Chapter 8: Of crushes, friendships and love

Fake marrying the (soon to be) love of my life

Now that Kyuhyun admitted he had a thing for Yesung, he started to notice the every detail involving the man named Kim Kanghoon. Especially those related to his relationship with him.

Things that had been normal until recently made him hyper aware of the minimal distance between the two. Kyuhyun still looked forward to the pats, hugs and cuddles, but his heart would beat like crazy everytime they touched. It's only been a week since he stopped denying his own feelings, but he was already having problems keeping his cool around the older man. How was he supposed to survive when Yesung was so touchy!?

"What am I supposed to do?" Kyuhyun whined while burying his face in his arms. He was in a bar with Ryeowook and Changmin. Minho was supposed to join them as well, but he got trapped in a traffic jam.

Since Ryeowook and Kyuhyun were the first to arrive, Ryeowook took the opportunity to coax Kyuhyun to tell him about his progress with Yesung. He needed to know what the heck was the context of Kyuhyun's text message of ‘I confessed, what do I do?’ However, Changmin arrived in the middle of their talk and overhead them. He joined the conversation to help his friend and for some tease, but for Kyuhyun's misfortune, it was primarily for the latter.

"Just do what you have been doing until now, being lovely dovey with him." Changmin answered with ease, taking satisfaction from Kyuhyun's dismay.

"I wasn't lovely dovey with him." Ryeowook and Changmin gave him a pointed look. "Okay, maybe just a little."

"What's the problem? You were pretty used to skinship with him already." Ryeowook asked before ordering some more snacks.

"Yeah, but now it feels like the amount of sweetness is ten times higher than before." Kyuhyun was really lost on why it was like that (so lost that he didn't really register what he just said). It's not that something has really changed, he was just now more aware of his own feelings. He sighed and poured more soju on his glass.

"Poor you. Receiving so much love but being too dumb to accept it." Changmin used his most sarcastic voice. Kyuhyun glared at him with his more vicious stare.

Ryeowook decided to get Kyuhyun's attention by asking him something before he attacked Changmin. It wouldn't be good if the two started a fight now. Especially over something as silly as this. "Now that you finally decided to stop denying it, what are you going to do? Ask him out?" Kyuhyun let Changmin's action pass, but after seeing his smirk, he took note on getting his revenge later.

Kyuhyun then changed his focus to Ryeowook's question. "Not yet. I still need to order my thoughts and think about it. And with the way Yesung is acting... Now isn't the right moment."

"Is there something wrong with Yesung hyung?"

"Sort of."

Since Kyuhyun had been paying extra attention to Yesung, he was quick to notice the older was acting weird. Well, weirder than usual.

He would get lost in his thoughts for hours, losing track of reality. That wasn't something unusual, but the odd thing was that he would make funny expressions while doing so. He would frown, scrunch his nose or just make the most concerned expression ever. And the frequency in which he did it was starting to concern Kyuhyun.

But that wasn't everything.

Instead of talking with his pets as usual, telling them about his day or things like that, he would only ask them questions like ‘is this the real thing?’, ‘what do I do?’ or ‘will it go alright?’

He would stare at Kyuhyun for an undefined amount of time with a blank expression before getting red and cursing out of the blue. He would apologize after realizing he just cursed in Kyuhyun's face, but wouldn't give any reason of why he did it.

"He has also started to write things in this notebook he recently bought. He writes something, scrunches his nose after reading it and crosses it out. He does this until the page is full, then he tears it and tosses the fragments to the bin." Kyuhyun related some of the weird behaviours Yesung has been showing. "But the weirdest thing is that he hasn't touched his philtrum in three days! Not even a little! Can you believe that?"

"Is it that shocking?" Changmin asked weirded out.

"Yes." Kyuhyun did his best to look dead serious. He wasn't that worried of this fact, but he still found it sightly disturbing.

"I see." Ryeowook nodded, ignoring Kyuhyun's last statement. He was reflecting about the mysterious actions Kyuhyun has described. He stayed quiet for a while before giving his thoughts on the matter. "To be honest, I have no ing idea what this means." Ryeowook shook his head from side to side. "As I thought, I still can't really understand Yesung hyung."

"You are the expert, what is that all about?" Changmin looked at Kyuhyun, expecting some enlightenment.

