Chapter 4: The long awaited wedding and an awkward situation

Fake marrying the (soon to be) love of my life

It finally was the day of the wedding. After all the stress, rush and chaos that was the planning, they were just a few hours away from being free from this craziness.

Kyuhyun was sick of all the stress, but he had to endure for just a little more. He would do anything if it meant this would end. That's why he didn't complain when he had his makeup done nor throughout his hair styling. He would be obedient if it made things faster.

His mother left a single tear travel her face after she saw him ready. On the other hand, Leeteuk was way more dramatic. He brought a hand to his mouth and gasped after seeing him. "Our Kyuhyunnie is going to get married!" His eyes were full of tears. Kyuhyun didn't know how he would be after the actual ceremony ended.

His hyung kept pampering and telling him he was the most handsome, cutest groom ever. He managed to escape and hide when they were at the hotel. He went to the room they reserved to keep miscellaneous stuff for the wedding. His parents said he would stay the night at the hotel, so he brought a backpack with a change of clothes. He might as well leave it there.

He was checking if he forgot something when someone knocked the door. Kyuhyun went to see who was it. He got a surprise seeing it was Yesung. He was wearing the matching suit they chose before. The design of their suits was the same, just that Yesung's was black and had a white ruffled shirt. In contrast, Kyuhyun's was white and had a black dress shirt. They had matching brooches.

Kyuhyun's mind went blank for a second after seeing Yesung. He knew the older had good looks, but after being styled he glowed. He was more than stunning. We actually look good together... Perfect for the photos.

Before he stared for too much, Kyuhyun decided to say something. "Isn't it bad luck if the couple meets before the wedding?"

"That's for the groom and the bride. We're both grooms so we should be immune to the superstition." Yesung chuckled at his own words. Kyuhyun couldn't help mirroring his reaction.

"How did you know I was here?"

"I was searching for you, then ran into your sister. She told me you would be here."

"Makes sense." Kyuhyun thought it was rather obvious for his sister to know he would be here. "So? For what reason do I have the honor of seeing my fiancee earlier than planned?"

Yesung scratched the back of his neck. "I wanted to talk about something... Can I?" He gestured to the interior of the room. Kyuhyun moved to let him in. They walked to sit on the couch next to the window.

"Is there a problem?" Kyuhyun noticed Yesung was rather nervous. The older lifted his hand and directed it to his mouth. Kyuhyun grabbed it before Yesung could bit his nails. Yesung didn't realize he was going to do it until Kyuhyun stopped him.

"That's unhygienic, hyung. Don't bite your nails."

"Thank you for the reminder." Yesung smiled shyly. Kyuhyun then released his hand. He made sure to check he didn't do it again. Yesung then said what was on his mind. "It's not exactly a problem... I was just thinking..." He didn't sound very sure, but regained confidence before continuing. "I have a plan B."

"B? For what?"

"The kiss."

It dawned on Kyuhyun that he didn't really think about it before. He kind of ignored reality and forgot it was going to happen. It was indeed a great concern. "What do you suggest?"

"Well, we're supposed to kiss to seal the deal, but we don't have to actually kiss." Kyuhyun frowned in confusion so Yesung elaborated. "It would be the best if we kiss on the lips so people believe our act. But, if you're too uncomfortable, we can kiss our foreheads."

"Well, I guess that's a possibility. But I don't think neither my parents nor yours would be satisfied with just that."

"We can try it and see their reaction. If it isn't enough, we'll peek our lips."

"That may work." Kyuhyun pondered on it and nodded. "Ok, let's do that. There's nothing to lose if it doesn't work."

"Alright." Yesung looked more relaxed now. The kiss must have been stressing him. Kyuhyun scolded himself for not noticing earlier. Yesung wouldn't have worried so much if they settled this before.

They had a little more of time, so they chatted about other things to calm down. Now that it was almost time, Kyuhyun was getting nervous. There would be lots of people. From distant relatives to relevant people in their field of work. Even people from the media would be there. Kyuhyun liked when people paid attention to him, but he didn't like being in the spotlight. He was grateful for this carefree talk they had. It soothed his nerves greatly. After some time, Ahra went to search for them.

It was time. The wedding was going to begin.










Jongwoon was feeling very nervous. He heard Jungsoo's voice announcing name after name along the clapping of the guests, but couldn't process it correctly. He just knew their turn was getting closer and closer.

Just when the last name before theirs was announced, Jongwoon felt how Kyuhyun tensed next to him. He looked at him to see how he was, trying to appear relaxed. It would be bad if Kyuhyun catched his nerves. When Kyuhyun noticed his look, he smiled reassuringly. Well, tried to. He was nervous as heck. Jongwoon did the same and thought it was funny. They both were incredible nervous, but both acted strong to make the other relax. They were actually leaning on each other to go through this. Like a real couple or true friends would do. He got happy with the thought.

