Chapter 4>

Stalking Apartment 2102
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Chapter 4>


Awkwardness was the only word flashing in Joohyun’s mind as the both of them stood there in silence.


“Knowing Seungwan, she’s not going to make the first move, I will have to do it but look at Seungwan, she looked so utterly cute by just standing there…” Joohyun muttered to herself.


“I-I didn’t know Ms. Joohyun, you would be Eric’s date.” Her world was pulled back to reality by the woman’s gentle voice, she could squeal “Life is really full of coincidences.”


Wait, hold on.  Did she hear that correctly?  That bearded man was Seungwan’s best friend?  This was not what Joohyun was expecting


Scratching her nose, a frown now cradled her lips but Joohyun only had eyes on the woman’s beautiful face “We shouldn’t be standing and since you are here already, would you like to join me for a meal?”


“I… actually…” Seungwan sighed “I came because Eric is in the hospital over a stomach cramp, he just wanted me to inform you about his stood-up.  I’m afraid I could not join you for a meal, Ms. Joohyun, I still have practices to get to.”


Fate has got to be kidding her.  But Joohyun would not let this chance passed her by “I’m sorry if this seemed too much but is it alright if I come with you, instead?”


The woman’s brown eyes widened at full cause “You want to come along?  But the place is quite in a mess right now; it’s really embarrassing to show you around.”


“Seungwan, you came on behalf of your friend, who couldn’t make it, I don’t think it’s too much of me to ask this favour from you, I just want to see the place you worked at.” Joohyun pouted pitifully, hoping the woman would take the bait.


Pulling the hem of Seungwan’s black tee, Joohyun knows a defeated look when she saw one “V-Very well then, if you insist but I’m telling you in advance, that place is not what you have in mind.”


“Darling, why do I even bother placing my entire attention on anything when you are around?” Joohyun muttered.


Seungwan adjusted her backpack before stepping aside, indicating Joohyun to go first.


How charming, this was one of the many reasons to why Joohyun fell so hard for the woman.


Unfortunately, Joohyun didn’t expect they would be walking over to the theatre (it took almost fifteen minutes by foot) and Seungwan even offered her pair of sneakers after noticing she was in killer heels.


“But we couldn’t have you walking over in barefoot!” Joohyun rebutted, as deeply touched as she was by the gesture.


“It’s no big deal; I used to do this all the time.” The woman responded, a light grin enhancing her beauty.


Defeated, Joohyun whispered “Thank you.” Seungwan could literally just stand there, doing nothing and Joohyun would still be swooned over.


They fell into a comfortable silence after she had put on the sneakers and could feel her heart was about to beat out of control as they continued their walk.


“I heard from Seulgi that this is your symphonic tour; would you care to share the story of your show?” Deciding to break the ice, Joohyun spoke up first.


Her eyes lowered to the ground, hands tucking in her front pockets “It is a tragic love story, the two main leads met each other during an outbreak of war and left with no other kin; they were each other’s anchor during tough times when finally came a day where they have to fall apart to keep each other alive.”


There was a tinge of sadness in those eyes as she shared about the story but it was all gone in the next second “S-Sorry, was I boring you?”


She shook her head gently “Not at all, so was that why you were practicing those soulful notes every day in your apartment?”


Seungwan halted in her footsteps “Did I upset you with those notes?”


“What…?  Of course not!” She exclaimed in an agitated manner “If anything, I’m in love with it, I have never heard of such emotional pieces.”


Gradually they fell back into pace “You are exaggerating; senior Beethoven would be very upset with you, if he heard about what you said.”


Did the woman just crack a cold joke? Joohyun had never thought she would get to see this side of the woman “So you are a big fan of him, so why not the piano, then?”


“I have always loved how the cello sounded, I first heard my aunt playing it when I was young, those feelings and emotions could not be conveyed with other instruments and this was why I was persistent into wanting to learn it.  Oh, we have arrived.” Eventually, they reached their destination, even though Joohyun wished this walk could go on forever.


