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2 Weeks Later: Thursday




New day, same boring routine.


I always began it by putting on a nice fake smile. Pretending my best to fit the expectations. Of my family, of my friends, of anyone really. At this point, all I wanted was to keep pretending to be the person I was before. I'd always been close to my parents but since I discovered I liked girls.


Because not only did I fall in love with Minjeong but I also discovered I was gay and I had always been. That really explained why I didn't want to kiss Lee Jeno in elementary school and also why I never found my type of guy, because my type of guy was a girl.


After taking a quick breakfast, I went to my car and drove down the street to Somi's house which was also the way to the school and ride together there like we did every day. Wearing, as usual, our cheerleading uniforms. This time, she talked to me about the new skin beauty products her mother brought her back from the foreign country she's been working at for the last two months.


Once at school, we meet with Aeri, Yeji, and Ningning before class, gossiping about the latest news. Nothing much had happened since yesterday but Yeji managed to find a way to talk about Minjeong somehow. Apparently, she had caught Minjeong smoking weed behind the school. Which was completely fake because Minjeong didn't smoke, not even cigarettes. It almost made me laugh but I couldn't show them that nor could I deny the obvious lie.


Then the endless classes went on throughout the day. Each hour slower than the previous one. Finishing it with cheerleading practice.


Once done, I took my sports bag, saying goodbye to the girls and left the locker room, heading to my car. As soon as I was out, I felt the sun shine on my skin, bringing to it a slight warmth. It brought me a certain comfort.


For a few seconds, I closed my eyes, feeling the ray of light on me. It reminded me of some Sunday afternoons, laying on the decrepit wooden floor of the tree house tightly enveloped in Minjeong's arms.


Soon I will be again.


I dropped the bag on the passenger seat as I got in. Once out of the parking lot, I blasted loudly the radio, singing along with the song currently playing, releasing the stress of the day as much I could.


One more day, I said to myself, one more day and I could spend the weekend with Minjeong. I exhaled softly, a smile spreading across my face.


Suddenly, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw something big and fast.


I turned my head just in time to see it was a truck. Oh no.





6:38 PM

Mindongie: Hey beautiful, had a good day?

Mindongie: Can I call you?


7:20 PM

Mindongie: Babe, are you there?


8:52 PM

Mindongie: Are you mad at me?

Mindongie: Did I do something wrong?


11:19 PM

Mindongie: Please, text me.

Mindongie: I just want to know if you are ok.

Mindongie: I'm worried, give me a sign.


15 Missing Calls....







I kept biting my nails on my way to school. Jimin still hadn't replied and I was getting really stressed about it. All night I kept searching if I did something wrong or said something wrong but I couldn't find anything. We barely saw each other yesterday.


Maybe Jimin finally realized.


My deepest anxieties were crawling in.


Maybe she realized I wasn't good enough for her. That I was nothing. That she didn't love me. That the moments we had together were nothing but a passing feeling, a phase. A way to try to escape her boring life. I shook my head. No, Jimin wasn't like that. She was strong, independent, sure of herself.


And just like that, all my fears came back in another wave. Maybe that was what was best for Jimin, she would have a better life without me. But selfishly I never wanted that to happen. I wanted Jimin to love me the way I loved her, forever. She was the only person I had. If I lost her, what would I have left? I love her so much that I couldn't bear to lose her. Does that make me an awful person? Was I sel

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taenggo09 12 streak #1
Chapter 18: he he
this one indeed cute
thank you for your hard work author
Yoo2521 #2
Chapter 15: wow, what a dramatic
155 streak #3
Chapter 18: This was amazing, thank you for converting the story!
Pengu513 #4
Kannakobayashi09 #5
Chapter 18: I love it!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Thank you for sharing this wonderful story, i cried a lot while reading this especially their struggles and minjeong’s situation with her parent. It brought out a lot of emotions inside me. Glad that they have the happy ending they deserved. Thankful that Jimin’s parents tried for their daughter. Also for her friends whom i thought were superficial at the start but gradually warmed up, and bless ningning for her heart. She’s definitely the best friend i wished I have. Kudos to you and the original author. This fic will have a special spot to me.
Chapter 18: Done rereading this and still want a chapter where jimin gain her memories back huhuhu author this is a masterpiece
Chapter 18: Oh my... this was so lovely. Somi chapter development is incredible, she used to be so mean and y and Taeyong having affinity with Minjeong was nice to see. Thank it was amazing ending for this story that caused me a lot of stress at the beginning 🧡💛 thank u so much! Jiminjeong ☆
Chapter 17: This was the best! Ning Ning stole my heart in this fic, she is amazing 👏 💖 I'm glad how things turned out. I don't hate Jimin's parents anymore, but I was quite upset at Taeyong >< oh No! It's going to end :(
Rereading this masterpiece :)