable when he is annoyed~ Even those slim legs wrapped in tight jeans also looked ing y, striding towards him.


"Don't call me Kim Jongwoon if I can't kill you tonight!! You bastard!"

"Come at me then. Don't just meow cutely and swing your paws around."


"Why the violence? Hungry? Should I feed you my milk? Or rub your belly?"


Kyuhyun laughed at the angry kitten who ran to him with a murderous aura. When the black-haired man came closer, he kicked the floor and sent the chair he sat on to slide backward, breezily avoiding a kitten paw. Then, he spun the chair and kicked the floor again, tackling Jongwoon with the chair's backrest. The smaller man stumbled back and cursed.


"You fat penguin!!! I'll kill you for real—"


Jongwoon suddenly went quiet so he quickly turned around to check. His co-worker was leaning against the tall glass windows that showed the city view. His eyes widened and his pupils were shaking as he looked out of the window. Kyuhyun frowned at the other man's pale face. Although their office was only on the thirteenth floor, for Jongwoon who had acrophobia it was still very scary. He moved the chair towards the trembling man.


"Jongwoon, look at me."

"K-Kyuhyun... I-I can't move!"

"Look into my eyes, Jongwoon, and slowly extend your hand."


Still shaking, Jongwoon held his gaze and nervously reached out to him. Kyuhyun first grabbed the short fingers before moving upward to grasp the smaller palm. Then, he squeezed it and rubbed his thumb along the knuckles. He carefully tugged the black-haired man's hand to come closer while still holding their gazes. When Jongwoon was within his reach, he put his other hand on the slender waist and slowly circled it in his arm. Finally, he pulled the smaller man to sit on his lap.


"How are you feeling, Jongwoon?"

"Much better now. Thank you..."

"No problem. You can thank me by admitting that you're wrong and Christmas is stupid."

"Then I take my thank you back."


Kyuhyun chuckled at his co-worker who pouted and lightly slapped his chest, but soon after that Jongwoon dropped his weight on him and rested his cheek on his shoulder. See? His co-worker is really a cute kitten~


"...Hey, Kyuhyun, what's it with your vendetta against Christmas? Is it because you got dumped on this season before?"

"I'm too awesome to be dumped like a calendar after the end of December."

"Really? Then, what is that fiasco with the accounting girl four years ago?"

"I don't remember it so it never happened."


The man on his lap snorted. A warm breath hitting his neck made his abdomen tighten for some reason. Kyuhyun patted the dark soft hair while recalling what his ex-girlfriend told him: "You already have someone else in your heart that's not me." Ha. The nerve of some people. She accused him of cheating even though he had always been a perfect boyfriend. And yes, as much as he didn't want to admit it, the breakup did happen on Christmas day, right in front of Kim Jongwoon, no less. Kyuhyun sighed and inhaled a refreshing jasmine scent from his co-worker. Mm, Jongwoon smelled good as usual~


"Be serious, Kyuhyun. Did you really hate Christmas just because of that? What if... your new partner loves it?"

"Then I have no partner. If they still believe in Christmas even though I told them it's all about business, they're not worthy of being my lover."


"Thought I don't feel like settling down any time soon to begin with. I love my life right— Jongwoon? Where are you going?"


Jongwoon suddenly stood up and glared at him.


"I'm going to blast the speakers with some Christmas playlist. How about the good ol' classic Mariah Carey for a start?"

"What? No!! Anything but that song!!!"


Jongwoon gave him two middle fingers and stomped back to his seat. Then, the shorter man really the speakers and played cringe Christmas songs. Kyuhyun went to his co-worker's desk to turn it off but obediently stepped back. He knew when to stop if Jongwoon got annoyed for real. Sighing in defeat, he went back to his seat and stuffed his ears with earphones to block the annoying music, all the while mourning the loss of the kitten on his lap.



This is why he hates Christmas.

Even Jongwoon is abnormal on this holiday!!




24 December




Holding two cards in his hand, Kyuhyun watched the baby fingers hover above the left card with great satisfaction. Good. Now he just has to throw bait. He called the other man and winked when their eyes met. Jongwoon got flustered immediately. His chubby cheeks heated up and his fingers accidentally grabbed the card— the Joker.