However, Kyuhyun's answer didn't meet Changmin's expectations. "I'm not sure..."

Truth be told, Kyuhyun had a hunch of what was the reason behind Yesung's weird actions, but he didn't really know if it would be wise to share it with them at the moment.

He wasn't an expert, but he thought he was pretty knowledgeable in the ways of deciphering Yesung. Living with him gave the opportunity to talk a lot more with him and understand him better. Actions that seemed so random before now had more sense. Kyuhyun was now able to know how the other felt without asking. He still preferred to not assume things and ask him first about important things, though.

Anyways, with this new ability he noticed the unusual behavior started the day after Siwon's party. This led Kyuhyun to two conclusions: either Yesung remembered Kyuhyun's confession or he realized his own feelings for him.

Yes, Kyuhyun knew Yesung liked him. Unlike dense Yesung, Kyuhyun was sharp. He was quick to catch the real intentions behind people's actions.

After analyzing their relationship so far, Kyuhyun realized how obvious it was that they liked each other. Even if hugs and check kisses could be platonic, the ones shared between them were different, more loving and caring. The glances they threw to each other, those smiles they shared and just everything about the mood they were in screamed love. There was this something in these shows of affection that made them special.

There were so many signals Kyuhyun felt stupid not noticing them sooner.

They were both dumb enough to blind themselves and ignore this romantic tension that has been building up since months ago. Yesung probably did it unconsciously, but it was deliberately in Kyuhyun's case. Maybe that's why it was easier for him to take the fold out of his eyes.

Yesung must still be wrapping his mind around the idea. And with the particular way his brain worked, who knows how much time he would take. It could be days, it could be months. Kyuhyun didn't want to push him, so he has stayed at bay. He would be very busy until for the whole month anyways, the deadline of one project was approaching. He could give Yesung this time to sort out his thoughts. Their talk could wait until both Yesung and Kyuhyun had came in terms with their feelings.

"For the time being, I'll keep acting the same as before." It wasn't hard, but it wasn't easy either. He could take most things, he just needed more time to adjust. But there was a major challenge in their routine. "I just wish it wouldn't be so damn nerve-wracking when we sleep together."

After hearing the unmistakable sound of cutlery falling, Kyuhyun turned and saw Ryeowook and Changmin's flabbergasted expressions. Ryeowook dropped his fork and Changmin almost dropped his glass of beer. It was obvious then that he accidentally blurted out his inner thoughts.

""You sleep together!!!???"" Both friends asked at the same time, face mirroring each other's shock.

Kyuhyun cursed inwardly. They weren't supposed to know that. He remained silent during the interrogation of how often did they do it, which room did they use and what exactly did he refer while saying ‘sleep together’.

"Why aren't you married already- Wait, you are." Kyuhyun rolled his eyes at Changmin's remark.

"How come it took you so long to realize that you are a couple in everything but in name. The whole internet knew but you two." Ryeowook asked full of disbelief. He was seriously lost in front of so much crap. Wasn't Kyuhyun supposed to be the smart one?

"Technically, we are married so we are a couple in name."

"Your point? Because I think that contributes to mine."

"We thought we were something only in name. That's how everything started and how we wanted it to be." That and both were scared of falling in the same old pattern of relationships that just hurt them.

"That's difficult to believe taking into account the way you act around each other." Changmin arched an eyebrow skeptically.

"You remember we needed to act like that, don't you? Your disbelief is proof of how good was our act."

"Then what? Did you get caught in your acting too much to the point it became real?"

"I don't think that's the case, they were lovely dovey before the wedding and there wasn't anyone to fool back then." Ryeowook added while suppressing a laugh.

"We were practicing." Kyuhyun said defensively. He decided to change topics to avoid the criticism. "Where's Minho anyways? He's very late."

"He should be here in fifteen minutes." Changmin replied while checking the conversation with Minho. "But don't think I don't know what you're trying to do. I won't let you go that easily."

"You know you can tell us anything, right? What else have you been hiding from us, Kyu? Mm?" Ryeowook had a smile Kyuhyun guessed was supposed to be reassuring. It was freaking him out instead.

"Why is everything about me so suddenly? Don't you have any problem or something you want to talk about?" Kyuhyun asked them and remembered an important detail. "Changmin, didn't you say you were going to ask out that girl you met in Japan?"

