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New school year, new classes, new problems.


That was my current state of mind. Everyone seemed happy about the beginning of a new school year with big smiles plastered on their faces. Excited to see their friends again and go to school, maybe.


Don't get me wrong, I liked some things about school like the classes, the library, some teachers. It's just the other things I didn't like. That I hated actually. The bullies mostly. I was one of those unlucky students who got bullied. So, no fun in that. That was the reason why I started hating school. And now, it began again.


Deeply in my thoughts, avoiding eye contact with everyone, head down. I was quickly walking in the hallway on my way to my first class when I violently bumped into someone. Luckily the choc didn't bring us down but it was violent enough for us to have to step back not to fall.


Shooting my head up, my eyes widened when I saw who I had bumped into. Yu Jimin. Oh . Four of her friends were standing next to her, shooting me death glares. As usual, if I might add.


I tried to apologize to Jimin but Somi, one of her friends, was the first to talk.


"Well, well! What a surprise to see you, Minjeong. Didn't kill yourself yet?"


What a ! But I didn't dare to say anything aloud. Instead, I tried to walk away, wanting to avoid any confrontation that might emerge but Jimin grabbed my arm.


"Hey! Why such the hurry? Are you that excited to go to class?"


"ing weirdo." mocked Yeji, one of her other friend.


Jimin snatched the two books I had in my hands and examined them.


"English... and chemistry, such a turn on."


Her friends laughed loudly while Jimin threw my books on the floor with a little smirk. The . She turned her heels and started walking away with her friends behind her.


"Come on girls, we have a class to go to."


They continued laughing while walking away. I kneeled to grab my books on the floor, I looked up instinctively and saw Jimin looking over her shoulder at me with a big smirk on her face. As our eyes met, she sent me a kiss and turned around. her.


I got up quickly, my books in my arms. I was both slightly annoyed and angry. I walked far behind Jimin, on my way to first period.


A few moments later, still behind Jimin, I heard her say to her four dumb friends that she was going to the restroom and that she'll see them at lunch.


I stopped dead in my tracks as I watched Jimin passed the restroom door. Something took over me and I followed her inside, unable to stop myself. She was a magnet and I was within range of her force field.


Once inside, I checked that we were alone and locked the door.


Jimin was fixing her hair, looking at herself in the mirror in the far back of the room. I put my bag and my books on the floor with a loud boom. Jimin jumped at the noise, putting a hand over her chest. She looked at me through the mirror before turning to face me, eyebrows frowned.


I slowly walked toward her, my heart pumping in my chest so fast.


"You scared the out of me. Don't do things like that." She exclaimed looking at me. "But what are you doing here anyway?"


She had a questioning expression on her face, looking confused. Knowing I wasn't supposed to be here. I tried to calm myself down but around her I couldn't so I continued towards her, looking deep into her eyes.






What the hell was she doing here? That was the cheerleader's restroom. We could get caught.


She was walking closer to me with a determined expression on her face. Her eyes looked like they were burning with such intensity it could have melted me. I stepped back a bit, looking around, hoping no one was around. Hopefully, the restroom looked empty.


"You shouldn't have done that, Miss Yu." She said calmly with her husky voice, moving closer.


I stepped back, my back colliding with the wall. I was trapped. . She walked closer, so we were now inches away from each other's faces.


"You really shouldn't have." She whispered. As she spoke I felt her hot breath on my face. It sent electricity through my body, I swallowed heavily, she caught that and smirked. That damn . Two can play this game.


Feeling suddenly bold and playful I asked in a whisper as she did before. "Oh yeah? And... what are you gonna do about that?"


Unexpectedly, Minjeong closed the gap between us and crashed her lips against mine in an aggressive yet passionate kiss.


Once I got over the surprise, I instinctively deepened the kiss, allowing her tongue the passage, starting a beautiful dance that only we could feel. We kept kissing until the bell rang, stopping us abruptly but our bodies were still connected in each other's embrac

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taenggo09 12 streak #1
Chapter 18: he he
this one indeed cute
thank you for your hard work author
Yoo2521 #2
Chapter 15: wow, what a dramatic
155 streak #3
Chapter 18: This was amazing, thank you for converting the story!
Pengu513 #4
Kannakobayashi09 #5
Chapter 18: I love it!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Thank you for sharing this wonderful story, i cried a lot while reading this especially their struggles and minjeong’s situation with her parent. It brought out a lot of emotions inside me. Glad that they have the happy ending they deserved. Thankful that Jimin’s parents tried for their daughter. Also for her friends whom i thought were superficial at the start but gradually warmed up, and bless ningning for her heart. She’s definitely the best friend i wished I have. Kudos to you and the original author. This fic will have a special spot to me.
Chapter 18: Done rereading this and still want a chapter where jimin gain her memories back huhuhu author this is a masterpiece
Chapter 18: Oh my... this was so lovely. Somi chapter development is incredible, she used to be so mean and y and Taeyong having affinity with Minjeong was nice to see. Thank it was amazing ending for this story that caused me a lot of stress at the beginning 🧡💛 thank u so much! Jiminjeong ☆
Chapter 17: This was the best! Ning Ning stole my heart in this fic, she is amazing 👏 💖 I'm glad how things turned out. I don't hate Jimin's parents anymore, but I was quite upset at Taeyong >< oh No! It's going to end :(
Rereading this masterpiece :)