"Jongwoon, you got the Joker! I won again~"

"What the—? No!! Cho Kyuhyun you cheater!!"

"When did I ever cheat? All I did was just give a wink~"



Kyuhyun laughed while lifting his arm to block the cards his co-worker threw at him. Tonight was even more boring than yesterday so they decided to play cards. Their skills and luck were on par but Jongwoon kept losing in the end, getting flustered from a wink or a smirk. It always worked on this easy guy, though he had no idea why. One thing he knew for sure: Jongwoon is very cute when he was all pouty. He hummed in a good mood and gathered the scattering cards.


"Jongwoon, the bet~"

"Ugh, shut up..."


Jongwoon mumbled a series of curses while cutting a spoonful of lemon pie and feeding him. Kyuhyun closed his eyes while chewing to savor it better. The pastry from a famous bakery already tasted good on its own but having Jongwoon feed him made it taste one hundred times better. While they were rotting to die from boredom, even playing cards didn't help much, a delivery guy showed up with a lemon pie— a gift from their boss. They happily indulged in the crispy pie, soft, sweet, sour lemon filling, and creamy sweet meringue until only one piece was left. So, they decided to play a game to see who got the last piece and he won. Kyuhyun his lips and opened his mouth for more.


"Hurry up, Jongwoon."

"I hope you choked on it."

"Hey, how can I enjoy my pie and my victory if you make a face like that? Come on, smile and say ahh while feeding me!"

"In your dream!"


Instead of fulfilling his request, Jongwoon practically shoved the fork into his mouth. Kyuhyun didn't want to be featured on the front page news with something embarrassing like "A top broker died from getting stabbed in the throat by a fork". So, he stopped teasing his co-worker and let the man feed him in peace. Finally, only one bite was left, the most delicious part of a pie: the pie crust. Seeing Jongwoon eye the remaining piece, Kyuhyun snatched the fork and picked up the last bite.


"Jongwoon, wanna eat the crust?"

"You're giving it to me...?"


Kyuhyun didn't say anything, just smiling and gesturing at the pie on the fork. Jongwoon's eyes twinkled and he happily leaned forward, waiting to be fed. He smirked and... ate the last piece himself, amidst the other man's flabbergasted expression that soon morphed into anger once Jongwoon realized he was made a fool of. His co-worker's small fists banged the desk loudly while those magnetic eyes glared at him as if wishing to burn him to ash. Kyuhyun met the blazing gaze head-on, even his lips to show how tasty the last bite was. He thought Jongwoon might punch him but the shorter man actually blushed and quickly looked away. Jongwoon walked away and he hurriedly followed. He hugged the slender body and put his chin on the thin shoulder.


"Are you angry, hmm?"

" off."

"There, there, I was just kidding~ How about we go to the bakery shop together after the shift?"

"... Tonight is Christmas Eve so I doubt they still have some left."

"After this stupid season ends then? Or if you really want to eat, I can learn quickly from YouTube and bake one for you~"

"... Seafood pasta too."

"Of course~"


Kyuhyun chuckled and carefully stepped back while still hugging the shorter man. He sat down on the chair his co-worker just left and pulled Jongwoon to settle down on his lap. The black-haired man obediently leaned on his body and played with his larger hands resting comfortably on the tummy. He grinned. Jongwoon could never get angry at him for real~


"Kyuhyun... Do you know Lee Junho from Team Two?"

"That guy who always smiles like a fool at you? Yeah, I do. Why?"

"Actually, he asked me out last week..."


Kyuhyun suddenly felt like murdering someone.


"Really? Why did I not know about it?"

"Why would you?"

"Obviously, we work together all the time so it's strange that I didn't see that goofy guy approached you."


Jongwoon sighed dramatically and tried to get up, but Kyuhyun held him back.


"So? What will your answer be?"

"I don't know. What do you think of Christmas? What if your future wife loves it and wants to spend it with you?"

"I'll be very disappointed in my wife for falling for corporate's scheme to our money. How is it related to your situation again?"

"Oh, Cho Kyuhyun, you have no idea, of course, it's everything about me."

