What does love...mean

ZELO, My little Robot.

Zelo, please never leave me.


I look around and ruffle my hair slowly while the sun is shinning onto my skin. It's all quiet and I feel how m yfingers are running over the carpet, I can feel the soft material. My fingers are sliding up and Dive into a new sort of texture...soft and wild...like waves... . Tiredly I open my eyes and look into Zelos eyes, as I squirm surprised and blush softly. 

''Go-Good moring....Zelo'', my lips are talking but I guess my face is red. His eyes are sliding down my nose, neck till they rest onto my chest and I feel more than insecure. My head is hurting as hell and I can't remember why i have slept into the livingroom.....onto the floor. I follow his glace and see him pointing at my chest.

''Are those s...?'', suddenly I blush madly while shreaking out and push his head away. My arms are covering my chest while I am getting up.

''Zelo, have you forgot what I told you?!'', I say and turn away a bit. ''I don't want you to talk about it''.

''It's soft.... I leaned onto it when you were on standby modus and realized it's soft...not as hard as my chest is...'', he says and scratches his head.

He did what..?? Standby modus...and soft...?? I look down at my s......NO WAY... Before I realize what I do I shake my head and open the door to my flat. He glances at me surprised and follows me.

''Go out......get out of my flat !'', I yell desperately and he walks to me.

''Do you want to show me something?'', he says and I nod quickly.

''yeah, the back of my door'', I say and push him out of my flat before closing the door.

My fingers are trembling. How could he be so rude? Who tought him to touch me?! Who?!! I sigh and sit down onto the couch. How could he ask me something like that..? Ok,...I am an adult woman...but how could he do something like that? Aigoo...I guess I am going crazy with this guy in my flat. I walk up and down the livingroom and think about it. The first minutes I am just annoyed...but suddenly I am sorry. I never meant to yell at him. And I have a slightly hangover...then he shouldn't talk to me. 

I walk into the kitchen and prepair the food for breakfast while I am listening to music, but I can't concentrate myself. Why hasn't he come in...? Will he really wait till I say he can come into my flate again? 2o minutes later he's still not entering the room. Common Zelo, I am not that mad anymore. I cut the vegetables as I hold on. What if he just dosen't enters the room because I've been mad at him..? What if he run away..? I listen to any sound in front of the door. It's all quiet. My legs are moving and my heart beats faster as I open the door and look down at Zelo.....who was sitting in front of the door and looks up to me.

''Oh....Zelo....you're still here. ........ I am not mad at you anymore...come inside please. I can't see you sitting into the corridor like that.'', I say calmly and bite my lip before I let him into my flat again. he didn't say anything so I reach out my hand and ruffle his hair. 

''what do you want to eat, my giant boy~?'', I chuckle and smile at him...but he doesn't smile at me. Aigoo...I've never seen him smile but now I would like to, just to prove he's not mad at me. But there's not even an answer.

''Zelo.....are you mad at me?'', I ask and he slopes his head confused. 

''I didn't yell at you'', he says and I nod. Yeah, he didn't...but would he if he would be really mad at me. I have to admit I wouldn't know what to say or what to do it he would ever yell at me...

''do you want to eat something special?'', I ask and he looks at me surprised.

''Can I eat?''

''Oh,....I guess you can't..'', I answer and knock my head softly.

I am cutting the rest of the vegetables as he askes me. It just comes out of his mouth...like there's nothing he's thinking more about. 

''What does ''Love'' mean..?''

I stop cutting and it feel so damn similar... this feeling. How should I explain a guy what love is..?

''hmm.... love is a feeling... you can feel it...-'', I take his hand and put it onto his chest. ''humans can feel it here...it's warm..and really a wonderful feeling.''

He looks at his hand and at me again.

''If you love some one.... you don't want this person to get hurt. You don't want this person to feel any pain or sadness...'', I explain and smile softly.

He looks at me before ruffling his hair and looking into my eyes while I walk into the kitchen and get a glass full of water.

''then I love you...''

I let the glasss drop and jump up as I hear the noise...

''I love you''





By the way......I wrote this chapter with one Hand....then my other arm is broken..


See you~

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Jadescar214 #1
Chapter 14: aww still not updated
Jadescar214 #2
Chapter 14: Please update!! I really love this story have been reading this for years ><
And I love your writing and the storyline!
asianpanda_49 #3
Chapter 14: I. cant wait >ω<
Chapter 2: i am really enjoy this ! lots of feeellllzzzz!
Chapter 13: I want an update soon please
HanXiu #7
zelo so cuteeeeeeeee
Chapter 13: Hhhhhhh on her neck? I wonder where next...but you really made me fall in love even more with my baby zelo
Chapter 13: ehehe..so funny and cute story...it's make me smile from the first chapter until this chapter..and i want to read next update chapter from you... ^^
nanacho #10
Chapter 13: aigu, zelo too cute >< next update please... *blinking with zelo* kkk~