"And finally, the stars of the night. It's time to present our grooms, Kim Kanghoon and Cho Kyuhyun! Please give them a great applause!" Jungsoo's voice resounded in the room. They walked down the aisle, arms linked. They were wearing their most charming smiles.

They reached the aisle with no problems. After that, Jongwoon's mind shut down. He worked on autopilot, not really paying attention to what he was doing. They practiced it a lot, so he didn't have any problem following the ceremony.

He didn't remember when it happened, but suddenly, they were at the votes part. It seems Kyuhyun was in a similar state, as he only broke out of his thoughts when it was his time to say the 'I do.' Neither knew what they had agreed to. Neither wrote personalized votes nor heard what the officiant said. It wasn't as if they would abide to it, but it was always good to read everything you sign. He didn't have time to read the certificate either.

Jongwoon felt how his soul was coming back to his body after they exchanged rings. This was finally going to end! However, he felt how the life ran out of his body after hearing the officiant's next words.

"You may now kiss."

Jongwoon did his best to not let the smile fall from his face. All the nerves of the world returned to him. They eyed each other awkwardly for a fraction of second.

Kyuhyun hesitantly took Jongwoon's head with his hands. Remembering their previous agreement, Jongwoon lowered his head to give better access to his forehead. When Kyuhyun kissed him, Jongwoon let out a giggle. He was being too tender! That gained a loud 'awww' from the public. Then, Jongwoon was the one kissing Kyuhyun's forehead. When they pulled apart, their sights connected.

Jongwoon felt himself lose in Kyuhyun's eyes, the dark pupils taking his breath. He regained some sense after remembering he was in front of a crowd. Still, he was unable to look away from those chocolate eyes. But since he remembered this wasn't over, he checked his parents' expression from the corner of his eyes. They were waiting for them to continue. So it wasn't enough?

But before he could react, Kyuhyun cupped his face and brought him closer. Jongwoon closed his eyes by reflex.

Then they kissed.


On the lips.




Jongwoon's arms instinctively wrapped around Kyuhyun. When Kyuhyun tilted his head, Jongwoon took the opportunity to bring him closer. Kyuhyun's hand traveled to Jongwoon's nape, his fingers caressing him. A deep blush must be spreading on Jongwoon's face. He was thankful for the makeup he had, it should conceal the redness of his face.

He wasn't sure who began it, but the kiss deepened. They were moving their lips in sync. Soft movements that would go unnoticed by most, but enough to send shivers through Jongwoon's body.

It was dizzying. Intoxicating.


How would Kyuhyun react if I use my tongu-


They pulled apart after they registered the guests's cheers and applauses. The sound broke the spell and brought them back to reality. But neither was in the right state of mind to properly respond.

What the heck was that.

His mind shorted out. What did just happen? Jongwoon hoped nobody noticed their bewildered expressions. He didn't know what to do, but after seeing Kyuhyun's flustered face and red ears, he hugged him and laughed wholeheartedly. It was such an adorable reaction! What was he getting all shy for? He was the one who started it!  Kyuhyun laughed as well, but it was more in embarrassment. As his laughter gained more sincerity, he timidly returned the hug. He buried his face in Jongwoon's shoulder, probably to hide his flustered state.

They stayed like that for some time, rocking from side to side and nervously laughing. The photographers seized the moment to take as many pics as they could. Sadly, they had to break the hug eventually. The day hasn't ended yet. Kyuhyun gave Jongwoon a squeeze before releasing him.

The officiant said some final remarks before officially presenting them as a married couple. Then the recessional took place. They waved and smiled at the cheering guests while walking hand by hand down the aisle. Even if their emotions were a mess, they had to continue with the event.

They took more photos for a while before the reception, this time with their bridal party and some guests. Jongwoon tried to not think about the kiss, but his mind kept wandering to it. He wasn't sure how he felt when their lips met. He was surprised, confused, relieved and embarrassed. There was also another feeling he couldn't give a name to. Well, there were a lot of other feelings he couldn't point out, but this one was different. It felt important.

As he was lost in thought, Jongwoon didn't notice the new habit that was forming. For the whole photography session, Kyuhyun's eyes were fixated on him. Even if he was facing the camera, his gaze remained glued to Jongwoon.

What Jongwoon noticed was Heechul's smirk.

. He wouldn't hear the end of this, would he?












Kyuhyun felt his face was going to get stuck after having to smile for so long. He was so exhausted. He have been greeting all sort of people all reception. From distant relatives whom he was not related by blood anymore, to trustworthy business partners he had to keep pleased. He had to cheerfully greet and talk with everyone.