"Ouch!! You bite me!! Jongwoon! Where are you going!!?"


Kyuhyun called the black-haired man who bit his fingers and got up from his lap. Jongwoon ignored him and strode to his desk. Then, the smaller man smiled coldly and put on a coat, swinging his bag over his shoulder.


"The shift already ended so see you next time."

"Wait, Jongwoon, you haven't told me yet if you—"


His co-worker slid open the glass door and left the office with heavy steps. Kyuhyun wanted to run after the other man but he hadn't turned off his computer and packed his belonging yet. He could only sigh. Well, let's just ask Jongwoon again tomorrow.



This is why he hates Christmas.

Jongwoon even failed to think straight because of it!!




25 December




Kyuhyun was surprised when he stepped into the office on Christmas night and didn't see his cute co-worker. Instead, Hyukjae and Donghae were playing some games together.


"Huh? What are you two lovebirds doing here? Aren't you supposed to celebrate Christmas at your house?"

"Whose fault is it if it's not you, Kyuhyun? Jongwoon suddenly said that he'll go on a date so Jungsoo hyung called me in, because I already used my days off, and Hae-ah decided to tag along."

"Wait a second!!! Just now... what did you say about Jongwoon...?"

"Jongwoon is going on a date with Junho from my team. Didn't you see his latest IG post?"


At Donghae's words, Kyuhyun quickly checked Kim Jongwoon's IG. What he saw almost made him throw the phone off the thirteenth floor. Jongwoon took a selca with a plain guy in front of a Christmas tree. The caption said: "Christmas night! Gonna be fun~" What!? Isn't this guy Lee Junho!? So, Jongwoon ended up agreeing to go out with this dude?


Hyukjae spoke up a bit too gleefully, "What? Kyuhyun, are you jealous?"

"...Why would I? Ha, a stupid couple on a stupid holiday, aren't they a match made in heaven?"


He ignored the bitterness and annoyance crawling in his chest. Right, Jongwoon's business had nothing to do with him. Besides, he doubted someone very lacking like that boring guy could entertain Jongwoon as he did. When Jongwoon realized that Christmas is stupid, his co-worker would come back to the office and to him by himself. He went on about his life and turned a blind eye to the EunHae couple's urging gaze. Seeing only his silence, Hyukjae sighed and suddenly chatted with his boyfriend.


"Hae-ah, Lee Junho is on your team, right? How is he? Is he a good match for Jongwoon?"

"The best! Their hobbies are similar. Both of them like going to cafes and art museums. They're crazy about coffee and movies. What's more, they seem to really like festive seasons!"


"Wow! Maybe Jongwoon can finally get rid of his label. Hae-ah, I don't think we can take days off on Christmas anymore starting next year."

"Eh? Why? Because no one can cover us?"

"Exactly, now that Jongwoon has a boyfriend, only that miserable guy named Kyuhyun will be able to fill in the shift, alone, all the while Jongwoon probably celebrates Christmas with Lee Junho. Who knows? He might be busy popping Jongwoon's cherry now—"


Kyuhyun couldn't stand it anymore. If the thought of Jongwoon going on a Christmas date with that guy made him want to murder someone, then the thought of Jongwoon beneath another man made him want to nuke the entire office. He packed his stuff even though he just arrived, ready to leave immediately.


"What? Kyuhyun, why are you so upset? It's not like you're Jongwoon's future husband or what."


Hyukjae's taunt stopped him just as he was about to touch the glass door. Kyuhyun spared a second to ponder. Why was he upset? And he immediately got an answer.


"Of course I'm livid. I'm not Jongwoon's future husband but his husband.


At the declaration, Kyuhyun almost shattered the glass door as he slid it close. He took off without caring about his shift or the lovebirds couple. For that reason, he didn't see that Hyukjae and Donghae exchanged a high-five and cheered loudly after he left...





It was very easy to find his naughty wife. Jongwoon helpfully included the location in his IG post so it took him less than an hour to find the man. Kim Jongwoon stood under the tall Christmas tree alone. Good. He couldn't care less about where that guy went to. Kyuhyun strode towards the shorter man and Jongwoon looked up at the footsteps getting closer to him. His almond-shaped eyes widened when he saw him approaching.


