Chapter 2

A Place in My Heart

Kevin and Ron joined Joe and Raymond with the ladies not long after. Although Linda was a pretty sight to look at, her personality was not as enthralling as her appearance. She barely said a word to them. She would only speak when spoken to and her responses were all short and dull. The only person she would even make an effort to talk to was Raymond. However, her friend Charmaine, with her outspokenness and comical witty answers entertained the group. The guys found her boyish behavior and lack of feminine prowess amusing and refreshing. Raymond, whose attention had been fixed solely on Linda, on the other hand, found Charmaine annoying and obnoxious. He could barely have a decent conversation with Linda with Charmaine’s loud voice drowning out his words.

Kevin stood up and clapped his hands together, “I hate to break this up but it’s getting late and I have work tomorrow.”

Charmaine glanced at her watch, her eyes widen with amazement, “Wow, it’s so late already. I have to get going too.”

The others all stood up, deciding to call it a night. They walked outside and stood idly saying their goodbyes and agreeing to meet up again soon.

An idea popped into Kevin’s head, “Why don’t we get together at my place this Friday?” He beamed at the others, “We’ll have a big cook out and I’ll even throw in beer and wine.”

Joe smiled, “Excellent idea.” He looked over at Charmaine, “You in?”

Charmaine’s face lit up with the invitation and she giggled, “That sounds great! Would I turn down free food and drinks?!”

Raymond looked expectantly at Linda as he waited for her answer. She didn’t say a word as she stared blankly at the floor. Taking the initiative, he softly asked, “Will you be coming?”

Linda lifted her eyes shyly to look at Raymond and nodded her head, “Sure, I’ll come.”

Pleased that he’ll be seeing her again in a few days, Raymond smiled happily at her.

When the girls left in their own car, the guys piled into Ron’s. “She sure is something,” Kevin murmured from the backseat, a grin etched on his face as he stared out into the passing darkness.

Raymond thought he was talking about Linda and quickly injected, “I saw her first so she is mines.”

Kevin kept his face averted to the window and laughed in surprise, “I thought you were only interested in Linda.”

Raymond turned his head to look at Kevin with confusion, “Isn’t that who you were talking about?”

Kevin chuckled then turned to look at Raymond, “I was talking about Charmaine,” he emphasized. After a pause he said his thoughts out loud, “She’s the most peculiar woman I ever met. I’ve never felt so comfortable with a female as I did with her tonight. Talking to her is like talking to you guys. I didn’t have to hold anything back.”

Ron nodded enthusiastically in the driver seat, “Yes! That’s how I felt too.”

Joe looked at Kevin and sincerely added, “She’s a very down to earth person. Not to mention loyal to the people around her and exceptionally friendly. She was very well-liked at my old firm.”

Raymond turned his head back to the road ahead and said, “Regardless of all her positive traits, she still looks and acts like a man. That is a big turn off.” He thought about Linda and dreamingly said, “That is why I like Linda. She’s like the perfect example of how a woman should be: beautiful, attractive and soft-spoken. Charmaine?! Dating her would be like hanging out with one of the guys.”

Joe stucked his head up front and said seriously, “Charmaine had a lot of pursuers back then. She was the office beauty queen.”

Raymond was stumped by the news and could not help but laugh at the audacity of it, “Looking the way she does? You got to be kidding me! Her pursuers must have been either blind or were all females.”

Joe shook his head as he leaned back against his seat. With reproach he said, “Never judge a book by its cover Raymond. Besides, the only reason you say this is because she didn’t dress herself up tonight. I have seen her dressed up and I can tell you she is by far more beautiful than her friend Linda.”

“Really?” Kevin asked intrigued.

Joe nodded then with puzzlement said, “I wonder why she looked like a mess tonight. She must have a good reason for it.”

Raymond wasn’t paying any attention to their conversation any more. He closed his eyes and all he saw was Linda. Opening his eyes again, he said to no one in particular, “Linda is definitely the girl of my dreams.”


Linda pressed on the gas pedal as they zoomed down the nearly empty highway.

“Slow down!” Charmaine shrieked from beside her as she undid the band that held her hair. With the windows rolled down, she let the wind run through the silky softness. With glee, she said, “I’m in a hurry but not if it’s going to cost me my life!”

Linda giggled as she lightened the pressure of her foot. “Thanks.”

Charmaine looked at her in bewilderment, “Thanks for what?”

Linda gave Charmaine a quick glance and said, “For keeping me company tonight. I know you promised to help your uncle paint tonight and I barged in there and dragged you out with me without even giving you a chance to change out of those drabby clothes.”

Charmaine stared down at her own clothes and wrinkled her nose, “I smell kind of bad too don’t you think? Like paint and sweat.”

Linda laughed, “Not paint, only sweat.”

Charmaine punched her arm and they laughed together. After a moment, Charmaine teased, “Looks like you have an admirer tonight?”

Linda blushed at the mention of Raymond, “He’s so cute isn’t he? You really think he’s interested in me?”

“It’s so obvious!” Charmaine blurted then looked at Linda and slyly asked, “Are you interested in him too?”

Linda met her gaze and smiled, the answer clearly written on her glowing face.  

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Chapter 47: yay a happy ending! i hope you would write a story for moses where moses find happiness of his own as well but i love the story! sad how i found it so late and i don't think you write charray stories anymore ;;
Chapter 33: i swear? no comments yet?

this story is wonderful... even though it lacks a description, it's well written. i love how moses is going soft and once you get to know that guy, he's not as bad as what the society makes him out as. i hope he won't die or go back to jail or it will be a boring story. he should really just leave the country already. such a sweet guy :-)

lol i got a feeling that linda is totally gonna run back to raymond near the end of the story and hold back raymond and charmaine's relationship