
Internet cafe

Over the next few weeks Yoseob_n_Beast and Loving_Penguin chat more often

Yoseob_n_Beast:  three weeks ago we met on local chat forum and now we chat 2 eachother nearly everyday

Loving_Penguin: yeah it feels good ^.^

Yoseob_n_Beast: oooh! Hinting something there?

Loving_Penguin: as if! I don’t even know ur face.

Yoseob_n_Beast:  n I don’t know urs

Loving_Penguin:  hehe, I think u r a good luck charm

Yoseob_n_Beast:  how so?

Loving_Penguin: ever scince I met you the bully has slowly bully me less ^.^

Yoseob_n_Beast:  oh, that’s nice….

Loving_Penguin: what’s worng?

Yoseob_n_Beast:  nothing just thinking how much of a lucky charm I am

Loving_Penguin: lol, thank u for listening 2 me

Yoseob_n_Beast: I’ve been thinking…

Loving_Penguin: yeah?

Yoseob_n_Beast:  yeah, I was thinking if we could meet

Loving_Penguin: …

Yoseob_n_Beast:  u no u don’t have 2

Loving_Penguin: should I trust u

Yoseob_n_Beast:  awww, that hurts u’ve been trusting me for the last 3 weeks. Im dying 2 meet u

Loving_Penguin: fine but it has 2 b where there r lots of people

Yoseob_n_Beast:  y don’t we meet now? In the internet café just go 2 the front and I’ll come as well

Loving_Penguin: we’re both in the internet café now aren’t we?

Yoseob_n_Beast:  I am so yeah

Loving_Penguin: …ok

Yoseob_n_Beast:  yay!

Loving_Penguin: sigh. C u in a sec


Yeah i know this chapter right? In fact the whole story is going to end next chapter so be glad people because it going to end. ^.^

I know its not really good, its my first attempt at a short story -_-


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I loved it!! theres really nothiing to improve b/c it was dat good! XDXD Keep on writing !! *~*
kawaii1998 #2
it sooooooooo goood aww i wish u could've done more
amicoolikethat #3
awwwww ubercuteeeee fanfic ^O^
beast-yoseob #4
awww cuteeee!
Niya23 #6
awwwww SO CUTEE!!!! Kudos to you!
saguilar #7
Awww keke cute! I liked this story! Now to read others of yours. :) ... Heard it's SHINee? *walks off to rea happy*
Thank you everyone. This is making me very happy and I'm getting more and more happy each day. This means so much to me thank you! ^.^
p.s sorry lover-shipper, i should have told you -_-
klollipoper #9
:O glad I found this.
lover-shipper #10