Heck, even some rich people who Kyuhyun didn't know who invited them came to congratulate him. It was so tiring seeing so many people. It was specially exhausting dealing with the homophobic bastards and their passive agresive comments. What did they come here for? Didn't they know this was a gay wedding or what? Nobody would be openly offensive, but it was annoying.

The yummy food was the only thing keeping him sane. That and Yesung's concerned face. He would have exploited if it weren't for him. Kyuhyun didn't want to worry him, so he tried his best to maintain his sanity. It would look bad if he lost it, right? He had to do it for the company as well.

At least all the stress was keeping him from thinking about the previous events. But the memory would intrude on his mind with full force every time he saw Yesung's lips. Ugh, why did he have to be right next to him all time? Right, this was their wedding.

But seriously, what the heck was that? Kyuhyun didn't understand how things turned out like that. He remembers tilting his head because his nose was being squeezed by Yesung's. But suddenly, without knowing how or why, it became too intimate and too sweet for his heart. It was overwhelming and scary and confusing and it felt so good... Good kisses always feel good, okay? The mood was good, so of course it would be nice. Kyuhyun hadn't have such a good kiss in a long while, but that was obvious as he hadn't kissed anyone in years.

Maybe that's why, but Kyuhyun thinks he felt Yesung's tongue cares his lower lip before they pulled apart. It must have been his imagination, but he couldn't help but wonder if it actually happened. Why would he do something like that... And that's why he didn't want to think about it. He would have to analyze a lot, something he didn't have time for at the moment.

He just wished Ryeowook and Changmin stopped with all the eyebrows lifting whenever they made visual contact. And couldn't Leeteuk stop with the teary smile? Ahra's thumbs up weren't any better. Everyone was being too much. Even his mother threw knowing looks from time to time.

They just kissed as the script says! It didn't mean anything! It didn't even last that long. Three seconds at most. Or maybe 20. Kyuhyun isn't sure.

Well, he could take it as their act being a success. They fooled the public, their family and friends.

And maybe, for just a second, they may have fooled their own hearts as well.

Kyuhyun ignored the cheesy thoughts that plagued his mind. He continued with his duty, making sure to secure good relationships with the important people there. He smiled and continued his act. Tomorrow everything would go back to normal.




The last meal was served and it was time to make the toast. Kyuhyun thought it was ridiculous. What could they say? Kyuhyun didn't know Yesung existed until three months ago. There was no anecdotes, past nor memories of them together. Nothing to share in a tearful speech. Just a bunch of rushed meetings while sorting out things for the wedding.

Still, they had to do these petty formalities. Kyuhyun used all his abilities to say a simple thing with grandiose words, making it sound like something more meaningful. Everyone giving a toast did.

Heechul was the only one who made everyone laugh and cry. He sure knew his words well. But he was also the only one that implied Yesung and him should try more... Whatever that means.

When that was done, they continued with the cake cutting. It was a simple task, but Kyuhyun found it incredibly difficult at the moment. They had to be very close to do it. Close as in hugging and holding hands.

Kyuhyun wasn't sure if he could do it right now.

They had to be close at the recessional and during photos as well, but he was way to dazed to register it correctly. He only remembered holding Yesung's hand to not have to link arms. That would have been be too much for both. Yesung looked kinda lost back there.

However, Yesung looked very lively right now. Maybe Kyuhyun was thinking too much? The kiss was a formality, something they had to do. If they just happened to enjoy it, wasn't it a good thing? It doesn't have to mean anything.

Yesung must have already understood this. That was the reason of his carefree behavior. Kyuhyun then decided to follow his example and act more nonchalantly. He tried to relax and got up. He followed Yesung to their assigned position. They stood in front of a typical wedding cake.

Since Kyuhyun was taller, he thought it would be more convenient if he was the big spoon. He got behind Yesung and held his hand after he took the knife. He put his other hand on his shoulder. A gesture that looked sweet enough without being too invasive. Yesung got surprised and eyed him confused. His ears were red. He was flustered.

Kyuhyun was surprised as well. He realized it then. Yesung hadn't understood . He forgot they would have to be glued together to do this. Kyuhyun felt himself getting red. Of course it would be something like this. But since all eyes were on them, he just told Yesung with his eyes to focus on cutting the damned cake. It seemed as the impromptu telepathy worked, as Yesung returned to his act and put their hands to work. They stabbed the cursed dessert and got photographed once again. At this rate they would be models. They separated after it was done, trying to make it look as casual as possible.

They had to go through some more formalities, but after that, they were free. Finally.

Kyuhyun went to ask his mother if she needed help with something, but she said he should go to rest. She handed him the key of his room. It was the room where he chatted with Yesung.

He had a feeling something was up, so he went to the reception. They said all rooms were booked. He then went to the room and opened it. And there was Yesung. He had already changed to more comfortable clothes.