"Unlike you, who talks about your crush like a highschool girl, " Kyuhyun threw him a nasty look "I'm more discreet. There are things that must remain between your partner and you."

"Oh, lord. Were you rejected!?" Kyuhyun asked blatantly. He studied Changmin's face and got amused at his reaction. "Don't tell me you haven't asked her!"

"Why would you think that? We just need more time to announce our relationship." Changmin said confidently, but Kyuhyun noticed the twitch in his eyebrows.

"Suuuuure thing." Kyuhyun said dragging his words. Changmin kept insisting it was true, but Kyuhyun just smirked. Now that he recollected some blackmail material against Changmin, he changed his objective and looked at Ryeowook. "And you? Nothing interesting to share?"

"Nothing in particular comes to my mind that is more entertaining than teasing you." Ryeowook shrugged while filling his glass with more soju. He lifted his glass and cheered with Changmin.

Kyuhyun couldn't believe them. Well, he could, he knew his friends where like that, after all. Why were they friends once again? Kyuhyun shook his head while pouring more soju in his glass. He didn't want to get home wasted, but he really needed some drinks. Maybe he shouldn't have come with Ryeowook and Changmin. They were giving him more reasons to drink.

By the time Minho joined them, they were halfway gone. That didn't stop them from drinking and eating more, Minho included. This sparked some silly conversations between them.

"Kyuhyun hyung, you should be careful." Minho put a hand on Kyuhyun's shoulder and used his free hand to lift his index finger as indicating something. He was using a serious tone, although his slurring took any seriousness away.

"About what?" Kyuhyun was in that giddy drunk state of his, so he encircled an arm around Minho and ruffled his hair.

"In a relationship with age difference, the younger one becomes the collagen of the older one. You have to take care of yourself, hyung. Your health may suffer!" Minho was very concerned about Kyuhyun. He even teared up a little. Kyuhyun was so moved he hugged him and thanked him for the warning. Such worry made perfectly sense in their drunk state.

"Is that why Yesung hyung looks so young? He is kyuhyunnie's youth?" Ryeowook said as if he had received a revelation.

"I thought he was a vampire." Changmin offered his opinion.

Kyuhyun denied with his head. "Yesungie is afraid of blood. Heechul is the vampire. I don't know his age, but after making some calculations... The only conclusion is that he is a vampire." The rest nodded in agreement, even Minho who didn't know Heechul.

They kept at it until late at night. They drank, ate, singed, laughed and shared more silly thoughts. They were very drunk by the end of their outing, so they called for a taxi. While waiting for their ride, Ryeowook fell asleep. Changmin was talking over the phone, leaving Kyuhyun and Minho talking about who knows what. Suddenly, Minho interrupted the talk and hugged Kyuhyun. It was closer to using him as support, but it was still a hug. He hiccuped before talking with a trembling voice. Was that a sniff?

"I really missed you, hyung." It was very out of the blue, but it was sincere.

"Me too." Kyuhyun encircled his arms around his dongsaeng. After Minho left the country, their conversations became more and more rare. Kyuhyun wasn't completely drunk, his tolerance was very high, after all. Still, it was difficult to find his voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't contact you as often as I'd like."

"It's not your fault, hyung. Time difference is a ." Minho was starting to doze off, so Kyuhyun guided him to rest on the bench. "I'm happy we can meet again. We need to make up for the lost time and do some pranks."

"Do you think you can still follow my pace?"

"You're the older one, you should be more worried about having lost your charm." Minho finally drifted off to sleep, mumbling unintelligible things from time to time.

Kyuhyun glanced up at the moon, thinking about the things that had happened in the last eight months. There have been lots of changes in his life. He met someone new, he got married, he moved and he even started to talk again with some of his old friends. It took him some time to get used to some of these changes, but they were ultimately for the best.

It was funny how it all started with an arrangement he didn't like. How things would have gone if it weren't Yesung the guy he met? Or if he hadn't given himself the opportunity to get to know him? Kyuhyun didn't want to imagine that, but he thought things would be very different if that happened.

It was because Yesung was Yesung that Kyuhyun could feel at ease opening up to him. Still, he could have remained isolated in his little world. He could have ignored the other man, staying in a cold relationship with him. There were so many things he could have done to push Yesung away, but he ultimately chose to get so close to him that now Yesung felt like home.