"Kyuhyun? What are you doing here?"

"Kim Jongwoon,"


"I hate Christmas."

"What the...?" Jongwoon looked genuinely disappointed, "Are you ing crazy? If that's all you want to say then get the —"



Kyuhyun snatched the shorter man's wrist and dragged him into his chest. Then, he grasped Jongwoon's nape and kissed the damn tempting lips that had been driving him crazy. His tongue traced the shape of the full lips and tugged the bottom one lightly, just enough for Jongwoon to let out a mewl. Then, he seized the chance and pushed his tongue in to get intimate with the foul mouth that liked to curse. Jongwoon seemed to lose his ability to retort now that his own tongue was thoroughly rubbed and teased until his knees shook. Still ing the smaller man's mouth with his tongue, Kyuhyun shoved his free hand into Jongwoon's coat and used it to block people's sight while he d and squeezed the flat bottom. Tonight is Christmas so no one cares about them anyway. He kissed until the smaller man was out of breath and fondled the soft buttock until he knew that a handprint was left behind. Only then did he let Jongwoon go. Jongwoon's lips were now reddened and swollen. His chubby cheeks flushed adorably while his hooded eyes looked at him dreamily. If they weren't in public now, he would have jumped his wife already.


"But," Kyuhyun continued, "I hate Christmas without you even more, Kim Jongwoon."


"That aside, where is Lee Junho? We need to show him who your rightful husband is."

"Oh, he already went home to spend time with his wife and children."

"I see— wait, did you just say...?"


Jongwoon wrapped his arms around his torso. The black-haired man looked up at him and smirked.


"Junho is a married man with a lovely spouse and bright children. I just helped him choose gifts for his family. His wife is my friend and she knows that I'm with Junho just now~"

"What? But you said— Kim Jongwoon!!! You tricked me!!"

"I sure did... But!!! I'm ing tired of waiting for you to make a move! Do something!! Kiss me, me, or marry me, anything, just, stop making me fall for you any harder... Stop taking care of me and staring at me as if you want to eat me... My heart can't take your ambiguous actions anymore..."


The more Jongwoon spoke, the quieter he became. By the end of the sentence, it was reduced to only a whisper. Jongwoon murmured and hid his face in his chest, but his burning ears and neck still could be seen.


"Is the order relevant?"



Kyuhyun squeezed the smaller man's bottom once to make him look up again.


"I said, is the order relevant? Can I you now and marry you later? How about during the new year at Jeju? Or do I have to marry you first and you later on our honeymoon in Jeju?"



Jongwoon beamed and threw his arms around his neck, hugging the life out of him. Kyuhyun didn't mind it and held the thin body just as lovingly. After a while, the shorter man pulled back slightly and pouted at him.


"Kyuhyun, I want you to me badly too but, it's Christmas, can we look around first?"

"Jongwoon, you know that I hate crowds and festivals—"


Jongwoon rubbed his face against his chest and blinked slowly.


"Pretty please? Dear husband?"

"... We'll go to my place as soon as the clock ticks midnight. I'm gonna wreck you until you can't beg for more."

"Yeah! I love you, Kyuhyun!!"

"Love you too, Jongwoon, but this is why I ing hate Christmas!"


Seeing his husband's annoyed expression but fond gaze, Jongwoon giggled and tip-toed to kiss Kyuhyun's lips.


"And this is why I love Christmas~"




Extra: 26 December



"Hey, Ryeowook! How was your Christmas?"

"Morning, Donghae! It's awesome! We celebrated it with both of our families. Great food and loving people. What about you and Hyukjae?"

Donghae giggled, "We actually had some fun here last night after we bribed Shindong to hack into the camera system and repeat the footage!"

"What? Seriously? You guys are !"


Ryeowook laughed and playfully shoved Donghae just as their boss walked into the office. Jungsoo coughed to get everyone's attention.


"Everyone, I already told the other team so it's your turn now. Kyuhyun and Jongwoon will take a vacation starting today and come back after the new year."

Ryeowook jumped, "Holy! They finally did it! We no longer have to be a subject of Kyuhyun's jealousy just because we smile at Jongwoon like a normal friendly human being!!"