Kyuhyun knew something like this was going to happen. It was obvious their parents were going to put them on the same room.

Yesung, who went to the door after hearing him enter, blinked at him several times. He was clearly confused. "Kyuhyun..."

"Hello hyung."

"Hi." Yesung checked the room number and his key of the room. "My parents said this was my room..."

Kyuhyun entered and grabbed the backpack he left there before the wedding. "Mine said the same."

"I can go to reception and ask for another..."

"I already went. They're full." He didn't know if it was a good idea but asked anyways. "Do you mind if we share?" Kyuhyun was too tired to go back home on his own. He didn't believe his parents would give him a ride. But maybe he could ask someone else to take him home.

"No... No problem."

"Thanks." Kyuhyun wasn't sure if this outcome was good or bad. He had been kinda nervous around Yesung with all the stuff from today. At least he wouldn't have to see who of his remaining acquaintances in the hotel could give him a ride.

He went to the bathroom and took a shower. He got dressed with the pyjamas he had on his backpack. He washed his hands thoroughly before removing his contact lenses. After that, he put on the glasses he brought. He got out the bathroom and studied the couch. It was a little small for him, but he would be less uncomfortable sleeping there than on the floor.

He was going to get a sheet from the bed when he saw Yesung was staring at him. It made him feel shy. "What?"

"I didn't knew you have bad sight." Yesung said without much thought. So it was just that.

"I mostly use contacts when I'm outside. Most people don't know." He grabbed a sheet and a pillow. As he was going to move to the couch, Yesung grabbed his hand. Kyuhyun was too aware of their touching skin.

"Are you going to sleep there?" Yesung pointed at the couch.


"You'll be hurting in the morning. We can sleep together."

Kyuhyun turned to look at him. Was he being serious? "Wouldn't it be uncomfortable?"

"It's queen-size, we both fit." Yesung was serious. He looked at him innocently, waiting for his answer. He mustn't be aware of the usual implications of sharing a bed. Especially after today's events. Was he actually implying something? But it didn't look like that....

Kyuhyun analyzed the situation. Then decided to give up. Yesung was too weird to figure out.

He concluded it was better to forget anything happened today. It made him too conscious about everything. He was thinking too much into things and stressing himself out. Yesung said before he wasn't interested in him, so he would stick to that belief. Everything that happened today was just an act. There were no second intentions nor deeper meaning.

If at the end there was actually something, he would deal with it latter. He didn't want to make things awkward between them. And thinking too much about Yesung's intention behind his every move would definitely make it awkward.

He internally sighed before replying. "Then I'll take your offert."

Yesung smiled and lied down on the bed. Kyuhyun took the opposite side. He left his glasses on the furniture next to him and closed his eyes. He really needed some sleep. He tried to ignore the presence next to him. At least there was enough room between them.

The last thing he heard was Yesung voice saying 'good night.'









Author's note: it came out a little different than planned, but here is the long awaited wedding chapter. Yay!

Their relationship developed faster than I originally planned, so I have to rethink some events I planned for later.

Anyways, here is chibi kyusung! I forgot to draw their brooches (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)

Receive the blessings from the newlyweds!

Thank you for all the comments, upvotes and subscriptions! I never imagined this would get so much attention. It makes me incredible happy. I wish this little story can give you a good time reading.

See you next chapter! Have a good day  (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

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The epilogue is finally released!


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kray4Yesung #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL. Thank you, author-nim 😭💙
18 streak #2
Chapter 12: This was beautiful they’re really cute together & I loved how cluelessly in love they were at times plus the communication was top tier ‼️🥰
Chapter 12: This story was really cute, they were equally dumb and clueless. It's also the first time I see auality written realistically in a fanfic and not just treated as a joke, so thank you for that.
Chapter 12: Aww.. Cute gif 💙
Can't get enough of cute Yeye and tsundere Kyu.
I thought it's already finished in chapter 10, the epilogue is a very nice surprise.
Bring us more sappy Kyusung things, we can handle them all 😁
Chapter 5: I would be devastated if this isn’t a happy ending. They’re so cute.
Cenya14 #6
Chapter 12: Love the entire story. It was nice seeing their relationship grow
Chapter 12: Soo sweet and cute, at the same time kinda hilarious hahahahahaha, loved it. Thank you for this awesome story author-nim!!(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
391 streak #8

LOL I hope you don't mind. Don't worry, it's just for me~ >___<b

Eniwei, it's really a beautiful epilogue! And of course beautiful story for all the chapters! Thank you so much that you put yourself for writing this, love you to the moon and back!

PS : You are now one of my fav kyusung author <3
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 12: Such a beautiful epilogue! And even if they are a little sappy, I think it's cute especially if they act like that only sith each other <3 your drawing is amazing ^^