If Kyuhyun hadn't wanted to change from the start, things could have gone very awry. He had thought before he was very unlucky to not meet Yesung earlier, but he now thought it was best this way. If he had appeared during Kyuhyun's fragile state, the younger would be so scared he would have pushed him away very harshly. Things may have gone better if they met before Kyuhyun got hurt, but who knows how that would have gone like.

It was due to all his past experiences that Kyuhyun became the person he is now, the one Yesung has a crush on. And it was because of everything Yesung lived that he is the Yesung Kyuhyun liked.

He really looked forward the moment Yesung would make up his mind so they could start dating properly. He really wanted to tell him how important he was to him, how much he liked him. He didn't dare to call this love yet, but he now cherished this feeling. He wanted to nurture it wilth Yesung by his side.

Kyuhyun cringed at his own thoughts. He was being too sappy. He looked at the moon who seemed to share his opinion. She (would the moon be a she?) looked like a smile laughing at him and his cheesy heart.

He was a hopeless romantic, wasn't he? The moon only answered with a smile.

Not minding her rude behavior, Kyuhyun took out his phone. He opened his messages and searched for Yesung's contact. He found it and taped it. The conversation they had before popped into view. Yesung saying he would pick him up and Kyuhyun telling him to not worry and hurry go to sleep (the older had a meeting early in the morning). He chuckled at the conversation. At the end he won their little argument so Yesung should be sleeping right now. But he didn't want to wait to tell him this.

He wrote a small text and sent it. Since he had a light sleep, Yesung always put his  phone in silent mode before sleeping, so his text shouldn't wake him up.

The taxi finally arrived after a while. Changmin and Kyuhyun had to drag a sleepy Ryeowook and carry an asleep Minho to the vehicle. They were left in their respective houses, making the road home longer for Kyuhyun. He was the only one who lived in a different area, so his apartment was the last stop.

After entering the apartment, Kyuhyun went directly to his room. He didn't want to disturb Yesung, so he didn't tell him he was home. And he was very tired. He fell asleep the moment he reached his bed. That's why he didn't notice minutes after the cracking of the door opening nor the footsteps entering his room. He didn't notice Yesung's presence at all.

Yesung sat besides Kyuhyun's sleeping figure. He woke up at Kyuhyun's arrival, so he decided to check on him. He stayed there for some time, absent mindedly his hair. He finally sighed, taking his phone and staring at Kyuhyun's message.

– im alqats goyng to wiat for you, so tske as nuvh timw qs yuo need. Jyst pkesse dotn sbude ny pstience.

Yesung went back to caress Kyuhyun's hair. He asked him something, his voice barely a whisper. "What were you trying to say with this?" He didn't expect any answer, but he still wanted to ask.

Kyuhyun didn't like using the autocorrect, but always made sure to write correctly, respecting the spelling of each word and following punctuation rules. He even deactivated the suggestions in his phone keyboard, saying he didn't need them. That's why his drunk texting was so over the place. But despite the misspelling, Yesung could understand it.

And it was because he understood that he was confused.

Yesung stayed for some more time before going back to his room. The night was silent again after he fell asleep.
















In the past month and a half, Jongwoon has thought a lot.

Not to the point of overthinking and doubting everything, though. He knew he was prone to this, so he made sure to take some breaks from his pondering. Still, there were lots of things he had to take in mind.

He wanted to make sure he really liked Kyuhyun before trying anything. It wouldn't be right for him to pursue a relationship with halfhearted feelings. But well, thanks to his thinking, he cleared his mind about some things.

Jongwoon realized he couldn't categorize his feelings for Kyuhyun because he fitted every category he wanted to put him in. He was a dear friend, part of his family and the person Jongwoon liked. Liking as in wanting to date him and spend the rest of his life with him if possible. He wanted to make his relationship with Kyuhyun a success.

But he was getting ahead of himself. He still didn't know how Kyuhyun felt towards him.

He wasn't that sure, but he had a hunch Kyuhyun had a crush on him. He thought it was ridiculous, how could someone as great as Kyuhyun be interested in someone like him? He must be wrong. But there were this signals that told him otherwise. He was confident in his own feelings for Kyuhyun, but he was insecure about Kyuhyun's possible answer.

