Remembering The Reason

Two months have passed and Minho still hasn't heard anything both from his wife and his son except some divorce papers he received from ____________ through mail. He officially announced that he would be leaving the showbiz world after his last movie but didn't give any further reason other than he would be inheriting the business from Lucy which seemed to be enough for his fans and management. No one knew about the kidnapping and the divorce but people were starting to wonder why ___________'s supposed new line of clothes didn't come out yet; also they haven't seen the Choi family outside at all. Bom was feeling as guilty as ever but still doesn't plan on giving up- after all, for her, she has already started and there's no point in giving up.

Mino was sitting in his bedroom starting at the unsigned divorce papers in his hands.

"Minho?" Key asked coming in.

"Hyung? What are you doing here?" Minho asked, quickly standing up. He's been trying to call all of their mutual friends form Key to Hyuna toDonghae but none of them seemed to have time to talk to him.

"Just checking on you is all." Key answered gving him a smile.

"Hyung i know you know where she is." Minho deadpanned talking about ____________.

"Yeah, I know where they are." Key answered emphasizing they.

"They?" Minho asked confused.

"Yoogeun and ___________, I know where they are." Key stated

"WHAT?" Minho asked approaching Key and shaking his shoulders.

"Hyung where are they? I need to get my family back, Hyung please tell me I-"

"YAH! Pabo calm down! They're back in Jeju hiding from you." Key stated giving him a stare.

"Does she not love me anymore?" Minho asked his heart hurting with the thought of his wife never coming back.

"YOU ARE THE BIGGEST IDIOT EVER." Yuri came in giving Minho a sigh and putting her hands on her hips.

"You know where they are too!?" Minho asked outraged.

"Everyone knows where they are!" Lucy came in with a giant smile.

"What is this? so everyone goes popping out of nowhere? If anyone else is still behind my door will you please just get the in!" Minho yelled startling everyone with his words. Jonghyun, Onew, Taemin and Minhwan came stumbling in with sheepish smiles on theri faces

"WHY THE DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!? YOU ALL KNEW? WHAT THE HEL- AHHHHH!" Minho was cut off by Lucy once again using the oldest trick in the book. Twisting Minho's ears.

"You watch your language! Taemin and Minwhan are here!" Lucy scolded making Taemin pout. 

"Ommeonni I'm not a minor anymore!" Taemin whined.

"You are in my eyes!" Lucy replied making everyone laugh except Minho who was still fuming with anger.

"THAT'S NOT THE IMPORTANT ISSUE HERE!" Minho reminded making everyone shut up and Minhwan hide behind his dad.

"Yah! You scared Minhwan!" Key nagged, slapping Minho's head.

Minho closed his eyes and did breathing excercises trying to calm himself for the sake of Minhwan.

"So will you tell me what happened?" Minho asked calmly.

"For short, Anne came and threatened your wife to divorce you because she wanted to be there to comfort you and all blah blah she also hypnotized Bom and all blah blah o make the story shorter she just wanted to be back in your life so she can get money blah blah and she's in prison right now." Lucy explained lazily.

"Oemmonni, would you please try explain with out the blah blah parts?" Minho asked still trying to control his temper. 

"I don't want to! It's too long! I'll tell you once you get your wife back! cause right now she's with Donghae in a beach in Jeju and -"

"Let's go." Minho said cutting her off not even bothering to pack when he got his phone out andcalled for his private plane to be ready.

Lucy jumped up and down and followed Minho cheering:


Everyone just shook their heads at Lucy who told them to be faster.



"So that's what you have to do okay Yoogeunnie?" Donghae clarified Yoogeun who was nodding eagerly.

"What does he have to do?" ______________ asked coming out of the hotel cottage they rented.

"Make you happy and never get lost!" Yoogeun exclaimed laughing with glee as his mom picked him up. Yoogeun was excited to see his dad again  and more excited to see his parents together again.