"Exactly," Jungsoo shed a single tear, "That's why we're going to celebrate the KyuSung couple finally settling down!!"



Unbeknown to the couple, their co-workers and the entire office happily celebrated them getting together behind their backs...




"You ing ert wolf!!! Are you in heat or what!!?"


Jongwoon whose body was covered in hickeys tried to kick his husband but his waist wouldn't let him. Kyuhyun hurriedly coaxed the furious kitten and soothingly massaged the aching area until the smaller man calmed down.


"Jongwoon, Jongwoon, that should be my question. I immediately stopped and pulled out once I realized that you were reaching your limit. However, you were the one who pushed me down and rode me! Remember? I even kindly supported your hip and helped so we could meet in the middle!"


Jongwoon blushed darkly and hid his burning face in his husband's chest.


"...I was way overjoyed last night. Your confession, our date, your proposal, and our first night... Aish! This is the fault of the stupid Christmas mood! I hate Christmas!"


Kyuhyun chuckled and kissed the top of his wife's head.


"Had I known that you'd be this y during Christmas, I'd never complained about it~ Ah, I love Christmas~"

"Stop teasing me!"





Author's note:

This is my second favorite of the series  xD It's so fun to write bickering kyusung who are totally opposite in bed. Dense Kyu is always hilarious to write and sassy JW is refreshing!

Happy new year everyone!!! How was your holiday? I hope you have fun and celebrate it with your loved ones~

Unfortunately for me, I ended 2022 and started 2023 by getting sick  T T  I got stomach flu and my gut hurt so bad that I could only lie in bed for two days  T T  Thank God I have kyusung and my moots to distract me from the pain  :")

I'm getting better now so I'm able to finish this series! Thank you for sticking with me until the end. I hope you enjoy my Xmas and new year gift  :)


I'll come back in 2023 with kyusung fics as usual!

Take care (really, be careful with your food!) and love you!!  <3

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391 streak #1
Chapter 4: yup! dense Kyu is always fun to read hahaha~
Lunayaa #2
Chapter 4: Ahhh this is so good and cuteee. Keep writing!
Rinirin07 #3
Chapter 4: Ah...i love fluffy story 😳😳
The last one is also good.
My heart warm with all these Kyusung stories
Chapter 4: OMG this is so cute!!! AHHH! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡ I am more like Jongwoon during holidays I love Christmas and enjoy listening to Christmas songs starting early September 🤣 Lol poor Woonie got his back hurt during Christmas riding a different sleigh ride 😏

Get well soon Author-nim! And a Happy New Year to you! Thank you for the cute update this is my fav chapter~ ☺️💙🎉✨
_MyName_ #5
Chapter 4: Oh the bickering, my favourite :D I have to agree with Kyuhyun to some degree, I don't like the pressure to buy things during Christmas and how stores start blasting Christmas sons in the beginning of November... especially if it's Whams Last Christmas xD I prefer a quiet and peaceful holiday with family, which we had. Or as quiet and peaceful as you can get with a four year old and a toddler :D
Glad you're getting better, take care ^^
Kyusungftw #6
Chapter 4: Ahhhh i love this so much. If oblivious jw is adorable, dense kyu is always funny. Not the coworkers celebrating kyusung couple behind their back 🤣 Oh i forgot to tell you, the cover is fluffy, lovely and cute it warms my heart🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Aww poor you 😥 hope you are fully recovered soon. Thank you for these wonderful gifts 💕 see you throughout this 2023 year 😍 Let's be happy with kyusung this year as well and love you too❣️
Rinirin07 #7
Chapter 3: 🥹🥹🥹 so fluffy.
Snowman kyuhyun 😍
Chapter 3: Kyu as Yesung's forever snowman, nothing can top that.
Fluffy fic to begin 2023 <3
Hopefully for more Kyusung awesome fics, Author-nim
Chapter 3: I KNEW IT!!! This is so touching I love it! ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ Happy New Year Author-nim and everyone! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ Hopefully there would be more KyuSung moments this 2023 (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Kyusungftw #10
Chapter 3: It's cute and pure 🥹