The woman held out the door for her “This way, here.”


As compared to what she had foreseen in her mind, this was quite a surprise; the building was painted in dark brown, covering six floors in total and the hallways were as crowded as any famous Broadways, Seungwan then carefully leaded her up to the third floor, a couple of unfamiliar faces greeted the woman with a deep bow as they passed them by.


Had people actually held her in higher respects than she thought of?


A door creaked open and Seungwan’s shyness returned “T-Take a seat anywhere you like, just let me grab my notes from the locker.”


Anxiety was written clearly in those eyes “Don’t worry about me, nobody will kidnap me.” Joohyun half-heartedly joked, earning a soft chuckle in return.


With the woman gone

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Chapter 10: Lol Eric is getting on my nerves. By happiness does he mean his d*ck? Because fingers could do as much even better tbh. Being able to give her a child? Well, joohyun and seungwan could adopt or do ivf. Being in a relationship society doesn't frown upon? Well some parts of the world is still homophobic or holds their dislike against them but WR could work on that matter but tbh i don't think that joohyun will care as long as she has seungwan. Does he mean being well off? because seungwan is too. I don't understand mens reasoning or their logic tbh even in real life they're annoying af. I hope Eric don't resort to intimidation or threatened joohyun or Seungwan's safety. Men tend to have little patience and tend to snap (hurt other people) when they think someone is making fun of them or belittling them or if some didn't give them what they want. I hope he does have decency to accept their relationship with grace and move on or WR would choose the bear lol #teambear
Chapter 10: I hate when men try to force their way like this, srsly Eric get over whatever you have in mind.
Chapter 9: They're both afraid honestly. Seungwan with showing what she really feels and breaking her best pal's heart. Joohyun telling her parents about what she truly feels about Seungwan and telling Eric that she already has feelings for someone else. Eric could should get the out of wr's way tho. He's that typical annoying man who thinks that a woman's No as a challenge. Just how small is his brain to not comprehend the meaning of the word No. But then again "Men" not all but it's always them
WenRene_77 #4
Chapter 9: Never say things when your mad. Thanks for the update author💙🩷
Chapter 9: An update! Thanks!

Ah.. saying things you don't mean to say when you're angry. It's horrible thing, but it always happens.😔
Chapter 8: No... UGH. I don't even know what to say. I know Eric is Seungwan's friend, so him being there is normal. But.. GAH.😩
Chapter 8: If we don't have Eric. Seungwan will never accept joohyun easy. But I think they both have to do something. To let Eric back off.
109 streak #8
Chapter 8: oh eric please go away 😭😭😭 let seungwan and joohyun be happy 😭😭😭
Chapter 7: Damn, joohyun's parents are suffocating people. I wouldn't blame joohyun that she wants to be away from them. Aside from them being an absent parents and letting other people take care of their child. It wouldn't be a surprise once their child leaves them. Is joohyun an only child? Because if she has another sibling and they're younger then i would feel bad for them because they're stuck with those kind of people. I'm sure they're the type of people who would disown their own child once they found out that they are gay. I feel bad that joohyun seems like she doesn't have much of a choice because her parents keeps on imposing and doesn't put her feelings into consideration. They only hear about themselves and care about their reputation. I suddenly remember that, "The children will be their parents downfall" well it doesn't have to be but sometimes some parents are really asking for it. Some people deserve it tho, to be left behind. Having a child doesn't guarantee that they will take care of you once you grew old. I believe that love and respect should go both ways and that the elders wasn't always right and we should make our own decisions and weigh whether it is right or wrong. I hope eric would get a hint that joohyun doesn't like him and don't force himself to be with her. Joohyun need to clear things up with her love before she gets wrong ideas and please seungwan don't give irene to Eric because it seems like she would given that they're friends
Riscark #10
Chapter 7: I fcking hate timing, what the hell, you better Usain bolt yourself to catch seungwan, Joohyun