__________ just smiled at his son who seemed to be taking the news of her and Minho not getting together quite well.



"__________ my dearest soon to be daughter in law, I received the copy of the divorce." Anne said smirking at her victory.

"Give me my son back." ___________ hissed venomously.

"Meet me on the beach at 3'0 clock after all our deal was a son for a son. I get my son back you get yours." Anne said grinning.

"Minho will never beleive you." ___________ gritted through her teeth.

"Oh but he wiil Once he knows you keeot Yoogeun from him all this time..." She trailed off.

"But I didn't keep him! You kidnapped him! You !" ___________ accused.

"Exactly." Anne then placed the phone down laughing like a crazed woman.

"You are going to jail oh dearest daughter in law of mine." Lucy spoke from behind her twisting hand cuffs around her fingers.

"You old hag! What are you doing here?" Anne screeched, looking around for her minions only to see Taemin tying them up and Donghae putting duck tape over their mouts.

Anne smirked.

"You think you can take me on?" She challenged.

"Oh I already did." Lucy replied smirking back.



"YAH! Jonghyun! I told you to tie her up! not hit her with a trash can cover!" Lucy protested pouting.

"No one kidnaps Yoogeun and makes my best friends cry." Jonghyun exclaimed, giving the cover to Minhwan who also hit Anne with it again and again.

"YAH! Didn't I tell you not to bring Minhwan!" Key screamed, making Jonghyun and Minhwan shiver in fear.

"Oh no! My baby is exposed in violence now!" Key dramatically sighed and glared at Jonghyun while he got Minhwan.

"That's my son!!!" Jonghyun screamed.

"Mehrong~" Minhwan and Key said at the same time making everyone laugh.

"So what do we do now?" Taemin asked but before any one could answer, they were cut off with a high pitch squeal.

"OOOOOOMMMEEOOOONNNNIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!" yoogeun ran bouncing up and down towards Lucy.

"YOOOOOOOOOGEEUUUUNNNNIEEEEEE!!!!!!" Lucy exclaimed meeting Yoogeun half way and hugging him tightly. 

"YOOOOOGEUUNNIIIEE!" Everyone exclaimed going over Yoogeun to check if he was hurt in any way. Surprisingly he was cmpletely fine.

"Hyung where did you find him?" Taemin aked donghae who came after Yoogeun went out of the room.

" I heard the Pororo theme song playing in that room." Donghae said pointing to a room with blue painted walls inside and toys scattered every where.

"It seems like Anne has a soft spot for our Yoogeunnie." Onew said laughing.

"ONEW aahhjusssssiii!!!" Yoogeun cheered running towards him. Everyone in the room held their breathes waiting for Onew to run away but surprisingly Onew bent down and hugged Yoogeun with all his might.

"I missed you Yoogeuunnie!!! Let's eat later! I'll share my chicken with you!" Everyone was shocked into silence. Never did they think that Onew wouldn't run away from Yoogeun; and the fact that he was willing to share his chicken was a big thing.

"CHICKEN PARTY!" Key yelled putting Minhwan down who immediately went to Yoogeun and hugged him. 


"What do we do with them?"  Yuri asked, motioning to the three idiots.

"We'll take it from here." A police man said, smiling sheepishly for arriving late.



After that day, Lucy prentended to be Anne and covered her face with a mask while she gave Yoogeun back to __________ and Donghae who was alreadty smiling like an idiot. 


"My baby." __________ baethed out a sigh of relief and ran over Yoogeun with no intentio of letting him go. 






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Yaay this is it :)
Just starting and im looving it. :))
I want a grandma like Lucy ^^
Awwww YAAAYYY FOR HAPPY ENDINGS <3 I really like this story hehe Lucy is awesome haha
So sweet! LOL " I just wanted to have fun"
aww ;) nice ending , i'm looking forward to read your next story ;D

omo! it's already finished! waaaaah~