Drabble 2

JongYu/OnHyun Drabbles and Oneshots
Jinki sighed, looking over to see the same young man, in the same spot, alone like everyday. He bit his lip, debating on if today was the day he was going to talk to him. Jinki had always stared at him, taking in his gorgeous features. Too shy to confront the boy. Kibum chuckled from behind Jinki, pushing the taller and older forward. Jinki panicked, neerly a yard behind the person he feared to talk to. The younger blonde whispered into Jinkis ear. "I didn't know you were gay, Jinki-ah~..." Jinki's face turned a dark shade of red."Y-yah!... Now s-stop pushing me!..." Kibum shook his head, making Jinki bump into his distance crush. The brunette turned around, smiling at Jinki. "Annyeonghaseo~" Jinki felt his face heat up once again. "Annyeonghaseo. I'm Lee J-Jinki.." The older awkwardly smiled, holding out his hand. "I'm Kim Jonghyun. Nice to meet you~" Jinki smiled when the younger shook his hand. Jonghyuns hands were really soft, and seemed fragile... Then Jonghyun smirked. "Hyung, I know you stare at me~ Am I that heavenly~?"
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meandmyself #1
This is cute XD
Akira_kpoplover #2
LOL, Jonghyun stop teasing Onew already~!^^
YeoboBlood #3
hehe i like the first one... so cute!!!!
Akira_kpoplover #4
Ahahaha~~! And I thought it was gonna be angsty LOL. This actually happen once with me and my friend. XD
I thought she was gonna move away. Hahaha
KaneMochi #5
hahaha XD you got me!!! I thought it was some kind og angst story XP
good work!!! XD
update soon nae ^^
more jongyu hehehehe XP