He knew for sure Kyuhyun wouldn't hate him or anything like that, but Jongwoon didn't want to make him uncomfortable. He didn't want to give himself false hopes, so he prepared some countermeasures for the worst case scenario. But there was this something telling him it wasn't necessary. It kept telling him Kyuhyun liked him back.

That something was the accumulation of small events that made him think Kyuhyun was interested in him.

The most recent one was Kyuhyun's drunk message. Did he know Jongwoon was figuring his own feelings for him? If it was like that, it meant Kyuhyun was giving the older time to realize how he felt. Then Kyuhyun would have sent him the message to give him confidence, telling him he liked him back. But that wasn't possible, was it? That looked too farfetched for a drunk text.

He could just ask him in person, but given the fact Kyuhyun was buried in work at the moment, he knew he had to postpone this talk for some other time.

Kyuhyun was supposed to return to his regular schedule at the end of July, but they were already in the second week of August and he didn't know when he would see the other man without dark circles under his eyes.

Speaking of (or thinking about) the devil, he just received a text from Kyuhyun.

Jongwoon looked at Kyuhyun's message and sighed. He was going to be late again. Jongwoon called for some takeout, he wasn't in the mood to cook something.

Jongwoon knew it was because of work, but couldn't help feeling down. They haven't been able to spend time together for about a month. He could see Kyuhyun on the mornings, but he still would like to have some time to talk with him without having to worry about time.

But Jongwoon didn't think of this as bad timing. Sure, if Kyuhyun had more free time, they could have already sorted their relationship out, but this actually gave room for more analysis. Jongwoon knew they both were borderline workholics. There would be times in the future in where either or even both would be busy to the point of only getting home to sleep. They needed to learn how to deal with that if they wanted to have a lasting relationship.

And he was getting ahead of himself once again. Still, this was worth thinking.

Life was about learning when to plan things ahead of time and when to take risks. Jongwoon wanted to bit the bullet and tell Kyuhyun how he felt, but he didn't want to be careless and end up breaking up with him (if they ever started dating) for some silly thing they could have easily resolved if they talked about it.

So, while waiting for Kyuhyun, he would keep thinking and planning.









Author's notes: To think I was originally going to make this a one shot.

I may repent in the future for some creative decisions in this chapter, but current me doesn't care. I'll leave that to older me.

So like, I had a very good idea of how things were going to play out, but I didn't expect for kyusung to be so mature. Like, they're not the best adults, but while writing, their thinking turned out less childish than planned.

Let's see what other surprises await for us.


Next chapter should be the of the story. I don't plan to keep this too long, but may write some specials (or a sequel if it gets too long) if I want to explore more things with this setting.


I hope you enjoyed it, thank you for reading ♥

See you next chapter!

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The epilogue is finally released!


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kray4Yesung #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL. Thank you, author-nim 😭💙
18 streak #2
Chapter 12: This was beautiful they’re really cute together & I loved how cluelessly in love they were at times plus the communication was top tier ‼️🥰
Chapter 12: This story was really cute, they were equally dumb and clueless. It's also the first time I see auality written realistically in a fanfic and not just treated as a joke, so thank you for that.
Chapter 12: Aww.. Cute gif 💙
Can't get enough of cute Yeye and tsundere Kyu.
I thought it's already finished in chapter 10, the epilogue is a very nice surprise.
Bring us more sappy Kyusung things, we can handle them all 😁
Chapter 5: I would be devastated if this isn’t a happy ending. They’re so cute.
Cenya14 #6
Chapter 12: Love the entire story. It was nice seeing their relationship grow
Chapter 12: Soo sweet and cute, at the same time kinda hilarious hahahahahaha, loved it. Thank you for this awesome story author-nim!!(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
392 streak #8

LOL I hope you don't mind. Don't worry, it's just for me~ >___<b

Eniwei, it's really a beautiful epilogue! And of course beautiful story for all the chapters! Thank you so much that you put yourself for writing this, love you to the moon and back!

PS : You are now one of my fav kyusung author <3
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 12: Such a beautiful epilogue! And even if they are a little sappy, I think it's cute especially if they act like that only sith each other <3 your drawing is amazing ^^